From 499f9122f9b6470a3fc4aedd449c72075b8838e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: LinguaFrancaTranslator Date: Sat, 20 May 2017 15:06:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] New translations --- config/locales/en.yml | 4661 +++++++++++++++++------------------ config/locales/es.yml | 3269 +++++++++++++++---------- config/locales/fr.yml | 5340 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 3 files changed, 9608 insertions(+), 3662 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml index b450457..78cd286 100644 --- a/config/locales/en.yml +++ b/config/locales/en.yml @@ -1,2328 +1,2333 @@ ---- -en: - date: - formats: - default: "%Y-%m-%d" - long: "%B %d, %Y" - short: "%b %d" - weekday: "%A" - span_same_month_date_1: "%B %e" - span_same_month_date_2: "%e, %Y" - span_same_year_date_1: "%B %e" - span_same_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" - span_different_year_date_1: "%B %e, %Y" - span_different_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" - date_span: "%{date_1} – %{date_2}" - time: - am: am - formats: - default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M" - long: "%l%P, %B %e, %Y" - short: "%l %M %P" - pm: pm - datetime: - distance_in_words: - about_x_hours: - one: about 1 hour - other: about %{count} hours - about_x_months: - one: about 1 month - other: about %{count} months - about_x_years: - one: about 1 year - other: about %{count} years - almost_x_years: - one: almost 1 year - other: almost %{count} years - half_a_minute: half a minute - less_than_x_minutes: - one: less than a minute - other: less than %{count} minutes - less_than_x_seconds: - one: less than 1 second - other: less than %{count} seconds - over_x_years: - one: over 1 year - other: over %{count} years - x_days: - one: 1 day - other: "%{count} days" - x_hours: - one: 1 hour - other: "%{count} hours" - x_minutes: - one: 1 minute - other: "%{count} minutes" - x_months: - one: 1 month - other: "%{count} months" - x_seconds: - one: 1 second - other: "%{count} seconds" - x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}" - time_ago: "%{time} ago" - errors: - format: "%{attribute} %{message}" - messages: - accepted: must be accepted - blank: can't be blank - present: must be blank - confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute} - empty: can't be empty - equal_to: must be equal to %{count} - even: must be even - exclusion: is reserved - greater_than: must be greater than %{count} - greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count} - inclusion: is not included in the list - invalid: is invalid - less_than: must be less than %{count} - less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count} - not_a_number: is not a number - not_an_integer: must be an integer - odd: must be odd - record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}' - restrict_dependent_destroy: - one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists - many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist - taken: has already been taken - too_long: - one: is too long (maximum is 1 character) - other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters) - too_short: - one: is too short (minimum is 1 character) - other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters) - wrong_length: - one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character) - other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters) - other_than: must be other than %{count} - carrierwave_processing_error: failed to be processed - carrierwave_integrity_error: is not of an allowed file type - carrierwave_download_error: could not be downloaded - extension_white_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, - allowed types: %{allowed_types}' - extension_black_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, - prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}' - rmagick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not - an image? Original Error: %{e}' - mime_types_processing_error: 'Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe - not valid content-type? Original Error: %{e}' - mini_magick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it - is not an image? Original Error: %{e}' - fields: - payment: - incomplete: Your payment was not completed. - location: - empty: Please enter your location - unknown: Please include your city or town, we could not find a locality - from "%{value}" - name: - empty: Please enter a valid name - address: - empty: Please enter an address - space: - empty: Please select a space - email: - exists: An account with this email address already exists - start_date: - start_date_after_end_date: Start date must be before end date - error: Error setting start date - end_date: - error: Error setting end date - housing: - space: - companions: This host wishes to be housed with %{name} - admin: - administrators: Error updating organizations - dates: Error updating dates - description: Error saving your conference description - poster: An error occurred uploading your conference poster - payment_message: An error occurred saving your the payment message - suggested_amounts: An error occurred saving your payment amounts - paypal: An error occurred saving your paypal details - registration_status: An error occurred updating your conference registration - status - registrations: Error updaing registration - broadcast: Error sending your message - providers: Error saving housing provider - housing: Error - locations: Error saving your location - meals: Error saving your meal - events: Error saving your event - workshop_times: Error saving your workshop time - schedule: Error - publish_schedule: An error occurred while publishing your schedule - error_adding_org_member: Error adding user to organization - error_removing_org_member: Error removing user from organization - error_adding_administrator: Error adding administrator - error_removing_administrator: Error removing administrator - template: - body: 'There were problems with the following fields:' - header: - one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved - other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" - warnings: - messages: - location_corrected: Your location was corrected from "%{original}" to "%{corrected}". - If this doesn't reflect your intended location, you can change this again - in the contact info step. - housing: - space: - overbooked: This space is overbooked - companions: This guest wishes to be housed with %{name} - space: This guest wishes to be housed in a %{expected} - dates: This guest's arrival or departure dates conflict with the host's - availability dates - success: - messages: - admin: - administrators: Organizations updated - dates: Conference dates updated successfully - description: Conference description updated successfully - poster: Conference poster uploaded - payment_message: Your payment message has been updated - suggested_amounts: Your suggested payment amounts have been updated - paypal: Your paypal information has been updated - registration_status: Your conference registration status has been updated - stats: '' - registrations: Registration updated - broadcast: Message sent - providers: Provider updated - housing: Housing updated - locations: Location saved - meals: Meal saved - events: Event saved - workshop_times: Workshop times saved - schedule: Schedule updated - publish_schedule: Your schedule has been published - unpublish_schedule: Your schedule has been un-published - org_member_added: User added to organization - org_member_removed: User removed from organization - administrator_added: Administrator added to conference - administrator_removed: Administrator removed from conference - distance_saved: Provider options updated - geography: - formats: - city_region_country: "%{city}, %{region}, %{country}" - city_country: "%{city}, %{country}" - city_region: "%{city}, %{region}" - region_country: "%{region}, %{country}" - countries: - AD: Andorra - AE: United Arab Emirates - AF: Afghanistan - AG: Antigua and Barbuda - AI: Anguilla - AL: Albania - AM: Armenia - AO: Angola - AQ: Antarctica - AR: Argentina - AS: American Samoa - AT: Austria - AU: Australia - AW: Aruba - AX: Åland - AZ: Azerbaijan - BA: Bosnia and Herzegovina - BB: Barbados - BD: Bangladesh - BE: Belgium - BF: Burkina Faso - BG: Bulgaria - BH: Bahrain - BI: Burundi - BJ: Benin - BL: Saint Barthélemy - BM: Bermuda - BN: Brunei - BO: Bolivia - BQ: Bonaire - BR: Brazil - BS: Bahamas - BT: Bhutan - BV: Bouvet Island - BW: Botswana - BY: Belarus - BZ: Belize - CA: Canada - CC: Cocos [Keeling] Islands - CD: Democratic Republic of the Congo - CF: Central African Republic - CG: Republic of the Congo - CH: Switzerland - CI: Ivory Coast - CK: Cook Islands - CL: Chile - CM: Cameroon - CN: China - CO: Colombia - CR: Costa Rica - CU: Cuba - CV: Cape Verde - CW: Curacao - CX: Christmas Island - CY: Cyprus - CZ: Czechia - DE: Germany - DJ: Djibouti - DK: Denmark - DM: Dominica - DO: Dominican Republic - DZ: Algeria - EC: Ecuador - EE: Estonia - EG: Egypt - EH: Western Sahara - ER: Eritrea - ES: Spain - ET: Ethiopia - FI: Finland - FJ: Fiji - FK: Falkland Islands - FM: Micronesia - FO: Faroe Islands - FR: France - GA: Gabon - GB: United Kingdom - GD: Grenada - GE: Georgia - GF: French Guiana - GG: Guernsey - GH: Ghana - GI: Gibraltar - GL: Greenland - GM: Gambia - GN: Guinea - GP: Guadeloupe - GQ: Equatorial Guinea - GR: Greece - GS: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands - GT: Guatemala - GU: Guam - GW: Guinea-Bissau - GY: Guyana - HK: Hong Kong - HM: Heard Island and McDonald Islands - HN: Honduras - HR: Croatia - HT: Haiti - HU: Hungary - ID: Indonesia - IE: Ireland - IL: Israel - IM: Isle of Man - IN: India - IO: British Indian Ocean Territory - IQ: Iraq - IR: Iran - IS: Iceland - IT: Italy - JE: Jersey - JM: Jamaica - JO: Jordan - JP: Japan - KE: Kenya - KG: Kyrgyzstan - KH: Cambodia - KI: Kiribati - KM: Comoros - KN: Saint Kitts and Nevis - KP: North Korea - KR: South Korea - KW: Kuwait - KY: Cayman Islands - KZ: Kazakhstan - LA: Laos - LB: Lebanon - LC: Saint Lucia - LI: Liechtenstein - LK: Sri Lanka - LR: Liberia - LS: Lesotho - LT: Lithuania - LU: Luxembourg - LV: Latvia - LY: Libya - MA: Morocco - MC: Monaco - MD: Moldova - ME: Montenegro - MF: Saint Martin - MG: Madagascar - MH: Marshall Islands - MK: Macedonia - ML: Mali - MM: Myanmar [Burma] - MN: Mongolia - MO: Macao - MP: Northern Mariana Islands - MQ: Martinique - MR: Mauritania - MS: Montserrat - MT: Malta - MU: Mauritius - MV: Maldives - MW: Malawi - MX: Mexico - MY: Malaysia - MZ: Mozambique - NA: Namibia - NC: New Caledonia - NE: Niger - NF: Norfolk Island - NG: Nigeria - NI: Nicaragua - NL: Netherlands - 'NO': Norway - NP: Nepal - NR: Nauru - NU: Niue - NZ: New Zealand - OM: Oman - PA: Panama - PE: Peru - PF: French Polynesia - PG: Papua New Guinea - PH: Philippines - PK: Pakistan - PL: Poland - PM: Saint Pierre and Miquelon - PN: Pitcairn Islands - PR: Puerto Rico - PS: Palestine - PT: Portugal - PW: Palau - PY: Paraguay - QA: Qatar - RE: Réunion - RO: Romania - RS: Serbia - RU: Russia - RW: Rwanda - SA: Saudi Arabia - SB: Solomon Islands - SC: Seychelles - SD: Sudan - SE: Sweden - SG: Singapore - SH: Saint Helena - SI: Slovenia - SJ: Svalbard and Jan Mayen - SK: Slovakia - SL: Sierra Leone - SM: San Marino - SN: Senegal - SO: Somalia - SR: Suriname - SS: South Sudan - ST: São Tomé and Príncipe - SV: El Salvador - SX: Sint Maarten - SY: Syria - SZ: Swaziland - TC: Turks and Caicos Islands - TD: Chad - TF: French Southern Territories - TG: Togo - TH: Thailand - TJ: Tajikistan - TK: Tokelau - TL: East Timor - TM: Turkmenistan - TN: Tunisia - TO: Tonga - TR: Turkey - TT: Trinidad and Tobago - TV: Tuvalu - TW: Taiwan - TZ: Tanzania - UA: Ukraine - UG: Uganda - UM: U.S. Minor Outlying Islands - US: United States - UY: Uruguay - UZ: Uzbekistan - VA: Vatican City - VC: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - VE: Venezuela - VG: British Virgin Islands - VI: U.S. Virgin Islands - VN: Vietnam - VU: Vanuatu - WF: Wallis and Futuna - WS: Samoa - XK: Kosovo - YE: Yemen - YT: Mayotte - ZA: South Africa - ZM: Zambia - ZW: Zimbabwe - subregions: - AR: - BA: Buenos Aires - CF: Buenos Aires F.D. - CT: Catamarca - CC: Chaco - CH: Chubut - CD: Cordoba - CR: Corrientes - ER: Entre Rios - FO: Formosa - JY: Jujuy - LP: La Pampa - LR: La Rioja - MZ: Mendoza - MN: Misiones - NQ: Neuquen - RN: Rio Negro - SA: Salta - SJ: San Juan - SL: San Luis - SC: Santa Cruz - SF: Santa Fe - SE: Santiago del Estero - TF: Tierra del Fuego - TM: Tucuman - AT: - Bgld: Burgenland - AU: - ACT: ACT - NSW: New South Wales - NT: Northern Territory - QLD: Queensland - SA: South Australia - TAS: Tasmania - VIC: Victoria - WA: Western Australia - BR: - AC: Acre - AL: Alagoas - AP: Amapá - AM: Amazonas - BA: Bahia - CE: Ceará - ES: Espírito Santo - DF: Federal District - GO: Goiás - MA: Maranhão - MT: Mato Grosso - MS: Mato Grosso do Sul - MG: Minas Gerais - PR: Paraná - PB: Paraíba - PA: Pará - PE: Pernambuco - PI: Piauí - RN: Rio Grande do Norte - RS: Rio Grande do Sul - RJ: Rio de Janeiro - RO: Rondônia - RR: Roraima - SC: Santa Catarina - SE: Sergipe - SP: São Paulo - TO: Tocantins - CA: - AB: Alberta - BC: British Columbia - MB: Manitoba - NB: New Brunswick - NL: Newfoundland and Labrador - NT: Northwest Territories - NS: Nova Scotia - NU: Nunavut - 'ON': Ontario - PE: Prince Edward Island - QC: Quebec - SK: Saskatchewan - YT: Yukon - CH: - TG: Thurgau - VD: Vaud - ZH: Zurich - DE: - HH: Hamburg - NRW: North Rhine-Westphalia - ET: - SNNPR: SNNPR - FR: - ACAL: Grand-Est - IT: - FVG: Friuli Venezia Giulia - MX: - Ags: Aguascalientes - BCS: Baja California Sur - CAM: Campeche - CHP: Chiapas - CH: Chihuahua - COA: Coahuila - COL: Colima - DUR: Durango - BCN: Estado de Baja California - MEX: Estado de México - Gto: Guanajuato - GRO: Guerrero - Hgo: Hidalgo - JAL: Jalisco - MIC: Michoacán - MOR: Morelos - NAY: Nayarit - NLE: Nuevo León - OAX: Oaxaca - PUE: Puebla - Qro: Querétaro - QRoo: Quintana Roo - SLP: San Luis Potosí - SIN: Sinaloa - SON: Sonora - TAB: Tabasco - TAM: Tamaulipas - Tlax: Tlaxcala - VER: Veracruz - YUC: Yucatán - ZAC: Zacatecas - MY: - JHR: Johor - KDH: Kedah - KTN: Kelantan - KUL: Kuala Lumpur - LBN: Labuan - MLK: Melaka - NSN: Negeri Sembilan - PHG: Pahang - PNG: Penang - PRK: Perak - PLS: Perlis - PJY: Putrajaya - SBH: Sabah - SRW: Sarawak - SGR: Selangor - TRG: Terengganu - NG: - FCTA: FCT - NI: - RAAN: North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) - NL: - fr: Friesland - gr: Groningen - lb: Limburg - nb: North Brabant - nh: North Holland - dr: Provincie Drenthe - fl: Provincie Flevoland - gd: Provincie Gelderland - ov: Provincie Overijssel - ut: Provincie Utrecht - zl: Provincie Zeeland - zh: South Holland - PH: - ARMM: ARMM - PK: - FATA: FATA - RU: - MO: Moscow Oblast - US: - AL: Alabama - AK: Alaska - AZ: Arizona - AR: Arkansas - Calif: California - CO: Colorado - CT: Connecticut - DE: Delaware - FL: Florida - GA: Georgia - HI: Hawaii - ID: Idaho - IL: Illinois - IN: Indiana - IA: Iowa - KS: Kansas - KY: Kentucky - LA: Louisiana - ME: Maine - MD: Maryland - MA: Massachusetts - MI: Michigan - MN: Minnesota - MS: Mississippi - MO: Missouri - MT: Montana - NE: Nebraska - NV: Nevada - NH: New Hampshire - NJ: New Jersey - NM: New Mexico - NY: New York - NC: North Carolina - ND: North Dakota - OH: Ohio - OK: Oklahoma - OR: Oregon - PA: Pennsylvania - RI: Rhode Island - SC: South Carolina - SD: South Dakota - TN: Tennessee - TX: Texas - UT: Utah - VT: Vermont - VA: Virginia - WA: Washington - DC: Washington, D.C. - WV: West Virginia - WI: Wisconsin - WY: Wyoming - conference: - actions: - Register: Register - modals: - confirm: Please Confirm - yes_button: 'Yes' - no_button: 'No' - done_button: Close - info: More Info - workshops: - facilitators: - confirm_remove: Are you sure you would like to remove %{user_name} as a facilitator - of this workshop? - confirm_remove_self: Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator - of this workshop? - confirm_cancel_request: Are you sure you would like to cancel your request - to become a facilitator of this workshop? - confirm_transfer_ownership: By transferring ownership, you will lose administrative - capabilities such as deletion and approving new facilitators. Are you sure - you want to transfer ownership to %{user_name}? - admin: - broadcast: - confirm: You are about to send this email to %{number} people. Are you sure - you want to continue? - generic: - delete: - confirm: You are about to delete ‘%{title}’. Are you sure you want to continue? - articles: - conferences: - headings: - conferences: National and Regional Conferences - Conference_List: Conferences - edit: Edit Conference - new: New Conference - edit_conference: Edit %{title} - new_conference: Create a new conference - types: - future: Upcoming conferences - passed: Passed conferences - paragraphs: - conferences: Bike!Bike! conferences are held nationally once a year in a different - city in North America; regional conferences can be held anywhere, anytime. - admin: - headings: - back: Back to Administration - paragraphs: - administration: From this dashboard you can configure your conference details, - open registration, view statictics, compile your workshop scheulde, and - more. - stats: - description: On this page you can view a breakdown of the registration process - so far as well as download more detailed data in spreadsheets. - headings: - bikes: Bikes - donation_count: Number of donations - donation_total: Total donated - food: - meat: Onmivores - vegetarian: Vegetarians - vegan: Vegans - registrations: Number of registrations - completed_registrations: Number of registrations - incomplete_registrations: Incomplete registrations - Registrations: Registrations - meals: - description: On this page you can schedule the meals that you will be serving. - no_locations_warning: Before you can add meals, you must first add locations. - heading: Meals - events: - description: On this page you can schedule events. Events are any type of - event that isn't a meal or a workshop. You can scheulde group meetings, - parties, or group ride for example. - no_locations_warning: Before you can add events, you must first add locations. - heading: Events - headings: - locations: Locations - meals: Meals - events: Events - descriptions: - locations: Create the list of locations that you will be using for events, - meals, and workshops. - meals: List the meals that you will be providing, the meals will be added - to your schedule - events: Create event details. These events should be any type of event other - than meals and workshops such as meeting, rides, and parties. The events - will be added to your schedule. - schedule: - description: On this page you can schedule workshops and publish your schedule - to the front page. - no_locations_warning: Before you can schedule workshops, you must first add - locations. - heading: Schedule - headings: - workshop_times: Workshop Times - schedule: Schedule Workshops - publish_schedule: Publish Your Schedule - descriptions: - workshop_times: Set up blocks of time each day when workshops will be held. - schedule: Set a time and location for all proposed workshops. - publish_schedule: Once you have finalized your schedule, make it public - here. - housing: - description: Arrange housing for registratnts visiting your city. Pair each - registratnt who has asked for housing with a registratnt that has volunteered - to house guests base on their individual needs and wants. - heading: Housing - headings: - hosts: Hosts - guests: Guests - email: Email - housing: Arrange Housing - arrival_departure: In City - providers: Housing Providers - provider_distance: Distance from host city - descriptions: - providers: Although most housing providers shuold be encouraged to supply - their own details through the registration process, you can add and edit - housing provider details manually here. - provider_distance: Any registrant who enters their location in the same - city as the conference will get a housing provider form during registration - instead of a guest form. If you want to consider surrounding cities as - well, enter the distance from %{city} that you wish to be included as - providers. Cities are measured from center to center. - housing: Pair each housing provider with a list of guests. - locations: - heading: Locations - description: Locations are used to schedule workshops, events, and meals. - Once your schedule is published, users will be able to see the name and - address and be given a link to a map so that they can find their way. - headings: - add_event: Add Event - add_location: Add Location - add_meal: Add a Meal - amenities: Amenities - edit_event: Edit Event - edit_location: Edit Location - paragraphs: - title: Give your location a title, for example "The Bike Kitchen" or "Smith - Park" - meal_title: Give your meal a title, for example "Breakfast" - meal_info: Describe your meal. This will only be visible to conference hosts. - address: Enter the street address (without the city) of the location - space: The space type will help you to schedule workshops. If workshops - will occur in this space, select "Meeting Room", "Repair Space", or "Outdoor - Space" as you feel this space best matches. Otherwise select event space. - amenities: Amenities match up to workshop needs. Selecting the amenities - will help you match up a workshop with this location when a facilitator - has requested a specific amenity. - edit: - description: Edit basic info about your conference. Here you can open or close - registration, edit what shows up on the front page, set up your payment - details, and add members to your organization so that they can access these - pages too. - headings: - host_organizations: Host Organizations - members: Organization Members - paypal_info: PayPal Info - paragraphs: - paypal_info: PayPal info is used for donations and fee payments. You must - enter all fields to enable online fee payments, see the PayPal API credential guide for more information. - info: - heading: Basic Info - headings: - dates: Conference Dates - administrators: Administrators and Organizations - description: Description - poster: Poster - Host_Organizations: Host Organizations - External_Administrators: External Administrators - description: These are the basic details about your conference that you will - likely want to configure before enabling your conference. One ready, contact - the site administrator to make the conference public. - descriptions: - dates: Set your conference start and end dates - description: Modify the text that is displayed on the front page - poster: Upload your conference poster - administrators: Set the conference host organizations and other members - who have access to these administration tools - Host_Organizations: Select all organizations from known organizations in - %{city_name} that will be helping to host your conference. All members - of each organization will be granted access to these administration tools, - if you require administrators that are not members of an organization, - you can add them below. If an organization is not listed here, please - contact a site administrator. - External_Administrators: Users from outside of organizations in your city - can be granted administration privledges here. - registration: - heading: Registration - headings: - registration_status: Registration Status - stats: Statistics - registrations: Modify Registrations - broadcast: Contact Users - description: Open or close registration, view registration statistics, modify - information subbmitted by registratnts and contact users. - descriptions: - registration_status: Open or close registration to your conference. - stats: View a breakdown of statictics, how many users have registered, how - much money have been collected, etc. - registrations: View and edit all data collected through the registration - process. - broadcast: Send emails to targeted subsets of users. - broadcast: - heading: Broadcast - description: The broadcast tool is used to contact users through email. You - can send messages en masse to select groups of users. - broadcast_sent: - description: Your message has been sent. - workshop_times: - heading: Workshop Times - description: Before you scheulde workshops, you must first create blocks of - time when the workshops will be. - payment: - heading: Payment - description: If you wish to collect dontaions and registration fees, you will - need to confgure your payment details - headings: - payment_message: Payment Message - suggested_amounts: Suggested Payment Amounts - paypal: PayPal Info - descriptions: - payment_message: Set the message that is displayed on the registration fee - page. A default message will be supplied but if you wish to communicate - how funds will be used you may want to set a personal message. - suggested_amounts: Enter up to five suggested payment amounts. Users will - still be able to select any amount including none but these amounts will - show up as easy to select buttons on the 'Donations' page. - paypal: To enable PayPal payments, you will need to supply information on - your organization's PayPal account - contact: - headings: - contact: Send us a question or a complement - reason: What are you contacting us about? - sent: Thank you for contacting us - paragraphs: - sent: Thanks for reaching out. We will respond to you by email as soon we - are able. - policy: - headings: - The_Agreement: The Agreement - How: How is it enforced? - Why: Why have a Safer Space Agreement? - paragraphs: - How: The host city has the responsibility of mediating safer space issues. - They will decide what constitutes a warning and what constitutes expulsion - from the conference. - Why: In order to set a common ground, we state our shared beliefs and desires - for the space which is Bike!Bike!. We rally around these ideas for inspiration - and to ensure that if there is behaviour which does not make us feel safe, - we have something to point to. By agreeing to a commitment of mutual respect, - we hope that if conflict does arise, we will remember what we have agreed - to, and act accordingly. - term: - accessible: We commit to making spaces as accessible as possible; physically, - socially, and personally. - commitment: We enter with a commitment to mutual respect, mutual aid, anti-oppression - advocacy, conflict resolution, anti-violence, and community building. - empowerment: We support the empowerment of each person and group. - hearing: We commit to hearing each other and creating opportunities for all - voices to be heard. - intent: We accept a shared responsibility to hold ourselves and one another - accountable for these agreements’ intent. - learning: We promote inclusive learning spaces and questions in the spirit - of personal growth. - respect: We respect everyone's names, gender pronouns, expressed identities - and experiences. - spaces: We respect each others bodies and spaces. - open_minds: We encourage open minds and open hearts. - peaceful: We are peaceful and honest. - conference_registration: - headings: - Administration: Administration - Conference_Administration: "%{title} Administration" - administration: Administration - Policy_Agreement: Safer Space Agreement - policy: Policy - arrival_and_departure: How long do you plan to stay in %{city}? - other: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? - email_confirm: Confirm Email - Enter_Your_Email: Enter your email address - Registration_Info: Registration Info - Your_Registration: Your Registration - Your_Conferences: Your Conferences - Youre_Done: You're Done! - allergies: Do you have any allergies? - arrival: Arrival - bike: Do you need a bike? - departure: Departure - food: What are your eating habits? - housing: Do you need a place to stay? - languages: Which languages do you speak? - preferred_language: What is your preferred language? - location: Where are you coming from? - name: What is your name? - Payment: Registration Fees - payment: Donation - Allergies: Allergies - Stats: Stats - Workshops: Workshops - workshops: Workshops - Your_Workshops: Your Workshops - payment_confirm: Please confirm your payment - Preview: Preview - city: City - date: Date - email: Email - fees_paid: Fees Paid - Contact_Info: Contact Info - contact_info: Contact Info - hosting: Hosting - Add_Workshop: Propose a Workshop - Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Workshops Looking for Facilitators - All_Workshops: All Other Workshops - Workshops_You_Have_Requested: Workshops you have Requested to Facilitate - Pre_Registration_Details: Pre-Registration is now open! - Registration_Details: Registration is now open! - Pre_Register: Pre-Register for %{title} - Register: Register for %{title} - Verify_Account: Verify your account - Hosting: Hosting - can_provide_housing: Can you provide housing to attendees visiting the city? - questions: Your Visit - basic_info: Your Visit - host: - considerations: Special Considerations - space: Available Space - availability: Availability - address: Address - notes: Notes - admin: - edit: - info: Info - companion: Companion - paragraphs: - provide_email: Bike!Bike! uses email to communicate between you and your conference - hosts, however your Facebook account does not provide us an email address. - Before proceeding, you must provide us an email address. - Policy_Agreement: Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected - at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have - fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any - questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time. - Confirm_Agreement: By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do - your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you! - Registration_Info: Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare - for your arrival to %{city}. If you wish to ask questions or tell us information - we did not ask, please fill in the preferences field at the bottom of the - page or use the contact us link. - Payment: Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike! - Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival but to help us - fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon - as you can. - Payment_Made: You have made a payment of %{fees_paid}. - Payment_Add: Thank you! You may add to this amount if you wish by making another - payment below. - currency: "(amounts are in USD)" - email_confirm: Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in - just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on. - Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems, - please contact us. - confirm_email_address: We ask that you first confirm your email address, once - your email address is confirmed you will be able to complete registration, - add workshops and pay your registration donation fee. If you have already - registered, you can re-confirm you e-mail address to modify your your registration - details. - Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can be about - anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any - format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and - bicycle rides. If you would like to host you own workshop you can click - on the "create workshop" button. - Stats: Check Out who's coming and what they've paid so far. See at a glance - how much accommodation is needed and what people prefer to eat. - done: Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike! - Email_Participants: This page is used to contact all participants. Text can - be entered as [Markdown]( - Pressing 'test' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and - use caution in general before pressing 'send' - payment_confirm: You are about to confirm your payment of $%{amount} for registration. - participants_emailed: Your email has been sent to all participants of %{conference_title}. - workshops: You can now take a look at proposed workshops and even propose - one yourself if you like. - Contact_Info: Please let us know a little bit about you. - Create_Workshop: At Bike!Bike! anyone can lead a workshop or just propose - and idea that someone else can volunteer to lead. If, where, and when the - workshop will be scheduled will ultimately be decided by the conference - organizers. - Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Would you like to lend a hand facilitating - a workshop proposed by someone else? Below is a list of workshops that are - actively looking for volunteers, if you are interested in helping out you - can make a facilitation request. - Your_Workshops: The following is a list of all the workshops that you are - facilitating. - Workshops_You_Have_Requested: The following is a list of all the workshops - that you have requested to facilitate. - Pre_Registration_Details: By completing the pre-registration process you are - letting us know that you are interested in coming, it allows us to contact - you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing who might be coming. - Once registration is fully open, we will need to ask a few more questions - and you can confirm whether or not you will actually be coming. - Registration_Details: By completing the registration process you are confirming - with us that you are coming, it allows us to contact you when we have news, - and lets us better plan by knowing how many people will hosted. Once registered - you will be given access to facilitate your own workshop and view details - on existing workshops. If you are already registered or have pre-registered, - you can use this form sign in and access or update your details. - Verify_Account: In order to confirm that you are a real person and that we - will be able to contact you later, please verify your email address. We - will send you an email that will allow you to continue with the registration - process. - facebook_sign_in: Alternatively you can sign in using your Facebook account - and skip waiting for us to send you an email. - can_provide_housing: Hosting visiting conference attendees is an important - part of Bike!Bike!, it allows many people who would not normally be able - to afford the cost of accommodations the chance to come to the conference - and lets attendees really get to know our city and its residents. You will - need to grant access to your home to guests overnight keeping in mind that - events can sometimes go late into the evening. If your home will not be - accessible during the day you should make sure to clearly communicate this - with your guests. - not_attending: If you are only providing housing and would not like to receive - further updates about the conference, check this box. - host: - address: Your address and phone number will be shared with your guests and - conference organizers. - space: How much space do you have to share? - availability: The most common arrival and departure dates for attendees - are the first and last day of the conference but people often arrive earlier - or later. When will your space be available? - considerations: Organizers will do their best to match up hosts and guests, - what considerations should organizers keep in mind when selecting guests - to stay in your home? - notes: Leave a message for organizers to take into consideration when selecting - guests for your household. - admin: - edit: - info: This is the copy that is displayed on the front page of the site. - schedule: - published: Your scheulde is currently published and viewable on the front-page. - Un-publishing the schedule will remove it from the front-page and show - a list of proposed workshops instead. - un_published: Your schedule is not yet published. Publishing the schedule - will replace the list of proposed workshops on the front-page with the - schedule as it is shown below. - broadcast: - test: Please take a look at this preview to ensure that you want to send - this email. Clicking ‘Test’ will send the email only to you. Only after - that then the email will be set to %{send_to_count} people. - preview: Clicking ‘Send’ will send this message to %{send_to_count} people. - Please confirm that you have verified that the test email sent to you - is what you want to be sent. - events: - info: Describe your event for anyone attending the conference. - payment: - message: This is the text that will be displayed on the 'Donation' page. - companion: Is there someone who you would like us to ensure that you are housed - with? - arrival_and_departure: If you don't need housing, just tell us how long you - plan to hang out with Bike!Bike! - host: - considerations: - vegan: Vegan or vegetarian only - smoking: Smoking is permitted - quiet: Quiet household - pets: House has dogs or cats - can_provide_housing: I can provide housing - not_attending: I will not be attending the conference - questions: - bike: - large: Large - medium: Medium - none: None - small: Small - 'yes': 'Yes' - 'no': 'No' - food: - meat: Omnivore - vegan: Vegan - vegetarian: Vegetarian - housing: - house: Indoor Location - none: I'll take care of it - tent: Tent Space - bikes: - medium: Medium - none: "(none)" - actions: - View_Workshops: View Workshops - notes: - Test_Email_Sent: An email was sent to %{email_address} - terms: - Bikes: Bikes - Donation_Count: Donation Count - Food: Food - Housing: Housing - Languages: Languages - Total_Donations: Total Donations - Total_Registrations: Total Registrations - Date: Registration Date - registration_status: - unregistered: Unregistered - preregistered: Preregistered - registered: Registered - companion: Companion - companion_email: Companion Email - Preferred_Languages: Preferred Language - is_attending: Attending? - about_bikebike: - paragraphs: - bicycle_project_paragraph: From collectives that use the bicycle as an excuse - to change society, economy and the environment. Non-profit groups that have - a community bike shops, cooperatives and other projects that promote the - use of the bicycle and that come together to turn their communities into - a place where riding is easier, more inclusive, safer and more fun. The - list below uses the criteria found in the old Bicycle Organization Organization - Project for what constitutes a community bike shop. The bike project need - not meet all these criteria. Rather, it is a general list of qualities which - are common among many bicycle projects. - Who_is_Invited: You don’t have to be an expert or belong to a huge group, - you just need to be willing to share what you know about organization, mechanics, - social impact, addressing inequality, and increasing accessibility to cycling - in your community. - Types_of_Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can - be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can - be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion - groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host your own workshop you - can enter details after registering. What ends up in the final schedule - and when they happen are decided on by the conference hosts. - Amenities: Traditionally conference hosts arrange shared accommodations, one - to two meals a day, and bicycles will be available for registered attendees. - However you should check the conference details on the current conference. - More information on how you can arrange your own accommodation and other - recommended places to visit should also be provided to you by the hosts - on the conference page or in hard copy upon arrival. - Volunteer: Yes. Please! - What_is_BikeBike: Bike!Bike! is an international, annual gathering organized - by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants - from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each - year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. - term: - non_profit: Bike shops that are accessible to people without money - recycle_parts: Non-profit bicycle organizations - education: Shops that have an educational focus, teaching others how to fix - bikes - volunteer_run: 'Shops that are volunteer run ' - export_bikes: Organizations that ship bikes to communities in other countries. - low_cost: Shops that provide free or low-cost services to the community. - no_money: Organizations that recycle bicycles and parts - headings: - bicycle_project: What is a community bicycle project? - Who_is_Invited: Who is invited? - Types_of_Workshops: What types of workshops will there be? - Amenities: Where can I stay? What can I eat? How can I get around? - Volunteer: Can I volunteer? - What_is_BikeBike: What is Bike!Bike!? - permission_denied: - headings: - confirmation_sent: Confirmation Sent - confirm_email: Please confirm your email address - login_required: Login Required - paragraphs: - translator_not_logged_in: You must be a translator and logged in to view this - page. If you are already a translator please confirm your email address - to proceed. If you would like to become a translator you can request to - become one after logging in. - workshops: - headings: - Proposed_Workshops: Proposed Workshops - facilitators: Facilitators - languages: Languages - needs: Needs - space: Space - theme: Theme - interested_count: Interested - Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop - notes: Notes - Workshops: Workshops - Your_Workshops: Your Workshops - facilitate: Request to Facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ - add_facilitator: Add a facilitator - needs_facilitators: Looking for help? - Comments: Comments - Schedule: Schedule - paragraphs: - Proposed_Workshops: Would you like to facilitate your own workshop? Simply - register and visit the workshops page. If you have already registered you - can access the page by restarting the registration process. - info: Describe your workshop in detail. Select text to apply formatting. - space: What kind of space do you need for your workshop?? - theme: Which of the themes below best match your workshop? This will help - hosts to avoid scheduling conflicts. Select other if none of the options - match in any way. - Delete_Workshop: Deleting a workshop cannot be undone, are you sure that you - want to proceed? - new_workshop: 'Workshops in the past have tended to fit into a few broad categories: - structural/organizational (how to start a shop, how to register a non-profit, - consensus decision making, etc,) mechanical (how to weld two tandems to - a tall bike, building 3-speed hubs out of fishing tackle and old socks, - etc,) anti-oppression (safe spaces, women’s workshops, etc,) and recreational - (touring tips, yoga for cyclists, etc.) This year we would like to try a - panel, a forum, or other types of settings that you think might facilitate - learning – be inventive, let us know what you want to see!' - Workshops: Do you have an exciting skill to share with us? Want to chat about - creating safe community spaces? Want to make sure we fit a good bike ride - into the weekend? Propose a workshop! Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, - we want to hear about everyone’s experience within the many configurations - of community shops we’re coming from. - notes: Notes are only viewable by conference hosts and workshop facilitators - facilitate_request: Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you - are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you - will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will - be emailed and they may ask more questions before approving or denying your - request. Please note that this will reveal your email address to the facilitators. - facilitate_request_sent: Your request has been sent. You will receive an email - once your request is approved or denied or if the current facilitators have - any questions. - languages: What language will the workshop be presented in? Will there be - translations or translators available? - needs: If you need any of the following the conference organizers will do - their best to make sure you have them. If you have any other requests, you - can include them in the notes section. - needs_facilitators: Are you actively looking for help running this workshop? - Anyone who is registered for the conference can request to facilitate at - any time but checking this box will improve your chances of finding collaborators. - info: - interested_count: - one: One person is interested in this workshop - other: "%{count} people are interested in this workshop" - zero: No one is interested in this workshop yet - you_are_interested_count: - one: You and one other are interested in this workshop - other: You and %{count} others are interested in this workshop - zero: You are interested in this workshop - read_more: More info - user_settings: - headings: - Your_Account: Account Settings - email_subscribe: Notifications - Your_Conferences: Your Conferences - paragraphs: - conference_registration: Looking to register or modify your current registration? - email_subscribe: Would you like to be notified about upcoming conferences? - If you have registered for a conference we will always send you notifications - and announcements until the conference. - email_subscribe: Subscribe to email announcements - section_content: - bikebike: - about_bikebike: Bike!Bike! is an international annual gathering organized by - and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants - from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each - year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. - images: - conference: - poster: "%{conference_title} poster" - forms: - labels: - generic: - space: Available Space - hosting_dates: When will you be in town? - type: Type - year: Year - is_public: Public - is_featured: Featured - start_date: Start Date - end_date: End Date - search: Search - payment_message: Payment Message - other: Disabilities, housing preferences, etc. - email: Email address - allergies: Allergies - arrival: Arrival date - departure: Departure date - location: City, State/Province, Country - name: Name - subject: Subject - title: Title - info: Description - content: Content - notes: Notes - message: 'Your Message:' - address: Street Address - phone: Phone number - bed_space: Bed/Couch Space - floor_space: Floor Space - tent_space: Tent Space - first_day: From - last_day: To - body: Body - day: Day - event_location: Location - other_notes: Other - time: Time - time_span: Length - reasons: - website: Something about the website - conference: Something about the conference - paypal_email_address: PayPal Email Address - paypal_username: PayPal API Username - paypal_password: PayPal API Password - paypal_signature: PayPal Signature - registration_statuses: - closed: Closed - open: Open - pre: Pre-Registration - registration_status: Registration Status - companion: Email address - block_number: Block - days: Days - length: Length - workshop_block: Block - send_to: Send To - street_address: Street Address - city: City - subregion: State / Province - country: Country - postal_code: Postal Code - status: Status - bike: Bike - food: Food - housing: Housing - no_file_selected: No file selected - actions: - generic: - upload: Upload - select_file: Select a file - administrate: Administrate - login: Sign In - Log_out: Sign out - agree: I Agree - custom_amount: Custom amount - edit_registration: Edit my registration - register: Register - save: Save - test: Test - preview: Preview - confirm_amount: Confirm - cancel: Cancel - confirm: Confirm - edit: Edit - send: Send - skip: Skip - remove_interest: "-1" - show_interest: "+1" - add: "+" - previous: Previous - next: Next - continue: Continue - facebook_sign_in: Facebook Sign In - add_meal: Add - create: Create - delete: Delete - place_guest: Place Guest - set_host: Set Host - add_comment: Add Comment - reply: Reply - add_member: Add - remove_member: Remove - publish: Publish Schedule - un_publish: Un-Publish Schedule - add_block: Add - close: Close - deschedule: De-Schedule - reschedule: Reschedule - schedule_workshop: Schedule - delete_block: Delete - update_block: Update - aria: - remove_interest: Click if you are no longer interested in this workshop - show_interest: Click if you are interested in this workshop - add: Add new - options: - send_to: - registered: Everyone who has registered - pre_registered: Everyone who has pre-registered or registered - unregistered: Everyone who has not completed their registration - workshop_facilitators: All workshop facilitators - housing_providers: Housing providers - guests: Everyone who has requested housing - all: Everyone - conferences: - types: - annual: Annual Bike!Bike! - n: North - s: South - e: East - w: West - ne: Northeast - nw: Northwest - se: Southeast - sw: Southwest - distance_unit: - km: km - mi: mi - confirmations: - delete: Are you sure you want to delete? - page_titles: - administration: - Administration: "%{title} Administration" - '403': - Access_Denied: Access Denied - Please_Confirm_Email: Please confirm your email - Please_Check_Email: Please check your email - Please_Login: Please login - Safe_Space_Policy: Safer Space Agreement - About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike! - about: - About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike! - contact: - Contact_Us: Contact Us - Conferences: Conferences - conferences: - Conference_Registration: Conference Registration - Create_Workshop: Create a Workshop - Email_Participants: Email Participants - Registration_Stats: Registration Stats - View_Workshop: View Workshop - Workshops: Workshops - Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop - Edit_Workshop: Edit Workshop - Translate_Workshop: Edit %{language} Workshop Translation - Edit: Edit Conference - Facilitate_Workshop: Workshop Facilitation Request - policy: - Safer_Spaces_Policy: Safer Space Agreement - '404': - Page_Not_Found: Page Not Found - Locale_Not_Available: Locale Not Available - Policy: Policy - About: About - Register: Register - Pre_Register: Pre-Register - '500': - An_Error_Occurred: An Error Occurred - user_settings: - Your_Account: Your Account - links: - footer: - help_text: - contact: Contact Us - contributors: Contributors - facebook: Join our Facebook group - select_language: Change your language - text: - File_an_Issue: File an issue - Help_contribute: Help contribute - download: - Excel: Download Data in Excel Format - Organizations_Excel: Download Organization Data - page_descriptions: - home: Bike!Bike! A conference for bike collectives, co-ops, non-profit DIY bike - shops - donate: - button_label: Donate - menu: - submenu: - registration: - Registration: Registration - Workshops: Workshops - Stats: Stats - Broadcast: Broadcast - Payment: Payment - Edit: Edit Conference - admin: - Edit: Edit - Stats: Stats - Payment: Payment - Broadcast: Broadcast - Broadcast_Sent: Broadcast Sent - Housing: Housing - Locations: Locations - Meals: Meals - Events: Events - Schedule: Schedule - Workshop_Times: Workshop Times - info: Basic Info - registration: Registration - edit: Edit - stats: Stats - payment: Payment - broadcast: Broadcast - broadcast_sent: Broadcast Sent - housing: Housing - locations: Locations - meals: Meals - events: Events - schedule: Schedule - workshop_times: Workshop Times - actions: - workshops: - create: New Workshop - Delete: Delete Workshop - Edit: Edit - Translate: Translate into %{language} - Approve: Approve - Deny: Deny - Facilitate: Make a facilitation request - Remove: Remove - Leave: Leave - Cancel_Request: Cancel Request - Make_Owner: Transfer Ownership - View: View this workshop - View_All: View all workshops - conference: - edit_registration: My registration - Translate: Edit %{language} version - error: - '403': - description: You do not currently have sufficient permissions to access this - page. If you believe this is an error, please contact us. - title: You do not have access to this page - '404': - description: The page you are looking for could not be found. If you think this - was in error, please contact us. - title: '404: This page doesn''t exist' - token_not_found: Your login token was expired or not found. Please try signing - in again. - locale_not_available: - description: This site has yet to be translated into %{language}. We are actively - looking for volunteers who can translate existing copy and new copy as we - add new features. If you think you can help, please contact us! - title: '404: %{language} Translations Missing' - volunteer: - title: Can you help us translate? - description: 'If you can help us translate this or any other language, please - let us know by contacting us using the form below:' - '500': - title: There is a problem - description: An error has occurred, details about the error have been sent to - our development team. In addition, you may contact us using the form below - to let us better understand what happened and how you were affected. - roles: - workshops: - facilitator: - creator: Owner - collaborator: Collaborator - requested: Requested - unregistered: Unregistered - facilitator: Facilitator - workshop: - options: - needs: - projector: Projector - sound: Sound System - tools: Tools - space: - meeting_room: Meeting Room - outdoor_meeting: Outdoor Space - workshop: Repair Space - event_space: Event Space - theme: - community: Community Outreach - funding: Funding - mechanics: Mechanics - organization: Organizational Concerns - other: Other - race_gender: Race, Gender, or Class Politics - needs_facilitators: Needs Additional Facilitators - user: - not_found: Unregistered - email: - confirmation: - paragraph: - please_confirm: Hello! To gain access to registration and other features of - Bike!Bike!, please confirm your email address. - link: - please_confirm: Confirm now - subject: - confirm_email: Confirmation Email - registration_confirmed: Thank you for registering for %{conference_title} - pre_registration_confirmed: Thank you for pre-registering for %{conference_title} - workshop_facilitator_request: Request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ from - %{requester_name} - workshop_request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ - workshop_request_denied: Your request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ has - been denied - workshop_translated: The %{language} translation for ‘%{workshop_title}’ has - been modified - workshop_original_content_changed: Original content for ‘%{workshop_title}’ - has been modified - workshop_comment: - comment: "%{user_name} commented on ‘%{workshop_title}’" - reply: "%{user_name} replied to your comment" - general: - paragraph: - see_you: See you in %{conference_location}! - thank_you: Thank you %{name}, - registration: - paragraph: - confirmed: You have successfully registered for %{conference_title}. You can - modify your registration details, pay, or add workshops at any time by restarting - the registration process. If you have yet to pay or add your workshops and - plan to do so, we ask that you take care of it as soon as possible to help - us prepare in advance of your arrival. - pre_confirmed: You have successfully pre-registered for %{conference_title}. - We will let you know when registration is fully open and if there is any - important news about the conference that you should know about. We encourage - you to create or volunteer to facilitate workshops soon. You can do that, - or change your registration details at any time by clicking on the pre-register - link again. - translations: - headings: - new_value: 'New Value: ' - old_value: 'Old Value: ' - diff: 'Difference: ' - paragraph: - workshop_translated: "%{user_name} has modified the %{language} translation - for ‘%{workshop_title}’." - workshop_original_content_changed: "%{user_name} has modified the original - content for ‘%{workshop_title}’. Translations may need to be updated." - workshop_comment: - paragraph: - user_said: "%{user_name} said:" - workshop: - paragraph: - request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’. - request_denied: Your request to become a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ - has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current - facilitators by making another request to facilitate. - request_instructions: 'You can approve or deny this request on your workshop - page:' - request_message: "%{user_name} has requested to help facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’:" - request_reply_instructions: You can also reply directly to this email to ask - follow-up questions. - view_workshop: 'View the workshop here: ' - translate: - content: - change_locale: Read in %{language} - Translation_of: Translation of - languages: - aa: Afar - ab: Abkhazian - ace: Achinese - ach: Acoli - ada: Adangme - ady: Adyghe - ae: Avestan - aeb: Tunisian Arabic - af: Afrikaans - afh: Afrihili - agq: Aghem - ain: Ainu - ak: Akan - akk: Akkadian - akz: Alabama - ale: Aleut - aln: Gheg Albanian - alt: Southern Altai - am: Amharic - an: Aragonese - ang: Old English - anp: Angika - ar: Arabic - ar-001: Modern Standard Arabic - arc: Aramaic - arn: Mapuche - aro: Araona - arp: Arapaho - arq: Algerian Arabic - ars: Najdi Arabic - arw: Arawak - ary: Moroccan Arabic - arz: Egyptian Arabic - as: Assamese - asa: Asu - ase: American Sign Language - ast: Asturian - av: Avaric - avk: Kotava - awa: Awadhi - ay: Aymara - az: Azerbaijani - az-alt-short: Azeri - ba: Bashkir - bal: Baluchi - ban: Balinese - bar: Bavarian - bas: Basaa - bax: Bamun - bbc: Batak Toba - bbj: Ghomala - be: Belarusian - bej: Beja - bem: Bemba - bew: Betawi - bez: Bena - bfd: Bafut - bfq: Badaga - bg: Bulgarian - bgn: Western Balochi - bho: Bhojpuri - bi: Bislama - bik: Bikol - bin: Bini - bjn: Banjar - bkm: Kom - bla: Siksika - bm: Bambara - bn: Bangla - bo: Tibetan - bpy: Bishnupriya - bqi: Bakhtiari - br: Breton - bra: Braj - brh: Brahui - brx: Bodo - bs: Bosnian - bss: Akoose - bua: Buriat - bug: Buginese - bum: Bulu - byn: Blin - byv: Medumba - ca: Catalan - cad: Caddo - car: Carib - cay: Cayuga - cch: Atsam - ce: Chechen - ceb: Cebuano - cgg: Chiga - ch: Chamorro - chb: Chibcha - chg: Chagatai - chk: Chuukese - chm: Mari - chn: Chinook Jargon - cho: Choctaw - chp: Chipewyan - chr: Cherokee - chy: Cheyenne - ckb: Central Kurdish - co: Corsican - cop: Coptic - cps: Capiznon - cr: Cree - crh: Crimean Turkish - crs: Seselwa Creole French - cs: Czech - csb: Kashubian - cu: Church Slavic - cv: Chuvash - cy: Welsh - da: Danish - dak: Dakota - dar: Dargwa - dav: Taita - de: German - de-AT: Austrian German - de-CH: Swiss High German - del: Delaware - den: Slave - dgr: Dogrib - din: Dinka - dje: Zarma - doi: Dogri - dsb: Lower Sorbian - dtp: Central Dusun - dua: Duala - dum: Middle Dutch - dv: Divehi - dyo: Jola-Fonyi - dyu: Dyula - dz: Dzongkha - dzg: Dazaga - ebu: Embu - ee: Ewe - efi: Efik - egl: Emilian - egy: Ancient Egyptian - eka: Ekajuk - el: Greek - elx: Elamite - en: English - en-AU: Australian English - en-CA: Canadian English - en-GB: British English - en-GB-alt-short: UK English - en-US: American English - en-US-alt-short: US English - enm: Middle English - eo: Esperanto - es: Spanish - es-419: Latin American Spanish - es-ES: European Spanish - es-MX: Mexican Spanish - esu: Central Yupik - et: Estonian - eu: Basque - ewo: Ewondo - ext: Extremaduran - fa: Persian - fa-AF: Dari - fan: Fang - fat: Fanti - ff: Fulah - fi: Finnish - fil: Filipino - fit: Tornedalen Finnish - fj: Fijian - fo: Faroese - fon: Fon - fr: French - fr-CA: Canadian French - fr-CH: Swiss French - frc: Cajun French - frm: Middle French - fro: Old French - frp: Arpitan - frr: Northern Frisian - frs: Eastern Frisian - fur: Friulian - fy: Western Frisian - ga: Irish - gaa: Ga - gag: Gagauz - gan: Gan Chinese - gay: Gayo - gba: Gbaya - gbz: Zoroastrian Dari - gd: Scottish Gaelic - gez: Geez - gil: Gilbertese - gl: Galician - glk: Gilaki - gmh: Middle High German - gn: Guarani - goh: Old High German - gom: Goan Konkani - gon: Gondi - gor: Gorontalo - got: Gothic - grb: Grebo - grc: Ancient Greek - gsw: Swiss German - gu: Gujarati - guc: Wayuu - gur: Frafra - guz: Gusii - gv: Manx - gwi: Gwichʼin - ha: Hausa - hai: Haida - hak: Hakka Chinese - haw: Hawaiian - he: Hebrew - hi: Hindi - hif: Fiji Hindi - hil: Hiligaynon - hit: Hittite - hmn: Hmong - ho: Hiri Motu - hr: Croatian - hsb: Upper Sorbian - hsn: Xiang Chinese - ht: Haitian Creole - hu: Hungarian - hup: Hupa - hy: Armenian - hz: Herero - ia: Interlingua - iba: Iban - ibb: Ibibio - id: Indonesian - ie: Interlingue - ig: Igbo - ii: Sichuan Yi - ik: Inupiaq - ilo: Iloko - inh: Ingush - io: Ido - is: Icelandic - it: Italian - iu: Inuktitut - izh: Ingrian - ja: Japanese - jam: Jamaican Creole English - jbo: Lojban - jgo: Ngomba - jmc: Machame - jpr: Judeo-Persian - jrb: Judeo-Arabic - jut: Jutish - jv: Javanese - ka: Georgian - kaa: Kara-Kalpak - kab: Kabyle - kac: Kachin - kaj: Jju - kam: Kamba - kaw: Kawi - kbd: Kabardian - kbl: Kanembu - kcg: Tyap - kde: Makonde - kea: Kabuverdianu - ken: Kenyang - kfo: Koro - kg: Kongo - kgp: Kaingang - kha: Khasi - kho: Khotanese - khq: Koyra Chiini - khw: Khowar - ki: Kikuyu - kiu: Kirmanjki - kj: Kuanyama - kk: Kazakh - kkj: Kako - kl: Kalaallisut - kln: Kalenjin - km: Khmer - kmb: Kimbundu - kn: Kannada - ko: Korean - koi: Komi-Permyak - kok: Konkani - kos: Kosraean - kpe: Kpelle - kr: Kanuri - krc: Karachay-Balkar - kri: Krio - krj: Kinaray-a - krl: Karelian - kru: Kurukh - ks: Kashmiri - ksb: Shambala - ksf: Bafia - ksh: Colognian - ku: Kurdish - kum: Kumyk - kut: Kutenai - kv: Komi - kw: Cornish - ky: Kyrgyz - ky-alt-variant: Kirghiz - la: Latin - lad: Ladino - lag: Langi - lah: Lahnda - lam: Lamba - lb: Luxembourgish - lez: Lezghian - lfn: Lingua Franca Nova - lg: Ganda - li: Limburgish - lij: Ligurian - liv: Livonian - lkt: Lakota - lmo: Lombard - ln: Lingala - lo: Lao - lol: Mongo - loz: Lozi - lrc: Northern Luri - lt: Lithuanian - ltg: Latgalian - lu: Luba-Katanga - lua: Luba-Lulua - lui: Luiseno - lun: Lunda - luo: Luo - lus: Mizo - luy: Luyia - lv: Latvian - lzh: Literary Chinese - lzz: Laz - mad: Madurese - maf: Mafa - mag: Magahi - mai: Maithili - mak: Makasar - man: Mandingo - mas: Masai - mde: Maba - mdf: Moksha - mdr: Mandar - men: Mende - mer: Meru - mfe: Morisyen - mg: Malagasy - mga: Middle Irish - mgh: Makhuwa-Meetto - mgo: Metaʼ - mh: Marshallese - mi: Maori - mic: Mi'kmaq - min: Minangkabau - mk: Macedonian - ml: Malayalam - mn: Mongolian - mnc: Manchu - mni: Manipuri - moh: Mohawk - mos: Mossi - mr: Marathi - mrj: Western Mari - ms: Malay - mt: Maltese - mua: Mundang - mul: Multiple languages - mus: Creek - mwl: Mirandese - mwr: Marwari - mwv: Mentawai - my: Burmese - my-alt-variant: Myanmar Language - mye: Myene - myv: Erzya - mzn: Mazanderani - na: Nauru - nan: Min Nan Chinese - nap: Neapolitan - naq: Nama - nb: Norwegian Bokmål - nd: North Ndebele - nds: Low German - nds-NL: Low Saxon - ne: Nepali - new: Newari - ng: Ndonga - nia: Nias - niu: Niuean - njo: Ao Naga - nl: Dutch - nl-BE: Flemish - nmg: Kwasio - nn: Norwegian Nynorsk - nnh: Ngiemboon - 'no': Norwegian - nog: Nogai - non: Old Norse - nov: Novial - nqo: N’Ko - nr: South Ndebele - nso: Northern Sotho - nus: Nuer - nv: Navajo - nwc: Classical Newari - ny: Nyanja - nym: Nyamwezi - nyn: Nyankole - nyo: Nyoro - nzi: Nzima - oc: Occitan - oj: Ojibwa - om: Oromo - or: Odia - os: Ossetic - osa: Osage - ota: Ottoman Turkish - pa: Punjabi - pag: Pangasinan - pal: Pahlavi - pam: Pampanga - pap: Papiamento - pau: Palauan - pcd: Picard - pcm: Nigerian Pidgin - pdc: Pennsylvania German - pdt: Plautdietsch - peo: Old Persian - pfl: Palatine German - phn: Phoenician - pi: Pali - pl: Polish - pms: Piedmontese - pnt: Pontic - pon: Pohnpeian - prg: Prussian - pro: Old Provençal - ps: Pashto - ps-alt-variant: Pushto - pt: Portuguese - pt-BR: Brazilian Portuguese - pt-PT: European Portuguese - qu: Quechua - quc: Kʼicheʼ - qug: Chimborazo Highland Quichua - raj: Rajasthani - rap: Rapanui - rar: Rarotongan - rgn: Romagnol - rif: Riffian - rm: Romansh - rn: Rundi - ro: Romanian - ro-MD: Moldavian - rof: Rombo - rom: Romany - root: Root - rtm: Rotuman - ru: Russian - rue: Rusyn - rug: Roviana - rup: Aromanian - rw: Kinyarwanda - rwk: Rwa - sa: Sanskrit - sad: Sandawe - sah: Sakha - sam: Samaritan Aramaic - saq: Samburu - sas: Sasak - sat: Santali - saz: Saurashtra - sba: Ngambay - sbp: Sangu - sc: Sardinian - scn: Sicilian - sco: Scots - sd: Sindhi - sdc: Sassarese Sardinian - sdh: Southern Kurdish - se: Northern Sami - see: Seneca - seh: Sena - sei: Seri - sel: Selkup - ses: Koyraboro Senni - sg: Sango - sga: Old Irish - sgs: Samogitian - sh: Serbo-Croatian - shi: Tachelhit - shn: Shan - shu: Chadian Arabic - si: Sinhala - sid: Sidamo - sk: Slovak - sl: Slovenian - sli: Lower Silesian - sly: Selayar - sm: Samoan - sma: Southern Sami - smj: Lule Sami - smn: Inari Sami - sms: Skolt Sami - sn: Shona - snk: Soninke - so: Somali - sog: Sogdien - sq: Albanian - sr: Serbian - srn: Sranan Tongo - srr: Serer - ss: Swati - ssy: Saho - st: Southern Sotho - stq: Saterland Frisian - su: Sundanese - suk: Sukuma - sus: Susu - sux: Sumerian - sv: Swedish - sw: Swahili - sw-CD: Congo Swahili - swb: Comorian - syc: Classical Syriac - syr: Syriac - szl: Silesian - ta: Tamil - tcy: Tulu - te: Telugu - tem: Timne - teo: Teso - ter: Tereno - tet: Tetum - tg: Tajik - th: Thai - ti: Tigrinya - tig: Tigre - tiv: Tiv - tk: Turkmen - tkl: Tokelau - tkr: Tsakhur - tl: Tagalog - tlh: Klingon - tli: Tlingit - tly: Talysh - tmh: Tamashek - tn: Tswana - to: Tongan - tog: Nyasa Tonga - tpi: Tok Pisin - tr: Turkish - tru: Turoyo - trv: Taroko - ts: Tsonga - tsd: Tsakonian - tsi: Tsimshian - tt: Tatar - ttt: Muslim Tat - tum: Tumbuka - tvl: Tuvalu - tw: Twi - twq: Tasawaq - ty: Tahitian - tyv: Tuvinian - tzm: Central Atlas Tamazight - udm: Udmurt - ug: Uyghur - ug-alt-variant: Uighur - uga: Ugaritic - uk: Ukrainian - umb: Umbundu - und: Unknown language - ur: Urdu - uz: Uzbek - vai: Vai - ve: Venda - vec: Venetian - vep: Veps - vi: Vietnamese - vls: West Flemish - vmf: Main-Franconian - vo: Volapük - vot: Votic - vro: Võro - vun: Vunjo - wa: Walloon - wae: Walser - wal: Wolaytta - war: Waray - was: Washo - wbp: Warlpiri - wo: Wolof - wuu: Wu Chinese - xal: Kalmyk - xh: Xhosa - xmf: Mingrelian - xog: Soga - yao: Yao - yap: Yapese - yav: Yangben - ybb: Yemba - yi: Yiddish - yo: Yoruba - yrl: Nheengatu - yue: Cantonese - za: Zhuang - zap: Zapotec - zbl: Blissymbols - zea: Zeelandic - zen: Zenaga - zgh: Standard Moroccan Tamazight - zh: Chinese - zh-alt-long: Mandarin Chinese - zh-Hans: Simplified Chinese - zh-Hant: Traditional Chinese - zu: Zulu - zun: Zuni - zxx: No linguistic content - zza: Zaza +--- +en: + languages: + aa: Afar + ab: Abkhazian + ace: Achinese + ach: Acoli + ada: Adangme + ady: Adyghe + ae: Avestan + aeb: Tunisian Arabic + af: Afrikaans + afh: Afrihili + agq: Aghem + ain: Ainu + ak: Akan + akk: Akkadian + akz: Alabama + ale: Aleut + aln: Gheg Albanian + alt: Southern Altai + am: Amharic + an: Aragonese + ang: Old English + anp: Angika + ar: Arabic + ar-001: Modern Standard Arabic + arc: Aramaic + arn: Mapuche + aro: Araona + arp: Arapaho + arq: Algerian Arabic + ars: Najdi Arabic + arw: Arawak + ary: Moroccan Arabic + arz: Egyptian Arabic + as: Assamese + asa: Asu + ase: American Sign Language + ast: Asturian + av: Avaric + avk: Kotava + awa: Awadhi + ay: Aymara + az: Azerbaijani + az-alt-short: Azeri + ba: Bashkir + bal: Baluchi + ban: Balinese + bar: Bavarian + bas: Basaa + bax: Bamun + bbc: Batak Toba + bbj: Ghomala + be: Belarusian + bej: Beja + bem: Bemba + bew: Betawi + bez: Bena + bfd: Bafut + bfq: Badaga + bg: Bulgarian + bgn: Western Balochi + bho: Bhojpuri + bi: Bislama + bik: Bikol + bin: Bini + bjn: Banjar + bkm: Kom + bla: Siksika + bm: Bambara + bn: Bangla + bo: Tibetan + bpy: Bishnupriya + bqi: Bakhtiari + br: Breton + bra: Braj + brh: Brahui + brx: Bodo + bs: Bosnian + bss: Akoose + bua: Buriat + bug: Buginese + bum: Bulu + byn: Blin + byv: Medumba + ca: Catalan + cad: Caddo + car: Carib + cay: Cayuga + cch: Atsam + ce: Chechen + ceb: Cebuano + cgg: Chiga + ch: Chamorro + chb: Chibcha + chg: Chagatai + chk: Chuukese + chm: Mari + chn: Chinook Jargon + cho: Choctaw + chp: Chipewyan + chr: Cherokee + chy: Cheyenne + ckb: Central Kurdish + co: Corsican + cop: Coptic + cps: Capiznon + cr: Cree + crh: Crimean Turkish + crs: Seselwa Creole French + cs: Czech + csb: Kashubian + cu: Church Slavic + cv: Chuvash + cy: Welsh + da: Danish + dak: Dakota + dar: Dargwa + dav: Taita + de: German + de-AT: Austrian German + de-CH: Swiss High German + del: Delaware + den: Slave + dgr: Dogrib + din: Dinka + dje: Zarma + doi: Dogri + dsb: Lower Sorbian + dtp: Central Dusun + dua: Duala + dum: Middle Dutch + dv: Divehi + dyo: Jola-Fonyi + dyu: Dyula + dz: Dzongkha + dzg: Dazaga + ebu: Embu + ee: Ewe + efi: Efik + egl: Emilian + egy: Ancient Egyptian + eka: Ekajuk + el: Greek + elx: Elamite + en: English + en-AU: Australian English + en-CA: Canadian English + en-GB: British English + en-GB-alt-short: UK English + en-US: American English + en-US-alt-short: US English + enm: Middle English + eo: Esperanto + es: Spanish + es-419: Latin American Spanish + es-ES: European Spanish + es-MX: Mexican Spanish + esu: Central Yupik + et: Estonian + eu: Basque + ewo: Ewondo + ext: Extremaduran + fa: Persian + fa-AF: Dari + fan: Fang + fat: Fanti + ff: Fulah + fi: Finnish + fil: Filipino + fit: Tornedalen Finnish + fj: Fijian + fo: Faroese + fon: Fon + fr: French + fr-CA: Canadian French + fr-CH: Swiss French + frc: Cajun French + frm: Middle French + fro: Old French + frp: Arpitan + frr: Northern Frisian + frs: Eastern Frisian + fur: Friulian + fy: Western Frisian + ga: Irish + gaa: Ga + gag: Gagauz + gan: Gan Chinese + gay: Gayo + gba: Gbaya + gbz: Zoroastrian Dari + gd: Scottish Gaelic + gez: Geez + gil: Gilbertese + gl: Galician + glk: Gilaki + gmh: Middle High German + gn: Guarani + goh: Old High German + gom: Goan Konkani + gon: Gondi + gor: Gorontalo + got: Gothic + grb: Grebo + grc: Ancient Greek + gsw: Swiss German + gu: Gujarati + guc: Wayuu + gur: Frafra + guz: Gusii + gv: Manx + gwi: Gwichʼin + ha: Hausa + hai: Haida + hak: Hakka Chinese + haw: Hawaiian + he: Hebrew + hi: Hindi + hif: Fiji Hindi + hil: Hiligaynon + hit: Hittite + hmn: Hmong + ho: Hiri Motu + hr: Croatian + hsb: Upper Sorbian + hsn: Xiang Chinese + ht: Haitian Creole + hu: Hungarian + hup: Hupa + hy: Armenian + hz: Herero + ia: Interlingua + iba: Iban + ibb: Ibibio + id: Indonesian + ie: Interlingue + ig: Igbo + ii: Sichuan Yi + ik: Inupiaq + ilo: Iloko + inh: Ingush + io: Ido + is: Icelandic + it: Italian + iu: Inuktitut + izh: Ingrian + ja: Japanese + jam: Jamaican Creole English + jbo: Lojban + jgo: Ngomba + jmc: Machame + jpr: Judeo-Persian + jrb: Judeo-Arabic + jut: Jutish + jv: Javanese + ka: Georgian + kaa: Kara-Kalpak + kab: Kabyle + kac: Kachin + kaj: Jju + kam: Kamba + kaw: Kawi + kbd: Kabardian + kbl: Kanembu + kcg: Tyap + kde: Makonde + kea: Kabuverdianu + ken: Kenyang + kfo: Koro + kg: Kongo + kgp: Kaingang + kha: Khasi + kho: Khotanese + khq: Koyra Chiini + khw: Khowar + ki: Kikuyu + kiu: Kirmanjki + kj: Kuanyama + kk: Kazakh + kkj: Kako + kl: Kalaallisut + kln: Kalenjin + km: Khmer + kmb: Kimbundu + kn: Kannada + ko: Korean + koi: Komi-Permyak + kok: Konkani + kos: Kosraean + kpe: Kpelle + kr: Kanuri + krc: Karachay-Balkar + kri: Krio + krj: Kinaray-a + krl: Karelian + kru: Kurukh + ks: Kashmiri + ksb: Shambala + ksf: Bafia + ksh: Colognian + ku: Kurdish + kum: Kumyk + kut: Kutenai + kv: Komi + kw: Cornish + ky: Kyrgyz + ky-alt-variant: Kirghiz + la: Latin + lad: Ladino + lag: Langi + lah: Lahnda + lam: Lamba + lb: Luxembourgish + lez: Lezghian + lfn: Lingua Franca Nova + lg: Ganda + li: Limburgish + lij: Ligurian + liv: Livonian + lkt: Lakota + lmo: Lombard + ln: Lingala + lo: Lao + lol: Mongo + loz: Lozi + lrc: Northern Luri + lt: Lithuanian + ltg: Latgalian + lu: Luba-Katanga + lua: Luba-Lulua + lui: Luiseno + lun: Lunda + luo: Luo + lus: Mizo + luy: Luyia + lv: Latvian + lzh: Literary Chinese + lzz: Laz + mad: Madurese + maf: Mafa + mag: Magahi + mai: Maithili + mak: Makasar + man: Mandingo + mas: Masai + mde: Maba + mdf: Moksha + mdr: Mandar + men: Mende + mer: Meru + mfe: Morisyen + mg: Malagasy + mga: Middle Irish + mgh: Makhuwa-Meetto + mgo: Metaʼ + mh: Marshallese + mi: Maori + mic: Mi'kmaq + min: Minangkabau + mk: Macedonian + ml: Malayalam + mn: Mongolian + mnc: Manchu + mni: Manipuri + moh: Mohawk + mos: Mossi + mr: Marathi + mrj: Western Mari + ms: Malay + mt: Maltese + mua: Mundang + mul: Multiple languages + mus: Creek + mwl: Mirandese + mwr: Marwari + mwv: Mentawai + my: Burmese + my-alt-variant: Myanmar Language + mye: Myene + myv: Erzya + mzn: Mazanderani + na: Nauru + nan: Min Nan Chinese + nap: Neapolitan + naq: Nama + nb: Norwegian Bokmål + nd: North Ndebele + nds: Low German + nds-NL: Low Saxon + ne: Nepali + new: Newari + ng: Ndonga + nia: Nias + niu: Niuean + njo: Ao Naga + nl: Dutch + nl-BE: Flemish + nmg: Kwasio + nn: Norwegian Nynorsk + nnh: Ngiemboon + 'no': Norwegian + nog: Nogai + non: Old Norse + nov: Novial + nqo: N’Ko + nr: South Ndebele + nso: Northern Sotho + nus: Nuer + nv: Navajo + nwc: Classical Newari + ny: Nyanja + nym: Nyamwezi + nyn: Nyankole + nyo: Nyoro + nzi: Nzima + oc: Occitan + oj: Ojibwa + om: Oromo + or: Odia + os: Ossetic + osa: Osage + ota: Ottoman Turkish + pa: Punjabi + pag: Pangasinan + pal: Pahlavi + pam: Pampanga + pap: Papiamento + pau: Palauan + pcd: Picard + pcm: Nigerian Pidgin + pdc: Pennsylvania German + pdt: Plautdietsch + peo: Old Persian + pfl: Palatine German + phn: Phoenician + pi: Pali + pl: Polish + pms: Piedmontese + pnt: Pontic + pon: Pohnpeian + prg: Prussian + pro: Old Provençal + ps: Pashto + ps-alt-variant: Pushto + pt: Portuguese + pt-BR: Brazilian Portuguese + pt-PT: European Portuguese + qu: Quechua + quc: Kʼicheʼ + qug: Chimborazo Highland Quichua + raj: Rajasthani + rap: Rapanui + rar: Rarotongan + rgn: Romagnol + rif: Riffian + rm: Romansh + rn: Rundi + ro: Romanian + ro-MD: Moldavian + rof: Rombo + rom: Romany + root: Root + rtm: Rotuman + ru: Russian + rue: Rusyn + rug: Roviana + rup: Aromanian + rw: Kinyarwanda + rwk: Rwa + sa: Sanskrit + sad: Sandawe + sah: Sakha + sam: Samaritan Aramaic + saq: Samburu + sas: Sasak + sat: Santali + saz: Saurashtra + sba: Ngambay + sbp: Sangu + sc: Sardinian + scn: Sicilian + sco: Scots + sd: Sindhi + sdc: Sassarese Sardinian + sdh: Southern Kurdish + se: Northern Sami + see: Seneca + seh: Sena + sei: Seri + sel: Selkup + ses: Koyraboro Senni + sg: Sango + sga: Old Irish + sgs: Samogitian + sh: Serbo-Croatian + shi: Tachelhit + shn: Shan + shu: Chadian Arabic + si: Sinhala + sid: Sidamo + sk: Slovak + sl: Slovenian + sli: Lower Silesian + sly: Selayar + sm: Samoan + sma: Southern Sami + smj: Lule Sami + smn: Inari Sami + sms: Skolt Sami + sn: Shona + snk: Soninke + so: Somali + sog: Sogdien + sq: Albanian + sr: Serbian + srn: Sranan Tongo + srr: Serer + ss: Swati + ssy: Saho + st: Southern Sotho + stq: Saterland Frisian + su: Sundanese + suk: Sukuma + sus: Susu + sux: Sumerian + sv: Swedish + sw: Swahili + sw-CD: Congo Swahili + swb: Comorian + syc: Classical Syriac + syr: Syriac + szl: Silesian + ta: Tamil + tcy: Tulu + te: Telugu + tem: Timne + teo: Teso + ter: Tereno + tet: Tetum + tg: Tajik + th: Thai + ti: Tigrinya + tig: Tigre + tiv: Tiv + tk: Turkmen + tkl: Tokelau + tkr: Tsakhur + tl: Tagalog + tlh: Klingon + tli: Tlingit + tly: Talysh + tmh: Tamashek + tn: Tswana + to: Tongan + tog: Nyasa Tonga + tpi: Tok Pisin + tr: Turkish + tru: Turoyo + trv: Taroko + ts: Tsonga + tsd: Tsakonian + tsi: Tsimshian + tt: Tatar + ttt: Muslim Tat + tum: Tumbuka + tvl: Tuvalu + tw: Twi + twq: Tasawaq + ty: Tahitian + tyv: Tuvinian + tzm: Central Atlas Tamazight + udm: Udmurt + ug: Uyghur + ug-alt-variant: Uighur + uga: Ugaritic + uk: Ukrainian + umb: Umbundu + und: Unknown language + ur: Urdu + uz: Uzbek + vai: Vai + ve: Venda + vec: Venetian + vep: Veps + vi: Vietnamese + vls: West Flemish + vmf: Main-Franconian + vo: Volapük + vot: Votic + vro: Võro + vun: Vunjo + wa: Walloon + wae: Walser + wal: Wolaytta + war: Waray + was: Washo + wbp: Warlpiri + wo: Wolof + wuu: Wu Chinese + xal: Kalmyk + xh: Xhosa + xmf: Mingrelian + xog: Soga + yao: Yao + yap: Yapese + yav: Yangben + ybb: Yemba + yi: Yiddish + yo: Yoruba + yrl: Nheengatu + yue: Cantonese + za: Zhuang + zap: Zapotec + zbl: Blissymbols + zea: Zeelandic + zen: Zenaga + zgh: Standard Moroccan Tamazight + zh: Chinese + zh-alt-long: Mandarin Chinese + zh-Hans: Simplified Chinese + zh-Hant: Traditional Chinese + zu: Zulu + zun: Zuni + zxx: No linguistic content + zza: Zaza + geography: + countries: + AD: Andorra + AE: United Arab Emirates + AF: Afghanistan + AG: Antigua and Barbuda + AI: Anguilla + AL: Albania + AM: Armenia + AO: Angola + AQ: Antarctica + AR: Argentina + AS: American Samoa + AT: Austria + AU: Australia + AW: Aruba + AX: "Åland" + AZ: Azerbaijan + BA: Bosnia and Herzegovina + BB: Barbados + BD: Bangladesh + BE: Belgium + BF: Burkina Faso + BG: Bulgaria + BH: Bahrain + BI: Burundi + BJ: Benin + BL: Saint Barthélemy + BM: Bermuda + BN: Brunei + BO: Bolivia + BQ: Bonaire + BR: Brazil + BS: Bahamas + BT: Bhutan + BV: Bouvet Island + BW: Botswana + BY: Belarus + BZ: Belize + CA: Canada + CC: Cocos [Keeling] Islands + CD: Democratic Republic of the Congo + CF: Central African Republic + CG: Republic of the Congo + CH: Switzerland + CI: Ivory Coast + CK: Cook Islands + CL: Chile + CM: Cameroon + CN: China + CO: Colombia + CR: Costa Rica + CU: Cuba + CV: Cape Verde + CW: Curacao + CX: Christmas Island + CY: Cyprus + CZ: Czechia + DE: Germany + DJ: Djibouti + DK: Denmark + DM: Dominica + DO: Dominican Republic + DZ: Algeria + EC: Ecuador + EE: Estonia + EG: Egypt + EH: Western Sahara + ER: Eritrea + ES: Spain + ET: Ethiopia + FI: Finland + FJ: Fiji + FK: Falkland Islands + FM: Micronesia + FO: Faroe Islands + FR: France + GA: Gabon + GB: United Kingdom + GD: Grenada + GE: Georgia + GF: French Guiana + GG: Guernsey + GH: Ghana + GI: Gibraltar + GL: Greenland + GM: Gambia + GN: Guinea + GP: Guadeloupe + GQ: Equatorial Guinea + GR: Greece + GS: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands + GT: Guatemala + GU: Guam + GW: Guinea-Bissau + GY: Guyana + HK: Hong Kong + HM: Heard Island and McDonald Islands + HN: Honduras + HR: Croatia + HT: Haiti + HU: Hungary + ID: Indonesia + IE: Ireland + IL: Israel + IM: Isle of Man + IN: India + IO: British Indian Ocean Territory + IQ: Iraq + IR: Iran + IS: Iceland + IT: Italy + JE: Jersey + JM: Jamaica + JO: Jordan + JP: Japan + KE: Kenya + KG: Kyrgyzstan + KH: Cambodia + KI: Kiribati + KM: Comoros + KN: Saint Kitts and Nevis + KP: North Korea + KR: South Korea + KW: Kuwait + KY: Cayman Islands + KZ: Kazakhstan + LA: Laos + LB: Lebanon + LC: Saint Lucia + LI: Liechtenstein + LK: Sri Lanka + LR: Liberia + LS: Lesotho + LT: Lithuania + LU: Luxembourg + LV: Latvia + LY: Libya + MA: Morocco + MC: Monaco + MD: Moldova + ME: Montenegro + MF: Saint Martin + MG: Madagascar + MH: Marshall Islands + MK: Macedonia + ML: Mali + MM: Myanmar [Burma] + MN: Mongolia + MO: Macao + MP: Northern Mariana Islands + MQ: Martinique + MR: Mauritania + MS: Montserrat + MT: Malta + MU: Mauritius + MV: Maldives + MW: Malawi + MX: Mexico + MY: Malaysia + MZ: Mozambique + NA: Namibia + NC: New Caledonia + NE: Niger + NF: Norfolk Island + NG: Nigeria + NI: Nicaragua + NL: Netherlands + 'NO': Norway + NP: Nepal + NR: Nauru + NU: Niue + NZ: New Zealand + OM: Oman + PA: Panama + PE: Peru + PF: French Polynesia + PG: Papua New Guinea + PH: Philippines + PK: Pakistan + PL: Poland + PM: Saint Pierre and Miquelon + PN: Pitcairn Islands + PR: Puerto Rico + PS: Palestine + PT: Portugal + PW: Palau + PY: Paraguay + QA: Qatar + RE: Réunion + RO: Romania + RS: Serbia + RU: Russia + RW: Rwanda + SA: Saudi Arabia + SB: Solomon Islands + SC: Seychelles + SD: Sudan + SE: Sweden + SG: Singapore + SH: Saint Helena + SI: Slovenia + SJ: Svalbard and Jan Mayen + SK: Slovakia + SL: Sierra Leone + SM: San Marino + SN: Senegal + SO: Somalia + SR: Suriname + SS: South Sudan + ST: São Tomé and Príncipe + SV: El Salvador + SX: Sint Maarten + SY: Syria + SZ: Swaziland + TC: Turks and Caicos Islands + TD: Chad + TF: French Southern Territories + TG: Togo + TH: Thailand + TJ: Tajikistan + TK: Tokelau + TL: East Timor + TM: Turkmenistan + TN: Tunisia + TO: Tonga + TR: Turkey + TT: Trinidad and Tobago + TV: Tuvalu + TW: Taiwan + TZ: Tanzania + UA: Ukraine + UG: Uganda + UM: U.S. Minor Outlying Islands + US: United States + UY: Uruguay + UZ: Uzbekistan + VA: Vatican City + VC: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines + VE: Venezuela + VG: British Virgin Islands + VI: U.S. Virgin Islands + VN: Vietnam + VU: Vanuatu + WF: Wallis and Futuna + WS: Samoa + XK: Kosovo + YE: Yemen + YT: Mayotte + ZA: South Africa + ZM: Zambia + ZW: Zimbabwe + subregions: + AR: + BA: Buenos Aires + CF: Buenos Aires F.D. + CT: Catamarca + CC: Chaco + CH: Chubut + CD: Cordoba + CR: Corrientes + ER: Entre Rios + FO: Formosa + JY: Jujuy + LP: La Pampa + LR: La Rioja + MZ: Mendoza + MN: Misiones + NQ: Neuquen + RN: Rio Negro + SA: Salta + SJ: San Juan + SL: San Luis + SC: Santa Cruz + SF: Santa Fe + SE: Santiago del Estero + TF: Tierra del Fuego + TM: Tucuman + AT: + Bgld: Burgenland + AU: + ACT: ACT + NSW: New South Wales + NT: Northern Territory + QLD: Queensland + SA: South Australia + TAS: Tasmania + VIC: Victoria + WA: Western Australia + BR: + AC: Acre + AL: Alagoas + AP: Amapá + AM: Amazonas + BA: Bahia + CE: Ceará + ES: Espírito Santo + DF: Federal District + GO: Goiás + MA: Maranhão + MT: Mato Grosso + MS: Mato Grosso do Sul + MG: Minas Gerais + PR: Paraná + PB: Paraíba + PA: Pará + PE: Pernambuco + PI: Piauí + RN: Rio Grande do Norte + RS: Rio Grande do Sul + RJ: Rio de Janeiro + RO: Rondônia + RR: Roraima + SC: Santa Catarina + SE: Sergipe + SP: São Paulo + TO: Tocantins + CA: + AB: Alberta + BC: British Columbia + MB: Manitoba + NB: New Brunswick + NL: Newfoundland and Labrador + NT: Northwest Territories + NS: Nova Scotia + NU: Nunavut + 'ON': Ontario + PE: Prince Edward Island + QC: Quebec + SK: Saskatchewan + YT: Yukon + CH: + TG: Thurgau + VD: Vaud + ZH: Zurich + DE: + HH: Hamburg + NRW: North Rhine-Westphalia + ET: + SNNPR: SNNPR + FR: + ACAL: Grand-Est + IT: + FVG: Friuli Venezia Giulia + MX: + Ags: Aguascalientes + BCS: Baja California Sur + CAM: Campeche + CHP: Chiapas + CH: Chihuahua + COA: Coahuila + COL: Colima + DUR: Durango + BCN: Estado de Baja California + MEX: Estado de México + Gto: Guanajuato + GRO: Guerrero + Hgo: Hidalgo + JAL: Jalisco + MIC: Michoacán + MOR: Morelos + NAY: Nayarit + NLE: Nuevo León + OAX: Oaxaca + PUE: Puebla + Qro: Querétaro + QRoo: Quintana Roo + SLP: San Luis Potosí + SIN: Sinaloa + SON: Sonora + TAB: Tabasco + TAM: Tamaulipas + Tlax: Tlaxcala + VER: Veracruz + YUC: Yucatán + ZAC: Zacatecas + MY: + JHR: Johor + KDH: Kedah + KTN: Kelantan + KUL: Kuala Lumpur + LBN: Labuan + MLK: Melaka + NSN: Negeri Sembilan + PHG: Pahang + PNG: Penang + PRK: Perak + PLS: Perlis + PJY: Putrajaya + SBH: Sabah + SRW: Sarawak + SGR: Selangor + TRG: Terengganu + NG: + FCTA: FCT + NI: + RAAN: North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) + NL: + fr: Friesland + gr: Groningen + lb: Limburg + nb: North Brabant + nh: North Holland + dr: Provincie Drenthe + fl: Provincie Flevoland + gd: Provincie Gelderland + ov: Provincie Overijssel + ut: Provincie Utrecht + zl: Provincie Zeeland + zh: South Holland + PH: + ARMM: ARMM + PK: + FATA: FATA + RU: + MO: Moscow Oblast + US: + AL: Alabama + AK: Alaska + AZ: Arizona + AR: Arkansas + Calif: California + CO: Colorado + CT: Connecticut + DE: Delaware + FL: Florida + GA: Georgia + HI: Hawaii + ID: Idaho + IL: Illinois + IN: Indiana + IA: Iowa + KS: Kansas + KY: Kentucky + LA: Louisiana + ME: Maine + MD: Maryland + MA: Massachusetts + MI: Michigan + MN: Minnesota + MS: Mississippi + MO: Missouri + MT: Montana + NE: Nebraska + NV: Nevada + NH: New Hampshire + NJ: New Jersey + NM: New Mexico + NY: New York + NC: North Carolina + ND: North Dakota + OH: Ohio + OK: Oklahoma + OR: Oregon + PA: Pennsylvania + RI: Rhode Island + SC: South Carolina + SD: South Dakota + TN: Tennessee + TX: Texas + UT: Utah + VT: Vermont + VA: Virginia + WA: Washington + DC: Washington, D.C. + WV: West Virginia + WI: Wisconsin + WY: Wyoming + formats: + city_region_country: "%{city}, %{region}, %{country}" + city_country: "%{city}, %{country}" + city_region: "%{city}, %{region}" + region_country: "%{region}, %{country}" + date: + formats: + default: "%Y-%m-%d" + long: "%B %d, %Y" + short: "%b %d" + weekday: "%A" + span_same_month_date_1: "%B %e" + span_same_month_date_2: "%e, %Y" + span_same_year_date_1: "%B %e" + span_same_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" + span_different_year_date_1: "%B %e, %Y" + span_different_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" + date_span: "%{date_1} – %{date_2}" + time: + am: am + formats: + default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M" + long: "%l%P, %B %e, %Y" + short: "%l %M %P" + pm: pm + datetime: + distance_in_words: + about_x_hours: + one: about 1 hour + other: about %{count} hours + about_x_months: + one: about 1 month + other: about %{count} months + about_x_years: + one: about 1 year + other: about %{count} years + almost_x_years: + one: almost 1 year + other: almost %{count} years + half_a_minute: half a minute + less_than_x_minutes: + one: less than a minute + other: less than %{count} minutes + less_than_x_seconds: + one: less than 1 second + other: less than %{count} seconds + over_x_years: + one: over 1 year + other: over %{count} years + x_days: + one: 1 day + other: "%{count} days" + x_hours: + one: 1 hour + other: "%{count} hours" + x_minutes: + one: 1 minute + other: "%{count} minutes" + x_months: + one: 1 month + other: "%{count} months" + x_seconds: + one: 1 second + other: "%{count} seconds" + x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}" + time_ago: "%{time} ago" + errors: + format: "%{attribute} %{message}" + messages: + accepted: must be accepted + blank: can't be blank + present: must be blank + confirmation: doesn't match %{attribute} + empty: can't be empty + equal_to: must be equal to %{count} + even: must be even + exclusion: is reserved + greater_than: must be greater than %{count} + greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count} + inclusion: is not included in the list + invalid: is invalid + less_than: must be less than %{count} + less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count} + not_a_number: is not a number + not_an_integer: must be an integer + odd: must be odd + record_invalid: 'Validation failed: %{errors}' + restrict_dependent_destroy: + one: Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists + many: Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist + taken: has already been taken + too_long: + one: is too long (maximum is 1 character) + other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters) + too_short: + one: is too short (minimum is 1 character) + other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters) + wrong_length: + one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character) + other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters) + other_than: must be other than %{count} + carrierwave_processing_error: failed to be processed + carrierwave_integrity_error: is not of an allowed file type + carrierwave_download_error: could not be downloaded + extension_white_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, + allowed types: %{allowed_types}' + extension_black_list_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, + prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}' + rmagick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not + an image? Original Error: %{e}' + mime_types_processing_error: 'Failed to process file with MIME::Types, maybe + not valid content-type? Original Error: %{e}' + mini_magick_processing_error: 'Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it + is not an image? Original Error: %{e}' + fields: + payment: + incomplete: Your payment was not completed. + location: + empty: Please enter your location + unknown: Please include your city or town, we could not find a locality + from "%{value}" + name: + empty: Please enter a valid name + address: + empty: Please enter an address + space: + empty: Please select a space + email: + exists: An account with this email address already exists + start_date: + start_date_after_end_date: Start date must be before end date + error: Error setting start date + end_date: + error: Error setting end date + housing: + space: + companions: This host wishes to be housed with %{name} + admin: + administrators: Error updating organizations + dates: Error updating dates + description: Error saving your conference description + poster: An error occurred uploading your conference poster + payment_message: An error occurred saving your the payment message + suggested_amounts: An error occurred saving your payment amounts + paypal: An error occurred saving your paypal details + registration_status: An error occurred updating your conference registration + status + registrations: Error updaing registration + broadcast: Error sending your message + providers: Error saving housing provider + housing: Error + locations: Error saving your location + meals: Error saving your meal + events: Error saving your event + workshop_times: Error saving your workshop time + schedule: Error + publish_schedule: An error occurred while publishing your schedule + error_adding_org_member: Error adding user to organization + error_removing_org_member: Error removing user from organization + error_adding_administrator: Error adding administrator + error_removing_administrator: Error removing administrator + template: + body: 'There were problems with the following fields:' + header: + one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved + other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" + warnings: + messages: + location_corrected: Your location was corrected from "%{original}" to "%{corrected}". + If this doesn't reflect your intended location, you can change this again + in the contact info step. + housing: + space: + overbooked: This space is overbooked + companions: This guest wishes to be housed with %{name} + space: This guest wishes to be housed in a %{expected} + dates: This guest's arrival or departure dates conflict with the host's + availability dates + success: + messages: + admin: + administrators: Organizations updated + dates: Conference dates updated successfully + description: Conference description updated successfully + poster: Conference poster uploaded + payment_message: Your payment message has been updated + suggested_amounts: Your suggested payment amounts have been updated + paypal: Your paypal information has been updated + registration_status: Your conference registration status has been updated + stats: '' + registrations: Registration updated + broadcast: Message sent + providers: Provider updated + housing: Housing updated + locations: Location saved + meals: Meal saved + events: Event saved + workshop_times: Workshop times saved + schedule: Schedule updated + publish_schedule: Your schedule has been published + unpublish_schedule: Your schedule has been un-published + org_member_added: User added to organization + org_member_removed: User removed from organization + administrator_added: Administrator added to conference + administrator_removed: Administrator removed from conference + distance_saved: Provider options updated + conference: + actions: + Register: Register + modals: + confirm: Please Confirm + yes_button: 'Yes' + no_button: 'No' + done_button: Close + info: More Info + workshops: + facilitators: + confirm_remove: Are you sure you would like to remove %{user_name} as a facilitator + of this workshop? + confirm_remove_self: Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator + of this workshop? + confirm_cancel_request: Are you sure you would like to cancel your request + to become a facilitator of this workshop? + confirm_transfer_ownership: By transferring ownership, you will lose administrative + capabilities such as deletion and approving new facilitators. Are you sure + you want to transfer ownership to %{user_name}? + admin: + broadcast: + confirm: You are about to send this email to %{number} people. Are you sure + you want to continue? + generic: + delete: + confirm: You are about to delete ‘%{title}’. Are you sure you want to continue? + articles: + conferences: + headings: + conferences: National and Regional Conferences + Conference_List: Conferences + edit: Edit Conference + new: New Conference + edit_conference: Edit %{title} + new_conference: Create a new conference + types: + future: Upcoming conferences + passed: Passed conferences + paragraphs: + conferences: Bike!Bike! conferences are held nationally once a year in a different + city in North America; regional conferences can be held anywhere, anytime. + admin: + headings: + back: Back to Administration + paragraphs: + administration: From this dashboard you can configure your conference details, + open registration, view statictics, compile your workshop scheulde, and + more. + stats: + description: On this page you can view a breakdown of the registration process + so far as well as download more detailed data in spreadsheets. + headings: + bikes: Bikes + donation_count: Number of donations + donation_total: Total donated + food: + meat: Onmivores + vegetarian: Vegetarians + vegan: Vegans + registrations: Number of registrations + completed_registrations: Number of registrations + incomplete_registrations: Incomplete registrations + Registrations: Registrations + meals: + description: On this page you can schedule the meals that you will be serving. + no_locations_warning: Before you can add meals, you must first add locations. + heading: Meals + events: + description: On this page you can schedule events. Events are any type of + event that isn't a meal or a workshop. You can scheulde group meetings, + parties, or group ride for example. + no_locations_warning: Before you can add events, you must first add locations. + heading: Events + headings: + locations: Locations + meals: Meals + events: Events + descriptions: + locations: Create the list of locations that you will be using for events, + meals, and workshops. + meals: List the meals that you will be providing, the meals will be added + to your schedule + events: Create event details. These events should be any type of event other + than meals and workshops such as meeting, rides, and parties. The events + will be added to your schedule. + schedule: + description: On this page you can schedule workshops and publish your schedule + to the front page. + no_locations_warning: Before you can schedule workshops, you must first add + locations. + heading: Schedule + headings: + workshop_times: Workshop Times + schedule: Schedule Workshops + publish_schedule: Publish Your Schedule + descriptions: + workshop_times: Set up blocks of time each day when workshops will be held. + schedule: Set a time and location for all proposed workshops. + publish_schedule: Once you have finalized your schedule, make it public + here. + housing: + description: Arrange housing for registratnts visiting your city. Pair each + registratnt who has asked for housing with a registratnt that has volunteered + to house guests base on their individual needs and wants. + heading: Housing + headings: + hosts: Hosts + guests: Guests + email: Email + housing: Arrange Housing + arrival_departure: In City + providers: Housing Providers + provider_distance: Distance from host city + descriptions: + providers: Although most housing providers shuold be encouraged to supply + their own details through the registration process, you can add and edit + housing provider details manually here. + provider_distance: Any registrant who enters their location in the same + city as the conference will get a housing provider form during registration + instead of a guest form. If you want to consider surrounding cities as + well, enter the distance from %{city} that you wish to be included as + providers. Cities are measured from center to center. + housing: Pair each housing provider with a list of guests. + locations: + heading: Locations + description: Locations are used to schedule workshops, events, and meals. + Once your schedule is published, users will be able to see the name and + address and be given a link to a map so that they can find their way. + headings: + add_event: Add Event + add_location: Add Location + add_meal: Add a Meal + amenities: Amenities + edit_event: Edit Event + edit_location: Edit Location + paragraphs: + title: Give your location a title, for example "The Bike Kitchen" or "Smith + Park" + meal_title: Give your meal a title, for example "Breakfast" + meal_info: Describe your meal. This will only be visible to conference hosts. + address: Enter the street address (without the city) of the location + space: The space type will help you to schedule workshops. If workshops + will occur in this space, select "Meeting Room", "Repair Space", or "Outdoor + Space" as you feel this space best matches. Otherwise select event space. + amenities: Amenities match up to workshop needs. Selecting the amenities + will help you match up a workshop with this location when a facilitator + has requested a specific amenity. + edit: + description: Edit basic info about your conference. Here you can open or close + registration, edit what shows up on the front page, set up your payment + details, and add members to your organization so that they can access these + pages too. + headings: + host_organizations: Host Organizations + members: Organization Members + paypal_info: PayPal Info + paragraphs: + paypal_info: PayPal info is used for donations and fee payments. You must + enter all fields to enable online fee payments, see the PayPal API credential guide for more information. + info: + heading: Basic Info + headings: + dates: Conference Dates + administrators: Administrators and Organizations + description: Description + poster: Poster + Host_Organizations: Host Organizations + External_Administrators: External Administrators + description: These are the basic details about your conference that you will + likely want to configure before enabling your conference. One ready, contact + the site administrator to make the conference public. + descriptions: + dates: Set your conference start and end dates + description: Modify the text that is displayed on the front page + poster: Upload your conference poster + administrators: Set the conference host organizations and other members + who have access to these administration tools + Host_Organizations: Select all organizations from known organizations in + %{city_name} that will be helping to host your conference. All members + of each organization will be granted access to these administration tools, + if you require administrators that are not members of an organization, + you can add them below. If an organization is not listed here, please + contact a site administrator. + External_Administrators: Users from outside of organizations in your city + can be granted administration privledges here. + registration: + heading: Registration + headings: + registration_status: Registration Status + stats: Statistics + registrations: Modify Registrations + broadcast: Contact Users + description: Open or close registration, view registration statistics, modify + information subbmitted by registratnts and contact users. + descriptions: + registration_status: Open or close registration to your conference. + stats: View a breakdown of statictics, how many users have registered, how + much money have been collected, etc. + registrations: View and edit all data collected through the registration + process. + broadcast: Send emails to targeted subsets of users. + broadcast: + heading: Broadcast + description: The broadcast tool is used to contact users through email. You + can send messages en masse to select groups of users. + broadcast_sent: + description: Your message has been sent. + workshop_times: + heading: Workshop Times + description: Before you scheulde workshops, you must first create blocks of + time when the workshops will be. + payment: + heading: Payment + description: If you wish to collect dontaions and registration fees, you will + need to confgure your payment details + headings: + payment_message: Payment Message + suggested_amounts: Suggested Payment Amounts + paypal: PayPal Info + descriptions: + payment_message: Set the message that is displayed on the registration fee + page. A default message will be supplied but if you wish to communicate + how funds will be used you may want to set a personal message. + suggested_amounts: Enter up to five suggested payment amounts. Users will + still be able to select any amount including none but these amounts will + show up as easy to select buttons on the 'Donations' page. + paypal: To enable PayPal payments, you will need to supply information on + your organization's PayPal account + contact: + headings: + contact: Send us a question or a complement + reason: What are you contacting us about? + sent: Thank you for contacting us + paragraphs: + sent: Thanks for reaching out. We will respond to you by email as soon we + are able. + policy: + headings: + The_Agreement: The Agreement + How: How is it enforced? + Why: Why have a Safer Space Agreement? + paragraphs: + How: The host city has the responsibility of mediating safer space issues. + They will decide what constitutes a warning and what constitutes expulsion + from the conference. + Why: In order to set a common ground, we state our shared beliefs and desires + for the space which is Bike!Bike!. We rally around these ideas for inspiration + and to ensure that if there is behaviour which does not make us feel safe, + we have something to point to. By agreeing to a commitment of mutual respect, + we hope that if conflict does arise, we will remember what we have agreed + to, and act accordingly. + term: + accessible: We commit to making spaces as accessible as possible; physically, + socially, and personally. + commitment: We enter with a commitment to mutual respect, mutual aid, anti-oppression + advocacy, conflict resolution, anti-violence, and community building. + empowerment: We support the empowerment of each person and group. + hearing: We commit to hearing each other and creating opportunities for all + voices to be heard. + intent: We accept a shared responsibility to hold ourselves and one another + accountable for these agreements’ intent. + learning: We promote inclusive learning spaces and questions in the spirit + of personal growth. + respect: We respect everyone's names, gender pronouns, expressed identities + and experiences. + spaces: We respect each others bodies and spaces. + open_minds: We encourage open minds and open hearts. + peaceful: We are peaceful and honest. + conference_registration: + headings: + Administration: Administration + Conference_Administration: "%{title} Administration" + administration: Administration + Policy_Agreement: Safer Space Agreement + policy: Policy + arrival_and_departure: How long do you plan to stay in %{city}? + other: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us? + email_confirm: Confirm Email + Enter_Your_Email: Enter your email address + Registration_Info: Registration Info + Your_Registration: Your Registration + Your_Conferences: Your Conferences + Youre_Done: You're Done! + allergies: Do you have any allergies? + arrival: Arrival + bike: Do you need a bike? + departure: Departure + food: What are your eating habits? + housing: Do you need a place to stay? + languages: Which languages do you speak? + preferred_language: What is your preferred language? + location: Where are you coming from? + name: What is your name? + Payment: Registration Fees + payment: Donation + Allergies: Allergies + Stats: Stats + Workshops: Workshops + workshops: Workshops + Your_Workshops: Your Workshops + payment_confirm: Please confirm your payment + Preview: Preview + city: City + date: Date + email: Email + fees_paid: Fees Paid + Contact_Info: Contact Info + contact_info: Contact Info + hosting: Hosting + Add_Workshop: Propose a Workshop + Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Workshops Looking for Facilitators + All_Workshops: All Other Workshops + Workshops_You_Have_Requested: Workshops you have Requested to Facilitate + Pre_Registration_Details: Pre-Registration is now open! + Registration_Details: Registration is now open! + Pre_Register: Pre-Register for %{title} + Register: Register for %{title} + Verify_Account: Verify your account + Hosting: Hosting + can_provide_housing: Can you provide housing to attendees visiting the city? + questions: Your Visit + basic_info: Your Visit + host: + considerations: Special Considerations + space: Available Space + availability: Availability + address: Address + notes: Notes + admin: + edit: + info: Info + companion: Companion + paragraphs: + provide_email: Bike!Bike! uses email to communicate between you and your conference + hosts, however your Facebook account does not provide us an email address. + Before proceeding, you must provide us an email address. + Policy_Agreement: Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected + at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have + fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any + questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time. + Confirm_Agreement: By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do + your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you! + Registration_Info: Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare + for your arrival to %{city}. If you wish to ask questions or tell us information + we did not ask, please fill in the preferences field at the bottom of the + page or use the contact us link. + Payment: Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike! + Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival but to help us + fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon + as you can. + Payment_Made: You have made a payment of %{fees_paid}. + Payment_Add: Thank you! You may add to this amount if you wish by making another + payment below. + currency: "(amounts are in USD)" + email_confirm: Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in + just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on. + Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems, + please contact us. + confirm_email_address: We ask that you first confirm your email address, once + your email address is confirmed you will be able to complete registration, + add workshops and pay your registration donation fee. If you have already + registered, you can re-confirm you e-mail address to modify your your registration + details. + Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can be about + anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can be in any + format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion groups, and + bicycle rides. If you would like to host you own workshop you can click + on the "create workshop" button. + Stats: Check Out who's coming and what they've paid so far. See at a glance + how much accommodation is needed and what people prefer to eat. + done: Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike! + Email_Participants: This page is used to contact all participants. Text can + be entered as [Markdown]( + Pressing 'test' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and + use caution in general before pressing 'send' + payment_confirm: You are about to confirm your payment of $%{amount} for registration. + participants_emailed: Your email has been sent to all participants of %{conference_title}. + workshops: You can now take a look at proposed workshops and even propose + one yourself if you like. + Contact_Info: Please let us know a little bit about you. + Create_Workshop: At Bike!Bike! anyone can lead a workshop or just propose + and idea that someone else can volunteer to lead. If, where, and when the + workshop will be scheduled will ultimately be decided by the conference + organizers. + Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Would you like to lend a hand facilitating + a workshop proposed by someone else? Below is a list of workshops that are + actively looking for volunteers, if you are interested in helping out you + can make a facilitation request. + Your_Workshops: The following is a list of all the workshops that you are + facilitating. + Workshops_You_Have_Requested: The following is a list of all the workshops + that you have requested to facilitate. + Pre_Registration_Details: By completing the pre-registration process you are + letting us know that you are interested in coming, it allows us to contact + you when we have news, and lets us better plan by knowing who might be coming. + Once registration is fully open, we will need to ask a few more questions + and you can confirm whether or not you will actually be coming. + Registration_Details: By completing the registration process you are confirming + with us that you are coming, it allows us to contact you when we have news, + and lets us better plan by knowing how many people will hosted. Once registered + you will be given access to facilitate your own workshop and view details + on existing workshops. If you are already registered or have pre-registered, + you can use this form sign in and access or update your details. + Verify_Account: In order to confirm that you are a real person and that we + will be able to contact you later, please verify your email address. We + will send you an email that will allow you to continue with the registration + process. + facebook_sign_in: Alternatively you can sign in using your Facebook account + and skip waiting for us to send you an email. + can_provide_housing: Hosting visiting conference attendees is an important + part of Bike!Bike!, it allows many people who would not normally be able + to afford the cost of accommodations the chance to come to the conference + and lets attendees really get to know our city and its residents. You will + need to grant access to your home to guests overnight keeping in mind that + events can sometimes go late into the evening. If your home will not be + accessible during the day you should make sure to clearly communicate this + with your guests. + not_attending: If you are only providing housing and would not like to receive + further updates about the conference, check this box. + host: + address: Your address and phone number will be shared with your guests and + conference organizers. + space: How much space do you have to share? + availability: The most common arrival and departure dates for attendees + are the first and last day of the conference but people often arrive earlier + or later. When will your space be available? + considerations: Organizers will do their best to match up hosts and guests, + what considerations should organizers keep in mind when selecting guests + to stay in your home? + notes: Leave a message for organizers to take into consideration when selecting + guests for your household. + admin: + edit: + info: This is the copy that is displayed on the front page of the site. + schedule: + published: Your scheulde is currently published and viewable on the front-page. + Un-publishing the schedule will remove it from the front-page and show + a list of proposed workshops instead. + un_published: Your schedule is not yet published. Publishing the schedule + will replace the list of proposed workshops on the front-page with the + schedule as it is shown below. + broadcast: + test: Please take a look at this preview to ensure that you want to send + this email. Clicking ‘Test’ will send the email only to you. Only after + that then the email will be set to %{send_to_count} people. + preview: Clicking ‘Send’ will send this message to %{send_to_count} people. + Please confirm that you have verified that the test email sent to you + is what you want to be sent. + events: + info: Describe your event for anyone attending the conference. + payment: + message: This is the text that will be displayed on the 'Donation' page. + companion: Is there someone who you would like us to ensure that you are housed + with? + arrival_and_departure: If you don't need housing, just tell us how long you + plan to hang out with Bike!Bike! + host: + considerations: + vegan: Vegan or vegetarian only + smoking: Smoking is permitted + quiet: Quiet household + pets: House has dogs or cats + can_provide_housing: I can provide housing + not_attending: I will not be attending the conference + questions: + bike: + large: Large + medium: Medium + none: None + small: Small + 'yes': 'Yes' + 'no': 'No' + food: + meat: Omnivore + vegan: Vegan + vegetarian: Vegetarian + housing: + house: Indoor Location + none: I'll take care of it + tent: Tent Space + bikes: + medium: Medium + none: "(none)" + actions: + View_Workshops: View Workshops + notes: + Test_Email_Sent: An email was sent to %{email_address} + terms: + Bikes: Bikes + Donation_Count: Donation Count + Food: Food + Housing: Housing + Languages: Languages + Total_Donations: Total Donations + Total_Registrations: Total Registrations + Date: Registration Date + registration_status: + unregistered: Unregistered + preregistered: Preregistered + registered: Registered + companion: Companion + companion_email: Companion Email + Preferred_Languages: Preferred Language + is_attending: Attending? + about_bikebike: + paragraphs: + bicycle_project_paragraph: From collectives that use the bicycle as an excuse + to change society, economy and the environment. Non-profit groups that have + a community bike shops, cooperatives and other projects that promote the + use of the bicycle and that come together to turn their communities into + a place where riding is easier, more inclusive, safer and more fun. The + list below uses the criteria found in the old Bicycle Organization Organization + Project for what constitutes a community bike shop. The bike project need + not meet all these criteria. Rather, it is a general list of qualities which + are common among many bicycle projects. + Who_is_Invited: You don’t have to be an expert or belong to a huge group, + you just need to be willing to share what you know about organization, mechanics, + social impact, addressing inequality, and increasing accessibility to cycling + in your community. + Types_of_Workshops: Workshops are organized and run by attendees, they can + be about anything that might concern community bicycle projects and can + be in any format including presentations, hands-on workshops, discussion + groups, and bicycle rides. If you would like to host your own workshop you + can enter details after registering. What ends up in the final schedule + and when they happen are decided on by the conference hosts. + Amenities: Traditionally conference hosts arrange shared accommodations, one + to two meals a day, and bicycles will be available for registered attendees. + However you should check the conference details on the current conference. + More information on how you can arrange your own accommodation and other + recommended places to visit should also be provided to you by the hosts + on the conference page or in hard copy upon arrival. + Volunteer: Yes. Please! + What_is_BikeBike: Bike!Bike! is an international, annual gathering organized + by and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants + from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each + year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. + term: + non_profit: Bike shops that are accessible to people without money + recycle_parts: Non-profit bicycle organizations + education: Shops that have an educational focus, teaching others how to fix + bikes + volunteer_run: 'Shops that are volunteer run ' + export_bikes: Organizations that ship bikes to communities in other countries. + low_cost: Shops that provide free or low-cost services to the community. + no_money: Organizations that recycle bicycles and parts + headings: + bicycle_project: What is a community bicycle project? + Who_is_Invited: Who is invited? + Types_of_Workshops: What types of workshops will there be? + Amenities: Where can I stay? What can I eat? How can I get around? + Volunteer: Can I volunteer? + What_is_BikeBike: What is Bike!Bike!? + permission_denied: + headings: + confirmation_sent: Confirmation Sent + confirm_email: Please confirm your email address + login_required: Login Required + paragraphs: + translator_not_logged_in: You must be a translator and logged in to view this + page. If you are already a translator please confirm your email address + to proceed. If you would like to become a translator you can request to + become one after logging in. + workshops: + headings: + Proposed_Workshops: Proposed Workshops + facilitators: Facilitators + languages: Languages + needs: Needs + space: Space + theme: Theme + interested_count: Interested + Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop + notes: Notes + Workshops: Workshops + Your_Workshops: Your Workshops + facilitate: Request to Facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ + add_facilitator: Add a facilitator + needs_facilitators: Looking for help? + Comments: Comments + Schedule: Schedule + paragraphs: + Proposed_Workshops: Would you like to facilitate your own workshop? Simply + register and visit the workshops page. If you have already registered you + can access the page by restarting the registration process. + info: Describe your workshop in detail. Select text to apply formatting. + space: What kind of space do you need for your workshop?? + theme: Which of the themes below best match your workshop? This will help + hosts to avoid scheduling conflicts. Select other if none of the options + match in any way. + Delete_Workshop: Deleting a workshop cannot be undone, are you sure that you + want to proceed? + new_workshop: 'Workshops in the past have tended to fit into a few broad categories: + structural/organizational (how to start a shop, how to register a non-profit, + consensus decision making, etc,) mechanical (how to weld two tandems to + a tall bike, building 3-speed hubs out of fishing tackle and old socks, + etc,) anti-oppression (safe spaces, women’s workshops, etc,) and recreational + (touring tips, yoga for cyclists, etc.) This year we would like to try a + panel, a forum, or other types of settings that you think might facilitate + learning – be inventive, let us know what you want to see!' + Workshops: Do you have an exciting skill to share with us? Want to chat about + creating safe community spaces? Want to make sure we fit a good bike ride + into the weekend? Propose a workshop! Don’t worry if you’re not an expert, + we want to hear about everyone’s experience within the many configurations + of community shops we’re coming from. + notes: Notes are only viewable by conference hosts and workshop facilitators + facilitate_request: Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you + are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you + will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will + be emailed and they may ask more questions before approving or denying your + request. Please note that this will reveal your email address to the facilitators. + facilitate_request_sent: Your request has been sent. You will receive an email + once your request is approved or denied or if the current facilitators have + any questions. + languages: What language will the workshop be presented in? Will there be + translations or translators available? + needs: If you need any of the following the conference organizers will do + their best to make sure you have them. If you have any other requests, you + can include them in the notes section. + needs_facilitators: Are you actively looking for help running this workshop? + Anyone who is registered for the conference can request to facilitate at + any time but checking this box will improve your chances of finding collaborators. + info: + interested_count: + one: One person is interested in this workshop + other: "%{count} people are interested in this workshop" + zero: No one is interested in this workshop yet + you_are_interested_count: + one: You and one other are interested in this workshop + other: You and %{count} others are interested in this workshop + zero: You are interested in this workshop + read_more: More info + user_settings: + headings: + Your_Account: Account Settings + email_subscribe: Notifications + Your_Conferences: Your Conferences + paragraphs: + conference_registration: Looking to register or modify your current registration? + email_subscribe: Would you like to be notified about upcoming conferences? + If you have registered for a conference we will always send you notifications + and announcements until the conference. + email_subscribe: Subscribe to email announcements + section_content: + bikebike: + about_bikebike: Bike!Bike! is an international annual gathering organized by + and for community bicycle projects. The conference is a space for participants + from shops and related advocacy groups to converge in a different city each + year over a 4 day period to have workshops and strengthen our social network. + images: + conference: + poster: "%{conference_title} poster" + forms: + labels: + generic: + space: Available Space + hosting_dates: When will you be in town? + type: Type + year: Year + is_public: Public + is_featured: Featured + start_date: Start Date + end_date: End Date + search: Search + payment_message: Payment Message + other: Disabilities, housing preferences, etc. + email: Email address + allergies: Allergies + arrival: Arrival date + departure: Departure date + location: City, State/Province, Country + name: Name + subject: Subject + title: Title + info: Description + content: Content + notes: Notes + message: 'Your Message:' + address: Street Address + phone: Phone number + bed_space: Bed/Couch Space + floor_space: Floor Space + tent_space: Tent Space + first_day: From + last_day: To + body: Body + day: Day + event_location: Location + other_notes: Other + time: Time + time_span: Length + reasons: + website: Something about the website + conference: Something about the conference + paypal_email_address: PayPal Email Address + paypal_username: PayPal API Username + paypal_password: PayPal API Password + paypal_signature: PayPal Signature + registration_statuses: + closed: Closed + open: Open + pre: Pre-Registration + registration_status: Registration Status + companion: Email address + block_number: Block + days: Days + length: Length + workshop_block: Block + send_to: Send To + street_address: Street Address + city: City + subregion: State / Province + country: Country + postal_code: Postal Code + status: Status + bike: Bike + food: Food + housing: Housing + no_file_selected: No file selected + actions: + generic: + upload: Upload + select_file: Select a file + administrate: Administrate + login: Sign In + Log_out: Sign out + agree: I Agree + custom_amount: Custom amount + edit_registration: Edit my registration + register: Register + save: Save + test: Test + preview: Preview + confirm_amount: Confirm + cancel: Cancel + confirm: Confirm + edit: Edit + send: Send + skip: Skip + remove_interest: "-1" + show_interest: "+1" + add: "+" + previous: Previous + next: Next + continue: Continue + facebook_sign_in: Facebook Sign In + add_meal: Add + create: Create + delete: Delete + place_guest: Place Guest + set_host: Set Host + add_comment: Add Comment + reply: Reply + add_member: Add + remove_member: Remove + publish: Publish Schedule + un_publish: Un-Publish Schedule + add_block: Add + close: Close + deschedule: De-Schedule + reschedule: Reschedule + schedule_workshop: Schedule + delete_block: Delete + update_block: Update + aria: + remove_interest: Click if you are no longer interested in this workshop + show_interest: Click if you are interested in this workshop + add: Add new + options: + send_to: + registered: Everyone who has registered + pre_registered: Everyone who has pre-registered or registered + unregistered: Everyone who has not completed their registration + workshop_facilitators: All workshop facilitators + housing_providers: Housing providers + guests: Everyone who has requested housing + all: Everyone + conferences: + types: + annual: Annual Bike!Bike! + n: North + s: South + e: East + w: West + ne: Northeast + nw: Northwest + se: Southeast + sw: Southwest + distance_unit: + km: km + mi: mi + confirmations: + delete: Are you sure you want to delete? + page_titles: + administration: + Administration: "%{title} Administration" + '403': + Access_Denied: Access Denied + Please_Confirm_Email: Please confirm your email + Please_Check_Email: Please check your email + Please_Login: Please login + Safe_Space_Policy: Safer Space Agreement + About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike! + about: + About_BikeBike: About Bike!Bike! + contact: + Contact_Us: Contact Us + Conferences: Conferences + conferences: + Conference_Registration: Conference Registration + Create_Workshop: Create a Workshop + Email_Participants: Email Participants + Registration_Stats: Registration Stats + View_Workshop: View Workshop + Workshops: Workshops + Delete_Workshop: Delete Workshop + Edit_Workshop: Edit Workshop + Translate_Workshop: Edit %{language} Workshop Translation + Edit: Edit Conference + Facilitate_Workshop: Workshop Facilitation Request + policy: + Safer_Spaces_Policy: Safer Space Agreement + '404': + Page_Not_Found: Page Not Found + Locale_Not_Available: Locale Not Available + Policy: Policy + About: About + Register: Register + Pre_Register: Pre-Register + '500': + An_Error_Occurred: An Error Occurred + user_settings: + Your_Account: Your Account + links: + footer: + help_text: + contact: Contact Us + contributors: Contributors + facebook: Join our Facebook group + select_language: Change your language + text: + File_an_Issue: File an issue + Help_contribute: Help contribute + download: + Excel: Download Data in Excel Format + Organizations_Excel: Download Organization Data + page_descriptions: + home: Bike!Bike! A conference for bike collectives, co-ops, non-profit DIY bike + shops + donate: + button_label: Donate + menu: + submenu: + registration: + Registration: Registration + Workshops: Workshops + Stats: Stats + Broadcast: Broadcast + Payment: Payment + Edit: Edit Conference + admin: + Edit: Edit + Stats: Stats + Payment: Payment + Broadcast: Broadcast + Broadcast_Sent: Broadcast Sent + Housing: Housing + Locations: Locations + Meals: Meals + Events: Events + Schedule: Schedule + Workshop_Times: Workshop Times + info: Basic Info + registration: Registration + edit: Edit + stats: Stats + payment: Payment + broadcast: Broadcast + broadcast_sent: Broadcast Sent + housing: Housing + locations: Locations + meals: Meals + events: Events + schedule: Schedule + workshop_times: Workshop Times + actions: + workshops: + create: New Workshop + Delete: Delete Workshop + Edit: Edit + Translate: Translate into %{language} + Approve: Approve + Deny: Deny + Facilitate: Make a facilitation request + Remove: Remove + Leave: Leave + Cancel_Request: Cancel Request + Make_Owner: Transfer Ownership + View: View this workshop + View_All: View all workshops + conference: + edit_registration: My registration + Translate: Edit %{language} version + error: + '403': + description: You do not currently have sufficient permissions to access this + page. If you believe this is an error, please contact us. + title: You do not have access to this page + '404': + description: The page you are looking for could not be found. If you think this + was in error, please contact us. + title: '404: This page doesn''t exist' + token_not_found: Your login token was expired or not found. Please try signing + in again. + locale_not_available: + description: This site has yet to be translated into %{language}. We are actively + looking for volunteers who can translate existing copy and new copy as we + add new features. If you think you can help, please contact us! + title: '404: %{language} Translations Missing' + volunteer: + title: Can you help us translate? + description: 'If you can help us translate this or any other language, please + let us know by contacting us using the form below:' + '500': + title: There is a problem + description: An error has occurred, details about the error have been sent to + our development team. In addition, you may contact us using the form below + to let us better understand what happened and how you were affected. + roles: + workshops: + facilitator: + creator: Owner + collaborator: Collaborator + requested: Requested + unregistered: Unregistered + facilitator: Facilitator + workshop: + options: + needs: + projector: Projector + sound: Sound System + tools: Tools + space: + meeting_room: Meeting Room + outdoor_meeting: Outdoor Space + workshop: Repair Space + event_space: Event Space + theme: + community: Community Outreach + funding: Funding + mechanics: Mechanics + organization: Organizational Concerns + other: Other + race_gender: Race, Gender, or Class Politics + needs_facilitators: Needs Additional Facilitators + user: + not_found: Unregistered + email: + confirmation: + paragraph: + please_confirm: Hello! To gain access to registration and other features of + Bike!Bike!, please confirm your email address. + link: + please_confirm: Confirm now + subject: + confirm_email: Confirmation Email + registration_confirmed: Thank you for registering for %{conference_title} + pre_registration_confirmed: Thank you for pre-registering for %{conference_title} + workshop_facilitator_request: Request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ from + %{requester_name} + workshop_request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ + workshop_request_denied: Your request to facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’ has + been denied + workshop_translated: The %{language} translation for ‘%{workshop_title}’ has + been modified + workshop_original_content_changed: Original content for ‘%{workshop_title}’ + has been modified + workshop_comment: + comment: "%{user_name} commented on ‘%{workshop_title}’" + reply: "%{user_name} replied to your comment" + general: + paragraph: + see_you: See you in %{conference_location}! + thank_you: Thank you %{name}, + registration: + paragraph: + confirmed: You have successfully registered for %{conference_title}. You can + modify your registration details, pay, or add workshops at any time by restarting + the registration process. If you have yet to pay or add your workshops and + plan to do so, we ask that you take care of it as soon as possible to help + us prepare in advance of your arrival. + pre_confirmed: You have successfully pre-registered for %{conference_title}. + We will let you know when registration is fully open and if there is any + important news about the conference that you should know about. We encourage + you to create or volunteer to facilitate workshops soon. You can do that, + or change your registration details at any time by clicking on the pre-register + link again. + translations: + headings: + new_value: 'New Value: ' + old_value: 'Old Value: ' + diff: 'Difference: ' + paragraph: + workshop_translated: "%{user_name} has modified the %{language} translation + for ‘%{workshop_title}’." + workshop_original_content_changed: "%{user_name} has modified the original + content for ‘%{workshop_title}’. Translations may need to be updated." + workshop_comment: + paragraph: + user_said: "%{user_name} said:" + workshop: + paragraph: + request_approved: You have been added as a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’. + request_denied: Your request to become a facilitator of ‘%{workshop_title}’ + has been denied. If you think this was in error, you may contact the current + facilitators by making another request to facilitate. + request_instructions: 'You can approve or deny this request on your workshop + page:' + request_message: "%{user_name} has requested to help facilitate ‘%{workshop_title}’:" + request_reply_instructions: You can also reply directly to this email to ask + follow-up questions. + view_workshop: 'View the workshop here: ' + translate: + content: + change_locale: Read in %{language} + Translation_of: Translation of + number: + currency: + format: + format: "%u%n" + separator: "." diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml index fe1ec17..496c19e 100644 --- a/config/locales/es.yml +++ b/config/locales/es.yml @@ -1,1283 +1,1986 @@ ---- -es: - date: - abbr_day_names: - - dom - - lun - - mar - - mié - - jue - - vie - - sáb - abbr_month_names: - - - - ene - - feb - - mar - - abr - - may - - jun - - jul - - ago - - sep - - oct - - nov - - dic - day_names: - - domingo - - lunes - - martes - - miércoles - - jueves - - viernes - - sábado - formats: - default: '%d/%m/%Y' - long: '%d de %B de %Y' - short: '%d de %b' - weekday: "%A" - span_same_month_date_2: '%e, %Y' - span_same_month_date_1: '%B %e' - span_same_year_date_1: "%B %e" - span_same_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" - span_different_year_date_1: "%B %e, %Y" - span_different_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" - month_names: - - - - enero - - febrero - - marzo - - abril - - mayo - - junio - - julio - - agosto - - septiembre - - octubre - - noviembre - - diciembre - order: - - :day - - :month - - :year - date_span: '%{date_1} – %{date_2}' - datetime: - distance_in_words: - about_x_hours: - one: alrededor de 1 hora - other: alrededor de %{count} horas - about_x_months: - one: alrededor de 1 mes - other: alrededor de %{count} meses - about_x_years: - one: alrededor de 1 año - other: alrededor de %{count} años - almost_x_years: - one: casi 1 año - other: casi %{count} años - half_a_minute: medio minuto - less_than_x_minutes: - one: menos de 1 minuto - other: menos de %{count} minutos - less_than_x_seconds: - one: menos de 1 segundo - other: menos de %{count} segundos - over_x_years: - one: más de 1 año - other: más de %{count} años - x_days: - one: 1 día - other: '%{count} días' - x_minutes: - one: 1 minuto - other: '%{count} minutos' - x_months: - one: 1 mes - other: '%{count} meses' - x_seconds: - one: 1 segundo - other: '%{count} segundos' - x_hours: - one: 1 hora - other: "%{count} horas" - x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}" - time_ago: "hace %{time}" - prompts: - day: Día - hour: Hora - minute: Minutos - month: Mes - second: Segundos - year: Año - errors: - format: '%{attribute} %{message}' - messages: - accepted: debe ser aceptado - blank: no puede estar en blanco - present: debe estar en blanco - confirmation: no coincide - empty: no puede estar vacío - equal_to: debe ser igual a %{count} - even: debe ser par - exclusion: está reservado - greater_than: debe ser mayor que %{count} - greater_than_or_equal_to: debe ser mayor que o igual a %{count} - inclusion: no está incluido en la lista - invalid: no es válido - less_than: debe ser menor que %{count} - less_than_or_equal_to: debe ser menor que o igual a %{count} - not_a_number: no es un número - not_an_integer: debe ser un entero - odd: debe ser impar - record_invalid: 'La validación falló: %{errors}' - restrict_dependent_destroy: - one: No se puede eliminar el registro porque existe un %{record} dependiente - many: No se puede eliminar el registro porque existen %{record} dependientes - taken: ya está en uso - too_long: - one: es demasiado largo (1 carácter máximo) - other: es demasiado largo (%{count} caracteres máximo) - too_short: - one: es demasiado corto (%{count} carácter mínimo) - other: es demasiado corto (%{count} caracteres mínimo) - wrong_length: - one: no tiene la longitud correcta (1 carácter exactos) - other: no tiene la longitud correcta (%{count} caracteres exactos) - other_than: debe ser distinto de %{count} - fields: - location: - empty: Por favor, introduzca su ubicación - unknown: Por favor, incluya su ciudad o pueblo, no hemos podido encontrar una localidad de "%{value}" - name: - empty: Por favor ingrese un nombre valido - template: - body: 'Se encontraron problemas con los siguientes campos:' - header: - one: No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontró 1 error - other: No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontraron %{count} errores - warnings: - messages: - location_corrected: Tu ubicación fue corregida de "%{original}" a "%{corrected}". Si esto no refleja tu ubicación prevista, puedes cambiarla nuevamente en el paso de "información de contacto". - housing: - space: - overbooked: Con exceso de reservas - helpers: - select: - prompt: Por favor seleccione - submit: - create: Crear %{model} - submit: Guardar %{model} - update: Actualizar %{model} - number: - currency: - format: - delimiter: . - format: '%n %u' - precision: 2 - separator: ',' - significant: false - strip_insignificant_zeros: false - unit: € - format: - delimiter: . - precision: 3 - separator: ',' - significant: false - strip_insignificant_zeros: false - human: - decimal_units: - format: '%n %u' - units: - billion: mil millones - million: millón - quadrillion: mil billones - thousand: mil - trillion: billón - unit: '' - format: - delimiter: '' - precision: 1 - significant: true - strip_insignificant_zeros: true - storage_units: - format: '%n %u' - units: - byte: - one: Byte - other: Bytes - gb: GB - kb: KB - mb: MB - tb: TB - percentage: - format: - delimiter: '' - precision: - format: - delimiter: '' - support: - array: - last_word_connector: ', y ' - two_words_connector: ' y ' - words_connector: ', ' - time: - am: am - formats: - default: '%A, %d de %B de %Y %H:%M' - long: '%d de %B de %Y %H:%M' - short: '%H:%M' - pm: pm - languages: - af: afrikáans - ar: árabe - az: azerí - bg: búlgaro - bn: bengalí - bs: bosnio - ca: catalán - cs: checo - cy: galés - da: danés - de: alemán - el: griego - en: inglés - eo: esperanto - es: español - et: estonio - eu: euskera - fa: persa - fi: finés - fr: francés - gl: gallego - he: hebreo - hi: hindi - hr: croata - hu: húngaro - id: indonesio - is: islandés - it: italiano - ja: japonés - km: jemer - kn: canarés - ko: coreano - lo: laosiano - lt: lituano - lv: letón - mk: macedonio - mn: mongol - ms: malayo - nb: bokmal noruego - ne: nepalí - nl: neerlandés - nn: nynorsk noruego - or: oriya - pl: polaco - pt: portugués - rm: retorrománico - ro: rumano - ru: ruso - sk: eslovaco - sl: esloveno - sr: serbio - sv: sueco - sw: swahili - ta: tamil - th: tailandés - tl: tagalo - tr: turco - uk: ucraniano - ur: urdu - uz: uzbeko - vi: vietnamita - wo: wólof - be: bielorruso - tt: tártaro - geography: - countries: - AD: Andorra - AE: Emiratos Árabes Unidos - AF: Afganistán - AG: Antigua y Barbuda - AI: Anguila - AL: Albania - AM: Armenia - AO: Angola - AQ: Antártida - AR: Argentina - AS: Samoa Americana - AT: Austria - AU: Australia - AW: Aruba - AX: Islas de Åland - AZ: Azerbaiyán - BA: Bosnia y Herzegovina - BB: Barbados - BD: Bangladesh - BE: Bélgica - BF: Burkina Faso - BG: Bulgaria - BH: Bahréin - BI: Burundi - BJ: Benín - BL: San Bartolomé - BM: Bermudas - BN: Brunéi - BO: Bolivia - BQ: Bonaire - BR: Brasil - BS: Bahamas - BT: Bután - BV: Isla Bouvet - BW: Botsuana - BY: Bielorrusia - BZ: Belice - CA: Canadá - CC: Islas Cocos - CD: República Democrática del Congo - CF: República Centroafricana - CG: Congo [República] - CH: Suiza - CI: Costa de Marfil - CK: Islas Cook - CL: Chile - CM: Camerún - CN: China - CO: Colombia - CR: Costa Rica - CU: Cuba - CV: Cabo Verde - CW: Curazao - CX: Isla Christmas - CY: Chipre - CZ: República Checa - DE: Alemania - DJ: Yibuti - DK: Dinamarca - DM: Dominica - DO: República Dominicana - DZ: Argelia - EC: Ecuador - EE: Estonia - EG: Egipto - EH: Sáhara Occidental - ER: Eritrea - ES: España - ET: Etiopía - FI: Finlandia - FJ: Fiyi - FK: Islas Malvinas - FM: Micronesia - FO: Islas Feroe - FR: Francia - GA: Gabón - GB: Reino Unido - GD: Granada - GE: Georgia - GF: Guayana Francesa - GG: Guernsey - GH: Ghana - GI: Gibraltar - GL: Groenlandia - GM: Gambia - GN: Guinea - GP: Guadalupe - GQ: Guinea Ecuatorial - GR: Grecia - GS: Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur - GT: Guatemala - GU: Guam - GW: Guinea-Bissáu - GY: Guyana - HK: Hong Kong - HM: Islas Heard y McDonald - HN: Honduras - HR: Croacia - HT: Haití - HU: Hungría - ID: Indonesia - IE: Irlanda - IL: Israel - IM: Isla de Man - IN: India - IO: Territorio Británico del Océano Índico - IQ: Irak - IR: Irán - IS: Islandia - IT: Italia - JE: Jersey - JM: Jamaica - JO: Jordania - JP: Japón - KE: Kenia - KG: Kirguistán - KH: Camboya - KI: Kiribati - KM: Comoras - KN: San Cristóbal y Nieves - KP: Corea del Norte - KR: Corea del Sur - KW: Kuwait - KY: Islas Caimán - KZ: Kazajstán - LA: Laos - LB: Líbano - LC: Santa Lucía - LI: Liechtenstein - LK: Sri Lanka - LR: Liberia - LS: Lesotho - LT: Lituania - LU: Luxemburgo - LV: Letonia - LY: Libia - MA: Marruecos - MC: Mónaco - MD: Moldavia - ME: Montenegro - MF: San Martín - MG: Madagascar - MH: Islas Marshall - MK: Macedonia - ML: Mali - MM: Myanmar [Birmania] - MN: Mongolia - MO: Macao - MP: Islas Marianas del Norte - MQ: Martinica - MR: Mauritania - MS: Montserrat - MT: Malta - MU: Mauricio - MV: Maldivas - MW: Malaui - MX: México - MY: Malasia - MZ: Mozambique - NA: Namibia - NC: Nueva Caledonia - NE: Níger - NF: Isla Norfolk - NG: Nigeria - NI: República de Nicaragua - NL: Holanda - 'NO': Noruega - NP: Nepal - NR: Nauru - NU: Isla Niue - NZ: Nueva Zelanda - OM: Omán - PA: Panamá - PE: Perú - PF: Polinesia Francesa - PG: Papúa-Nueva Guinea - PH: Filipinas - PK: Pakistán - PL: Polonia - PM: San Pedro y Miquelón - PN: Islas Pitcairn - PR: Puerto Rico - PS: Territorios Palestinos - PT: Portugal - PW: Palau - PY: Paraguay - QA: Qatar - RE: Reunión - RO: Rumanía - RS: Serbia - RU: Rusia - RW: Ruanda - SA: Arabia Saudí - SB: Islas Salomón - SC: Seychelles - SD: Sudán - SE: Suecia - SG: Singapur - SH: Santa Elena - SI: Eslovenia - SJ: Svalbard y Jan Mayen - SK: Eslovaquia - SL: Sierra Leona - SM: San Marino - SN: Senegal - SO: Somalia - SR: Surinam - SS: Sudán del Sur - ST: Santo Tomé y Príncipe - SV: El Salvador - SX: San Martín - SY: Siria - SZ: Suazilandia - TC: Islas Turcas y Caicos - TD: Chad - TF: Territorios Australes Franceses - TG: Togo - TH: Tailandia - TJ: Tayikistán - TK: Tokelau - TL: Timor Oriental - TM: Turkmenistán - TN: Túnez - TO: Tonga - TR: Turquía - TT: Trinidad y Tobago - TV: Tuvalu - TW: Taiwán - TZ: Tanzania - UA: Ucrania - UG: Uganda - UM: Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos - US: Estados Unidos - UY: Uruguay - UZ: Uzbekistán - VA: Ciudad del Vaticano - VC: San Vicente y las Granadinas - VE: Venezuela - VG: Islas Vírgenes - VI: Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos - VN: Vietnam - VU: Vanuatu - WF: Wallis y Futuna - WS: Samoa - XK: Kosovo - YE: Yemen - YT: Mayotte - ZA: Sudáfrica - ZM: Zambia - ZW: Zimbawe - subregions: - AR: - BA: Buenos Aires - AT: - Bgld: Burgenland - AU: - ACT: Australian Capital Territory - NSW: New South Wales - NT: Territorio del Norte - QLD: Queensland - SA: South Australia - TAS: Tasmania - VIC: Victoria - WA: Western Australia - BR: - AC: Acre - AL: Alagoas - AP: Amapá - AM: Amazonas - BA: Bahía - CE: Ceará - ES: Espírito Santo - DF: Distrito Federal - GO: Goiás - MA: Maranhão - MT: Mato Grosso - MS: Mato Grosso del Sur - MG: Minas Gerais - PB: Paraíba - PR: Paraná - PA: Pará - PE: Pernambuco - PI: Piauí - RN: Río Grande del Norte - RS: Río Grande del Sur - RJ: Río de Janeiro - RO: Rondonia - RR: Roraima - SC: Santa Catarina - SE: Sergipe - SP: São Paulo - TO: Tocantins - CA: - AB: Alberta - BC: Columbia Británica - MB: Manitoba - NB: Nuevo Brunswick - NL: New Foundland - Labrador - NT: Northwest Territories - NS: Nueva Escocia - NU: Nunavut - 'ON': Ontario - PE: Isla del Príncipe Eduardo - QC: Quebec - SK: Saskatchewan - YT: Yukón - CH: - TG: Thurgau - VD: Vaud - ZH: Zurich - DE: - HH: Hamburgo - NRW: Renania del Norte-Westfalia - IT: - FVG: Friuli-Venecia Julia - MX: - Ags: Aguascalientes - BCS: Baja California Sur - CAM: Campeche - CHP: Chiapas - CH: Chihuahua - COA: Coahuila de Zaragoza - COL: Colima - DUR: Durango - BCN: Baja California - MEX: México - GUA: Guanajuato - GRO: Guerrero - Hgo: Hidalgo - JAL: Jalisco - Mich: Michoacán de Ocampo - MOR: Morelos - NAY: Nayarit - NL: Nuevo León - OAX: Oaxaca - PUE: Puebla - QUE: Querétaro de Arteaga - ROO: Quintana Roo - SLP: San Luis Potosí - SIN: Sinaloa - SON: Sonora - TAB: Tabasco - TAM: Tamaulipas - Tlax: Tlaxcala - VER: Veracruz-Llave - YUC: Yucatán - ZAC: Zacatecas - Jal: Jalisco - DIF: Federal District - MY: - JHR: Johor - KDH: Kedah - KTN: Kelantan - KUL: Kuala Lumpur - LBN: Labuan - MLK: Melaka - NSN: Negeri Sembilan - PHG: Pahang - PNG: Penang - PRK: Perak - PLS: Perlis - PJY: Putrajaya - SBH: Sabah - SRW: Sarawak - SGR: Selangor - TRG: Terengganu - NI: - RAAN: North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) - NL: - GLD: Güeldres - PH: - ARMM: Mindanao Musulmán - US: - AL: Alabama - AK: Alaska - AZ: Arizona - AR: Arkansas - Calif: California - CA: California - CO: Colorado - CT: Connecticut - DE: Delaware - FL: Florida - GA: Georgia - HI: Hawai - ID: Idaho - IL: Illinois - IN: Indiana - IA: Iowa - KS: Kansas - KY: Kentucky - LA: Louisiana - ME: Maine - MD: Maryland - MA: Massachusetts - MI: Michigan - MN: Minnesota - MS: Mississippi - MO: Missouri - MT: Montana - NE: Nebraska - NV: Nevada - NH: Nueva Hampshire - NJ: Nueva Jersey - NM: Nuevo México - NY: Nueva York - NC: Carolina del Norte - ND: Dakota del Norte - OH: Ohio - OK: Oklahoma - OR: Oregón - PA: Pensilvania - RI: Rhode Island - SC: Carolina del Sur - SD: Dakota del Sur - TN: Tennessee - TX: Texas - UT: Utah - VT: Vermont - VA: Virginia - WA: Washington - DC: Washington D.C. - WV: Virginia Occidental - WI: Wisconsin - WY: Wyoming - formats: - city_region_country: '%{city}, %{region}, %{country}' - city_country: '%{city}, %{country}' - city_region: '%{city}, %{region}' - region_country: '%{region}, %{country}' - conference: - actions: - Register: Regístrate - modals: - confirm: Por favor, confirmar - yes_button: Sí - no_button: 'No' - done_button: Cerca - info: Más información - workshops: - facilitators: - confirm_remove: ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar %{user_name} como facilitador de este taller? - confirm_remove_self: ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar a sí mismo como un facilitador de este taller? - confirm_cancel_request: ¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar su solicitud para convertirse en un facilitador de este taller? - confirm_transfer_ownership: Mediante la transferencia de la propiedad, perderá las capacidades administrativas, como la eliminación y la aprobación de nuevos facilitadores. ¿Seguro que deseas transferir la propiedad a %{user_name}? - donate: - button_label: Donar - articles: - conferences: - headings: - conferences: Conferencias nacionales y regionales - Conference_List: Conferencias - types: - future: Próximas conferencias - passed: Conferencias aprobadas - paragraphs: - conferences: Bike!Bike! conferencias se llevan a cabo nacionalmente una vez al año en una ciudad diferente en América del Norte; Las conferencias regionales pueden celebrarse en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. - conference_registration: - headings: - Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Talleres que necesitan facilitadorxs - Add_Workshop: Proponer un taller - workshops: Talleres - Registration_Info: Registro - arrival_and_departure: ¿Que día llegas a %{city}? - allergies: ¿Tienes alergias? - languages: ¿Hablas? - food: ¿Que comes? - Enter_Your_Email: Correo electrónico - location: Ciudad y pais  - name: Nombre - preferred_language: ¿Qué idioma prefieres usar? - Allergies: ¿Tienes alergias? - Workshops: Talleres - Your_Workshops: Tus talleres - add_facilitator: Añadir un(a) facilitador(a) - Policy_Agreement: Acuerdo del Espacio Mas Seguro - Preview: Vista previa - Stats: Estadísticas - Your_Registration: Tu registro - Your_Conferences: Tus conferencias - Youre_Done: ¡Estás listx! - arrival: Llegada - bike: ¿Necesitas una bici? - departure: Salida - email_confirm: Confirmar correo electrónico - housing: ¿Necesitas hospedaje? - other: ¿Hay algo más que quisieras decirnos? - Payment: Pago - payment: Contribución - payment_confirm: Por favor confirma tu pago - city: Ciudad - date: Fecha - email: Email - fees_paid: Cargos pagados - Pre_Registration_Details: ¡El Pre-Registro ya está abierto! - Registration_Details: ¡El Registro ya está abierto! - can_provide_housing: ¿Puedes proporcionar hospedaje a quienes visitan la ciudad? - Verify_Account: Verifica tu cuenta - policy: Normatividad - Contact_Info: Información de contacto - contact_info: Información de contacto - workshops: Talleres - Workshops: Talleres - Administration: Administrar cuenta - administration: Administrar cuenta - hosting: Hospedaje - Hosting: Hospedaje - Workshops_You_Have_Requested: Talleres que te ofreciste a impartir - All_Workshops: Todos los otros talleres - questions: Tu Visita - basic_info: Tu Visita - companion: Acompañante - host: - considerations: Consideraciones especiales - space: Espacio Disponible - availability: Disponibilidad - address: Dirección - paragraphs: - Payment_Made: Usted ya ha realizado un pago de %{fees_paid}. - Payment_Add: ¡Gracias! Puede añadir a esta cantidad si desea realizar otra de pago a continuación. - companion: ¿Quieres que nos aseguremos de que la persona que viaja contigo se hospede en el mismo lugar que tú? - Workshops_You_Have_Requested: La siguiente es una lista de todos los talleres que pediste facilitar. - Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Te gustaría ayudar a facilitar un taller propuesto por otra persona? A continuación se muestra una lista de los talleres que necesitan facilitadorxs. Si estás interesadx en ayudar, puedes facilitar uno de estos talleres. - Your_Workshops: La siguiente es una lista de todos los talleres que se están facilitando. - host: - address: Tu dirección y número telefónico serán compartidos con lxs visitantes y lxs organizadorxs de Bike!Bike! - space: ¿Cuántos espacios tienes para compartir? - availability: Lo más común, es que lxs asistentes lleguen y se vayan los días en que inicia y finaliza la conferencia pero a menudo algunxs visitantes llegan unos días antes y se van unos días después. ¿Cuándo estará disponible tu espacio? - considerations: Lxs organizadores tratarán de emparejar de la mejor manera posible anfitriones con invitadxs. ¿Cuál de las siguientes consideraciones crees que lxs organizadores deben tener en cuenta al momento de escoger a quien vaya a quedarse contigo? - notes: Deja un mensaje a lxs organizadores respecto a lo que deben considerar al momento de escoger a la persona que vas a hospedar. - Policy_Agreement: Asegurar que todos los asistentes se sientan bienvenidos, seguro y respetada en todo momento es especialmente importante para todos nosotros. Por favor asegúrese de que plenamente ha leído y entendido nuestra política de espacios más seguros a continuación, si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación que usted puede llegar a los organizadores en cualquier momento. - facebook_sign_in: De manera alternativa puedes registrarte usando tu cuenta de Facebook y así evitarás tener que esperar a que te enviemos un correo electrónico - can_provide_housing: Alojar a lxs asistentes a la conferencia es una parte importante de Bike!Bike!, proporciona a mucha gente que normalmente no podría costear el hospedaje, la oportunidad de venir a la conferencia, permitiéndoles conocer nuestra ciudad y a sus residentes. Tendrás que conceder acceso a tu casa a lxs huéspedes durante la noche, teniendo en cuenta que los eventos pueden terminar hasta muy tarde. Si no se puede acceder a tu casa durante el día, debes asegurarte de comunicar estoy muy claramente a tus invitadxs. - not_attending: Si sólo está proporcionando vivienda y no desea recibir más actualizaciones sobre la conferencia, marque esta casilla. - Verify_Account: Con el fin de confirmar que eres una persona real y que podremos contactarte posteriormente, te pedimos que por favor verifiques tu dirección de correo electrónico. Te enviaremos un mensaje para que puedas continuar con el proceso de pre-registro. - Pre_Registration_Details: Al completar el proceso de pre-registro nos estás haciendo saber que estás interesad@ en asistir, lo que nos permite contactarte cuando tengamos noticias, y planear mejor [el evento] sabiendo quienes podrían venir. Una vez que el registro esté completamente abierto, necesitaremos hacerte algunas preguntas más en donde podrás confirmar si asistirás o no. - Registration_Details: Al completar el proceso de registro, estás confirmándonos que vendrás, lo que nos permite contactarte cuando tengamos noticias y nos posibilita planear mejor el hospedaje al saber cuántas personas vendrán. Una vez registradx, tendrás la opción de acceder a facilitar tu propio taller, y a ver detalles de los talleres ya existentes. Si ya estás registradx o preregistradx, puedes utilizas esta forma de inscripción y acceder a tu cuenta ó actualizarla. - Registration_Info: Por favor ayúdanos llenando esta forma de registro y así estar preparadxs para tu llegada a %{city}. Si tienes alguna duda o quieres añadir información que no te hayamos solicitado, te pedimos que llenes el campo de preferencias al final de la página o utilices el enlace “contáctanos”. - Payment: Gracias por completar tu registro. Nos veremos en Bike!Bike! La contribución puedes hacerla ahora o al momento de tu llegada. Sin embargo, te pedimos que lo hagas tan pronto como te sea posible para ayudarnos a financiar la conferencia. - Workshops: 'Título de la taller: Que necesitas? Tipo de espacio? Tema? Quién es responsable? Descripción? Tiempo?' - Create_Workshop: En Bike!Bike! cualquiera puede facilitar un taller o simplemente proponer una idea. Lxs organizadorxs de la conferencia confirmarán si se efectúa el taller, tanto como el lugar y horario. - Confirm_Agreement: Al hacer click en el botón "Estoy de acuerdo", estás comprometiéndote a cumplir el Acuerdo de Espacios Más Seguros de Bike!Bike!. ¡Gracias! - Email_Participants: Esta página se usa para contactar a todxs lxs participantes. El texto se puede ingresar como [Markdown]( - Presionar "prueba" enviará el correo solamente a tí, asegurate de hacerlo y sé cuidadosx antes de presionar 'enviar'. - Contact_Info: Por favor déjanos conocerte un poco más. - Stats: Ve quién vendrá y lo que han pagado hasta ahora. Ve en resumen cuánto hospedaje se necesita y qué prefiere comer la gente. - confirm_email_address: Te pedimos confirmar tu dirección de correo electrónico primero, al ser confirmada podrás completar el registro, agregar talleres y pagar el donativo de registro. Si ya te registraste puedes re-confirmar tu dirección - de correo electrónico para modificar los detalles de tu registro. - currency: (cantidades en dólares estadounidenses USD) - done: ¡Gracias por registrarte para Bike!Bike! - email_confirm: ¡Ve a tu bandeja de entrada! Deberías ver un correo electrónico por parte de Bike!Bike! en unos momentos. Contendrá un enlace sobre el cual debes hacer click. Revisa tu bandeja de correo no deseado si no lo ves. Si tienes algún problema, por favor envía un correo electrónico a - participants_emailed: Tu correo ha sido enviado a todxs lxs participantes - de %{conference_title}. - payment_confirm: Estás por confirmar tu pago de %{amount} para el registro. - workshops: Ahora puedes revisar los talleres propuestos e incluso proponer uno si quieres. - can_provide_housing: Puedo proporcionar hospedaje - not_attending: Yo no asistirá a la conferencia - questions: - food: - meat: Carnívorx - vegetarian: Vegetarianx - vegan: Veganx - bike: - large: Grande - medium: Mediana - small: Pequeña - none: Nada - 'yes': Sí - 'no': 'No' - housing: - house: Espacio interior - none: Yo encontraré donde dormir. - tent: Espacio para tienda de campaña - host: - considerations: - vegan: Sólo veganxs y vegetarianxs - smoking: Está permitido fumar - quiet: Lugar calmado/silencioso - pets: En el lugar hay perros o gatos - terms: - Bikes: Bici - Donation_Count: Contéo de donaciones - Languages: Idiomas - Total_Donations: Donaciones totales - Food: Comida - Housing: Hospedaje - Total_Registrations: Registros totales - actions: - View_Workshops: Ver Talleres - none: (ninguno) - notes: - Test_Email_Sent: Un email fue enviado a %{email_address} - about_bikebike: - paragraphs: - Who_is_Invited: No es necesario ser personas o grupos expertas solo tener las ganas y la disposición de compartir lo que sabes de organización estructural, mecánica, del cambio social, de alternativas contra la desigualdad o un mejor acceso al uso de la bici y el conocimiento y otros problemas sociales en tu barrio o ciudad. - bicycle_project_paragraph: La siguiente lista usa el criterio utilizado en la vieja Bicycle Organization Organization Project (Proyecto de Organización de Organizaciones Ciclistas) para definir qué constituye un taller comunitario de bicis. El proyecto no necesariamente debe cumplir con todos los criterios. En cambio, es una lista general de las cualidades que son comunes entre varios proyectos ciclistas. - What_is_BikeBike: 'Bike!Bike! es una reunión internacional anual, organizada por y para proyectos comunitarios que trabajan en proyectos de bici. La conferencia es un espacio para que los participantes, principalmente miembros de talleres de y grupos de activismo ciclista, se reúnan en una ciudad distinta cada año durante cuatro días para llevar a cabo talleres informativos y fortalecer nuestra red comunitaria y social. ' - Types_of_Workshops: 'Los talleres son organizados e impartidos por los participantes. Pueden ser sobre cualquier tema de interés para los proyectos comunitarios de bici y pueden ser en cualquier formato, incluyendo: presentaciones, talleres prácticos, grupos de discusión y rodadas en bici. Si quieres impartir tu propio taller, puedes ingresar los detalles después de registrarse. Los que terminan en el programa final y cuándo son programados, es decisión de los anfitriones de la conferencia. ' - Amenities: 'Tradicionalmente, los anfitriones de la conferencia coordinan hospedaje compartido, proveen una o dos comidas al día y hay bicicletas disponibles para los participantes registrados; sin embargo, debes checar los detalles particulares sobre la conferencia de cada año. Más información sobre cómo puedes obtener hospedaje por tu cuenta y otros lugares recomendados para visitar, también debe ser proveída por el anfitrión en la página de la conferencia o en un documento físico al llegar a la conferencia. ' - Volunteer: '¡Sí, por favor! ' - headings: - Amenities: ¿Dónde puedo dormir? ¿Qué puedo comer? ¿Cómo puedo moverme? - Types_of_Workshops: ¿Qué tipo de talleres habrá? - Volunteer: ¿Puedo ser voluntario? - What_is_BikeBike: ¿Qué es Bike!Bike!? - Who_is_Invited: ¿Quién es invitado? - bicycle_project: ¿Qué es un proyecto ciclista comunitario? - term: - education: Los talleres tienen un enfoque en la educación, en enseñar a otros cómo arreglar bicicletas - export_bikes: Organizaciones que se incluyen bicicletas para las comunidades de otros países. - low_cost: Hay organizaciones que envían bicicletas donadas a comunidades en otros países - no_money: Hay organizaciones que reciclan bicicletas y algunas de sus partes - non_profit: Los talleres son accesibles para gente sin dinero - recycle_parts: Son organizaciones sin fines de lucro - volunteer_run: Los talleres son operados por voluntarios - workshops: - paragraphs: - Delete_Workshop: La eliminación de un taller no se puede deshacer, ¿está seguro de que desea continuar? - Proposed_Workshops: ¿Te gustaría facilitar tu propio taller? Simplemente regístrate y visita la página de Talleres. Si ya te registraste puedes acceder a la página reiniciando el proceso de registro. - Workshops: ¿Tienes alguna habilidad emocionante que quieres compartir con nosotros? ¿Quieres charlar sobre crear espacios comunitarios seguros? ¿Quieres asegurarte de que hagamos un buen paseo el fin de semana? ¡Propón un taller! No te preocupes si no eres unx expertx, queremos escuchar acerca de las experiencias de todxs dentro de los diferentes talleres comunitarios de los que venimos con sus diferentes configuraciones. - new_workshop: 'Anteriormente los talleres se han podido integrar en una serie de categorías amplias: organización/estructura (cómo iniciar un taller comunitario, cómo registrar una asociación sin fines de lucro, toma de decisiones mediante consenso, etc) mecánica (cómo soldar dos tandems en una tall-bike, cómo construir una masa de cambios internos con accesorios de pesca y calcetines viejos, etc) y recreación (tips de cicloturismo, yoga para ciclistas, etc.) Este año quisieramos intentar páneles, foros u otro tipo de contextos que creas que puedan facilitar el aprendizaje - sé inventivx, ¡Dinos qué quieres ver!' - notes: Las notas se comparten solo con lxs organizadorxs de la conferencia y con lxs facilitadorxs de los talleres. - space: ¿Qué tipo de espacio necesitas para tu taller? - theme: ¿Cuáles de estos temas describen mejor tu taller? Esto ayudará a los anfitriones a evitar conflictos de horario. Seleciona 'otro' si ninguna de las opciones se relaciona de ninguna forma. - facilitate_request: Por favor dile a lxs facilitadorxs actuales quién eres, porqué quieres ayudar en este taller y cómo crees que ayudarás a hacer un mejor taller. Todxs lxs facilitadorxs actuales recibirán un email y pueden hacerte más preguntas antes de aprovar o denegar tu petición. Por favor sabe que este proceso revelará tu direción de email a lxs facilitadorxs. - facilitate_request_sent: Tu petición ha sido enviada. Recibirás un email cuando tu solicutud sea aprobada o denegada o si lxs facilitadorxs tienen alguna pregunta. - languages: ¿En qué idioma se presentará el taller? Habrá traducción o traductor(a) disponible? - needs: Si necesitan algo de lo siguiente, lxs organizadores de la conferencia harán todo lo posible para proporcionarlo. Si tienen cualquier otra solicitud, pueden incluirla en la sección de comentarios. - needs_facilitators: ¿Están buscando ayuda para su taller? Cualquier persona que esté registrada para la conferencia puede ayudar a facilitar un taller en cualquier momento, pero si marcan esta casilla mejorarán las posibilidades de encontrar colaboradores. - info: Describa su taller en detalle. Resaltar el texto para modificar el formato. - headings: - needs_facilitators: ¿Necesitan ayuda? - add_facilitator: Añadir un(a) facilitador(a) - Comments: Comentarios - Proposed_Workshops: Talleres propuestos - facilitators: facilitadores - Delete_Workshop: Eliminar Taller - Workshops: Talleres - Your_Workshops: Tus talleres - languages: Idiomas - needs: Necesidades - notes: Notas - space: Espacio - theme: Tema - facilitate: Solicita ser facilitador(a) de ‘%{workshop_title}’ - Schedule: Programar - info: - read_more: Leer más - interested_count: - one: Una persona está interesadx en este taller. - other: '%{count} personas están interesadxs en este taller.' - zero: Nadie está interesadx en este taller aún. - you_are_interested_count: - other: Tú y otras %{count} personas están interesadxs en este taller. - zero: Tú estás interesadx en este taller. - one: Tú y otra persona están interesadxs en este taller. - user_settings: - headings: - Your_Account: Configuraciones de la cuenta - email_subscribe: Notificaciones - Your_Conferences: Tus conferencias - paragraphs: - conference_registration: Buscando dar de alta o modificar su registro? - email_subscribe: ¿Te gustaría ser notificadx acerca de próximas conferencias? Si te registraste en alguna conferencia, seguiremos enviándote notificaciones y anuncios acerca de la misma aun después de su realización. - email_subscribe: Suscribirse - policy: - headings: - The_Agreement: Acuerdo de Espacios Más Seguros - How: ¿Cómo se hace cumplir esta política? - Why: ¿Porqué tener un Acuerdo de Espacios Más Seguros? - paragraphs: - How: La ciudad anfitriona tiene la responsabilidad de mediar en cualquier situación concerniente a Espacios Más Seguros. Ellxs decidirán qué amerita una advertencia y qué amerita una expulsión de la conferencia. - Why: Para establecer un punto de partida, declaramos nuestras creencias y deseos compartidos para el espacio que es Bike!Bike!. Nos reunimos alrededor de estas ideas para inspirarnos y para asegurarnos que si existen conductas que no nos hagan sentir segurxs haya algo en que basarnos. Al aceptar un compromiso de respeto mutuo esperamos que, de surgir un conflicto, recordaremos a qué nos comprometimos y actuaremos en consecuencia. - term: - empowerment: Apoyamos el empoderamiento de cada persona y cada grupo. - peaceful: Somos pacíficxs y honestxs. - spaces: Respetamos los cuerpos y espacios de cada quién. - hearing: Nos comprometemos a escucharnos y a crear oportunidades para que todas las voces sean escuchadas. - commitment: Entramos con un compromiso hacia el respeto y apoyo mutuos, la defensa contra la opresión, la resolución de conflictos, la no-violencia y la construcción de comunidad. - respect: Respetamos los nombres de todxs, sus pronombres de género, sus identidades expresas y sus experiencias. - accessible: Nos comprometemos a hacer los espacios tan accesibles como sea posible; fisica, social y personalmente. - intent: Aceptamos una responsabilidad compartida para hacernos responsables a nosotrxs mismxs y a lxs demás de los propósitos de este acuerdo. - learning: Con el espíritu de fomentar el crecimiento personal, promovemos los espacios de aprendizaje y la formulación de preguntas en lenguaje incluyente. - open_minds: Alentamos la apertura de mentes y de corazones. - permission_denied: - headings: - confirmation_sent: Confirmar correo electrónico - confirm_email: Por favor confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico. - login_required: Necesario iniciar sesión - contact: - headings: - contact: Envíenos una pregunta o un complemento - reason: ¿Porqué motivo nos estás contactando? - sent: Gracias por contactarnos - paragraphs: - sent: Gracias por comunicarte. Te responderemos vía correo electrónico tan pronto como podamos. - images: - conference: - poster: '%{conference_title} póster' - forms: - labels: - generic: - hosting_dates: ¿Cuándo estarás en la ciudad? - title: Título de la taller - info: Descripción - allergies: Alérgicx - email: Correo electrónico - location: Ciudad y país - name: Nombre - arrival: Fecha de llegada - content: Contenido - departure: Fecha de salida - notes: Notas - other: Discapacidades, preferencias de hospedaje, etc. - subject: Tema - message: 'Tu mensaje:' - reasons: - website: Algo sobre el sitio web - conference: Algo sobre la conferencia - address: Dirección - phone: Número telefónico - bed_space: Número de Camas - floor_space: Espacios para dormir en el piso - tent_space: Espacios para tienda de campaña - first_day: Primer día - last_day: Último día - companion: Acompañante - actions: - generic: - create: Crear - administrate: Administrar - add_comment: Añadir comentario - agree: Estoy en acuerdo - register: Registrarse - edit_registration: Cambiar mi registracion - custom_amount: Cantidad diferente - Log_out: Salir - login: Iniciar sesión - cancel: Cancelar - confirm: Confirmar - confirm_amount: Confirmar - edit: Editar - preview: Vista previa - save: Guardar - send: Enviar - test: Prueba - skip: Omitir - remove_interest: '-1' - show_interest: '+1' - add: + - facebook_sign_in: Iniciar sesión usando Facebook - continue: Continuar - previous: Anterior - next: Siguiente - reply: Responder - close: Cerca - aria: - remove_interest: Haga clic en si ya no está interesado en este taller - show_interest: Haga clic en si usted está interesado en este taller - add: Añadir nuevo - links: - footer: - help_text: - contributors: Contribuyentes - select_language: Cambia tu idioma - facebook: Unirte a nuestro grupo de Facebook - contact: Contáctanos - text: - Help_contribute: Ayuda o contribuye - File_an_Issue: Reportar un problema - download: - Excel: Descarga los datos en formato excel - page_titles: - Conferences: Conferencias - About_BikeBike: Acerca de Bike!Bike! - about: - About_BikeBike: Quienes Bike!Bike! - Safe_Space_Policy: Acuerdo de Espacio Más Seguro - conferences: - Conference_Registration: Registro - Create_Workshop: Crear taller - Delete_Workshop: Eliminar taller - Edit_Workshop: Editar taller - Email_Participants: Enviar correo electrónico a los participantes - Registration_Stats: Estadísticas de registro - View_Workshop: Ver talleres - Workshops: Talleres - Edit: Editar conferencia - Facilitate_Workshop: Solicitud para ser facilitador(a) de taller. - Translate_Workshop: Editar la traducción taller %{language} - policy: - Safer_Spaces_Policy: Acuerdo del Espacio Mas Seguro - '403': - Access_Denied: Acceso Denegado - Please_Check_Email: Por favor confirma tu correo electrónico - Please_Confirm_Email: Confirma tu correo electrónico - Please_Login: Por favor Iniciar sesión - '404': - Page_Not_Found: Crear un taller - Locale_Not_Available: Locale no disponible - '500': - An_Error_Occurred: Ocurrió un error - Policy: 'Política' - About: 'Acerca de' - Register: 'Regístrate' - Pre_Register: 'Pre-Regístrate' - user_settings: - Your_Account: Tu cuenta - contact: - Contact_Us: Contáctanos - actions: - workshops: - create: Crear - Delete: Eliminar - Edit: Editar - Translate: Traducir al %{language} - Approve: Aprobar - Deny: Denegar - Facilitate: Solicita ser facilitador(a) - Remove: Eliminar - View: Ve este taller - View_All: Ve todos los talleres - Make_Owner: Hacer propietario - Leave: Renunciar - Cancel_Request: Cancelar solicitud - conference: - Translate: Editar versión en %{language} - edit_registration: Mi registro - error: - '404': - title: '404: Esta página no existe' - description: La página que buscas no pudo ser encontrada. Si piensas que esto fue un error, por favor contáctanos. - token_not_found: El token de inicio de sesión se ha caducado o no se encuentra. Por favor intenta acceder de nuevo. - '403': - title: Lo sentimos. Por el momento no tienes acceso a esta página - description: Por el momento no tienes los permisos suficientes para acceder a esta página. Si crees que esto es un error, por favor contáctanos. - '500': - title: Tenemos un problema - description: Ha ocurrido un error, los detalles sobre el mismo han sido enviados a nuestro equipo de desarrolladores. También puedes contactarnos a través del formulario en la parte inferior, para ayudarnos a entender qué pasó y como esto te afectó - locale_not_available: - title: '404: No tenemos traducción al %{language}' - description: El sitio aún debe ser traducido al %{language}. Estamos en la búsqueda de voluntari@s que puedan traducir la versión existente y la nueva versión, a medida que le agregamos nuevas características. Si piensas que puedes ayudar, por favor contáctanos. - volunteer: - title: ¿Puedes ayudarnos a traducir? - description: 'Si puedes ayudarnos a traducir al francés u otro idioma, por favor háznoslo saber contactándonos a través del siguiente formulario:' - translate: - content: - translate_now: Translar ahora - can_you_help: ¿Se puede traducir del %{language_a} al %{language_b}? - outdated_translation: El contenido que ha sido superado - translation_out_of_date: Contenido traducido en esta página puede no ser exacta - un_translated: Contenido sin traducir - not_translation: No es una traducción - translation_last_modified: El texto en el idioma original fue modificada por - última vez el %{date} - change_locale: "Leer en %{language}" - Translation_of: Traducción de - pages: - contexts: - geography: geografia - language: idioma - other: otra - sentence: oracion - title: titulo - character: caracter - paragraph: párrafo - pluraliztion_rules: - few: poco - many: muchos - zero: ninguno - one: singular - other: plural - two: dos - Incomplete_Locales: Incomplete Languages - Locale_Translations: '%{language} Traducciones' - context: - other: '%{context} (× %{count})' - one: '%{context}' - content: - change_locale: 'Leer en %{locale}' - context_title: 'Contexto:' - default_value: Predeterminado - no_value: Indefinido - pages: 'Páginas:' - pluraliztion_same_as_other: Igual que el otro - Enabled_Locales: Idiomas habilitados - History: Historia - Locale_Translation: Traducción en %{language} - Other_Locales: Otros idiomas - Save: Ahorre - explain_zero_fallback: Esta traducción se utilice la versión plural para el - número 0 - use_custom_value: Utilice un valor personalizado - use_default_value: Utilice el valor predeterminado - variables: Variables - site: - go_to_locale: Ver el sitio %{language} ahora - locale_is_available: '%{site_name} está disponible en %{language}' - locale_needs_help: ¿Puedes ayudar a traducir el sitio al %{language}? - locale_not_available: Lo sentimos, %{site_name} no está disponible en %{language}. - volunteer: - become_a_volunteer: Conviértete en un traductor voluntario - volunteer: ¿Puedes ayudar a traducir esto? - menu: - submenu: - registration: - Registration: Registro - Workshops: Talleres - Broadcast: Emitir - Edit: Editar conferencia - Stats: Estadísticas - page_descriptions: - home: Bike!Bike! Una conferencia de colectivos ciclistas, cooperativas y talleres de bicicletas autogestivos sin fines de lucro. - email: - confirmation: - link: - please_confirm: Confirmar ahora - paragraph: - please_confirm: ¡Hola! Para ingresar al registro y otras funciones de Bike!Bike! confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico por favor. - subject: - confirm_email: E-mail de confirmación - pre_registration_confirmed: ¡Gracias por pre-registrarte para %{conference_title}! - registration_confirmed: ¡Gracias por registrarte para %{conference_title}! - workshop_facilitator_request: Solicitud para facilitar ‘%{workshop_title}’ por - parte de %{requester_name} - workshop_request_approved: Has sido agregadx como facilitador(a) a ‘%{workshop_title}’ - workshop_request_denied: Tu petición para facilitar ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha sido - denegada. - registration_confirmed: Gracias por pre - registrarte en %{conference_title} - workshop_comment: - comment: '%{user_name} ha comentado acerca de ‘%{workshop_title}’' - reply: '%{user_name} respondido a tu comentario' - workshop_original_content_changed: El contenido original de ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha sido modificado - workshop_translated: La traducción al %{language} de ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha sido modificada - translations: - headings: - new_value: 'Nuevo valor: ' - old_value: 'Viejo Valor: ' - diff: 'Diferencia: ' - paragraph: - workshop_translated: '%{user_name} ha modificado la traducción al %{language} de ‘%{workshop_title}’.' - workshop_original_content_changed: '%{user_name} ha modificado el contenido original de Mi Increíble Taller. Puede ser que las traducciones requieran actualizarse.' - workshop_comment: - paragraph: - user_said: '%{user_name} escribió' - general: - paragraph: - see_you: ¡Nos vemos en %{conference_location}! - thank_you: Gracias %{name}, - registration: - paragraph: - confirmed: Te has registrado exitosamente para %{conference_title}, Puedes modificar los detalles de tu registro, pagar o agregar talleres en cualquier momento reiniciando el proceso de registro. Si aún tienes que pagar o agregar tus talleres y quieres hacerlo te pedimos que lo hagas lo más pronto posible para ayudarnos a prepararnos para tu llegada. - pre_confirmed: Te has pre-registrado exitosamente para %{conference_title}. Te haremos saber cuando el registro completo esté disponible y si hay alguna novedad acerca de la conferencia sobre la que debas saber. Te invitamos a inscribirte como voluntario o facilitador de un taller tan pronto como puedas. Puedes inscribirte ahora, o cambiar tus detalles de registro en cualquier momento haciendo clic en el enlace de pre-registro nuevamente. - workshop: - paragraph: - request_approved: Has sido agregado como facilitador(a) para ‘%{workshop_title}’ - request_denied: Tu petición para ser facilitador(a) de ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha sido denegada. Si crees que esto es un error, puedes contactar a lxs facilitadorxs actuales haciendo otra petición para ser facilitador(a). - request_instructions: Puedes aprobar o denegar esta petición en la página de tu taller. - request_message: '%{user_name} ha solicitado ser facilitador(a) para ‘%{workshop_title}’' - request_reply_instructions: También puedes responder directamente a este email para hacer preguntas adicionales. - view_workshop: Ver el taller aquí - roles: - workshops: - facilitator: - creator: Creador - collaborator: Colaborador - requested: Solicitó - unregistered: No registrado - facilitator: Facilitador(a) - workshop: - options: - needs: - projector: Proyector - sound: Sistema de sonido - tools: Herramientas - space: - meeting_room: Sala de juntas - outdoor_meeting: Espacio exterior - workshop: Espacio para reparación - theme: - community: Participación comunitaria - funding: Fondeo - mechanics: Mecánica - organization: Asuntos organizacionales - other: Otro - race_gender: Políticas de raza, género o clase - needs_facilitators: Se necesitan mas facilitadorxs +--- +es: + date: + abbr_day_names: + - dom + - lun + - mar + - mié + - jue + - vie + - sáb + abbr_month_names: + - + - ene + - feb + - mar + - abr + - may + - jun + - jul + - ago + - sep + - oct + - nov + - dic + day_names: + - domingo + - lunes + - martes + - miércoles + - jueves + - viernes + - sábado + formats: + default: "%d/%m/%Y" + long: "%d de %B de %Y" + short: "%d de %b" + weekday: "%A" + span_same_month_date_2: "%e, %Y" + span_same_month_date_1: "%B %e" + span_same_year_date_1: "%B %e" + span_same_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" + span_different_year_date_1: "%B %e, %Y" + span_different_year_date_2: "%B %e, %Y" + month_names: + - + - enero + - febrero + - marzo + - abril + - mayo + - junio + - julio + - agosto + - septiembre + - octubre + - noviembre + - diciembre + order: + - :day + - :month + - :year + date_span: "%{date_1} – %{date_2}" + datetime: + distance_in_words: + about_x_hours: + one: alrededor de 1 hora + other: alrededor de %{count} horas + about_x_months: + one: alrededor de 1 mes + other: alrededor de %{count} meses + about_x_years: + one: alrededor de 1 año + other: alrededor de %{count} años + almost_x_years: + one: casi 1 año + other: casi %{count} años + half_a_minute: medio minuto + less_than_x_minutes: + one: menos de 1 minuto + other: menos de %{count} minutos + less_than_x_seconds: + one: menos de 1 segundo + other: menos de %{count} segundos + over_x_years: + one: más de 1 año + other: más de %{count} años + x_days: + one: 1 día + other: "%{count} días" + x_minutes: + one: 1 minuto + other: "%{count} minutos" + x_months: + one: 1 mes + other: "%{count} meses" + x_seconds: + one: 1 segundo + other: "%{count} segundos" + x_hours: + one: 1 hora + other: "%{count} horas" + x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}" + time_ago: hace %{time} + prompts: + day: Día + hour: Hora + minute: Minutos + month: Mes + second: Segundos + year: Año + errors: + format: "%{attribute} %{message}" + messages: + accepted: debe ser aceptado + blank: no puede estar en blanco + present: debe estar en blanco + confirmation: no coincide + empty: no puede estar vacío + equal_to: debe ser igual a %{count} + even: debe ser par + exclusion: está reservado + greater_than: debe ser mayor que %{count} + greater_than_or_equal_to: debe ser mayor que o igual a %{count} + inclusion: no está incluido en la lista + invalid: no es válido + less_than: debe ser menor que %{count} + less_than_or_equal_to: debe ser menor que o igual a %{count} + not_a_number: no es un número + not_an_integer: debe ser un entero + odd: debe ser impar + record_invalid: 'La validación falló: %{errors}' + restrict_dependent_destroy: + one: No se puede eliminar el registro porque existe un %{record} dependiente + many: No se puede eliminar el registro porque existen %{record} dependientes + taken: ya está en uso + too_long: + one: es demasiado largo (1 carácter máximo) + other: es demasiado largo (%{count} caracteres máximo) + too_short: + one: es demasiado corto (%{count} carácter mínimo) + other: es demasiado corto (%{count} caracteres mínimo) + wrong_length: + one: no tiene la longitud correcta (1 carácter exactos) + other: no tiene la longitud correcta (%{count} caracteres exactos) + other_than: debe ser distinto de %{count} + fields: + location: + empty: Por favor, introduzca su ubicación + unknown: Por favor, incluya su ciudad o pueblo, no hemos podido encontrar + una localidad de "%{value}" + name: + empty: Por favor ingrese un nombre valido + payment: + incomplete: Su pago no se completó. + template: + body: 'Se encontraron problemas con los siguientes campos:' + header: + one: No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontró 1 error + other: No se pudo guardar este/a %{model} porque se encontraron %{count} errores + warnings: + messages: + location_corrected: Tu ubicación fue corregida de "%{original}" a "%{corrected}". + Si esto no refleja tu ubicación prevista, puedes cambiarla nuevamente en el + paso de "información de contacto". + housing: + space: + overbooked: Con exceso de reservas + helpers: + select: + prompt: Por favor seleccione + submit: + create: Crear %{model} + submit: Guardar %{model} + update: Actualizar %{model} + number: + currency: + format: + delimiter: "." + format: "%n %u" + precision: 2 + separator: "," + significant: false + strip_insignificant_zeros: false + unit: "€" + format: + delimiter: "." + precision: 3 + separator: "," + significant: false + strip_insignificant_zeros: false + human: + decimal_units: + format: "%n %u" + units: + billion: mil millones + million: millón + quadrillion: mil billones + thousand: mil + trillion: billón + unit: '' + format: + delimiter: '' + precision: 1 + significant: true + strip_insignificant_zeros: true + storage_units: + format: "%n %u" + units: + byte: + one: Byte + other: Bytes + gb: GB + kb: KB + mb: MB + tb: TB + percentage: + format: + delimiter: '' + precision: + format: + delimiter: '' + support: + array: + last_word_connector: ", y " + two_words_connector: " y " + words_connector: ", " + time: + am: am + formats: + default: "%A, %d de %B de %Y %H:%M" + long: "%d de %B de %Y %H:%M" + short: "%H:%M" + pm: pm + languages: + af: afrikáans + ar: "árabe" + az: azerbaiyano + bg: búlgaro + bn: bengalí + bs: bosnio + ca: catalán + cs: checo + cy: galés + da: danés + de: alemán + el: griego + en: inglés + eo: esperanto + es: español + et: estonio + eu: euskera + fa: persa + fi: finés + fr: francés + gl: gallego + he: hebreo + hi: hindi + hr: croata + hu: húngaro + id: indonesio + is: islandés + it: italiano + ja: japonés + km: jemer + kn: canarés + ko: coreano + lo: lao + lt: lituano + lv: letón + mk: macedonio + mn: mongol + ms: malayo + nb: noruego bokmal + ne: nepalí + nl: neerlandés + nn: noruego nynorsk + or: oriya + pl: polaco + pt: portugués + rm: romanche + ro: rumano + ru: ruso + sk: eslovaco + sl: esloveno + sr: serbio + sv: sueco + sw: suajili + ta: tamil + th: tailandés + tl: tagalo + tr: turco + uk: ucraniano + ur: urdu + uz: uzbeko + vi: vietnamita + wo: wólof + be: bielorruso + tt: tártaro + aa: afar + ab: abjasio + ace: acehnés + ach: acoli + ada: adangme + ady: adigué + ae: avéstico + afh: afrihili + agq: aghem + ain: ainu + ak: akan + akk: acadio + ale: aleutiano + alt: altái meridional + am: amárico + an: aragonés + ang: inglés antiguo + anp: angika + ar-001: "árabe estándar moderno" + arc: arameo + arn: mapuche + arp: arapaho + arw: arahuaco + as: asamés + asa: asu + ast: asturiano + av: avar + awa: avadhi + ay: aimara + az-alt-short: azerí + ba: baskir + bal: baluchi + ban: balinés + bas: basaa + bax: bamún + bbj: ghomala + bej: beja + bem: bemba + bez: bena + bfd: bafut + bgn: baluchi occidental + bho: bhoyapurí + bi: bislama + bik: bicol + bin: bini + bkm: kom + bla: siksika + bm: bambara + bo: tibetano + br: bretón + bra: braj + brx: bodo + bss: akoose + bua: buriato + bug: buginés + bum: bulu + byn: blin + byv: medumba + cad: caddo + car: caribe + cay: cayuga + cch: atsam + ce: checheno + ceb: cebuano + cgg: chiga + ch: chamorro + chb: chibcha + chg: chagatái + chk: trukés + chm: marí + chn: jerga chinuk + cho: choctaw + chp: chipewyan + chr: cheroqui + chy: cheyene + ckb: kurdo sorani + co: corso + cop: copto + cr: cree + crh: tártaro de Crimea + crs: criollo seychelense + csb: casubio + cu: eslavo eclesiástico + cv: chuvasio + dak: dakota + dar: dargva + dav: taita + de-AT: alemán austríaco + de-CH: alto alemán suizo + del: delaware + den: slave + dgr: dogrib + din: dinka + dje: zarma + doi: dogri + dsb: bajo sorbio + dua: duala + dum: neerlandés medio + dv: divehi + dyo: jola-fonyi + dyu: diula + dz: dzongkha + dzg: dazaga + ebu: embu + ee: ewé + efi: efik + egy: egipcio antiguo + eka: ekajuk + elx: elamita + en-AU: inglés australiano + en-CA: inglés canadiense + en-GB: inglés británico + en-GB-alt-short: inglés (RU) + en-US: inglés estadounidense + en-US-alt-short: inglés (EE. UU.) + enm: inglés medio + es-419: español latinoamericano + es-ES: español de España + es-MX: español de México + ewo: ewondo + fan: fang + fat: fanti + ff: fula + fil: filipino + fj: fiyiano + fo: feroés + fon: fon + fr-CA: francés canadiense + fr-CH: francés suizo + frm: francés medio + fro: francés antiguo + frr: frisón septentrional + frs: frisón oriental + fur: friulano + fy: frisón occidental + ga: irlandés + gaa: ga + gag: gagauzo + gan: chino gan + gay: gayo + gba: gbaya + gd: gaélico escocés + gez: geez + gil: gilbertés + gmh: alto alemán medio + gn: guaraní + goh: alto alemán antiguo + gon: gondi + gor: gorontalo + got: gótico + grb: grebo + grc: griego antiguo + gsw: alemán suizo + gu: guyaratí + guz: gusii + gv: manés + gwi: kutchin + ha: hausa + hai: haida + hak: chino hakka + haw: hawaiano + hil: hiligaynon + hit: hitita + hmn: hmong + ho: hiri motu + hsb: alto sorbio + hsn: chino xiang + ht: criollo haitiano + hup: hupa + hy: armenio + hz: herero + ia: interlingua + iba: iban + ibb: ibibio + ie: interlingue + ig: igbo + ii: yi de Sichuán + ik: inupiaq + ilo: ilocano + inh: ingush + io: ido + iu: inuktitut + jbo: lojban + jgo: ngomba + jmc: machame + jpr: judeo-persa + jrb: judeo-árabe + jv: javanés + ka: georgiano + kaa: karakalpako + kab: cabila + kac: kachin + kaj: jju + kam: kamba + kaw: kawi + kbd: kabardiano + kbl: kanembu + kcg: tyap + kde: makonde + kea: criollo caboverdiano + kfo: koro + kg: kongo + kha: khasi + kho: kotanés + khq: koyra chiini + ki: kikuyu + kj: kuanyama + kk: kazajo + kkj: kako + kl: groenlandés + kln: kalenjin + kmb: kimbundu + koi: komi permio + kok: konkaní + kos: kosraeano + kpe: kpelle + kr: kanuri + krc: karachay-balkar + krl: carelio + kru: kurukh + ks: cachemiro + ksb: shambala + ksf: bafia + ksh: kölsch + ku: kurdo + kum: kumyk + kut: kutenai + kv: komi + kw: córnico + ky: kirguís + la: latín + lad: ladino + lag: langi + lah: lahnda + lam: lamba + lb: luxemburgués + lez: lezgiano + lg: ganda + li: limburgués + lkt: lakota + ln: lingala + lol: mongo + loz: lozi + lrc: lorí septentrional + lu: luba-katanga + lua: luba-lulua + lui: luiseño + lun: lunda + luo: luo + lus: mizo + luy: luyia + mad: madurés + maf: mafa + mag: magahi + mai: maithili + mak: macasar + man: mandingo + mas: masái + mde: maba + mdf: moksha + mdr: mandar + men: mende + mer: meru + mfe: criollo mauriciano + mg: malgache + mga: irlandés medio + mgh: makhuwa-meetto + mgo: meta’ + mh: marshalés + mi: maorí + mic: micmac + min: minangkabau + ml: malayalam + mnc: manchú + mni: manipuri + moh: mohawk + mos: mossi + mr: maratí + mt: maltés + mua: mundang + mul: varios idiomas + mus: creek + mwl: mirandés + mwr: marwari + my: birmano + mye: myene + myv: erzya + mzn: mazandaraní + na: nauruano + nan: chino min nan + nap: napolitano + naq: nama + nd: ndebele septentrional + nds: bajo alemán + nds-NL: bajo sajón + new: newari + ng: ndonga + nia: nias + niu: niueano + nl-BE: flamenco + nmg: kwasio + nnh: ngiemboon + 'no': noruego + nog: nogai + non: nórdico antiguo + nqo: n’ko + nr: ndebele meridional + nso: sesotho septentrional + nus: nuer + nv: navajo + nwc: newari clásico + ny: nyanja + nym: nyamwezi + nyn: nyankole + nyo: nyoro + nzi: nzima + oc: occitano + oj: ojibwa + om: oromo + os: osético + osa: osage + ota: turco otomano + pa: panyabí + pag: pangasinán + pal: pahlavi + pam: pampanga + pap: papiamento + pau: palauano + pcm: pidgin de Nigeria + peo: persa antiguo + phn: fenicio + pi: pali + pon: pohnpeiano + prg: prusiano + pro: provenzal antiguo + ps: pastún + ps-alt-variant: pastú + pt-BR: portugués de Brasil + pt-PT: portugués de Portugal + qu: quechua + quc: quiché + raj: rajasthani + rap: rapanui + rar: rarotongano + rn: kirundi + ro-MD: moldavo + rof: rombo + rom: romaní + root: raíz + rup: arrumano + rw: kinyarwanda + rwk: rwa + sa: sánscrito + sad: sandawe + sah: sakha + sam: arameo samaritano + saq: samburu + sas: sasak + sat: santali + sba: ngambay + sbp: sangu + sc: sardo + scn: siciliano + sco: escocés + sd: sindhi + sdh: kurdo meridional + se: sami septentrional + see: seneca + seh: sena + sel: selkup + ses: koyraboro senni + sg: sango + sga: irlandés antiguo + sh: serbocroata + shi: tashelhit + shn: shan + shu: "árabe chadiano" + si: cingalés + sid: sidamo + sm: samoano + sma: sami meridional + smj: sami lule + smn: sami inari + sms: sami skolt + sn: shona + snk: soninké + so: somalí + sog: sogdiano + sq: albanés + srn: sranan tongo + srr: serer + ss: suazi + ssy: saho + st: sesotho meridional + su: sundanés + suk: sukuma + sus: susu + sux: sumerio + sw-CD: suajili del Congo + swb: comorense + syc: siríaco clásico + syr: siriaco + te: telugu + tem: temne + teo: teso + ter: tereno + tet: tetún + tg: tayiko + ti: tigriña + tig: tigré + tiv: tiv + tk: turcomano + tkl: tokelauano + tlh: klingon + tli: tlingit + tmh: tamashek + tn: setsuana + to: tongano + tog: tonga del Nyasa + tpi: tok pisin + trv: taroko + ts: tsonga + tsi: tsimshiano + tum: tumbuka + tvl: tuvaluano + tw: twi + twq: tasawaq + ty: tahitiano + tyv: tuviniano + tzm: tamazight del Atlas Central + udm: udmurt + ug: uigur + ug-alt-variant: uygur + uga: ugarítico + umb: umbundu + und: lengua desconocida + vai: vai + ve: venda + vo: volapük + vot: vótico + vun: vunjo + wa: valón + wae: walser + wal: wolayta + war: waray + was: washo + wbp: warlpiri + wuu: chino wu + xal: kalmyk + xh: xhosa + xog: soga + yao: yao + yap: yapés + yav: yangben + ybb: yemba + yi: yidis + yo: yoruba + yue: cantonés + za: zhuang + zap: zapoteco + zbl: símbolos Bliss + zen: zenaga + zgh: tamazight estándar marroquí + zh: chino + zh-Hans: chino simplificado + zh-Hant: chino tradicional + zu: zulú + zun: zuñi + zxx: sin contenido lingüístico + zza: zazaki + geography: + countries: + AD: Andorra + AE: Emiratos Árabes Unidos + AF: Afganistán + AG: Antigua y Barbuda + AI: Anguila + AL: Albania + AM: Armenia + AO: Angola + AQ: Antártida + AR: Argentina + AS: Samoa Americana + AT: Austria + AU: Australia + AW: Aruba + AX: Islas de Åland + AZ: Azerbaiyán + BA: Bosnia-Herzegovina + BB: Barbados + BD: Bangladesh + BE: Bélgica + BF: Burkina Faso + BG: Bulgaria + BH: Bahréin + BI: Burundi + BJ: Benín + BL: San Bartolomé + BM: Bermudas + BN: Brunéi + BO: Bolivia + BQ: Bonaire + BR: Brasil + BS: Bahamas + BT: Bután + BV: Isla Bouvet + BW: Botsuana + BY: Bielorrusia + BZ: Belice + CA: Canadá + CC: Islas Cocos + CD: República Democrática del Congo + CF: República Centroafricana + CG: Congo [República] + CH: Suiza + CI: Costa de Marfil + CK: Islas Cook + CL: Chile + CM: Camerún + CN: China + CO: Colombia + CR: Costa Rica + CU: Cuba + CV: Cabo Verde + CW: Curazao + CX: Isla Christmas + CY: Chipre + CZ: República Checa + DE: Alemania + DJ: Yibuti + DK: Dinamarca + DM: Dominica + DO: República Dominicana + DZ: Argelia + EC: Ecuador + EE: Estonia + EG: Egipto + EH: Sáhara Occidental + ER: Eritrea + ES: España + ET: Etiopía + FI: Finlandia + FJ: Fiyi + FK: Islas Malvinas + FM: Micronesia + FO: Islas Feroe + FR: Francia + GA: Gabón + GB: Reino Unido + GD: Granada + GE: Georgia + GF: Guayana Francesa + GG: Guernsey + GH: Ghana + GI: Gibraltar + GL: Groenlandia + GM: Gambia + GN: Guinea + GP: Guadalupe + GQ: Guinea Ecuatorial + GR: Grecia + GS: Islas Georgia del Sur y Sandwich del Sur + GT: Guatemala + GU: Guam + GW: Guinea-Bissáu + GY: Guyana + HK: Hong Kong + HM: Islas Heard y McDonald + HN: Honduras + HR: Croacia + HT: Haití + HU: Hungría + ID: Indonesia + IE: Irlanda + IL: Israel + IM: Isla de Man + IN: India + IO: Territorio Británico del Océano Índico + IQ: Irak + IR: Irán + IS: Islandia + IT: Italia + JE: Jersey + JM: Jamaica + JO: Jordania + JP: Japón + KE: Kenia + KG: Kirguistán + KH: Camboya + KI: Kiribati + KM: Comoras + KN: San Cristóbal y Nieves + KP: Corea del Norte + KR: Corea del Sur + KW: Kuwait + KY: Islas Caimán + KZ: Kazajstán + LA: Laos + LB: Líbano + LC: Santa Lucía + LI: Liechtenstein + LK: Sri Lanka + LR: Liberia + LS: Lesotho + LT: Lituania + LU: Luxemburgo + LV: Letonia + LY: Libia + MA: Marruecos + MC: Mónaco + MD: Moldavia + ME: Montenegro + MF: San Martín + MG: Madagascar + MH: Islas Marshall + MK: Macedonia + ML: Mali + MM: Myanmar [Birmania] + MN: Mongolia + MO: Macao + MP: Islas Marianas del Norte + MQ: Martinica + MR: Mauritania + MS: Montserrat + MT: Malta + MU: Mauricio + MV: Maldivas + MW: Malaui + MX: México + MY: Malasia + MZ: Mozambique + NA: Namibia + NC: Nueva Caledonia + NE: Níger + NF: Isla Norfolk + NG: Nigeria + NI: Nicaragua + NL: Holanda + 'NO': Noruega + NP: Nepal + NR: Nauru + NU: Isla Niue + NZ: Nueva Zelanda + OM: Omán + PA: Panamá + PE: Perú + PF: Polinesia Francesa + PG: Papúa-Nueva Guinea + PH: Filipinas + PK: Pakistán + PL: Polonia + PM: San Pedro y Miquelón + PN: Islas Pitcairn + PR: Puerto Rico + PS: Territorios Palestinos + PT: Portugal + PW: Palaos + PY: Paraguay + QA: Qatar + RE: Reunión + RO: Rumanía + RS: Serbia + RU: Rusia + RW: Ruanda + SA: Arabia Saudí + SB: Islas Salomón + SC: Seychelles + SD: Sudán + SE: Suecia + SG: Singapur + SH: Santa Elena + SI: Eslovenia + SJ: Svalbard y Jan Mayen + SK: Eslovaquia + SL: Sierra Leona + SM: San Marino + SN: Senegal + SO: Somalia + SR: Surinam + SS: Sudán del Sur + ST: Santo Tomé y Príncipe + SV: El Salvador + SX: San Martín + SY: Siria + SZ: Suazilandia + TC: Islas Turcas y Caicos + TD: Chad + TF: Territorios Australes Franceses + TG: Togo + TH: Tailandia + TJ: Tayikistán + TK: Tokelau + TL: Timor Oriental + TM: Turkmenistán + TN: Túnez + TO: Tonga + TR: Turquía + TT: Trinidad y Tobago + TV: Tuvalu + TW: Taiwán + TZ: Tanzania + UA: Ucrania + UG: Uganda + UM: Islas menores alejadas de los Estados Unidos + US: Estados Unidos + UY: Uruguay + UZ: Uzbekistán + VA: Ciudad del Vaticano + VC: San Vicente y las Granadinas + VE: Venezuela + VG: Islas Vírgenes + VI: Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos + VN: Vietnam + VU: Vanuatu + WF: Wallis y Futuna + WS: Samoa + XK: Kosovo + YE: Yemen + YT: Mayotte + ZA: Sudáfrica + ZM: Zambia + ZW: Zimbawe + subregions: + AR: + BA: Buenos Aires + CF: Buenos Aires C.F. + CT: Catamarca + CC: Chaco + CH: Chubut + CD: Córdoba + CR: Corrientes + ER: Entre Ríos + FO: Formosa + JY: Jujuy + LP: La Pampa + LR: La Rioja + MZ: Mendoza + MN: Misiones + NQ: Neuquén + RN: Río Negro + SA: Salta + SJ: San Juan + SL: San Luis + SC: Santa Cruz + SF: Santa Fe + SE: Santiago del Estero + TF: Tierra del Fuego + TM: Tucumán + AT: + Bgld: Burgenland + AU: + ACT: Territorio de la Capital Australiana + NSW: New South Wales + NT: Territorio del Norte + QLD: Queensland + SA: South Australia + TAS: Tasmania + VIC: Victoria + WA: Western Australia + BR: + AC: Acre + AL: Alagoas + AP: Amapá + AM: Amazonas + BA: Bahía + CE: Ceará + ES: Espírito Santo + DF: Distrito Federal + GO: Goiás + MA: Maranhão + MT: Mato Grosso + MS: Mato Grosso del Sur + MG: Minas Gerais + PB: Paraíba + PR: Paraná + PA: Pará + PE: Pernambuco + PI: Piauí + RN: Río Grande del Norte + RS: Río Grande del Sur + RJ: Río de Janeiro + RO: Rondonia + RR: Roraima + SC: Santa Catarina + SE: Sergipe + SP: São Paulo + TO: Tocantins + CA: + AB: Alberta + BC: Columbia Británica + MB: Manitoba + NB: Nuevo Brunswick + NL: New Foundland - Labrador + NT: Northwest Territories + NS: Nueva Escocia + NU: Nunavut + 'ON': Ontario + PE: Isla del Príncipe Eduardo + QC: Quebec + SK: Saskatchewan + YT: Yukón + CH: + TG: Thurgau + VD: Vaud + ZH: Zurich + DE: + HH: Hamburgo + NRW: Renania del Norte-Westfalia + IT: + FVG: Friuli-Venecia Julia + MX: + Ags: Aguascalientes + BCS: Baja California Sur + CAM: Campeche + CHP: Chiapas + CH: Chihuahua + COA: Coahuila de Zaragoza + COL: Colima + DUR: Durango + BCN: Baja California + MEX: México + GUA: Guanajuato + GRO: Guerrero + Hgo: Hidalgo + JAL: Jalisco + Mich: Michoacán de Ocampo + MOR: Morelos + NAY: Nayarit + NL: Nuevo León + OAX: Oaxaca + PUE: Puebla + QUE: Querétaro de Arteaga + ROO: Quintana Roo + SLP: San Luis Potosí + SIN: Sinaloa + SON: Sonora + TAB: Tabasco + TAM: Tamaulipas + Tlax: Tlaxcala + VER: Veracruz-Llave + YUC: Yucatán + ZAC: Zacatecas + Jal: Jalisco + DIF: Federal District + Gto: Guanajuato + MIC: Michoacán de Ocampo + NLE: Nuevo León + Qro: Querétaro de Arteaga + QRoo: Quintana Roo + MY: + JHR: Johor + KDH: Kedah + KTN: Kelantan + KUL: Kuala Lumpur + LBN: Labuan + MLK: Melaka + NSN: Negeri Sembilan + PHG: Pahang + PNG: Penang + PRK: Perak + PLS: Perlis + PJY: Putrajaya + SBH: Sabah + SRW: Sarawak + SGR: Selangor + TRG: Terengganu + NI: + RAAN: North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) + NL: + GLD: Güeldres + fr: Frisia + gr: Groninga + lb: Limburgo + nb: Brabante Septentrional + nh: Holanda Septentrional + dr: Drente + fl: Flevolanda + gd: Güeldres + ov: Provincie Overijssel + ut: Provincie Utrecht + zl: Zelanda + zh: Holanda Meridional + PH: + ARMM: Mindanao Musulmán + US: + AL: Alabama + AK: Alaska + AZ: Arizona + AR: Arkansas + Calif: California + CA: California + CO: Colorado + CT: Connecticut + DE: Delaware + FL: Florida + GA: Georgia + HI: Hawái + ID: Idaho + IL: Illinois + IN: Indiana + IA: Iowa + KS: Kansas + KY: Kentucky + LA: Louisiana + ME: Maine + MD: Maryland + MA: Massachusetts + MI: Michigan + MN: Minnesota + MS: Mississippi + MO: Missouri + MT: Montana + NE: Nebraska + NV: Nevada + NH: Nuevo Hampshire + NJ: Nueva Jersey + NM: Nuevo México + NY: Nueva York + NC: Carolina del Norte + ND: Dakota del Norte + OH: Ohio + OK: Oklahoma + OR: Oregón + PA: Pensilvania + RI: Rhode Island + SC: Carolina del Sur + SD: Dakota del Sur + TN: Tennessee + TX: Texas + UT: Utah + VT: Vermont + VA: Virginia + WA: Washington + DC: Washington D.C. + WV: Virginia Occidental + WI: Wisconsin + WY: Wyoming + ET: + SNNPR: SNNPR + FR: + ACAL: Grand-Est + NG: + FCTA: FCT + PK: + FATA: "Áreas tribales" + RU: + MO: "Óblast de Moscú" + formats: + city_region_country: "%{city}, %{region}, %{country}" + city_country: "%{city}, %{country}" + city_region: "%{city}, %{region}" + region_country: "%{region}, %{country}" + conference: + actions: + Register: Regístrate + modals: + confirm: Por favor, confirmar + yes_button: Sí + no_button: 'No' + done_button: Cerca + info: Más información + workshops: + facilitators: + confirm_remove: "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar %{user_name} como facilitador + de este taller?" + confirm_remove_self: "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar a sí mismo como + un facilitador de este taller?" + confirm_cancel_request: "¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar su solicitud para + convertirse en un facilitador de este taller?" + confirm_transfer_ownership: Mediante la transferencia de la propiedad, perderá + las capacidades administrativas, como la eliminación y la aprobación de + nuevos facilitadores. ¿Seguro que deseas transferir la propiedad a %{user_name}? + donate: + button_label: Donar + articles: + conferences: + headings: + conferences: Conferencias nacionales y regionales + Conference_List: Conferencias + types: + future: Próximas conferencias + passed: Conferencias aprobadas + paragraphs: + conferences: Bike!Bike! conferencias se llevan a cabo nacionalmente una vez + al año en una ciudad diferente en América del Norte; Las conferencias regionales + pueden celebrarse en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. + conference_registration: + headings: + Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Talleres que necesitan facilitadorxs + Add_Workshop: Proponer un taller + workshops: Talleres + Registration_Info: Registro + arrival_and_departure: "¿Que día llegas a %{city}?" + allergies: "¿Tienes alergias?" + languages: "¿Hablas?" + food: "¿Que comes?" + Enter_Your_Email: Correo electrónico + location: Ciudad y pais  + name: Nombre + preferred_language: "¿Qué idioma prefieres usar?" + Allergies: "¿Tienes alergias?" + Workshops: Talleres + Your_Workshops: Tus talleres + add_facilitator: Añadir un(a) facilitador(a) + Policy_Agreement: Acuerdo del Espacio Mas Seguro + Preview: Vista previa + Stats: Estadísticas + Your_Registration: Tu registro + Your_Conferences: Tus conferencias + Youre_Done: "¡Estás listx!" + arrival: Llegada + bike: "¿Necesitas una bici?" + departure: Salida + email_confirm: Confirmar correo electrónico + housing: "¿Necesitas hospedaje?" + other: "¿Hay algo más que quisieras decirnos?" + Payment: Pago + payment: Contribución + payment_confirm: Por favor confirma tu pago + city: Ciudad + date: Fecha + email: Email + fees_paid: Cargos pagados + Pre_Registration_Details: "¡El Pre-Registro ya está abierto!" + Registration_Details: "¡El Registro ya está abierto!" + can_provide_housing: "¿Puedes proporcionar hospedaje a quienes visitan la + ciudad?" + Verify_Account: Verifica tu cuenta + policy: Normatividad + Contact_Info: Información de contacto + contact_info: Información de contacto + Administration: Administrar cuenta + administration: Administrar cuenta + hosting: Hospedaje + Hosting: Hospedaje + Workshops_You_Have_Requested: Talleres que te ofreciste a impartir + All_Workshops: Todos los otros talleres + questions: Tu Visita + basic_info: Tu Visita + companion: Acompañante + host: + considerations: Consideraciones especiales + space: Espacio Disponible + availability: Disponibilidad + address: Dirección + Register: Regístrate para %{title} + paragraphs: + Payment_Made: Usted ya ha realizado un pago de %{fees_paid}. + Payment_Add: "¡Gracias! Puede añadir a esta cantidad si desea realizar otra + de pago a continuación." + companion: "¿Quieres que nos aseguremos de que la persona que viaja contigo + se hospede en el mismo lugar que tú?" + Workshops_You_Have_Requested: La siguiente es una lista de todos los talleres + que pediste facilitar. + Workshops_Looking_For_Facilitators: Te gustaría ayudar a facilitar un taller + propuesto por otra persona? A continuación se muestra una lista de los talleres + que necesitan facilitadorxs. Si estás interesadx en ayudar, puedes facilitar + uno de estos talleres. + Your_Workshops: La siguiente es una lista de todos los talleres que se están + facilitando. + host: + address: Tu dirección y número telefónico serán compartidos con lxs visitantes + y lxs organizadorxs de Bike!Bike! + space: "¿Cuántos espacios tienes para compartir?" + availability: Lo más común, es que lxs asistentes lleguen y se vayan los + días en que inicia y finaliza la conferencia pero a menudo algunxs visitantes + llegan unos días antes y se van unos días después. ¿Cuándo estará disponible + tu espacio? + considerations: Lxs organizadores tratarán de emparejar de la mejor manera + posible anfitriones con invitadxs. ¿Cuál de las siguientes consideraciones + crees que lxs organizadores deben tener en cuenta al momento de escoger + a quien vaya a quedarse contigo? + notes: Deja un mensaje a lxs organizadores respecto a lo que deben considerar + al momento de escoger a la persona que vas a hospedar. + Policy_Agreement: Asegurar que todos los asistentes se sientan bienvenidos, + seguro y respetada en todo momento es especialmente importante para todos + nosotros. Por favor asegúrese de que plenamente ha leído y entendido nuestra + política de espacios más seguros a continuación, si tiene alguna pregunta + o preocupación que usted puede llegar a los organizadores en cualquier momento. + facebook_sign_in: De manera alternativa puedes registrarte usando tu cuenta + de Facebook y así evitarás tener que esperar a que te enviemos un correo + electrónico + can_provide_housing: Alojar a lxs asistentes a la conferencia es una parte + importante de Bike!Bike!, proporciona a mucha gente que normalmente no podría + costear el hospedaje, la oportunidad de venir a la conferencia, permitiéndoles + conocer nuestra ciudad y a sus residentes. Tendrás que conceder acceso a + tu casa a lxs huéspedes durante la noche, teniendo en cuenta que los eventos + pueden terminar hasta muy tarde. Si no se puede acceder a tu casa durante + el día, debes asegurarte de comunicar estoy muy claramente a tus invitadxs. + not_attending: Si sólo está proporcionando vivienda y no desea recibir más + actualizaciones sobre la conferencia, marque esta casilla. + Verify_Account: Con el fin de confirmar que eres una persona real y que podremos + contactarte posteriormente, te pedimos que por favor verifiques tu dirección + de correo electrónico. Te enviaremos un mensaje para que puedas continuar + con el proceso de pre-registro. + Pre_Registration_Details: Al completar el proceso de pre-registro nos estás + haciendo saber que estás interesad@ en asistir, lo que nos permite contactarte + cuando tengamos noticias, y planear mejor [el evento] sabiendo quienes podrían + venir. Una vez que el registro esté completamente abierto, necesitaremos + hacerte algunas preguntas más en donde podrás confirmar si asistirás o no. + Registration_Details: Al completar el proceso de registro, estás confirmándonos + que vendrás, lo que nos permite contactarte cuando tengamos noticias y nos + posibilita planear mejor el hospedaje al saber cuántas personas vendrán. + Una vez registradx, tendrás la opción de acceder a facilitar tu propio taller, + y a ver detalles de los talleres ya existentes. Si ya estás registradx o + preregistradx, puedes utilizas esta forma de inscripción y acceder a tu + cuenta ó actualizarla. + Registration_Info: Por favor ayúdanos llenando esta forma de registro y así + estar preparadxs para tu llegada a %{city}. Si tienes alguna duda o quieres + añadir información que no te hayamos solicitado, te pedimos que llenes el + campo de preferencias al final de la página o utilices el enlace “contáctanos”. + Payment: Gracias por completar tu registro. Nos veremos en Bike!Bike! La contribución + puedes hacerla ahora o al momento de tu llegada. Sin embargo, te pedimos + que lo hagas tan pronto como te sea posible para ayudarnos a financiar la + conferencia. + Workshops: 'Título de la taller: Que necesitas? Tipo de espacio? Tema? Quién + es responsable? Descripción? Tiempo?' + Create_Workshop: En Bike!Bike! cualquiera puede facilitar un taller o simplemente + proponer una idea. Lxs organizadorxs de la conferencia confirmarán si se + efectúa el taller, tanto como el lugar y horario. + Confirm_Agreement: Al hacer click en el botón "Estoy de acuerdo", estás comprometiéndote + a cumplir el Acuerdo de Espacios Más Seguros de Bike!Bike!. ¡Gracias! + Email_Participants: Esta página se usa para contactar a todxs lxs participantes. + El texto se puede ingresar como [Markdown]( + Presionar "prueba" enviará el correo solamente a tí, asegurate de hacerlo + y sé cuidadosx antes de presionar 'enviar'. + Contact_Info: Por favor déjanos conocerte un poco más. + Stats: Ve quién vendrá y lo que han pagado hasta ahora. Ve en resumen cuánto + hospedaje se necesita y qué prefiere comer la gente. + confirm_email_address: Te pedimos confirmar tu dirección de correo electrónico + primero, al ser confirmada podrás completar el registro, agregar talleres + y pagar el donativo de registro. Si ya te registraste puedes re-confirmar + tu dirección de correo electrónico para modificar los detalles de tu registro. + currency: "(cantidades en dólares estadounidenses USD)" + done: "¡Gracias por registrarte para Bike!Bike!" + email_confirm: "¡Ve a tu bandeja de entrada! Deberías ver un correo electrónico + por parte de Bike!Bike! en unos momentos. Contendrá un enlace sobre el cual + debes hacer click. Revisa tu bandeja de correo no deseado si no lo ves. + Si tienes algún problema, por favor envía un correo electrónico a" + participants_emailed: Tu correo ha sido enviado a todxs lxs participantes + de %{conference_title}. + payment_confirm: Estás por confirmar tu pago de %{amount} para el registro. + workshops: Ahora puedes revisar los talleres propuestos e incluso proponer + uno si quieres. + provide_email: Bike!Bike! el correo electrónico para comunicarse entre usted + y sus anfitriones de la conferencia, sin embargo su cuenta de Facebook no + nos proporciona una dirección de correo electrónico. Antes de continuar, + debe proporcionarnos una dirección de correo electrónico. + can_provide_housing: Puedo proporcionar hospedaje + not_attending: Yo no asistirá a la conferencia + questions: + food: + meat: Carnívorx + vegetarian: Vegetarianx + vegan: Veganx + bike: + large: Grande + medium: Mediana + small: Pequeña + none: Nada + 'yes': Sí + 'no': 'No' + housing: + house: Espacio interior + none: Yo encontraré donde dormir. + tent: Espacio para tienda de campaña + host: + considerations: + vegan: Sólo veganxs y vegetarianxs + smoking: Está permitido fumar + quiet: Lugar calmado/silencioso + pets: En el lugar hay perros o gatos + terms: + Bikes: Bici + Donation_Count: Contéo de donaciones + Languages: Idiomas + Total_Donations: Donaciones totales + Food: Comida + Housing: Hospedaje + Total_Registrations: Registros totales + actions: + View_Workshops: Ver Talleres + none: "(ninguno)" + notes: + Test_Email_Sent: Un email fue enviado a %{email_address} + about_bikebike: + paragraphs: + Who_is_Invited: No es necesario ser personas o grupos expertas solo tener + las ganas y la disposición de compartir lo que sabes de organización estructural, + mecánica, del cambio social, de alternativas contra la desigualdad o un + mejor acceso al uso de la bici y el conocimiento y otros problemas sociales + en tu barrio o ciudad. + bicycle_project_paragraph: La siguiente lista usa el criterio utilizado en + la vieja Bicycle Organization Organization Project (Proyecto de Organización + de Organizaciones Ciclistas) para definir qué constituye un taller comunitario + de bicis. El proyecto no necesariamente debe cumplir con todos los criterios. + En cambio, es una lista general de las cualidades que son comunes entre + varios proyectos ciclistas. + What_is_BikeBike: 'Bike!Bike! es una reunión internacional anual, organizada + por y para proyectos comunitarios que trabajan en proyectos de bici. La + conferencia es un espacio para que los participantes, principalmente miembros + de talleres de y grupos de activismo ciclista, se reúnan en una ciudad distinta + cada año durante cuatro días para llevar a cabo talleres informativos y + fortalecer nuestra red comunitaria y social. ' + Types_of_Workshops: 'Los talleres son organizados e impartidos por los participantes. + Pueden ser sobre cualquier tema de interés para los proyectos comunitarios + de bici y pueden ser en cualquier formato, incluyendo: presentaciones, talleres + prácticos, grupos de discusión y rodadas en bici. Si quieres impartir tu + propio taller, puedes ingresar los detalles después de registrarse. Los + que terminan en el programa final y cuándo son programados, es decisión + de los anfitriones de la conferencia. ' + Amenities: 'Tradicionalmente, los anfitriones de la conferencia coordinan + hospedaje compartido, proveen una o dos comidas al día y hay bicicletas + disponibles para los participantes registrados; sin embargo, debes checar + los detalles particulares sobre la conferencia de cada año. Más información + sobre cómo puedes obtener hospedaje por tu cuenta y otros lugares recomendados + para visitar, también debe ser proveída por el anfitrión en la página de + la conferencia o en un documento físico al llegar a la conferencia. ' + Volunteer: "¡Sí, por favor! " + headings: + Amenities: "¿Dónde puedo dormir? ¿Qué puedo comer? ¿Cómo puedo moverme?" + Types_of_Workshops: "¿Qué tipo de talleres habrá?" + Volunteer: "¿Puedo ser voluntario?" + What_is_BikeBike: "¿Qué es Bike!Bike!?" + Who_is_Invited: "¿Quién es invitado?" + bicycle_project: "¿Qué es un proyecto ciclista comunitario?" + term: + education: Los talleres tienen un enfoque en la educación, en enseñar a otros + cómo arreglar bicicletas + export_bikes: Organizaciones que se incluyen bicicletas para las comunidades + de otros países. + low_cost: Hay organizaciones que envían bicicletas donadas a comunidades en + otros países + no_money: Hay organizaciones que reciclan bicicletas y algunas de sus partes + non_profit: Los talleres son accesibles para gente sin dinero + recycle_parts: Son organizaciones sin fines de lucro + volunteer_run: Los talleres son operados por voluntarios + workshops: + paragraphs: + Delete_Workshop: La eliminación de un taller no se puede deshacer, ¿está seguro + de que desea continuar? + Proposed_Workshops: "¿Te gustaría facilitar tu propio taller? Simplemente + regístrate y visita la página de Talleres. Si ya te registraste puedes acceder + a la página reiniciando el proceso de registro." + Workshops: "¿Tienes alguna habilidad emocionante que quieres compartir con + nosotros? ¿Quieres charlar sobre crear espacios comunitarios seguros? ¿Quieres + asegurarte de que hagamos un buen paseo el fin de semana? ¡Propón un taller! + No te preocupes si no eres unx expertx, queremos escuchar acerca de las + experiencias de todxs dentro de los diferentes talleres comunitarios de + los que venimos con sus diferentes configuraciones." + new_workshop: 'Anteriormente los talleres se han podido integrar en una serie + de categorías amplias: organización/estructura (cómo iniciar un taller comunitario, + cómo registrar una asociación sin fines de lucro, toma de decisiones mediante + consenso, etc) mecánica (cómo soldar dos tandems en una tall-bike, cómo + construir una masa de cambios internos con accesorios de pesca y calcetines + viejos, etc) y recreación (tips de cicloturismo, yoga para ciclistas, etc.) + Este año quisieramos intentar páneles, foros u otro tipo de contextos que + creas que puedan facilitar el aprendizaje - sé inventivx, ¡Dinos qué quieres + ver!' + notes: Las notas se comparten solo con lxs organizadorxs de la conferencia + y con lxs facilitadorxs de los talleres. + space: "¿Qué tipo de espacio necesitas para tu taller?" + theme: "¿Cuáles de estos temas describen mejor tu taller? Esto ayudará a los + anfitriones a evitar conflictos de horario. Seleciona 'otro' si ninguna + de las opciones se relaciona de ninguna forma." + facilitate_request: Por favor dile a lxs facilitadorxs actuales quién eres, + porqué quieres ayudar en este taller y cómo crees que ayudarás a hacer un + mejor taller. Todxs lxs facilitadorxs actuales recibirán un email y pueden + hacerte más preguntas antes de aprovar o denegar tu petición. Por favor + sabe que este proceso revelará tu direción de email a lxs facilitadorxs. + facilitate_request_sent: Tu petición ha sido enviada. Recibirás un email cuando + tu solicutud sea aprobada o denegada o si lxs facilitadorxs tienen alguna + pregunta. + languages: "¿En qué idioma se presentará el taller? Habrá traducción o traductor(a) + disponible?" + needs: Si necesitan algo de lo siguiente, lxs organizadores de la conferencia + harán todo lo posible para proporcionarlo. Si tienen cualquier otra solicitud, + pueden incluirla en la sección de comentarios. + needs_facilitators: "¿Están buscando ayuda para su taller? Cualquier persona + que esté registrada para la conferencia puede ayudar a facilitar un taller + en cualquier momento, pero si marcan esta casilla mejorarán las posibilidades + de encontrar colaboradores." + info: Describa su taller en detalle. Resaltar el texto para modificar el formato. + headings: + needs_facilitators: "¿Necesitan ayuda?" + add_facilitator: Añadir un(a) facilitador(a) + Comments: Comentarios + Proposed_Workshops: Talleres propuestos + facilitators: facilitadores + Delete_Workshop: Eliminar Taller + Workshops: Talleres + Your_Workshops: Tus talleres + languages: Idiomas + needs: Necesidades + notes: Notas + space: Espacio + theme: Tema + facilitate: Solicita ser facilitador(a) de ‘%{workshop_title}’ + Schedule: Programar + info: + read_more: Leer más + interested_count: + one: Una persona está interesadx en este taller. + other: "%{count} personas están interesadxs en este taller." + zero: Nadie está interesadx en este taller aún. + you_are_interested_count: + other: Tú y otras %{count} personas están interesadxs en este taller. + zero: Tú estás interesadx en este taller. + one: Tú y otra persona están interesadxs en este taller. + user_settings: + headings: + Your_Account: Configuraciones de la cuenta + email_subscribe: Notificaciones + Your_Conferences: Tus conferencias + paragraphs: + conference_registration: Buscando dar de alta o modificar su registro? + email_subscribe: "¿Te gustaría ser notificadx acerca de próximas conferencias? + Si te registraste en alguna conferencia, seguiremos enviándote notificaciones + y anuncios acerca de la misma aun después de su realización." + email_subscribe: Suscribirse + policy: + headings: + The_Agreement: Acuerdo de Espacios Más Seguros + How: "¿Cómo se hace cumplir esta política?" + Why: "¿Porqué tener un Acuerdo de Espacios Más Seguros?" + paragraphs: + How: La ciudad anfitriona tiene la responsabilidad de mediar en cualquier + situación concerniente a Espacios Más Seguros. Ellxs decidirán qué amerita + una advertencia y qué amerita una expulsión de la conferencia. + Why: Para establecer un punto de partida, declaramos nuestras creencias y + deseos compartidos para el espacio que es Bike!Bike!. Nos reunimos alrededor + de estas ideas para inspirarnos y para asegurarnos que si existen conductas + que no nos hagan sentir segurxs haya algo en que basarnos. Al aceptar un + compromiso de respeto mutuo esperamos que, de surgir un conflicto, recordaremos + a qué nos comprometimos y actuaremos en consecuencia. + term: + empowerment: Apoyamos el empoderamiento de cada persona y cada grupo. + peaceful: Somos pacíficxs y honestxs. + spaces: Respetamos los cuerpos y espacios de cada quién. + hearing: Nos comprometemos a escucharnos y a crear oportunidades para que + todas las voces sean escuchadas. + commitment: Entramos con un compromiso hacia el respeto y apoyo mutuos, la + defensa contra la opresión, la resolución de conflictos, la no-violencia + y la construcción de comunidad. + respect: Respetamos los nombres de todxs, sus pronombres de género, sus identidades + expresas y sus experiencias. + accessible: Nos comprometemos a hacer los espacios tan accesibles como sea + posible; fisica, social y personalmente. + intent: Aceptamos una responsabilidad compartida para hacernos responsables + a nosotrxs mismxs y a lxs demás de los propósitos de este acuerdo. + learning: Con el espíritu de fomentar el crecimiento personal, promovemos + los espacios de aprendizaje y la formulación de preguntas en lenguaje incluyente. + open_minds: Alentamos la apertura de mentes y de corazones. + permission_denied: + headings: + confirmation_sent: Confirmar correo electrónico + confirm_email: Por favor confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico. + login_required: Necesario iniciar sesión + contact: + headings: + contact: Envíenos una pregunta o un complemento + reason: "¿Porqué motivo nos estás contactando?" + sent: Gracias por contactarnos + paragraphs: + sent: Gracias por comunicarte. Te responderemos vía correo electrónico tan + pronto como podamos. + images: + conference: + poster: "%{conference_title} póster" + forms: + labels: + generic: + hosting_dates: "¿Cuándo estarás en la ciudad?" + title: Título de la taller + info: Descripción + allergies: Alérgicx + email: Correo electrónico + location: Ciudad y país + name: Nombre + arrival: Fecha de llegada + content: Contenido + departure: Fecha de salida + notes: Notas + other: Discapacidades, preferencias de hospedaje, etc. + subject: Tema + message: 'Tu mensaje:' + reasons: + website: Algo sobre el sitio web + conference: Algo sobre la conferencia + address: Dirección + phone: Número telefónico + bed_space: Número de Camas + floor_space: Espacios para dormir en el piso + tent_space: Espacios para tienda de campaña + first_day: Primer día + last_day: "Último día" + companion: Acompañante + space: Espacio disponible + actions: + generic: + create: Crear + administrate: Administrar + add_comment: Añadir comentario + agree: Estoy en acuerdo + register: Registrarse + edit_registration: Cambiar mi registracion + custom_amount: Cantidad diferente + Log_out: Salir + login: Iniciar sesión + cancel: Cancelar + confirm: Confirmar + confirm_amount: Confirmar + edit: Editar + preview: Vista previa + save: Guardar + send: Enviar + test: Prueba + skip: Omitir + remove_interest: "-1" + show_interest: "+1" + add: "+" + facebook_sign_in: Iniciar sesión usando Facebook + continue: Continuar + previous: Anterior + next: Siguiente + reply: Responder + close: Cerca + aria: + remove_interest: Haga clic en si ya no está interesado en este taller + show_interest: Haga clic en si usted está interesado en este taller + add: Añadir nuevo + links: + footer: + help_text: + contributors: Contribuyentes + select_language: Cambia tu idioma + facebook: Unirte a nuestro grupo de Facebook + contact: Contáctanos + text: + Help_contribute: Ayuda o contribuye + File_an_Issue: Reportar un problema + download: + Excel: Descarga los datos en formato excel + page_titles: + Conferences: Conferencias + About_BikeBike: Acerca de Bike!Bike! + about: + About_BikeBike: Quienes Bike!Bike! + Safe_Space_Policy: Acuerdo de Espacio Más Seguro + conferences: + Conference_Registration: Registro + Create_Workshop: Crear taller + Delete_Workshop: Eliminar taller + Edit_Workshop: Editar taller + Email_Participants: Enviar correo electrónico a los participantes + Registration_Stats: Estadísticas de registro + View_Workshop: Ver talleres + Workshops: Talleres + Edit: Editar conferencia + Facilitate_Workshop: Solicitud para ser facilitador(a) de taller. + Translate_Workshop: Editar la traducción taller %{language} + policy: + Safer_Spaces_Policy: Acuerdo del Espacio Mas Seguro + '403': + Access_Denied: Acceso Denegado + Please_Check_Email: Por favor confirma tu correo electrónico + Please_Confirm_Email: Confirma tu correo electrónico + Please_Login: Por favor Iniciar sesión + '404': + Page_Not_Found: Crear un taller + Locale_Not_Available: Locale no disponible + '500': + An_Error_Occurred: Ocurrió un error + Policy: Política + About: Acerca de + Register: Regístrate + Pre_Register: Pre-Regístrate + user_settings: + Your_Account: Tu cuenta + contact: + Contact_Us: Contáctanos + actions: + workshops: + create: Crear + Delete: Eliminar + Edit: Editar + Translate: Traducir al %{language} + Approve: Aprobar + Deny: Denegar + Facilitate: Solicita ser facilitador(a) + Remove: Eliminar + View: Ve este taller + View_All: Ve todos los talleres + Make_Owner: Hacer propietario + Leave: Renunciar + Cancel_Request: Cancelar solicitud + conference: + Translate: Editar versión en %{language} + edit_registration: Mi registro + error: + '404': + title: '404: Esta página no existe' + description: La página que buscas no pudo ser encontrada. Si piensas que esto + fue un error, por favor contáctanos. + token_not_found: El token de inicio de sesión se ha caducado o no se encuentra. + Por favor intenta acceder de nuevo. + '403': + title: Lo sentimos. Por el momento no tienes acceso a esta página + description: Por el momento no tienes los permisos suficientes para acceder + a esta página. Si crees que esto es un error, por favor contáctanos. + '500': + title: Tenemos un problema + description: Ha ocurrido un error, los detalles sobre el mismo han sido enviados + a nuestro equipo de desarrolladores. También puedes contactarnos a través + del formulario en la parte inferior, para ayudarnos a entender qué pasó y + como esto te afectó + locale_not_available: + title: '404: No tenemos traducción al %{language}' + description: El sitio aún debe ser traducido al %{language}. Estamos en la búsqueda + de voluntari@s que puedan traducir la versión existente y la nueva versión, + a medida que le agregamos nuevas características. Si piensas que puedes ayudar, + por favor contáctanos. + volunteer: + title: "¿Puedes ayudarnos a traducir?" + description: 'Si puedes ayudarnos a traducir al francés u otro idioma, por + favor háznoslo saber contactándonos a través del siguiente formulario:' + translate: + content: + translate_now: Translar ahora + can_you_help: "¿Se puede traducir del %{language_a} al %{language_b}?" + outdated_translation: El contenido que ha sido superado + translation_out_of_date: Contenido traducido en esta página puede no ser exacta + un_translated: Contenido sin traducir + not_translation: No es una traducción + translation_last_modified: El texto en el idioma original fue modificada por + última vez el %{date} + change_locale: Leer en %{language} + Translation_of: Traducción de + pages: + contexts: + geography: geografia + language: idioma + other: otra + sentence: oracion + title: titulo + character: caracter + paragraph: párrafo + pluraliztion_rules: + few: poco + many: muchos + zero: ninguno + one: singular + other: plural + two: dos + Incomplete_Locales: Incomplete Languages + Locale_Translations: "%{language} Traducciones" + context: + other: "%{context} (× %{count})" + one: "%{context}" + content: + change_locale: Leer en %{locale} + context_title: 'Contexto:' + default_value: Predeterminado + no_value: Indefinido + pages: 'Páginas:' + pluraliztion_same_as_other: Igual que el otro + Enabled_Locales: Idiomas habilitados + History: Historia + Locale_Translation: Traducción en %{language} + Other_Locales: Otros idiomas + Save: Ahorre + explain_zero_fallback: Esta traducción se utilice la versión plural para el + número 0 + use_custom_value: Utilice un valor personalizado + use_default_value: Utilice el valor predeterminado + variables: Variables + site: + go_to_locale: Ver el sitio %{language} ahora + locale_is_available: "%{site_name} está disponible en %{language}" + locale_needs_help: "¿Puedes ayudar a traducir el sitio al %{language}?" + locale_not_available: Lo sentimos, %{site_name} no está disponible en %{language}. + volunteer: + become_a_volunteer: Conviértete en un traductor voluntario + volunteer: "¿Puedes ayudar a traducir esto?" + menu: + submenu: + registration: + Registration: Registro + Workshops: Talleres + Broadcast: Emitir + Edit: Editar conferencia + Stats: Estadísticas + page_descriptions: + home: Bike!Bike! Una conferencia de colectivos ciclistas, cooperativas y talleres + de bicicletas autogestivos sin fines de lucro. + email: + confirmation: + link: + please_confirm: Confirmar ahora + paragraph: + please_confirm: "¡Hola! Para ingresar al registro y otras funciones de Bike!Bike! + confirma tu dirección de correo electrónico por favor." + subject: + confirm_email: E-mail de confirmación + pre_registration_confirmed: "¡Gracias por pre-registrarte para %{conference_title}!" + registration_confirmed: Gracias por pre - registrarte en %{conference_title} + workshop_facilitator_request: Solicitud para facilitar ‘%{workshop_title}’ por + parte de %{requester_name} + workshop_request_approved: Has sido agregadx como facilitador(a) a ‘%{workshop_title}’ + workshop_request_denied: Tu petición para facilitar ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha sido + denegada. + workshop_comment: + comment: "%{user_name} ha comentado acerca de ‘%{workshop_title}’" + reply: "%{user_name} respondido a tu comentario" + workshop_original_content_changed: El contenido original de ‘%{workshop_title}’ + ha sido modificado + workshop_translated: La traducción al %{language} de ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha + sido modificada + translations: + headings: + new_value: 'Nuevo valor: ' + old_value: 'Viejo Valor: ' + diff: 'Diferencia: ' + paragraph: + workshop_translated: "%{user_name} ha modificado la traducción al %{language} + de ‘%{workshop_title}’." + workshop_original_content_changed: "%{user_name} ha modificado el contenido + original de Mi Increíble Taller. Puede ser que las traducciones requieran + actualizarse." + workshop_comment: + paragraph: + user_said: "%{user_name} escribió" + general: + paragraph: + see_you: "¡Nos vemos en %{conference_location}!" + thank_you: Gracias %{name}, + registration: + paragraph: + confirmed: Te has registrado exitosamente para %{conference_title}, Puedes + modificar los detalles de tu registro, pagar o agregar talleres en cualquier + momento reiniciando el proceso de registro. Si aún tienes que pagar o agregar + tus talleres y quieres hacerlo te pedimos que lo hagas lo más pronto posible + para ayudarnos a prepararnos para tu llegada. + pre_confirmed: Te has pre-registrado exitosamente para %{conference_title}. + Te haremos saber cuando el registro completo esté disponible y si hay alguna + novedad acerca de la conferencia sobre la que debas saber. Te invitamos + a inscribirte como voluntario o facilitador de un taller tan pronto como + puedas. Puedes inscribirte ahora, o cambiar tus detalles de registro en + cualquier momento haciendo clic en el enlace de pre-registro nuevamente. + workshop: + paragraph: + request_approved: Has sido agregado como facilitador(a) para ‘%{workshop_title}’ + request_denied: Tu petición para ser facilitador(a) de ‘%{workshop_title}’ ha + sido denegada. Si crees que esto es un error, puedes contactar a lxs facilitadorxs + actuales haciendo otra petición para ser facilitador(a). + request_instructions: Puedes aprobar o denegar esta petición en la página + de tu taller. + request_message: "%{user_name} ha solicitado ser facilitador(a) para ‘%{workshop_title}’" + request_reply_instructions: También puedes responder directamente a este email + para hacer preguntas adicionales. + view_workshop: Ver el taller aquí + roles: + workshops: + facilitator: + creator: Creador + collaborator: Colaborador + requested: Solicitó + unregistered: No registrado + facilitator: Facilitador(a) + workshop: + options: + needs: + projector: Proyector + sound: Sistema de sonido + tools: Herramientas + space: + meeting_room: Sala de juntas + outdoor_meeting: Espacio exterior + workshop: Espacio para reparación + theme: + community: Participación comunitaria + funding: Fondeo + mechanics: Mecánica + organization: Asuntos organizacionales + other: Otro + race_gender: Políticas de raza, género o clase + needs_facilitators: Se necesitan mas facilitadorxs diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index d26c876..7ade8d9 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -1088,93 +1088,5331 @@ fr: WV: Virginie-Occidentale WI: Wisconsin WY: Wyoming + formats: + city_region_country: "%{city}, %{region}, %{country}" articles: about_bikebike: paragraphs: What_is_BikeBike: Bike!Bike!, c’est un congrès international annuel organisé - par et pour les projets de vélos communautaires. Ce congrès invite les participantes - d’ateliers de vélos et d’organismes revendicateurs connexes de se rencontrer - pendant quatre jours dans une différente ville à chaque année afin de suivre - des formations et de faire du réseautage. + par et pour les ateliers de vélo communautaires. Cet événement invite les + personnes qui travaillent ou font du bénévolat pour des ateliers de vélo + et des groupes de soutien connexes à se rencontrer pendant quatre jours + dans une différente ville chaque année afin de participer à des présentations + et de faire du réseautage. bicycle_project_paragraph: Il y a des collectifs qui utilisent le vélo comme - excuse pour changer la société, l’économie et l’environnement. Il y a aussi - des organismes à but non lucratif, des coopératives et d’autres projets - qui font la promotion de l’utilisation du vélo. Ce sont tous ceux et toutes - celles qui se rassemblent afin de transformer leur communauté pour que le - cyclisme devienne plus facile, plus inclusif, plus sécuritaire et plus amusant. - La liste de critères pour un projet de vélo est tirée de l’ancien Bicycle + vecteur de changement de la société, de l’économie et de l’environnement. + Il y a aussi des organismes à but non lucratif, des coopératives et d’autres + projets qui font la promotion du vélo. Ce sont tous ceux et toutes celles + qui se rassemblent afin de transformer leur communauté pour que le cyclisme + devienne plus facile, plus inclusif, plus sécuritaire et plus amusant. La + liste de critères pour un projet de vélo est tirée de l’ancien Bicycle Organization Project. Votre projet n’a pas besoin de satisfaire tous les critères. C’est plutôt une liste générale de caractéristiques communes parmi les projets de vélo. - Who_is_Invited: Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être experte ni d’appartenir à un - gros organisme. Vous avez seulement qu’à avoir la volonté de partager ce - que vous savez au sujet de la gestion, la mécanique, l’impact social, la - lutte contre l’inégalité et l’accessibilité au cyclisme dans votre communauté. - Types_of_Workshops: 'Les formations sont organisées par les - Les sujets inclus tous ce qui concerne les projets de vélo communautaires. - Les formations peuvent prendre toutes formes : des présentations, des ateliers - interactifs, des groupes de discussion ou des randonnées à vélo. Si vous - voulez offrir une formation, vous pouvez le faire en vous inscrivant. Ce - sont les hôtes du congrès qui ont le dernier mot sur les sujets et l’horaire - des formations.' - Amenities: Habituellement, les hôtes du congrès organisent de l’hébergement - partagés, un ou deux repas par jour et un vélo est disponible pour chaque - participant.e inscrit.e. Par contre, vous devriez vérifier les détails du - congrès, afin de confirmer les détails spécifique à celui ci. Si vous désirez - savoir comment vous pourrez organiser votre propre hébergement et connaître - d’autres endroits à visiter, il y aura plus d’information sur la page du - congrès ou, sinon, elle sera disponible en format papier lors de votre arrivée. + Who_is_Invited: Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être expert(e) ni d’appartenir à + un gros organisme. Il vous suffit d’avoir la volonté de partager ce que + vous savez au sujet de la gestion, de la mécanique, de l’impact social, + de la lutte contre l’inégalité et de l’accessibilité au cyclisme dans votre + communauté. + Types_of_Workshops: 'Les présentations sont organisées et données par les + participants et les participantes. Les sujets incluent tout ce qui concerne + les ateliers de vélo communautaires. Les présentations peuvent prendre des + formes diverses : exposés, ateliers interactifs, groupes de discussion ou + randonnées à vélo. Si vous voulez faire une présentation, vous pouvez le + faire en vous inscrivant. Ce sont les organisateurs et organisatrices du + Congrès qui ont le dernier mot sur le sujet et l’horaire des présentations.' + Amenities: D’habitude, les personnes qui organisent le Congrès offrent de + l’hébergement partagé, entre un et deux repas par jour, et un vélo par participant + ou participante. Assurez-vous toutefois de consulter les renseignements + du congrès de cette année. D’autres informations sur la façon de trouver + votre propre logement et sur les endroits qu’il est conseillé de visiter + devraient aussi vous être données par les organisateurs et organisatrices + sur le site Web, ou sur papier dès votre arrivée. Volunteer: Oui, bien sûr! headings: What_is_BikeBike: C’est quoi Bike!Bike!? - bicycle_project: C’est quoi un projet de vélo communautaire? + bicycle_project: Qu’est-ce qu’un atelier de vélo communautaire? Who_is_Invited: Qui est invité? - Types_of_Workshops: Quelles formations va-t-il y avoir? + Types_of_Workshops: Quels types de présentations va-t-il y avoir? Amenities: Où vais-je dormir? Que vais-je manger? Comment vais-je me déplacer? Volunteer: Puis-je être bénévole? term: - non_profit: Des ateliers de vélo qui sont accessibles aux gens qui n’ont pas - d’argent - no_money: Des organismes qui recyclent des vélos et des pièces de vélo - education: Des ateliers qui priorisent l’éducation; enseigner aux autres comment + non_profit: Ateliers de vélo accessibles aux gens qui n’ont pas d’argent + no_money: Organismes qui recyclent des vélos et des pièces de vélo + education: Ateliers qui priorisent l’éducation en enseignant aux autres comment réparer leur vélo - volunteer_run: Des ateliers qui sont menés par une équipe de bénévoles - export_bikes: Des organismes qui envoient des vélos à des communautés dans - d’autres pays - low_cost: Des ateliers qui fournissent des services gratuits ou à faible coût + volunteer_run: Ateliers menés par une équipe de bénévoles + export_bikes: Organismes qui envoient des vélos à des communautés dans d’autres + pays + low_cost: Ateliers qui fournissent des services gratuits ou à faible coût à la communauté - recycle_parts: Des organismes de vélo à but non lucratif + recycle_parts: Organismes de vélo à but non lucratif conference_registration: headings: policy: Politique Policy_Agreement: Accord d’espace positif + contact_info: Coordonnées + Add_Workshop: Proposer une présentation + All_Workshops: Toutes les autres présentations + Contact_Info: Coordonnées + Enter_Your_Email: Saisissez votre adresse électronique + Hosting: Offre de logements + Payment: Frais d’inscription + Register: S’inscrire à %{title} + Registration_Details: Les inscriptions viennent de commencer! + Registration_Info: Renseignements sur l’inscription + Verify_Account: Vérification du compte + Workshops: Présentations + Your_Workshops: Vos présentations + allergies: Avez-vous des allergies? + bike: Avez-vous besoin d’un vélo? + can_provide_housing: Pouvez-vous loger des participants et des participantes + qui n’habitent pas à Winnipeg? + email_confirm: Confirmer le courriel + food: Que mangez-vous habituellement? + host: + address: Adresse + considerations: Besoins spécifiques + housing: Vous faut-il un logement? + hosting: Offre de logement + languages: Quelles langues parlez-vous? + location: D’où venez-vous? + name: Quel est votre nom? + payment_confirm: Merci de confirmer le paiement + companion: Autre personne avec qui je voudrais être logé(e) + other: Avez-vous d’autres précisions à apporter? + payment: Don + preferred_language: En quelle langue préférez-vous communiquer? + questions: Votre venue + workshops: Présentations + can_provide_housing: Je peux héberger des gens. + host: + considerations: + pets: Présence d’animaux de compagnie sur les lieux (chiens ou chats) + smoking: Fumer est autorisé + vegan: Végétalien ou végétarien seulement + quiet: Maison calme + not_attending: Je n’assisterai pas à la conférence + paragraphs: + Contact_Info: Parlez-nous un peu de vous + Confirm_Agreement: En cliquant sur « J’accepte », vous vous engagez à faire + votre possible pour appliquer l’Accord d’espace positif de Bike!Bike! Merci. + Create_Workshop: Pendant Bike!Bike!, n’importe qui est libre de faire une + présentation ou de proposer des idées de présentation pouvant être données + par d’autres personnes. Les organisateurs et organisatrices du Congrès décideront + plus tard de si oui ou non une présentation peut être donnée, et, le cas + échéant, de son endroit et de sa date. + Payment: Merci de vous être inscrit(e). À très bientôt! Pour payer, il vous + suffit de faire un don maintenant ou au moment de votre arrivée. Ceci dit, + nous vous prions de nous faire parvenir votre don au plus tôt afin de nous + aider à financer le Congrès. + Payment_Add: Merci. Si vous voulez, vous pouvez faire un don supplémentaire + ci-dessous. + Payment_Made: Vous venez de faire un paiement de %{fees_paid}. + Policy_Agreement: Nous avons à cœur de veiller à offrir un environnement accueillant, + respectueux et sûr à tous les participants et participantes. Merci de vous + assurer d’avoir entièrement lu et compris notre politique sur l’espace positif + ci-dessous, et si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, vous pouvez + vous adresser en tout temps aux organisateurs ou aux organisatrices. + Your_Workshops: Voici la liste des présentations que vous avez décidé d'animer. + currency: "(montants en $ US)" + companion: Y a-t-il une autre personne avec qui vous souhaitez être hébergé(e)? + host: + space: Combien de personnes pouvez-vous héberger? + address: Les organisateurs et organisatrices du Congrès et les personnes + que vous hébergez pourront voir votre adresse et votre numéro de téléphone. + availability: Souvent, les participants et participantes arrivent le premier + jour du Congrès et repartent le dernier, mais il n’est pas rare que les + gens arrivent plus tôt ou repartent plus tard. Quand pouvez-vous offrir + de l’hébergement? + considerations: Le maximum sera fait pour attribuer aux personnes qui ont + des besoins particuliers un hébergement adapté. Lesquels de vos besoins + doivent être pris en compte au moment de vous attribuer un hébergement? + notes: Indiquez lesquels de vos besoins doivent être pris en compte au moment + de vous attribuer un hébergement. + payment_confirm: Vous vous apprêtez à confirmer votre paiement des frais d'inscription + de %{amount} $. + Registration_Details: 'En vous inscrivant, vous confirmerz votre venue, vous + nous autorisez à vous faire suivre des nouvelles, et vous nous aidez à mieux + planifier l’hébergement. Une fois inscrit(e), vous pourrez enregistrer votre + présentation et accéder aux détails portant sur d’autres présentations. + Si vous êtes déjà inscrit(e) ou préinscrit(e), vous pouvez vous connecter + à partir de cette page pour accéder à votre compte et en modifier les paramètres. ' + Registration_Info: 'Veuillez remplir le formulaire d''inscription afin de + nous aider à préparer votre arrivée à %{city}. Si vous voulez poser des + questions ou nous donner des renseignements que nous n''avons pas demandés, + venez écrire dans le champ en bas de cette page ou communiquer avec nous. ' + Verify_Account: 'Pour confirmer que vous n''êtes pas un robot, et que nous + pourrons effectivement communiquer avec vous ultérieurement, veuillez consulter + votre boîte de messagerie électronique. Nous vous enverrons un message qui + vous permettra de poursuivre votre inscription. ' + can_provide_housing: Héberger des participants et des partipantes est une + composante essentielle de Bike!Bike! Cela permet à des gens qui n'auraient + pas les moyens de se payer un hébergement de prendre part au Congrès et + de d'apprendre à connaître la ville et les personnes qui y vivent. Vous + devrez permettre à vos hôtes d'accéder à votre domicile pendant la nuit, + vu que certains événements ont lieu tard le soir. Si votre domicile n'est + pas accessible pendant le jour, assurez-vous d'en aviser les personnes qui + séjournent chez vous. + facebook_sign_in: 'Vous pouvez aussi vous connecter par le biais de Facebook. + Ainsi, vous n''aurez pas à attendre qu''on vous envoie un courriel. ' + email_confirm: 'Vérifiez votre boîte de réception! Un courriel en provenance + de Bike!Bike! devrait bientôt y apparaître. Il contiendra un lien. Le courriel + pourrait atterir dans votre dossier de courrier indésirable. En cas de problème, + contactez-nous. ' + not_attending: Si vous ne faites qu'offrir de l'hébergement et que vous ne + souhaitez pas recevoir des mises à jour, veuillez cocher cette case. + provide_email: Dans le cadre de Bike!Bike!, on vous connecte aux organisateurs + et aux organisatrices par courrier électronique. Si vous vous connectez + depuis votre compte Facebook, aucune adresse de courriel ne nous est fournie. + Veuillez donner votre adresse de courriel afin de pouvoir continuer. + questions: + bike: + 'no': Non + 'yes': Oui + food: + meat: Omnivore + vegan: Végétalien + vegetarian: Végétarien + housing: + none: Je m’en occuperai + tent: 'Un endroit pour plantr ma tente ' + house: Salle intérieure policy: headings: - The_Agreement: L’Accord + The_Agreement: L’ Accord + Why: "À quoi sert l’Accord d’espace positif?" + How: Comment l’Accord est-il mis en application? term: - commitment: Nous sommes engagés envers le respect mutuel, l’aide mutuelle, - la revendication de l’anti-oppression, la résolution de conflit, la non - violence et le renforcement des communautés. - respect: Nous respectons le nom de tous le monde, leur genre, leur pronom + commitment: Nous nous engageons au respect et à l’aide mutuels, à la non violence et + au renforcement des communautés, et nous faisons vœu de revendiquer l’anti-oppression + et de résoudre les conflits. + respect: Nous respectons le nom de tout le monde, leur genre, leur pronom et l’expression de leur identité et de leurs expériences. - empowerment: Nous encourageons chaque personne et chaque groupe pour qu’il - ou elle devienne autonome. - accessible: 'Nous sommes engagés à assurer, autant que possible, l’accessibilité - à l’espace; physiquement, socialement et personnellement. ' + empowerment: Nous encourageons chaque personne et chaque groupe à devenir + autonome. + accessible: Nous nous engageons à assurer, autant que possible, l’accessibilité + à l’espace; physiquement, socialement et personnellement. peaceful: Nous sommes paisibles et honnêtes. spaces: Nous respectons le corps et l’espace de chacun.e. - hearing: Nous sommes engagés à s’écouter l’un.e l’autre et de créer des occasions - pour que toutes les voix soient entendues. + hearing: Nous nous engageons à nous écouter mutuellement et à donner à toutes + les voix l’occasion d’être entendues. intent: Nous acceptons une responsabilité partagée et nous sommes redevables nous-mêmes ainsi que l’un.e envers l’autre afin de défendre l’intention de cet accord. open_minds: Nous encourageons l’esprit ouvert et le cœur ouvert. learning: Dans une optique de croissance personnelle, nous faisons la promotion d’espaces d’apprentissages inclusifs et nous encourageons les questions. + paragraphs: + How: La ville hôte est chargée des questions ayant trait à l'Accord d'espace + positif et de la gestion des avertissements et des expulsions. + Why: "Afin de mettre tout le monde à la + même page, nous énonçons nos convictions et nos intentions relativement + à l’espace + de Bike!Bike! Nous nous rangeons derrière ces idées pour nous inspirer et + assurer de pouvoir nous appuyer sur cet accord en cas de comportement dangereux. + Nous espérons qu’une + entente de respect mutuel servira de ligne de conduite en cas de conflit." + user_settings: + headings: + email_subscribe: Avis + Your_Conferences: Vos congrès + Your_Account: Paramètres du compte + email_subscribe: Inscription aux annonces par courriel + paragraphs: + email_subscribe: Voulez-vous qu'on vous tienne au courant des congrès à venir? + Si vous y êtes inscrit(e) à un congrès, vous recevrez des avis et des nouvelles + qui s'y rapportent jusqu'à son commencement. + workshops: + headings: + Delete_Workshop: Supprimer la présentation + Comments: Commentaires + Schedule: Horaire + Workshops: Présentations + Your_Workshops: Vos présentations + Proposed_Workshops: Présentations suggérés + add_facilitator: Ajouter un animateur ou une animatrice + facilitate: Proposer d'animer %{workshop_title} + facilitators: Animateurs ou animatrices + languages: Langues + needs: Besoins + needs_facilitators: Avez-vous demandé de l'aide? + notes: Remarques + space: Lieu + theme: Thèmes + info: + interested_count: + one: Cette présentation intéresse une personne. + zero: Personne ne s'intéresse à cette présentation pour le moment. + other: "%{count} personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation." + you_are_interested_count: + zero: Cette présentation vous intéresse. + one: Vous et une autre personne vous intéressez à cette présentation. + other: Vous et %{count} autres personnes vous intéressez à cette présentation. + read_more: Plus d'information + paragraphs: + info: Décrivez votre présentation en détail. Surbrillez le texte pour pouvoir + le formater. + languages: En quelle langue la présentation sera-t-elle donnée? Une traduction + sera-t-elle fournie? + space: Dans quel type de lieu votre présentation peut-elle être donnée? + Delete_Workshop: Toute suppression de présentation est définitive. Vous voulez + quand même continuer? + Proposed_Workshops: Voulez-vous animer votre propre présentation? Il vous + suffit de vous inscrire et de vous rendre à la page des présentations. Si + vous êtes déjà inscrit(e), vous pouvez accéder à la page en recommençant + le processus d'inscription. + Workshops: Avez-vous des compétences dont vous voulez nous faire profiter? + Vous voulez parler de la création d'espaces communautaires positifs? Vous + voulez vous assurer qu'il y aura une belle sortie à vélo pendant le Congrès? + Suggérez une présentation! Vous n'avez pas à être expert(e). L' avis du + plus grand nombre possible des membres des ateliers communautaires nous + intéresse. + facilitate_request: Veuillez expliquer qui vous êtes aux animateurs et aux + animatrices de la présentation, les raisons pour lesquelles vous voulez + animer cette présentation, ainsi que la façon dont vous pensez pouvoir l’améliorer. + Les animateurs et animatrices actuels recevront un courriel et pourront + poser des questions avant de décider si oui ou non ils acceptent votre demande. + Veuilez noter que les animateurs et les animatrices auront alors accès à + votre adresse de courriel. + facilitate_request_sent: Votre demande a été envoyée. Vous recevrez un courriel + une fois qu’elle aura été approuvée ou rejetée, ou si l’un des animateurs + ou l’une des animatrices a des questions. + notes: Les remarques ne peuvent être vues que par organisateurs et les organisatrices + ainsi que par les personnes qui animent les présentations. + needs: "Si vous avez besoin du + matériel qui suit, les organisateurs et les organisatrices feront leur possible + pour vous le procurer. Si vous avez d’autres + besoins, veuillez l’indiquer + \r\nsous la rubrique \r\n\r\n«\r\nRemarques + ». " + needs_facilitators: "Vous cherchez activement de l’aide + pour cette présentation? Quiconque est inscrit au Congrès peut se proposer + en tout temps comme animateur ou animatrice, mais si vous cochez cette case, + vous aurez de meilleures chances de trouver de l’aide. " + theme: Lequel de ces thèmes correspond le mieux à votre présentation? Veuillez + le préciser pour nous aider à faire en sorte que les thèmes se chevauchent + le moins possible. + contact: + headings: + sent: Merci d'avoir communiqué avec nous. + contact: Posez-nous une question ou faites-nous un compliment + reason: Motif de la communication + paragraphs: + sent: Merci pour votre message. Nous vous répondrons par courriel dès que + possible. + conferences: + headings: + Conference_List: Congrès + types: + future: Congrès à venir + passed: Congrès passés + conferences: Congrès nationaux et régionaux + paragraphs: + conferences: Les congrès Bike!Bike! sont tenus dans une ville nord-américaine + différente tous les ans. Les congrès régionaux ont lieu n'importe où et + à tout moment. + permission_denied: + headings: + confirm_email: Merci de confirmer votre adresse de courriel + confirmation_sent: Confirmation envoyée page_titles: About: "À propos" about: - About_BikeBike: Au sujet de Bike!Bike! + About_BikeBike: "À propose de Bike!Bike!" Policy: Politique policy: Safer_Spaces_Policy: Accord d’espace positif + conferences: + Delete_Workshop: Supprimer la présentation + Conference_Registration: Inscription au Congrès + Edit_Workshop: Modifier la présentation + View_Workshop: Voir la présentation + Workshops: Présentations + Translate_Workshop: 'Modifier la traduction en %{language} pour cet atelier ' + Facilitate_Workshop: Demander à animer une présentation + Create_Workshop: Ajouter une présentation + contact: + Contact_Us: Communiquez avec nous + user_settings: + Your_Account: Votre compte + '403': + Access_Denied: Accès refusé + Please_Login: Veuillez vous connecter + '500': + An_Error_Occurred: Une erreur s’est produite. + '404': + Page_Not_Found: Page non trouvée + Locale_Not_Available: Lieu non disponible + Conferences: Congrès + actions: + workshops: + Cancel_Request: Annuler la demande + Approve: Approuver + Delete: Supprimer la présentation + Deny: Rejeter + Edit: Modifier + create: Nouvelle présentation + View_All: Aperçu de toutes les présentations + Translate: Traduire en %{language} + View: Aperçu de cette présentation + Facilitate: Demander à animer une présentation + Leave: Se retirer + Make_Owner: Changer de responsable + Remove: Supprimer + datetime: + distance_in_words: + x_days: + one: 1 jour + other: "%{count} jours" + x_hours: + one: 1 heure + other: "%{count} heures" + x_minutes: + one: 1 minute + other: " %{count} minutes" + x_months: + one: 1 mois + other: "%{count} mois" + x_seconds: + one: 1 seconde + other: "%{count} secondes" + about_x_hours: + one: environ 1 heure + other: environ %{count} heures + about_x_months: + other: environ %{count} mois + one: environ 1 mois + about_x_years: + other: " environ %{count} ans" + one: environ un an + less_than_x_minutes: + other: moins de %{count} minutes + one: 'moins d''une minute ' + less_than_x_seconds: + other: moins de %{count} secondes + one: moins d'1 seconde + over_x_years: + other: plus de %{count} ans + one: plus d'1 an + almost_x_years: + one: près d'1 an + other: près de %{count} ans + half_a_minute: 'une demi-minute ' + x_and_y: "%{x} %{y}" + time_ago: 'Il y a %{time} ' + email: + general: + paragraph: + thank_you: Merci %{name} + see_you: Rendez-vous à %{conference_location}! + subject: + workshop_request_denied: Votre demande d’animer %{workshop_title} a été refusée. + confirm_email: Courriel de confirmation + registration_confirmed: Merci pour votre inscription à %{conference_title} + workshop_comment: + comment: "%{user_name} a laissé un commentaire sur %{workshop_title}" + reply: "%{user_name} a répondu à votre commentaire" + workshop_request_approved: Votre nom a été ajouté à la liste des animateurs + et des animatrices de %{workshop_title} + workshop_facilitator_request: Demande d'animer %{workshop_title} réparation + de %{requester_name} + workshop_translated: La traduction en %{language} de %{workshop_title} a été + modifiée. + confirmation: + link: + please_confirm: Confirmer maintenant + paragraph: + please_confirm: 'Bonjour! Pour vous inscrire ou accéder aux autres options + offertes pendant Bike!Bike!, veuillez confirmer votre adresse de courriel + en cliquant sur le lien suivant : ' + workshop: + paragraph: + view_workshop: 'Détails sur la présentation à :' + request_approved: Votre nom a été ajouté à la liste des animateurs/animatrices + de %{workshop_title} + request_instructions: Vous pouvez approuver ou rejeter cette demande à partir + de la page de votre présentation. + request_message: "%{user_name} a proposé d’animer + %{workshop_title}." + request_reply_instructions: Vous pouvez aussi poser des questions supplémentaires + en répondant directement à ce courriel. + request_denied: "Vous avez demandé à animer %{workshop_title}; votre demande + a été rejetée. Si vous pensez qu’il + s’agit + d’une + erreur, contactez les personnes actuellement en charge de cette présentation + en soumettant une nouvelle demande. " + workshop_comment: + paragraph: + user_said: "%{user_name} a dit :" + translations: + headings: + new_value: 'Nouveau titre :' + old_value: 'Ancien titre :' + paragraph: + workshop_translated: "%{user_name} a modifié la traduction en %{language} + de %{workshop_title} " + registration: + paragraph: + confirmed: "Vous avez terminé votre inscription à %{conference_title}. Vous + pouvez modifier les détails sur votre inscription, effectuer un paiement + ou ajouter une présentation à tout moment en recommençant le processus d’inscription. + Si vous n’avez + pas encore payé, ou proposé une présentation, et que vous prévoyez de le + faire, veuillez le faire le plus vite possible afin de nous aider à bien + nous préparer à votre visite. " + forms: + actions: + generic: + facebook_sign_in: Connexion à Facebook + login: Se connecter + edit: Modifier + previous: Précédent + remove_interest: "-1" + reply: Répondre + send: Envoyer + show_interest: "+1" + add_comment: Ajouter un commentaire + agree: J’accepte + cancel: Annuler + close: Fermer + confirm: Confirmer + confirm_amount: Confirmer + continue: Continuer + create: Créer + custom_amount: Montantpersonnalisé + next: Suivant + save: Enregistrer + Log_out: Déconnexion + add: "+" + register: S’inscrire + skip: Sauter + administrate: Administrer + aria: + remove_interest: Cliquez si la présentation ne vous intéresse plus. + show_interest: Cliquez si cette présentation vous intéresse. + add: Ajouter une nouvelle présentation + labels: + generic: + address: Adresse postale + allergies: Allergies + arrival: Date d’arrivée + companion: Adresse de courriel + departure: Date de départ + email: Adresse de courriel + info: Description + name: Nom + phone: Numéro de téléphone + bed_space: Lit/sofa + location: Ville, état/Province, pays + title: Titre + hosting_dates: Quand arriverez-vous en ville? + last_day: "à" + space: Hébergement + subject: Objet + tent_space: Tente + reasons: + website: Commentaire sur le site Web + conference: Commentaire sur le Congrès + floor_space: Surface de plancher disponible + first_day: De + modals: + no_button: Non + yes_button: Oui + confirm: Veuillez confirmer + workshops: + facilitators: + confirm_cancel_request: Voulez-vous vraiment annuler votre demande d'animer + cette présentation? + confirm_remove_self: Vous voulez vraiment annuler votre participation en tant + qu’animateur ou animatrice de cette présentation? + confirm_remove: 'Vous voulez vraiment retirer %{user_name} de la liste des + animateurs et ddes animatrices de cette présentation? ' + confirm_transfer_ownership: "Si vous chargez une autre personne de cette présentation, + vous perdrez votre capacité à supprimer et à accepter les personnes qui + proposent de l’animer. + Souhaitez-vous quand même désigner %{user_name} comme responsable? " + workshop: + options: + theme: + other: Autre + funding: Financement + race_gender: Race, genre ou politique des classes + organization: Questions d’ordre organisationnel + mechanics: Mécanique + community: Approche communautaire + space: + meeting_room: Salle de réunion + workshop: Lieu de réparation + outdoor_meeting: "À l’extérieur" + needs: + tools: Outils + projector: Projecteur + sound: Système audio + needs_facilitators: Il faut d’autres personnes pour animer la présentation. + translate: + content: + Translation_of: Traduction de + change_locale: Lire en %{language} + time: + pm: "(après-midi)" + am: "(matin)" + formats: + short: "%k%M" + roles: + workshops: + facilitator: + unregistered: Non inscrit(e) + creator: Responsable + requested: Demandé + collaborator: Collaborateur ou collaboratrice + warnings: + messages: + location_corrected: L’adresse "%{original}" a été changée à "%{corrected}". + Si cela ne correspond pas à l’adresse que vous désirez soumettre, vous pouvez + la modifier à nouveau à l’étape « Coordonnées ». + error: + '500': + title: Il y a un problème + description: "Une erreur s’est produite. Un message expliquant l’erreur + a été envoyé à l’équipe + de développement Web. De plus, vous pouvez communiquer avec nous en expliquant + dans la boîte ci-dessous ce qui s’est + passé. " + '403': + title: Vous ne pouvez pas accéder à cette page. + description: Vous n’avez présetentement pas la permission d’accéder à cette + page. Si vous pensez qu’il s’agit d’une erreur, veuillez communiquer avec + nous. + '404': + title: '404 : Cette page est introuvable.' + description: Page introuvable. Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, veuillez + nous contacter. + locale_not_available: + volunteer: + title: Pouvez-vous nous aider à traduire? + description: Si vous pouvez nous aider à traduire ce contenu ou à traduire + dans une autre langue, veuillez nous en aviser à l’aide du formulaire ci-dessous. + description: Ce site n’a pas encore été traduit en %{language}. Nous recherchons + des bénévoles pour en traduire la version existante, ainsi que les mises à + jour qui y seront faites. Si vous pouvez nous aider, faites-le nous savoir. + title: '404 : traductions en %{language} manquantes' + date: + date_span: "%{date_1} – %{date_2}" + formats: + span_same_month_date_1: "%d %m " + span_same_month_date_2: "%d %Y " + weekday: "%A" + span_same_year_date_1: "%e %B" + errors: + messages: + fields: + payment: + incomplete: Votre paiement n'a pas été finalisé. + images: + conference: + poster: Affiche de %{conference_title} + links: + footer: + help_text: + contact: Communiquez avec nous + facebook: Joignez-vous à notre groupe sur Facebook. + contributors: Contributions + text: + Help_contribute: Apporter une contribution + number: + currency: + format: + format: "%n %u" + separator: ", " + page_descriptions: + home: Bike!Bike! est un congrès pour les associations, les coopératives et les + ateliers de vélo à but non lucratif.