670 lines
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670 lines
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QUnit.begin = function() {
console.log("Starting test suite");
QUnit.moduleDone = function(opts) {
if(opts.failed === 0) {
console.log("\u2714 All tests passed in '"+opts.name+"' module");
} else {
console.log("\u2716 "+ opts.failed +" tests failed in '"+opts.name+"' module");
QUnit.done = function(opts) {
console.log("Tests completed in "+opts.runtime+" milliseconds");
console.log(opts.passed + " tests of "+opts.total+" passed, "+opts.failed+" failed.");
module('Basics', {
setup:function() {
teardown:function() {
test("globals set up", function() {
ok(window.Modernizr, 'global modernizr object created');
test("bind is implemented", function() {
ok(Function.prototype.bind, 'bind is a member of Function.prototype');
var a = function(){
return this.modernizr;
a = a.bind({modernizr: 'just awsome'});
equal("just awsome", a(), 'bind works as expected');
// thank you webkit layoutTests
var result;
function F(x, y)
result = this + " -> x:" + x + ", y:" + y;
G = F.bind("'a'", "'b'");
H = G.bind("'Cannot rebind this!'", "'c'");
equal(result, "\'a\' -> x:\'b\', y:1");
equal(result, "\'a\' -> x:\'b\', y:\'c\'");
var f = new F(1,2);
equal(result, "[object Object] -> x:1, y:2");
var g = new G(1,2);
equal(result, "[object Object] -> x:\'b\', y:1");
var h = new H(1,2);
equal(result, "[object Object] -> x:\'b\', y:\'c\'");
ok(f instanceof F, "f instanceof F");
ok(g instanceof F, "g instanceof F");
ok(h instanceof F, "h instanceof F");
// Bound functions don't have a 'prototype' property.
ok("prototype" in F, '"prototype" in F');
// The object passed to bind as 'this' must be callable.
// Objects that allow call but not construct can be bound, but should throw if used with new.
var abcAt = String.prototype.charAt.bind("abc");
equal(abcAt(1), "b", 'Objects that allow call but not construct can be bound...');
equal(1, Function.bind.length, 'it exists');
test("document.documentElement is valid and correct",1, function() {
test("no-js class is gone.", function() {
'no-js class is gone');
'html.js class is present');
'html.+no-js class is still present');
'html.no-js- class is still present');
'html.i-has-no-js class is still present');
if (document.querySelector){
ok(document.querySelector('html.js') == document.documentElement,
"document.querySelector('html.js') matches.");
test('html shim worked', function(){
// the exact test we use in the script
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("section")[0];
elem.id = "html5section";
ok( elem.childNodes.length === 1 , 'unknown elements dont collapse');
elem.style.color = 'red';
ok( /red|#ff0000/i.test(elem.style.color), 'unknown elements are styleable')
module('Modernizr classes and bools', {
setup:function() {
teardown:function() {
test('html classes are looking good',function(){
var classes = TEST.trim(document.documentElement.className).split(/\s+/);
var modprops = Object.keys(Modernizr),
newprops = modprops;
// decrement for the properties that are private
for (var i = -1, len = TEST.privates.length; ++i < len; ){
var item = TEST.privates[i];
equal(-1, TEST.inArray(item, classes), 'private Modernizr object '+ item +'should not have matching classes');
equal(-1, TEST.inArray('no-' + item, classes), 'private Modernizr object no-'+item+' should not have matching classes');
// decrement for the non-boolean objects
// for (var i = -1, len = TEST.inputs.length; ++i < len; ){
// if (Modernizr[TEST.inputs[i]] != undefined) newprops--;
// }
// TODO decrement for the extraclasses
// decrement for deprecated ones.
$.each( TEST.deprecated, function(key, val){
newprops.splice( TEST.inArray(item, newprops), 1);
//equal(classes,newprops,'equal number of classes and global object props');
if (classes.length !== newprops){
//window.console && console.log(classes, newprops);
for (var i = 0, len = classes.length, aclass; i <len; i++){
aclass = classes[i];
// Skip js related classes.
if (/^(?:js|\+no-js|no-js-|i-has-no-js)$/.test(aclass)) continue;
if (aclass.indexOf('no-') === 0){
aclass = aclass.replace('no-','');
equal(Modernizr[aclass], false,
aclass + ' is correctly false in the classes and object')
} else {
equal(Modernizr[aclass], true,
aclass + ' is correctly true in the classes and object')
for (var i = 0, len = classes.length, aclass; i <len; i++){
equal(classes[i],classes[i].toLowerCase(),'all classes are lowerCase.');
// Remove fake no-js classes before test.
var docElClass = document.documentElement.className;
$.each(['\\+no-js', 'no-js-', 'i-has-no-js'], function(i, fakeClass) {
docElClass = docElClass.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + fakeClass + '(\\s|$)', 'g'), '$1$2');
equal(/[^\s]no-/.test(docElClass), false, 'whitespace between all classes.');
test('Modernizr properties are looking good',function(){
var count = 0,
nobool = TEST.API.concat(TEST.inputs)
.concat(['textarea']); // due to forms-placeholder.js test
for (var prop in window.Modernizr){
if (Modernizr.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
if (TEST.inArray(prop,nobool) >= 0) continue;
ok(Modernizr[prop] === true || Modernizr[prop] === false,
'Modernizr.'+prop+' is a straight up boolean');
equal(prop,prop.toLowerCase(),'all properties are lowerCase.')
test('Modernizr.audio and Modernizr.video',function(){
for (var i = -1, len = TEST.audvid.length; ++i < len;){
var prop = TEST.audvid[i];
if (Modernizr[prop].toString() == 'true'){
ok(Modernizr[prop], 'Modernizr.'+prop+' is truthy.');
equal(Modernizr[prop] == true,true, 'Modernizr.'+prop+' is == true')
equal(typeof Modernizr[prop] === 'object',true,'Moderizr.'+prop+' is truly an object');
equal(Modernizr[prop] !== true,true, 'Modernizr.'+prop+' is !== true')
} else {
equal(Modernizr[prop] != true,true, 'Modernizr.'+prop+' is != true')
test('Modernizr results match expected values',function(){
// i'm bringing over a few tests from inside Modernizr.js
equal(!!document.createElement('canvas').getContext,Modernizr.canvas,'canvas test consistent');
equal(!!window.Worker,Modernizr.webworkers,'web workers test consistent')
module('Modernizr\'s API methods', {
setup:function() {
teardown:function() {
var docEl = document.documentElement;
return true;
return 100;
return false;
return undefined;
ok(docEl.className.indexOf(' testtrue') >= 0,'positive class added');
equal(Modernizr.testtrue,true,'positive prop added');
ok(docEl.className.indexOf(' testtruthy') >= 0,'positive class added');
equal(Modernizr.testtruthy,100,'truthy value is not casted to straight boolean');
ok(docEl.className.indexOf(' no-testfalse') >= 0,'negative class added');
equal(Modernizr.testfalse,false,'negative prop added');
ok(docEl.className.indexOf(' no-testfalsy') >= 0,'negative class added');
equal(Modernizr.testfalsy,undefined,'falsy value is not casted to straight boolean');
return true;
ok(docEl.className.indexOf(' testcamelCase') === -1,
'camelCase test name toLowerCase()\'d');
// okay new signature for this API! woo
Modernizr.addTest('testboolfalse', false);
ok(~docEl.className.indexOf(' no-testboolfalse'), 'Modernizr.addTest(feature, bool): negative class added');
equal(Modernizr.testboolfalse, false, 'Modernizr.addTest(feature, bool): negative prop added');
Modernizr.addTest('testbooltrue', true);
ok(~docEl.className.indexOf(' testbooltrue'), 'Modernizr.addTest(feature, bool): positive class added');
equal(Modernizr.testbooltrue, true, 'Modernizr.addTest(feature, bool): positive prop added');
Modernizr.addTest({'testobjboolfalse': false,
'testobjbooltrue' : true });
ok(~docEl.className.indexOf(' no-testobjboolfalse'), 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): negative class added');
equal(Modernizr.testobjboolfalse, false, 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): negative prop added');
ok(~docEl.className.indexOf(' testobjbooltrue'), 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): positive class added');
equal(Modernizr.testobjbooltrue, true, 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): positive prop added');
Modernizr.addTest({'testobjfnfalse': function(){ return false },
'testobjfntrue' : function(){ return true } });
ok(~docEl.className.indexOf(' no-testobjfnfalse'), 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): negative class added');
equal(Modernizr.testobjfnfalse, false, 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): negative prop added');
ok(~docEl.className.indexOf(' testobjfntrue'), 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): positive class added');
equal(Modernizr.testobjfntrue, true, 'Modernizr.addTest({feature: bool}): positive prop added');
.addTest('testchainone', true)
.addTest({ testchaintwo: true })
.addTest('testchainthree', function(){ return true; });
ok( Modernizr.testchainone == Modernizr.testchaintwo == Modernizr.testchainthree, 'addTest is chainable');
}); // eo addTest
test('Modernizr.mq: media query testing',function(){
var $html = $('html');
$.mobile = {};
// from jquery mobile
$.mobile.media = (function() {
// TODO: use window.matchMedia once at least one UA implements it
var cache = {},
testDiv = $( "<div id='jquery-mediatest'>" ),
fakeBody = $( "<body>" ).append( testDiv );
return function( query ) {
if ( !( query in cache ) ) {
var styleBlock = document.createElement('style'),
cssrule = "@media " + query + " { #jquery-mediatest { position:absolute; } }";
//must set type for IE!
styleBlock.type = "text/css";
if (styleBlock.styleSheet){
styleBlock.styleSheet.cssText = cssrule;
else {
$html.prepend( fakeBody ).prepend( styleBlock );
cache[ query ] = testDiv.css( "position" ) === "absolute";
fakeBody.add( styleBlock ).remove();
return cache[ query ];
ok(Modernizr.mq,'Modernizr.mq() doesn\' freak out.');
equal($.mobile.media('only screen'), Modernizr.mq('only screen'),'screen media query matches jQuery mobile\'s result');
equal(Modernizr.mq('only all'), Modernizr.mq('only all'), 'Cache hit matches');
ok(typeof Modernizr.hasEvent == 'function','Modernizr.hasEvent() is a function');
equal(Modernizr.hasEvent('click'), true,'click event is supported');
equal(Modernizr.hasEvent('modernizrcustomevent'), false,'random event is definitely not supported');
/* works fine in webkit but not gecko
equal( Modernizr.hasEvent('resize', window),
!Modernizr.hasEvent('resize', document.createElement('div')),
'Resize is supported in window but not a div, typically...');
equal(typeof Modernizr.testStyles, 'function','Modernizr.testStyles() is a function');
var style = '#modernizr{ width: 9px; height: 4px; font-size: 0; color: papayawhip; }';
Modernizr.testStyles(style, function(elem, rule){
equal(style, rule, 'rule passsed back matches what i gave it.')
equal(elem.offsetWidth, 9, 'width was set through the style');
equal(elem.offsetHeight, 4, 'height was set through the style');
equal(elem.id, 'modernizr', 'element is indeed the modernizr element');
equal(6, Modernizr._prefixes.length, 'Modernizr._prefixes has 6 items');
equal(4, Modernizr._domPrefixes.length, 'Modernizr.domPrefixes has 4 items');
equal(true, Modernizr.testProp('margin'), 'Everyone supports margin');
equal(false, Modernizr.testProp('happiness'), 'Nobody supports the happiness style. :(');
equal(true, Modernizr.testProp('fontSize'), 'Everyone supports fontSize');
equal(false, Modernizr.testProp('font-size'), 'Nobody supports font-size');
equal('pointerEvents' in document.createElement('div').style,
'results for `pointer-events` are consistent with a homegrown feature test');
equal(true, Modernizr.testAllProps('margin'), 'Everyone supports margin');
equal(false, Modernizr.testAllProps('happiness'), 'Nobody supports the happiness style. :(');
equal(true, Modernizr.testAllProps('fontSize'), 'Everyone supports fontSize');
equal(false, Modernizr.testAllProps('font-size'), 'Nobody supports font-size');
equal(Modernizr.csstransitions, Modernizr.testAllProps('transition'), 'Modernizr result matches API result: csstransitions');
equal(Modernizr.csscolumns, Modernizr.testAllProps('columnCount'), 'Modernizr result matches API result: csscolumns')
test('Modernizr.prefixed() - css and DOM resolving', function(){
// https://gist.github.com/523692
function gimmePrefix(prop, obj){
var prefixes = ['Moz','Khtml','Webkit','O','ms'],
domPrefixes = ['moz','khtml','webkit','o','ms'],
elem = document.createElement('div'),
upper = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1);
if(!obj) {
if (prop in elem.style)
return prop;
for (var len = prefixes.length; len--; ){
if ((prefixes[len] + upper) in elem.style)
return (prefixes[len] + upper);
} else {
if (prop in obj)
return prop;
for (var len = domPrefixes.length; len--; ){
if ((domPrefixes[len] + upper) in obj)
return (domPrefixes[len] + upper);
return false;
var propArr = ['transition', 'backgroundSize', 'boxSizing', 'borderImage',
'borderRadius', 'boxShadow', 'columnCount'];
var domPropArr = [{ 'prop': 'requestAnimationFrame', 'obj': window },
{ 'prop': 'querySelectorAll', 'obj': document },
{ 'prop': 'matchesSelector', 'obj': document.createElement('div') }];
for (var i = -1, len = propArr.length; ++i < len; ){
var prop = propArr[i];
equal(Modernizr.prefixed(prop), gimmePrefix(prop), 'results for ' + prop + ' match the homebaked prefix finder');
for (var i = -1, len = domPropArr.length; ++i < len; ){
var prop = domPropArr[i];
ok(!!~Modernizr.prefixed(prop.prop, prop.obj, false).toString().indexOf(gimmePrefix(prop.prop, prop.obj)), 'results for ' + prop.prop + ' match the homebaked prefix finder');
// FIXME: so a few of these are whitelisting for webkit. i'd like to improve that.
test('Modernizr.prefixed autobind', function(){
var rAFName;
// quick sniff to find the local rAF prefixed name.
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !rAFName; ++x) {
rAFName = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'] && vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame';
if (rAFName){
// rAF returns a function
typeof Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window),
"Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window) returns a function")
// unless we false it to a string
Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window, false),
"Modernizr.prefixed('requestAnimationFrame', window, false) returns a string (the prop name)")
if (document.body.webkitMatchesSelector || document.body.mozMatchesSelector){
var fn = Modernizr.prefixed('matchesSelector', HTMLElement.prototype, document.body);
//returns function
typeof fn,
"Modernizr.prefixed('matchesSelector', HTMLElement.prototype, document.body) returns a function");
// fn scoping
"Modernizr.prefixed('matchesSelector', HTMLElement.prototype, document.body) is scoped to the body")
// Webkit only: are there other objects that are prefixed?
if (window.webkitNotifications){
// should be an object.
typeof Modernizr.prefixed('Notifications', window),
"Modernizr.prefixed('Notifications') returns an object");
// Webkit only:
if (typeof document.webkitIsFullScreen !== 'undefined'){
// boolean
typeof Modernizr.prefixed('isFullScreen', document),
"Modernizr.prefixed('isFullScreen') returns a boolean");
// Moz only:
if (typeof document.mozFullScreen !== 'undefined'){
// boolean
typeof Modernizr.prefixed('fullScreen', document),
"Modernizr.prefixed('fullScreen') returns a boolean");
// Webkit-only.. takes advantage of Webkit's mixed case of prefixes
if (document.body.style.WebkitAnimation){
// string
typeof Modernizr.prefixed('animation', document.body.style),
"Modernizr.prefixed('animation', document.body.style) returns value of that, as a string");
Modernizr.prefixed('animation', document.body.style, false).toLowerCase(),
"Modernizr.prefixed('animation', document.body.style, false) returns the (case-normalized) name of the property: webkitanimation");
Modernizr.prefixed('doSomethingAmazing$#$', window),
"Modernizr.prefixed('doSomethingAmazing$#$', window) : Gobbledygook with prefixed(str,obj) returns false");
Modernizr.prefixed('doSomethingAmazing$#$', window, document.body),
"Modernizr.prefixed('doSomethingAmazing$#$', window) : Gobbledygook with prefixed(str,obj, scope) returns false");
Modernizr.prefixed('doSomethingAmazing$#$', window, false),
"Modernizr.prefixed('doSomethingAmazing$#$', window) : Gobbledygook with prefixed(str,obj, false) returns false");