Bike!Bike! Website!
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26 lines
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- territory = Carmen::Country.coded(@organization.locations[0].country).subregions.coded(@organization.locations[0].territory)
- location_name = @organization.locations[0].city + (territory ? ' ' + : '') + ', ' + Carmen::Country.coded(@organization.locations[0].country).name
- title + ' (' + location_name + ')'
- description "#{} is a bicycle collective, co-op, community bike project, or advocacy group in #{location_name}"
10 years ago
- banner_image @organization.cover_url, id: @organization.cover_attribution_id, name: @organization.cover_attribution_name, user_id: @organization.cover_attribution_user_id, src: @organization.cover_attribution_src
- page_style 'article'
- content_for :banner do
.row{:class => (@organization.avatar.is_landscape? ? 'landscape' : 'portrait')}
.columns{:class => (@organization.avatar.is_landscape? ? nil : ['medium-6', 'medium-push-6'])}
= image_tag(@organization.avatar.url){:class => (@organization.avatar.is_landscape? ? nil : ['medium-6', 'medium-pull-6'])}
- territory = Carmen::Country.coded(@organization.locations[0].country).subregions.coded(@organization.locations[0].territory)
%p#notice= notice
= tabs!
10 years ago
%h2=('About '
=p @organization, :info