%h4=_'registration.questions.housing','Do you require housing?'
%p.help=_'registration.questions.housing.help','We will do our best to accommodate everyone but we will be working on a first come, first serve basis. If we cannot accommodate your needs, we will do our best to let you know ahead of time.'
%h4=_'registration.questions.loaner_bike','Do you want to borrow a bike?'
%p.help=_'registration.questions.loaner_bike.help','Again, we will do our best to find you a suitable bike but it\'s on a first come, first serve basis.'
%h4=_'registration.questions.workshop','Would you like to host a workshop?'
%p.help=_'registration.questions.workshop.help','Did you have an idea for a workshop that you\'d like to help run? If so, we\'ll ask some follow-up questions later on.'