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90 lines
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8 years ago
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- conference = @this_conference || @conference
- if conference.event_locations.blank? && @entire_page
- else
- add_inline_script :schedule if @entire_page
- @schedule.each do |day, data_array|
%h4=date(day, :weekday).html_safe
- data_array.each_with_index do |data, division|
%table.schedule{class: [data[:locations].present? ? 'has-locations' : 'no-locations', "locations-#{data[:num_locations]}"]}
- if data[:locations].present? && data[:locations].values.first != :add
8 years ago
- data[:locations].each do |id, location|
%th=location.is_a?(Symbol) ? '' : _!(location.title)
- data[:times].each do |time, time_data|
%tr{class: "row-type-#{time_data[:type] || 'nil'}"}
- rowspan = (time_data[:length] * (1 / @this_conference.schedule_interval)).to_i
- if time_data[:type] == :workshop
- data[:locations].each do |id, location|
- if time_data[:item][:workshops][id].present?
- workshop = time_data[:item][:workshops][id][:workshop]
- status = time_data[:item][:workshops][id][:status]
- else
- workshop = status = nil
%td{class: [time_data[:type], workshop.present? ? :filled : :open], rowspan: rowspan, data: workshop.present? ? nil : { block: time_data[:item][:block], day: day, location: id, division: division }}
- if workshop.present? && workshop.event_location.present?
- if @can_edit
-if strip_tags(workshop.notes).strip.present?
= admin_notes(workshop.notes)
- if status[:errors].present?
= admin_status content_tag(:ul, (status[:errors].collect { |error| "<li>#{(_"errors.messages.schedule.#{error[:name].to_s}", vars: error[:i18nVars])}</li>"}.join).html_safe).html_safe
= link_to view_workshop_path(@conference.slug,, class: 'event-detail-link' do
%template.event-details{data: { href: view_workshop_path(@conference.slug, }}
= _!("#{workshop.event_location.title}:")
= location_link workshop.event_location
.workshop-description= richtext, 1
- if @can_edit
= form_tag administration_update_path(conference.slug, @admin_step), class: 'deschedule-workshop' do
%span.title Conflicts:
%span.value="#{status[:conflict_score]} / #{workshop.interested.size}"
= hidden_field_tag :id,
= button :deschedule, value: :deschedule_workshop, class: [:delete, :small]
- elsif @can_edit
.title="Block #{time_data[:item][:block] + 1}"
- elsif time_data[:type] != :nil
%td{class: time_data[:type], rowspan: rowspan, colspan: data[:locations].present? ? data[:locations].size : 1}
- case time_data[:type]
- when :meal
- location = EventLocation.where(id: time_data[:item]['location'].to_i).first
- if location.present?
= _!("#{location.title}:")
= location_link location
- when :event
- if time_data[:item].event_location.present?
.title=_!(time_data[:item][:title]) if time_data[:item][:title]
%h1.title=_!(time_data[:item][:title]) if time_data[:item][:title]
= _!("#{time_data[:item].event_location.title}:")
= location_link time_data[:item].event_location
= richtext time_data[:item][:info], 1
8 years ago
- if @entire_page
= form_tag administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, @admin_step), class: 'workshop-dlg', id: 'workshop-table-form' do
%h3 Select a Workshop