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73 lines
3.8 KiB
73 lines
3.8 KiB
10 years ago
= columns(medium: 12) do
%h2=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.Registration_Info','Registration Info'
= columns(medium: 5, large: 4) do
%p=_'articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.Registration_Info', :p
= columns(medium: 7, large: 8) do
= form_tag register_path(@this_conference.slug) do
%h3=_'','What is your name?'
= label_tag :name
= text_field_tag :name, @name, required: true
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.location','Where are you coming from?'
= label_tag :location
= text_field_tag :location,, required: true
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.arrival_and_departure','How long do you plan to spend in the area?'
= label_tag :arrival
= label_tag :departure
= datetime_local_field_tag :arrival, @registration.arrival.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%T")
= datetime_local_field_tag :departure, @registration.departure.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%T")
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.languages','Which languages do you speak?'
- [:en, :es, :fr].each do |language|
= check_box_tag "languages[#{language}]", 1, @languages.include?(language)
= label_tag "languages_#{language}" do
= _"languages.#{language}"
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.housing','Do you need a place to stay?'
- [:none, :tent, :house].each do |option|
= radio_button_tag :housing, option, (@registration.housing || '').to_sym == option, required: true
= label_tag "housing_#{option}" do
- option_name = _"articles.conference_registration.questions.housing.#{option}"
= svg_sprite('icons', "bb-#{option}", option_name)
= option_name
%h3=_'','Do you need a bike?'
- [:none, :small, :medium, :large].each do |option|
= radio_button_tag :bike, option, ( || '').to_sym == option, required: true
= label_tag "bike_#{option}" do
- option_name = _"{option}"
= svg_sprite('icons', "bb-#{option == :none ? :none : :bike}", option_name)
= option_name
%h3=_'','What are your eating habits?'
= radio_button_tag :food, :meat, ( || '').to_sym == :meat, required: true
= label_tag :food_meat do
- option_name = _""
= svg_sprite('icons', 'bb-meat', option_name)
= option_name
= radio_button_tag :food, :vegetarian, ( || '').to_sym == :vegetarian, required: true
= label_tag :food_vegetarian do
- option_name = _""
= svg_sprite('icons', 'bb-meat', 'meat')
= svg_sprite('icons', 'bb-none', option_name)
= option_name
= radio_button_tag :food, :vegan, ( || '').to_sym == :vegan, required: true
= label_tag :food_vegan do
- option_name = _""
= svg_sprite('icons', 'bb-milk', 'milk')
= svg_sprite('icons', 'bb-none', option_name)
= option_name
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.allergies','Do you have any allergies?'
= label_tag :allergies
= text_field_tag :allergies, @registration.allergies
%h3=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.other','Anything else we should know about your visit?'
= label_tag :other
= text_area_tag :other, @registration.other
= button_tag :register, :value => :save