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37 lines
2.3 KiB
37 lines
2.3 KiB
8 years ago
- if @events.present?
- @events.each do | event |
= data_set(:h5, 'forms.labels.generic.event_location', class: :location) do
=event.event_location.present? ? event.event_location.title : ''
= data_set(:h5, '', class: :day) do
= date(event.start_time.to_date, :weekday)
= data_set(:h5, 'forms.labels.generic.time', class: :time) do
= time(event.start_time, :short)
= data_set(:h5, 'forms.labels.generic.time_span', class: 'time-span') do
= hours(event.start_time, event.end_time)
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, :events), class: [:actions, :fill] do
= hidden_field_tag :id,
= button_with_confirmation :delete, (_'modals.admin.generic.delete.confirm', :p, vars: { title: event.title }), value: :delete, class: [:delete, :small]
= button_tag :edit, value: :edit, class: [:small]
%h4=_"articles.admin.locations.headings.#{ ? 'edit' : 'add'}_event", :t
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, :events) do
= hidden_field_tag :id, if
= textfield :title, @event.title!, required: true, big: true, lang: @event.locale
= textarea :info,!, heading: '', help: '', lang: @event.locale, edit_on: :focus
= location_select @event.event_location_id, small: true, stretch: true
= day_select @day, small: true, format: :weekday
= time_select @time, small: true
= length_select @length, small: true
- I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do | locale |
- if locale.to_s != @event.locale.to_s
= textfield "title_translations[#{locale.to_s}]", @event._title(locale), big: true, heading: 'translate.pages.Locale_Translation', vars: { language: _("languages.#{locale}") }, label: 'forms.labels.generic.title', lang: locale
= textarea "info_translations[#{locale.to_s}]", @event._info(locale), lang: locale, label: '', edit_on: :focus
= button_tag :save, value: :save
= button_tag :cancel, value: :cancel, class: :subdued, formnovalidate: true if