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- body_class 'banner-bottom' unless @this_conference.poster.present?
- add_stylesheet :admin
- content_for :banner do
= render partial: 'application/header', locals: { page_group: :administration, page_key: 'Administration', image_file: @this_conference.poster_url || 'admin.jpg'}
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
= columns(medium: 12, id: :conferences, class: 'list-view') do
%p=_'articles.admin.paragraphs.administration', :p
- administration_steps.each do |step, actions|
%h3=_"articles.admin.#{step}.heading", :t
%p=_"articles.admin.#{step}.description", :p
- actions.each do |action|
- action_text = (_"articles.admin.#{step}.headings.#{action}", :t)
= link_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, action.to_s) do
%header= action_text
= svg "admin/#{action.to_s}", action_text
.description=(_"articles.admin.#{step}.descriptions.#{action}", :s)