9 years ago
73 changed files with 5425 additions and 967 deletions
@ -1 +1 @@ |
=markdown @content |
=markdown @message |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
%p=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_message',"Below is a message from #{@requester.firstname}:", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title, :user_name => @requester.firstname} |
%blockquote=markdown @message |
%p |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_instructions',"You can approve or deny this request on your workshop page: " |
- workshop_link = @host + view_workshop_url(@conference.slug, @workshop.id) |
%a{href: workshop_link}=workshop_link |
%p=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_reply_instructions',"You can also reply directly to this email to ask follow-up questions." |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_message',"Below is a message from #{@requester.firstname}:", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title, :user_name => @requester.firstname} |
=' ------------------------- ' |
=@message |
=' ------------------------- ' |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_instructions',"You can approve or deny this request on your workshop page: " |
=@host + view_workshop_url(@conference.slug, @workshop.id) |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_reply_instructions',"You can also reply directly to this email to ask follow-up questions." |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
%p |
- workshop_link = link_to (_!@workshop.title), @host + view_workshop_url(@conference.slug, @workshop.id).html_safe |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_approved',"You have been added as a facilitator of #{workshop_link}.", :vars => {:workshop_title => workshop_link} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_approved',"Your request to become a facilitator of #{@workshop.title} has been approved and you may now edit the workshop.", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title} |
=@host + view_workshop_url(@conference.slug, @workshop.id) |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
%p |
- workshop_link = link_to (_!@workshop.title), @host + view_workshop_url(@conference.slug, @workshop.id).html_safe |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_denied',"Your request to become a facilitator of #{workshop_link} has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current facilitators by making another request to facilitate.", :vars => {:workshop_title => workshop_link} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
=_'email.workshop.paragraph.request_denied',"Your request to become a facilitator of #{@workshop.title} has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current facilitators by making another request to facilitate.", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title} |
=@host + view_workshop_url(@conference.slug, @workshop.id) |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
= render 'conferences/page_header', :page_key => 'Facilitate_Workshop' |
%article |
= row do |
= form_tag facilitate_workshop_request_path(@this_conference.slug, @workshop.id), class: 'composition' do |
= (hidden_field_tag :workshop_id, @workshop.id) if @workshop |
= columns(medium: 12) do |
%h2=_'articles.workshops.headings.facilitate', "Request to Facilitate ‘#{@workshop.title}’", :vars => { :workshop_title => @workshop.title } |
=m('articles.workshops.paragraphs.facilitate_request','Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will be emailed and they may ask more questions before approving or denying your request. Please note that this will reveal your email address to the facilitators.') |
.text-area-field.input-field |
= label_tag :message |
= text_area_tag :message, nil, :required => true |
= columns(medium: 12) do |
.actions.right |
= button_tag :send, :value => :send |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
= render 'conferences/page_header', :page_key => 'Facilitate_Workshop' |
%article |
= row do |
= columns(medium: 12) do |
=m('articles.workshops.paragraphs.facilitate_request_sent','Your request has been sent. You will receive an email once your request is approved or denied or if the current facilitators have any questions.') |
= columns(medium: 12) do |
.actions |
= link_to (_'actions.workshops.View'), view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, @workshop.id), :class => 'button' |
= link_to (_'actions.workshops.View_All'), workshops_url(@this_conference.slug), :class => 'button' |
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ |
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<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="email.workshop.paragraph.request_denied" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Your request to become a facilitator of <a href="">My Awesome Workshop</a> has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current facilitators by making another request to facilitate.</span> |
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<td colspan='2' valign='top'><p><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="email.workshop.paragraph.request_message" data-i18n-needs-translation="1">Below is a message from John Doe:</span></p> |
<blockquote><p>Please let me join</p> |
</blockquote> |
<p> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="email.workshop.paragraph.request_instructions" data-i18n-needs-translation="1">You can approve or deny this request on your workshop page: </span> |
<a href=''></a> |
</p> |
<p><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="email.workshop.paragraph.request_reply_instructions" data-i18n-needs-translation="1">You can also reply directly to this email to ask follow-up questions.</span></p> |
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<div class="row"><div class="columns medium-12"><h2>My Awesome Workshop</h2> |
<div class="workshop-interest"> |
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<p>Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> |
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</div><div class="columns medium-6"><h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.workshops.headings.facilitators" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Facilitators</span></h3> |
<div class="facilitators"> |
<div class="facilitator"> |
<div class="name">John Doe</div> |
<div class="role"> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="roles.workshops.facilitator.creator" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">creator</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="facilitator"> |
<div class="name">Joey</div> |
<div class="role"> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="roles.workshops.facilitator.collaborator" data-i18n-needs-translation="1">collaborator</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="facilitator"> |
<div class="name">Katie</div> |
<div class="role"> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="roles.workshops.facilitator.requested" data-i18n-needs-translation="1">requested</span> |
<a class="button modify" href="/conferences/MyBikeBike/workshops/1/facilitate_request/3/approve/"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="actions.workshops.Approve" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Approve</span></a> |
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<h1><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="page_titles.conferences.Conference_Registration" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Conference Registration</span></h1> |
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<div class="row"><div class="columns medium-12"><h2><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.Registration_Info" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Registration Info</span></h2> |
</div><div class="columns medium-5 large-4"><p><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.Registration_Info" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare for your arrival to Guadalajara. If you wish to ask questions or tell us information we did not ask, please fill in the "More Info" field at the bottom of the page.</span></p> |
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<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.name" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">What is your name?</span></h3> |
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<label for="name"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="forms.labels.generic.name" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Name</span></label> |
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<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.location" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Where are you coming from?</span></h3> |
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<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.arrival_and_departure" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">For what days will you need housing? (If you don't need housing, just tell us how long you plan to hang out with Bike!Bike!)</span></h3> |
<div class="date-span input-field"> |
<div class="date-labels"> |
<label for="arrival"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="forms.labels.generic.arrival" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Arrival date</span></label> |
<label for="departure"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="forms.labels.generic.departure" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Departure date</span></label> |
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<input type="datetime-local" name="arrival" id="arrival" value="2015-08-20T00:00:00"> |
<input type="datetime-local" name="departure" id="departure" value="2015-08-24T00:00:00"> |
</div> |
</div> |
<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.languages" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Which languages do you speak?</span></h3> |
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<input type="checkbox" name="languages[en]" id="languages_en" value="1" checked="checked"> |
<label for="languages_en"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="languages.en" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">English</span> |
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</label></div> |
<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.housing" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Do you need a place to stay?</span></h3> |
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<input type="radio" name="housing" id="housing_none" value="none" required="required"> |
<label for="housing_none"><div class="sprite icons bb-none"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.housing.none" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">I'll take care of it</span> |
</label><input type="radio" name="housing" id="housing_tent" value="tent" required="required"> |
<label for="housing_tent"><div class="sprite icons bb-tent"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.housing.tent" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Tent Space</span> |
</label><input type="radio" name="housing" id="housing_house" value="house" required="required"> |
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<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.housing.house" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Indoor Location</span> |
</label></div> |
<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.bike" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Do you need a bike?</span></h3> |
<div class="radio-button-field input-field"> |
<input type="radio" name="bike" id="bike_none" value="none" required="required"> |
<label for="bike_none"><div class="sprite icons bb-none"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.bike.none" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">None</span> |
</label><input type="radio" name="bike" id="bike_small" value="small" required="required"> |
<label for="bike_small"><div class="sprite icons bb-bike"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.bike.small" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Small</span> |
</label><input type="radio" name="bike" id="bike_medium" value="medium" required="required"> |
<label for="bike_medium"><div class="sprite icons bb-bike"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.bike.medium" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Medium</span> |
</label><input type="radio" name="bike" id="bike_large" value="large" required="required"> |
<label for="bike_large"><div class="sprite icons bb-bike"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.bike.large" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Large</span> |
</label></div> |
<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.food" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">What are your eating habits?</span></h3> |
<div class="radio-button-field input-field"> |
<input type="radio" name="food" id="food_meat" value="meat" required="required"> |
<label for="food_meat"><div class="sprite icons bb-meat"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.food.meat" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Omnivore</span> |
</label><input type="radio" name="food" id="food_vegetarian" value="vegetarian" required="required"> |
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<div class="sprite icons bb-none"></div> |
<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.food.vegetarian" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Vegetarian</span> |
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<span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.questions.food.vegan" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Vegan</span> |
</label></div> |
<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.allergies" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Do you have any allergies?</span></h3> |
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<label for="allergies"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="forms.labels.generic.allergies" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Allergies</span></label> |
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<h3><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="articles.conference_registration.headings.other" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?</span></h3> |
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<label for="other"><span class="translated-content" data-i18n-key="forms.labels.generic.other" data-i18n-needs-translation="0">Disabilities, housing preferences, etc.</span></label> |
<textarea name="other" id="other"></textarea> |
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
Feature: Workshop Page |
In order to facilitate and attend workshops |
As a visitor |
Scenario: Create workshop |
Given There is an upcoming conference in San Marcos TX |
And Registration is open |
And I am logged in as somebody@bikebike.org |
And My name is John Doe |
And I am registered for the conference |
And I am on the registration page |
Then I see the Bike!Bike! logo |
And I see Payment |
And I see Workshops |
And I visit the workshops page |
Then I should see New Workshop |
And I should see Your Workshops |
And I click on New Workshop link |
Then I should see Title |
And I fill in title with My Workshop Title |
And I fill in info with Lorem Ipsum |
And I save the workshop |
Then I should see My Workshop Title |
And I view my workshop |
Then I should see Facilitators |
And I should see John Doe creator |
And I should see Edit |
Then I edit the workshop |
Then I fill in title with Super Awesome Workshop |
Then I click the save button |
Then I should see Super Awesome Workshop |
And I should not see My Workshop Title |
Then I view my workshop |
Then I delete the workshop |
And I click on the confirm button |
Then I should see Your Workshops |
And I should not see My Workshop Title |
And I should not see Super Awesome Workshop |
Scenario: Be the first to like a workshop |
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico |
And Registration is open |
And I am logged in as somebody@bikebike.org |
And My name is John Doe |
And I am registered for the conference |
And a workshop exists |
And I view the workshop |
Then I should see No one is interested |
Then click on toggle_interest button |
Then I should see You are interested |
Then I click on toggle_interest button |
Then I should see No one is interested |
Scenario: Like a workshop |
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico |
And Registration is open |
And I am logged in as somebody@bikebike.org |
And My name is John Doe |
And I am registered for the conference |
And a workshop exists |
And 4 people are interested in the workshop |
And I view the workshop |
Then I should see 4 people are interested |
Then click on toggle_interest button |
Then I should see You and 4 others are interested |
Then I click on toggle_interest button |
Then I should see 4 people are interested |
Scenario: Request to facilitate a workshop |
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico |
And Registration is open |
And I am logged in as somebody@bikebike.org |
And My name is John Doe |
And I am registered for the conference |
And a workshop exists |
And I view the workshop |
Then I click on the Make a facilitation request link |
Then I should see Request to Facilitate |
Then I enter Please let me join as my message |
Then I click the send button |
Then I should see Your request has been sent |
Scenario: Request to facilitate a workshop |
Given There is an upcoming conference in Guadalajara Mexico |
And Registration is open |
And I am logged in as somebody@bikebike.org |
And My name is John Doe |
And I am registered for the conference |
And I have created a workshop titled My Awesome Workshop |
And Joey is also facilitating my workshop |
And Katie has requested to facilitate my workshop |
And Jim has requested to facilitate my workshop |
And a user named Ricardo with the email ricky@bikebike.org exists |
And Joey is registered for the conference |
And Jim is registered for the conference |
And Katie is registered for the conference |
And Ricardo is registered for the conference |
And I view the workshop |
Then I should see Joey collaborator |
And I should see Katie requested |
And I should see Jim requested |
Then I approve the facilitator request from Jim |
And I should see Jim collaborator |
And I should see Katie requested |
Then I deny the facilitator request from Katie |
And I should see Jim collaborator |
And I should not see Katie |
And I fill in email with ricky@bikebike.org |
And I click the + button |
Then I should see Ricardo collaborator |
And I fill in email with nicky@bikebike.org |
And I click the + button |
Then I should see nicky@bikebike.org unregistered |
Reference in new issue