95 lines
5.2 KiB
95 lines
5.2 KiB
- body_class 'banner-bottom' unless @this_conference.poster.present?
- add_stylesheet :admin
- content_for :banner do
= render partial: 'application/header', locals: { page_group: :administration, page_key: 'Administration', image_file: @this_conference.poster_url || 'admin.jpg'}
%article{id: "admin-#{@admin_step}"}
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- if admin_help_pages[@admin_step.to_sym]
= link_help_dlg("admin_#{admin_help_pages[@admin_step.to_sym]}", class: ['button', 'help-link'])
%h2.floating=_("articles.admin.#{@admin_group}.headings.check_in_user", vars: { name: @user_name_for_title }).html_safe
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
%li=link_to (_'articles.admin.headings.back'), administrate_conference_path(@this_conference.slug), class: 'back-to-start'
- administration_steps[@admin_group].each do |step|
- title = (_"articles.admin.#{@admin_group}.headings.#{step}", :t)
- if step == @admin_step.to_sym
= title
- else
= link_to title, administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, step.to_s)
= row do
= admin_update_form do
= columns(medium: 12) do
%p="Please verify with #{@user_name} that the following is correct. If you need to change check in information later, you can check the person in again to overwrite these values."
- if @user.id.present?
= hidden_field_tag :user_id, @user.id
- else
= hidden_field_tag :email, @user.email
= columns(medium: 12) do
%table#check-in{aria: { role: :presentation }}
- unless @user.firstname.present?
%p="What is their name?"
%td= textfield :name, nil, big: true, label: false, required: true
- if @user.pronoun.nil?
%p="Does #{@user_name} have a preferred pronoun? If so, enter it here"
%td= textfield :pronoun, nil, label: false
- unless @registration.city.present?
%p="What city is #{@user_name} based? (Please be specific)"
%td= textfield :location, @user.last_location, label: false
%p="Did you give #{@user_name} a programme and any other informational materials?"
%td= selectfield :programme, 'yes', [["I gave #{@user_name} a programme", 'yes'], ["I DID NOT give #{@user_name} a programme", 'no']], stretch: true, label: false
- if @registration.bike.to_s == 'yes'
%p="#{@user_name_proper} said they <strong>do need a bike</strong>".html_safe
- elsif @registration.bike.to_s == 'no'
%p="#{@user_name_proper} said they <strong>do not need a bike</strong>".html_safe
- else
%p="Does #{@user_name} need a bike?".html_safe
%td= selectfield :bike, @registration.bike.to_s, [["#{@user_name_proper} is taking a bike", 'yes'], ["#{@user_name_proper} is NOT taking a bike", 'no']], stretch: true, label: false
- amount = @registration.registration_fees_paid || 0
- currency = @registration.conference.default_currency
- can_change_currency = true
- if amount > 0
- currency = @registration.data['payment_currency'] if @registration.data['payment_currency'].present?
="#{@user_name_proper} <strong>has already paid</strong> <u>#{number_to_currency amount, unit: '$'} #{currency}</u>, if they decide to make another donation you can add the amount here".html_safe
- amount = 0
- can_change_currency = false
- else
- amount = @registration.data['payment_amount'] || 0
- if amount > 0
="#{@user_name_proper} <strong>has pledged</strong> to pay <u>#{number_to_currency amount, unit: '$'} #{@registration.data['payment_currency']}</u>, please confirm and take their payment now".html_safe
- elsif @registration.data['payment_method'].present?
="#{@user_name_proper} <strong>has not pledged</strong> to pay for registration. If they would like to pay for registration now, enter their donation amount here".html_safe
- else
="Please collect registration fees from #{@user_name} if they are willing to donate and enter the amount here".html_safe
.currency $
= numberfield :payment, amount || 0.0, required: true, step: 0.01, min: 0.0, inline: true, label: false, stretch: true
- if can_change_currency
= selectfield :currency, currency, [:CAD, :USD], inline: true, label: false, inline: true, label: false
- else
= currency
= hidden_field_tag :currency, currency
= columns(medium: 12) do
= button :check_in
= button :cancel, value: :cancel