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BikeBike::Application.routes.draw do
12 years ago
10 years ago
#resources :events
#resources :event_types
#resources :workshop_requested_resources
#resources :workshop_facilitators
#resources :registration_form_fields
10 years ago
resources :conference_types, :param => :slug , :path => '/conferences', :as => :conference, :except => :index do
resources :conferences, :param => :slug, :path => '/' do
get :hosts
get :registration
resources :workshops, :param => 'slug'
get :registration
get :register
patch 'register/step/:step' => 'conferences#register_step'
#resources :registrations, :path => 'registration' do
# get :form, on: :collection
get 'registration/form' => 'conferences#registration', :sub_action => "form", as: 'registration_form'
get 'registration/form/register' => 'conferences#registration', :sub_action => "register", as: 'registration_register'
get 'registration/form/stats' => 'conferences#registration', :sub_action => "stats", as: 'registration_stats'
post :nonhosts
post 'registration/form/add-field' => 'conferences#add_field', as: 'registration_add_field'
post 'registration/form/remove-field' => 'conferences#remove_field', as: 'registration_remove_field'
post 'registration/form/reorder' => 'conferences#reorder', as: 'registration_reorder'
10 years ago
resources :conferences, :only => :index
resources :organizations, :param => 'slug' do
get :members
get :identity
get :json
post :nonmembers
resources :users
resources :user_sessions
10 years ago
#resources :workshop_streams
#resources :workshop_resources
#resources :workshop_presentation_styles
10 years ago
#resources :locations
post '/translate/' => 'pages#translate'
post '/location/territories/' => 'pages#location_territories'
11 years ago
get '/translations/:lang', to: 'pages#translations'
get '/translations', to: 'pages#translation_list'
get 'login' => 'user_sessions#new', :as => :login
post 'logout' => 'user_sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
get 'register' => 'users#new', :as => 'register'
11 years ago
post "oauth/callback" => "oauths#callback"
get "oauth/callback" => "oauths#callback"
get "oauth/:provider" => "oauths#oauth", :as => :auth_at_provider
root 'pages#home'
12 years ago