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34 lines
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- location = @conference.organizations.first.locations.first
- location_name = + ', ' + (location.territory ? Carmen::Country.coded( :
- title @conference.title
- description "#{@conference.title} conference in #{location_name} for DIY bicycle collectives, co-ops, and advocacy groups"
10 years ago
= render 'header'
10 years ago
10 years ago
- if @register_step
%h2='Conference Registration'
- if @actions
= form_tag (@conference.url + '/register/').gsub(/\/\/+/, '/'), :method => :post, :multipart => @multipart do
= hidden_field_tag :step, @register_step
- if @error_message
= render @register_template
.columns= form_actions @actions
- else
= render @register_template
10 years ago
- else
%h2=('About '+@conference.title)
=p @conference, :info
- if @conference.registration_open
%a.button.register-now{href: @conference.url(:register)}
10 years ago
- content_for :side_bar do
%h5= @conference.title+' is hosted by:'
- @conference.organizations.each do |organization|
%li=render 'organizations/preview', :organization => organization