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39 lines
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- links ||= [ :register ]
- sections ||= [ :info ]
8 years ago
= row(tag: :header) do
= columns(class: 'conference-banner') do
%h2.primary=location( || conference.location) if conference.city_name.present?
- if conference.start_date.present? && conference.end_date.present?
= date_span(conference.start_date.to_date, conference.end_date.to_date)
- if conference.poster.present?
%img{src: conference.poster.full.url, role: :presentation, alt: (_'images.conference.poster', vars: { conference_title: conference.title })}
= row(class: 'conference-details') do
= columns(medium: 10, push: {medium: 1}) do
%h2=_!conference.title if conference.poster.present?
= richtext
- conference.extended_details.each do |section|
- if sections.include?(section) && conference.copy_data[section][:show]
%h3=(_ conference.copy_data[section][:heading], vars: conference.copy_data[section][:vars]) unless conference.copy_data[section][:heading] == false
= richtext conference.copy_data[section][:value]
- if conference.registration_status == :open && sections.include?(:workshops)
- if conference.workshop_schedule_published
- add_inline_script :home_schedule
8 years ago
= render 'conference_administration/schedule'
- else
8 years ago
= render 'workshops/workshop_previews', workshops: (conference.workshops.sort { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase })
8 years ago
= (link_to (_'forms.actions.generic.register'), register_path(conference.slug), class: [:button, :register]) if links.include?(:register) && conference.can_register?
= (link_to (_''), conference_path(conference.slug), class: :button) if links.include?(:read_more)
= (link_to (_'forms.actions.generic.administrate'), administrate_conference_path(conference.slug), class: [:button]) if links.include?(:administrate)
= (link_to (_'forms.actions.generic.edit'), edit_conference_path(conference.slug), class: [:button, :subdued]) if links.include?(:edit)