28 lines
796 B
28 lines
796 B
# Set the host name for URL creation
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = "http://bikebike.org"
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do
# Put links creation logic here.
# The root path '/' and sitemap index file are added automatically for you.
# Links are added to the Sitemap in the order they are specified.
# Usage: add(path, options={})
# (default options are used if you don't specify)
# Defaults: :priority => 0.5, :changefreq => 'weekly',
# :lastmod => Time.now, :host => default_host
# Examples:
# Add '/articles'
# add articles_path, :priority => 0.7, :changefreq => 'daily'
# Add all articles:
# Article.find_each do |article|
# add article_path(article), :lastmod => article.updated_at
# end