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10 years ago
- schedule.each do |day, day_schedule|
%h2=I18n.l(conference.start_date + (day - 1).days, :format => "%A")
- (0...day_parts.length).each do |day_part|
- times = schedule_start_and_end_times(day_part, day_parts, day_schedule)
- if times.present?
%h3=_"articles.headings.schedule.day_parts.#{day_parts.keys[day_part].to_s}" if day_parts.length > 1
- (times.first...times.last).step(0.5).each do |t|
- t = t.to_i if t == t.to_i
%th=I18n.l( + t.hours, :format => :short)
- day_schedule[:locations].each do |location, location_schedule|
%a{href: "{URI.escape((locations[location.to_s].address || '').gsub(/\s+/, '+'))}", target: :_blank}
- skip = 0
- (times.first...times.last).step(0.5).each do |t|
- t = t.to_i if t == t.to_i
- if location_schedule[t].present?
- workshop = location_schedule[t]
- w = get_workshop(workshop, workshops, events)
%td{:class => workshop_classes(w, show_interest) + [show_previews && workshop[:type] == :workshop ? 'previewable' : nil], :colspan => (workshop[:span] * 2), :id => "workshop-#{}"}
.title= w.title
- if show_previews && workshop[:type] == :workshop
%a.close{href: "#!"}
= render 'workshops/show', :workshop => w, :preview => true
%a{class: 'preview', href: "#workshop-#{}"}
- skip = workshop[:span] - 0.5
- elsif skip > 0
- skip -= 0.5
- else