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Feature: Workshop Page
In order to facilitate and attend workshops
As a visitor
Scenario: Create workshop
Given There is an upcoming conference in San Marcos TX
And Registration is open
And I am logged in as
And My name is John Doe
And I am registered for the conference
And I am on the registration page
Then I see the Bike!Bike! logo
And I see Payment
And I see Workshops
And I visit the workshops page
Then I should see New Workshop
And I should see Your Workshops
And I click on New Workshop link
Then I should see Title
And I fill in title with My Workshop Title
And I fill in info with Lorem Ipsum
And I save the workshop
Then I should see My Workshop Title
And I view my workshop
Then I should see Facilitators
And I should see John Doe creator
And I should see Edit
Then I edit the workshop
Then I fill in title with Super Awesome Workshop
Then I click the save button
Then I should see Super Awesome Workshop
And I should not see My Workshop Title
Then I view my workshop
Then I delete the workshop
And I click on the confirm button
Then I should see Your Workshops
And I should not see My Workshop Title
And I should not see Super Awesome Workshop
Scenario: Be the first to like a workshop
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico
And Registration is open
And I am logged in as
And My name is John Doe
And I am registered for the conference
And a workshop exists
And I view the workshop
Then I should see No one is interested
Then click on toggle_interest button
Then I should see You are interested
Then I click on toggle_interest button
Then I should see No one is interested
Scenario: Like a workshop
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico
And Registration is open
And I am logged in as
And My name is John Doe
And I am registered for the conference
And a workshop exists
And 4 people are interested in the workshop
And I view the workshop
Then I should see 4 people are interested
Then click on toggle_interest button
Then I should see You and 4 others are interested
Then I click on toggle_interest button
Then I should see 4 people are interested
Scenario: Request to facilitate a workshop
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico
And Registration is open
And I am logged in as
And My name is John Doe
And I am registered for the conference
And a workshop exists
And I view the workshop
Then I click on the Make a facilitation request link
Then I should see Request to Facilitate
Then I enter Please let me join as my message
Then I click the send button
Then I should see Your request has been sent
Scenario: Request to facilitate a workshop
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico
And Registration is open
And I am logged in as
And My name is John Doe
And I am registered for the conference
And I have created a workshop titled My Awesome Workshop
And Joey is also facilitating my workshop
And Katie has requested to facilitate my workshop
And Jim has requested to facilitate my workshop
And a user named Ricardo with the email exists
And Joey is registered for the conference
And Jim is registered for the conference
And Katie is registered for the conference
And Ricardo is registered for the conference
And I view the workshop
Then I should see Joey collaborator
And I should see Katie requested
And I should see Jim requested
Then I approve the facilitator request from Jim
And I should see Jim collaborator
And I should see Katie requested
Then I deny the facilitator request from Katie
And I should see Jim collaborator
And I should not see Katie
And I fill in email with
And I click the + button
Then I should see Ricardo collaborator
And I fill in email with
And I click the + button
Then I should see unregistered