You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
78 lines
3.8 KiB
78 lines
3.8 KiB
10 years ago
= render 'conferences/page_header', :page_key => 'Edit_Schedule'
= form_tag save_schedule_path(@this_conference.slug), class: 'composition' do
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
= render 'schedule/programme', :schedule => @schedule, :conference => @this_conference, :workshops => @workshops, :events => @events, :locations => @location_hash, :show_interest => false, :day_parts => @day_parts, :show_previews => false
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- if @error_count && @error_count > 0
= @error_count
- if @conflict_score && @conflict_score > 0
=_'errors.schedule.conflict_score',"Interest Conflicts:"
= @conflict_score
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
= (hidden_field_tag :location_id, if @location
- if @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published
= button_tag :Unpublish, :value => :unpublish, :class => 'delete'
- elsif @error_count < 1
= button_tag :Publish, :value => :publish
= button_tag :Preview, :value => :preview, :class => 'secondary'
- unless @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published && @error_count > 0
= button_tag :save, :value => :save
- unless @saved
.unsaved=_'errors.schedule.unsaved','Your changes will not be saved until you press Save or Publish'
= row do
= columns(medium: 6) do
- @workshops.each do |i|
- error = @errors["w#{}"]
- warnings = @warnings["w#{}"]
%li{class: error.present? ? :error : nil}
.workshop-interest=_'', "#{i.interested_count} people are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => i.interested_count}
= select_tag "workshop_day[#{}]", options_for_select(@days, i.conference_day), :include_blank => true
= select_tag "workshop_hour[#{}]", options_for_select(@hours, i.start_time ? i.start_time.strftime('%R') : nil), :include_blank => true
= select_tag "workshop_duration[#{}]", options_for_select(@workshop_durations, i.duration || 60)
= select_tag "workshop_location[#{}]", options_from_collection_for_select(@locations, :id, :title, i.event_location_id), :include_blank => true
- if warnings
- warnings.each do |warning|
- if error
= columns(medium: 6) do
- @events.each do |i|
- error = @errors["e#{}"]
%li{:class => [i.event_type, error.present? ? :error : nil]}
= select_tag "event_day[#{}]", options_for_select(@days, i.conference_day)
= select_tag "event_hour[#{}]", options_for_select(@hours, i.start_time ? i.start_time.strftime('%R') : '12:00')
= select_tag "event_duration[#{}]", options_for_select(@event_durations, i.duration || 60)
= select_tag "event_location[#{}]", options_from_collection_for_select(@locations, :id, :title, i.event_location_id), :include_blank => true
- if error
- [:morning, :afternoon, :evening].each do |day_part|
- h = ( + @day_parts[day_part.to_s].to_f.hours).strftime('%R')
- if day_part == :morning
- else
= select_tag "day_parts[#{day_part.to_s}]", options_for_select(@hours, h)