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64 lines
4.4 KiB

= render 'conferences/page_header', :page_key => 'View_Workshop'
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- if @workshop.interested?(current_user)
=_'', "You and #{@workshop.interested_count - 1} others are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => (@workshop.interested_count - 1)}
- else
=_'', "#{@workshop.interested_count} people are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => @workshop.interested_count}
- if @workshop.can_show_interest?(current_user)
= form_tag toggle_workshop_interest_path(@this_conference.slug, do
= button_tag (@workshop.interested?(current_user) ? :remove_interest : :show_interest), :value => :toggle_interest, :class => (@workshop.interested?(current_user) ? 'delete' : 'add')
=markdown _!( || ''
- if @workshop.can_translate?(current_user)
- I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do |locale|
= (link_to (_'actions.workshops.Translate', "Translate into #{language_name(locale)}", :vars => {:language => language_name(locale)}), edit_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug,, url_params(locale)), :class => 'button translate') if locale.to_sym != I18n.locale.to_sym
9 years ago
= columns(medium: 6) do
- @workshop.workshop_facilitators.each do |f|
- u = User.find(f.user_id)
- if @workshop.public_facilitator?(u) || f.user_id == || @workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user)
.name=_!(u.firstname || u.username ||
- if f.role.to_sym == :requested && @workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user)
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Approve'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(@this_conference.slug,, f.user_id, 'approve'), :class => 'button modify')
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Deny'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(@this_conference.slug,, f.user_id, 'deny'), :class => 'button delete')
- elsif (f.user_id == && f.role.to_sym != :creator) || (!@this_conference.registered?(u) && @workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user))
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Remove'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(@this_conference.slug,, f.user_id, 'remove'), :class => 'button delete')
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Facilitate'), facilitate_workshop_path(@this_conference.slug,, :class => 'button modify') if !@workshop.facilitator?(current_user)
- if @workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user)
= form_tag workshop_add_facilitator_path(@this_conference.slug,, :class => 'add-facilitator' do
%h4='Add a facilitator'
= email_field_tag :email, nil, required: true
= label_tag :email
= button_tag :add
9 years ago
- if @workshop.languages
= columns(medium: 6) do
%h3=_'articles.workshops.headings.languages','Workshop Language'
%p= _!((JSON.parse(@workshop.languages || '[]').map { |x| _"languages.#{x}" }).join(', ').to_s.html_safe)
- if @workshop.theme
= columns(medium: 6) do
%p= [:race_gender, :mechanics, :funding, :organization, :community].include?((@workshop.theme || '').to_sym) ? (_"workshop.options.theme.#{@workshop.theme}") : @workshop.theme
- if @workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) ||
9 years ago
- if @workshop.needs
= columns(medium: 6) do
%h3=_'articles.workshops.headings.needs','What do you need?'
%p= _!((JSON.parse(@workshop.needs || '[]').map { |x| _"workshop.options.needs.#{x}" }).join(', ').to_s.html_safe)
- if @workshop.notes
= columns(medium: 12) do
=markdown _!(@workshop.notes)
9 years ago
= columns(medium: 12) do
= (link_to (_'actions.workshops.Edit'), edit_workshop_path(@this_conference.slug,, :class => 'button modify') if @workshop.can_edit?(current_user)
= (link_to (_'actions.workshops.Delete'), delete_workshop_path(@this_conference.slug,, :class => 'button delete') if @workshop.can_delete?(current_user)