Bike!Bike! Website!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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include ApplicationHelper
class PagesController < ApplicationController
protect_from_forgery :except => :location_territories
#skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:translate]
def home
#@conferences = Conference.all
#@conference = Conference.order("start_date DESC").first
# def resources
# end
# def translate
# key = params[:translationkey]
# value = params[:translationvalue]
# if params[:auto_translate]
# if params[:translationlang] == 'en'
# value = I18n::MissingTranslationExceptionHandler.note(key)
# else
# value = I18n.backend.request_translation(key, {}, {fallback: true, locale: params[:translationlang]})
# end
# elsif params[:translationhascount] == '1'
# ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many'].each { |c|
# if params['translationpluralization_' + c]
# if !value.is_a?(Hash)
# value =
# end
# value[c] = params['translationvalue_' + c]
# else
# Translation.destroy_all(:locale => params[:translationlang], :key => (key + '.' + c))
# end
# }
# if value.is_a?(Hash)
# value['other'] = params[:translationvalue]
# Translation.destroy_all(:locale => params[:translationlang], :key => key)
# else
# Translation.destroy_all(:locale => params[:translationlang], :key => (key + '.other'))
# end
# end
# store_translations(params[:translationlang], {key => value}, :escape => false)
# begin
# render json: {success: true, key: key, jkey: key.gsub('.', '--'), translation: I18n.translate(key, {:raise => false, :locale => params[:translationlang].to_sym})}
# rescue
# render json: {error: 'Failed to load translation'}
# end
# end
#def location_territories
11 years ago
#render json: ([:country])) || []).to_json
# territories = {}
# country = Carmen::Country.coded(params[:country])
# if country
# country.subregions.each { |t| territories[t.code] = }
# end
# render json: territories.to_json
11 years ago
# def translations
# #if !current_user
# # raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied
# #end
# @lang = params[:lang]
# @translations = is_test? ? {} : I18n.backend.get_translation_info
# I18n.config.enforce_available_locales = false
# end
11 years ago
# def translation_list
# if !current_user && is_production?
# raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied
# end
# total = 0
# complete = 0
# @completeness =
# translation_info = I18n.backend.get_translation_info()
# translation_info.each { |k,v|
# #total += 1
# #complete += v['languages'].include?(lang.to_s) ? 1 : 0
# v['languages'].each { |l|
# @completeness[l] ||= 0
# @completeness[l] += 1
# }
# }
# #@test = total ? complete / total : 0
# @total_translations = translation_info.size()
# @language_codes = I18n.backend.get_language_codes().select { |s| s }.sort{ | a1, a2 |
# c2 = @completeness.has_key?(a2.to_s) ? @completeness[a2.to_s] : 0
# c1 = @completeness.has_key?(a1.to_s) ? @completeness[a1.to_s] : 0
# c1 == c2 ? a1 <=> a2 : c2 <=> c1
# }
# end
def robots
robot = is_production? && !is_test_server? ? 'live' : 'dev'
render :text =>"config/robots-#{robot}.txt"), :content_type => 'text/plain'
# private
# def store_translations(locale, data, options = {})
# escape = options.fetch(:escape, true)
# I18n.backend.flatten_translations(locale, data, escape, false).each do |key, value|
# t = Translation.find_or_create_by!(locale: locale.to_s, key: key.to_s)
# t.value = value
# end
# I18n.backend.reload!
# end