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module RegistrationHelper
8 years ago
def registration_steps(conference = @conference)
pre: [:policy, :contact_info, :workshops],
open: [:policy, :contact_info, :questions, :hosting, :payment, :workshops]
def registration_status(registration)
return :unregistered if registration.nil?
return registration.status
def current_registration_steps(registration = @registration)
return nil unless registration.present?
steps = registration_steps(registration.conference)
current_steps = []
disable_steps = false
completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || []
if potential_provider(registration)
steps -= [:questions]
steps -= [:hosting]
8 years ago
steps -= [:payment] unless registration.conference.paypal_email_address.present? && registration.conference.paypal_username.present? && registration.conference.paypal_password.present? && registration.conference.paypal_signature.present?
steps -= [:payment, :workshops] if registration.is_attending == 'n'
8 years ago
steps.each do |step|
# disable the step if we've already found an incomplete step
8 years ago
# enabled = !disable_steps# || registration_complete
# record whether or not we've found an incomplete step
current_steps << {
name: step,
8 years ago
enabled: !disable_steps
8 years ago
disable_steps ||= !completed_steps.include?(step.to_s)# && ![:payment, :workshops].include?(step)
8 years ago
return current_steps
def current_step(registration = @registration)
completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || []
last_step = nil
8 years ago
steps = current_registration_steps(registration) || []
steps.each do | step |
# return the last enabled step if this one is disabled
return last_step unless step[:enabled]
# save the last step
last_step = step[:name]
# return this step if it hasn't been completed yet
return last_step unless completed_steps.include?(last_step.to_s)
# if all else fails, return the first step
8 years ago
return steps.last[:name]