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BikeBike::Application.routes.draw do
12 years ago
# Conferences
8 years ago
scope :conferences do
root 'conferences#list', as: :conferences
get 'new' => 'administration#new', as: :new_conference
post 'save' => 'administration#save', as: :save_conference
scope ':slug' do
root 'conferences#view', as: :conference
get 'edit' => 'administration#edit', as: :edit_conference
8 years ago
# Registration
scope :register do
root 'conferences#register', as: :register, via: [:get, :post]
# post 'update' => 'conferences#registration_update', as: :registration_update
8 years ago
get ':step' => 'conferences#register', as: :register_step
# Administration
scope :administration do
root 'conference_administration#administration', as: :administrate_conference
get ':step' => 'conference_administration#administration_step', as: :administration_step
get 'stats/:conference_slug' => 'conference_administration#previous_stats', as: :previous_stats
8 years ago
post 'update/:step' => 'conference_administration#admin_update', as: :administration_update
get 'events/edit/:id' => 'conference_administration#edit_event', as: :edit_event
get 'locations/edit/:id' => 'conference_administration#edit_location', as: :edit_location
get 'check_in/:id' => 'conference_administration#check_in', as: :check_in, constraints: { id: /.+/ }
8 years ago
scope :survey do
root 'conferences#survey', as: :conference_survey
post 'save' => 'conferences#save_survey', as: :conference_survey_save
8 years ago
# Workshops
scope :workshops do
root 'workshops#workshops', as: :workshops
match 'create' => 'workshops#create_workshop', as: :create_workshop, via: :all
post 'save' => 'workshops#save_workshop', as: :save_workshop
scope ':workshop_id' do
root 'workshops#view_workshop', as: :view_workshop
match 'edit' => 'workshops#edit_workshop', as: :edit_workshop, via: :all
match 'delete' => 'workshops#delete_workshop', as: :delete_workshop, via: :all
post 'comment' => 'workshops#add_comment', as: :workshop_comment
post 'toggle-interest' => 'workshops#toggle_workshop_interest', as: :toggle_workshop_interest
match 'translate/:locale' => 'workshops#translate_workshop', as: :translate_workshop, via: :all
scope :facilitate do
root 'workshops#facilitate_workshop', as: :facilitate_workshop
get 'sent' => 'workshops#sent_facilitate_request', as: :sent_facilitate_workshop
post 'add_facilitator' => 'workshops#add_workshop_facilitator', as: :workshop_add_facilitator
scope :facilitate_request do
root 'workshops#facilitate_request', as: :facilitate_workshop_request, via: :post
get ':user_id/:approve_or_deny' => 'workshops#approve_facilitate_request', as: :approve_facilitate_workshop_request
9 years ago
# Contact
8 years ago
scope :contact do
root 'application#contact', as: :contact
post 'send' => 'application#contact_send', as: :contact_send
get 'sent' => 'application#contact_sent', as: :contact_sent
# Static pages
8 years ago
get 'about' => 'application#about', as: :about
get 'policy' => 'application#policy', as: :policy
# Site info
8 years ago
get 'robots.txt' => 'application#robots', as: :robots_txt
get 'humans.txt' => 'application#humans', as: :humans_txt
# Error pages
8 years ago
match 'js_error' => 'application#js_error', via: :all
get 'error_403' => 'application#do_403' unless Rails.env.production?
get 'error_404' => 'application#error_404' unless Rails.env.production?
get 'error_500' => 'application#error_500' unless Rails.env.production?
get 'locale_not_available_error/:locale' => 'application#locale_not_available' unless Rails.env.production?
# Home page
8 years ago
root 'application#home', as: :home
12 years ago