9 years ago
8 changed files with 189 additions and 2615 deletions
@ -1,39 +1,114 @@ |
(function() { |
function initSchedule() { |
forEachElement('table.schedule td.workshop.empty', function(block) { |
block.addEventListener('click', function(event) { |
console.log('clicked'); |
}); |
}); |
function closeWorkshopSelector() { |
document.getElementById('workshop-selector').classList.remove('open'); |
document.body.classList.remove('modal-open'); |
} |
document.getElementById('workshop-selector').addEventListener('click', function(event) { |
if (event.target.id == 'workshop-selector') { |
closeWorkshopSelector(); |
} |
}); |
function _post(form, params, f) { |
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
request.onreadystatechange = function() { |
if (request.readyState == 4) { |
if (request.status == 200) { |
f(request.responseText); |
} |
} |
} |
request.open('POST', form.getAttribute('action'), true); |
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'); |
params['authenticity_token'] = form.querySelector('[name="authenticity_token"]').value; |
var data = []; |
for (var key in params) { |
data.push(key + '=' + params[key]); |
} |
request.send(data.join('&')); |
} |
function selectorMatches(el, selector) { |
var p = Element.prototype; |
var f = p.matches || p.webkitMatchesSelector || p.mozMatchesSelector || p.msMatchesSelector || function(s) { |
return [].indexOf.call(document.querySelectorAll(s), this) !== -1; |
}; |
return f.call(el, selector); |
} |
function updateSchedule(html) { |
var schedule = document.getElementById('schedule-preview'); |
var s = document.createElement('div'); |
s.innerHTML = html; |
schedule.innerHTML = s.children[0].innerHTML; |
schedule.classList.remove('requesting'); |
} |
initSchedule(); |
/*var body = document.querySelector('body'); |
var primaryContent = document.getElementById('primary-content'); |
var eventDlg = document.getElementById('event-dlg'); |
forEachElement('.event-detail-link', function(link) { |
var eventDetails = link.parentElement.querySelector('.event-details'); |
var moreDetails = eventDlg.querySelector('.more-details'); |
link.addEventListener('click', function(event) { |
document.body.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { |
if (event.target.classList.contains('deschedule-workshop')) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
eventDlg.querySelector('.event-details').innerHTML = eventDetails.innerHTML; |
var href = eventDetails.getAttribute('data-href'); |
if (href) { |
moreDetails.setAttribute('href', href); |
moreDetails.classList.remove('hidden'); |
} else { |
moreDetails.classList.add('hidden'); |
var schedule = document.getElementById('schedule-preview'); |
var form = event.target; |
schedule.classList.add('requesting'); |
_post( |
form, |
{ |
id: form.querySelector('[name="id"]').value, |
button: 'deschedule_workshop' |
}, |
updateSchedule |
); |
} |
}); |
document.body.addEventListener('click', function (event) { |
if (selectorMatches(event.target, 'td.workshop.open, td.workshop.open *')) { |
var button = event.target; |
while (button && button.tagName && button.tagName !== 'TD') { |
button = button.parentElement; |
} |
window.openOverlay(eventDlg, primaryContent, body); |
var closeDlg = function(event) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
window.closeOverlay(eventDlg, primaryContent, body); |
}; |
eventDlg.querySelector('.close-btn').onclick = closeDlg; |
document.getElementById('overlay').onclick = closeDlg; |
}); |
});*/ |
document.getElementById('workshop-selector').classList.add('open'); |
var table = document.getElementById('table'); |
table.classList.add('loading'); |
document.body.classList.add('modal-open'); |
var block = button.getAttribute('data-block'); |
var day = button.getAttribute('data-day'); |
var location = button.getAttribute('data-location'); |
_post( |
document.getElementById('workshop-table-form'), |
{ |
block: block, |
day: day, |
location: location, |
button: 'get-workshop-list' |
}, |
function (response) { |
var table = document.getElementById('table'); |
table.innerHTML = response; |
table.classList.remove('loading'); |
forEachElement('tr.selectable', function(row) { |
row.addEventListener('click', function(event) { |
var schedule = document.getElementById('schedule-preview'); |
schedule.classList.add('requesting'); |
closeWorkshopSelector(); |
var form = document.getElementById('workshop-table-form'); |
_post( |
form, |
{ |
workshop: row.getAttribute('data-workshop'), |
block: block, |
day: day, |
location: form.querySelector('#event_location').value, |
button: 'set-workshop' |
}, |
updateSchedule |
); |
}); |
}, table); |
} |
); |
} |
}, true); |
})(); |
@ -1,643 +0,0 @@ |
module ActiveRecord |
class PremissionDenied < RuntimeError |
end |
end |
class ApplicationController < LinguaFrancaApplicationController |
include ScheduleHelper |
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception. |
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead. |
protect_from_forgery with: :exception, :except => [:do_confirm, :js_error, :admin_update] |
before_filter :capture_page_info |
@@test_host |
@@test_location |
def capture_page_info |
if request.method == "GET" && (params[:controller] != 'application' || params[:action] != 'contact') |
session[:last_request] |
request_info = { |
'params' => params, |
'request' => { |
'remote_ip' => request.remote_ip, |
'uuid' => request.uuid, |
'original_url' => request.original_url, |
'env' => Hash.new |
} |
} |
request.env.each do | key, value | |
request_info['request']['env'][key.to_s] = value.to_s |
end |
session['request_info'] = request_info |
end |
# set the translator to the current user if we're logged in |
I18n.config.translator = current_user |
I18n.config.callback = self |
# get the current confernece and set it globally |
@conference = Conference.order("start_date DESC").first |
# add some style sheets |
@stylesheets ||= Array.new |
# add the translations stylesheet if translating |
@stylesheets << params[:controller] if params[:controller] == 'translations' |
@_inline_scripts ||= [] |
@_inline_scripts << Rails.application.assets.find_asset('main.js').to_s |
ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options = {:host => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"} |
if request.post? && params[:action] == 'do_confirm' |
halt_redirection! |
end |
@alt_lang_urls = {} |
I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do |locale| |
locale = locale.to_s |
@alt_lang_urls[locale] = view_context.url_for_locale(locale) # don't show the current locale |
end |
# give each environment a different icon and theme colour so that we can easily see where we are. See https://css-tricks.com/give-development-domain-different-favicon-production |
@favicon = Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.preview? ? "favicon-#{Rails.env.to_s}.ico" : 'favicon.ico' |
@theme_colour = Rails.env.preview? ? '#EF57B4' : (Rails.env.development? ? '#D89E59' : '#00ADEF') |
# call the base method to detect the language |
super |
end |
def home |
@workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => @conference.id) |
if @conference.workshop_schedule_published |
@event_dlg = true |
view_context.add_inline_script :schedule |
get_scheule_data#(false) |
# @events = Event.where(:conference_id => @conference.id) |
# schedule = get_schedule_data |
# @schedule = schedule[:schedule] |
# @locations = Hash.new |
# EventLocation.where(:conference_id => @conference.id).each do |l| |
# @locations[l.id.to_s] = l |
# end |
# @day_parts = @conference.day_parts ? JSON.parse(@conference.day_parts) : {:morning => 0, :afternoon => 13, :evening => 18} |
end |
end |
def policy |
@is_policy_page = true |
end |
def robots |
render :text => File.read("config/robots-#{Rails.env.production? ? 'live' : 'dev'}.txt"), :content_type => 'text/plain' |
end |
def humans |
render :text => File.read("config/humans.txt"), :content_type => 'text/plain' |
end |
def self.set_host(host) |
@@test_host = host |
end |
def self.set_location(location) |
@@test_location = location |
end |
def self.get_location() |
@@test_location |
end |
def do_404 |
error_404(status: 404) |
end |
def error_404(args = {}) |
params[:_original_action] = params[:action] |
params[:action] = 'error-404' |
@page_title = 'page_titles.404.Page_Not_Found' |
@main_title = 'error.404.title' |
render 'application/404', args |
end |
def do_403(template = nil) |
@template = template |
@page_title ||= 'page_titles.403.Access_Denied' |
@main_title ||= @page_title |
params[:_original_action] = params[:action] |
params[:action] = 'error-403' |
render 'application/permission_denied', status: 403 |
end |
def error_500(exception = nil) |
@page_title = 'page_titles.500.An_Error_Occurred' |
@main_title = 'error.500.title' |
params[:_original_action] = params[:action] |
params[:action] = 'error-500' |
render 'application/500', status: 500 |
end |
def js_error |
# send and email if this is production |
report = "A JavaScript error has occurred on <code>#{params[:location]}</code>" |
if params[:location] == params[:url] |
report += " on line <code>#{params[:lineNumber]}</code>" |
else |
report += " in <code>#{params[:url]}:#{params[:lineNumber]}</code>" |
end |
begin |
# log the error |
logger.info exception.to_s |
logger.info exception.backtrace.join("\n") |
UserMailer.send_mail(:error_report) do |
[ |
"A JavaScript error has occurred", |
report, |
params[:message], |
nil, |
request, |
params, |
current_user, |
Time.now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") |
] |
end if Rails.env.preview? || Rails.env.production? |
rescue exception2 |
logger.info exception2.to_s |
logger.info exception2.backtrace.join("\n") |
end |
render json: {} |
end |
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| |
do_404 |
end |
rescue_from ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied do |exception| |
do_403 |
end |
rescue_from AbstractController::ActionNotFound do |exception| |
@banner_image = 'grafitti.jpg' |
if current_user |
@page_title = nil#'page_titles.Please_Login' |
do_403 'not_a_translator' |
#return |
else |
@page_title = 'page_titles.403.Please_Login' |
do_403 'translator_login' |
end |
end |
def locale_not_enabled!(locale = nil) |
locale_not_available!(locale) |
end |
def locale_not_available!(locale = nil) |
set_default_locale |
params[:_original_action] = params[:action] |
params[:action] = 'error-locale-not-available' |
@page_title = 'page_titles.404.Locale_Not_Available' |
@main_title_vars = { vars: { language: view_context.language_name(locale) } } |
@main_title = 'error.locale_not_available.title' |
render 'application/locale_not_available', status: 404 |
end |
rescue_from StandardError do |exception| |
# log the error |
logger.info exception.to_s |
logger.info exception.backtrace.join("\n") |
# send and email if this is production |
suppress(Exception) do |
UserMailer.send_mail(:error_report) do |
[ |
"An error has occurred in #{Rails.env}", |
nil, |
exception.to_s, |
exception.backtrace.join("\n"), |
request, |
params, |
current_user, |
Time.now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") |
] |
end if Rails.env.preview? || Rails.env.production? |
end |
# raise the error if we are in development so that we can debug it |
raise exception if Rails.env.development? |
# show the error page |
error_500 exception |
end |
def generate_confirmation(user, url, expiry = nil) |
if user.is_a? String |
user = User.find_by_email(user) |
# if the user doesn't exist, just show them a 403 |
do_403 unless user.present? |
end |
expiry ||= (Time.now + 12.hours) |
session[:confirm_uid] = user.id |
unless user.locale.present? |
user.locale = I18n.locale |
user.save |
end |
# send the confirmation email and make sure it get sent as quickly as possible |
UserMailer.send_mail :email_confirmation do |
EmailConfirmation.create(user_id: user.id, expiry: expiry, url: url) |
end |
end |
def user_settings |
@conferences = Array.new |
if logged_in? |
Conference.all.each do | conference | |
@conferences << conference if conference.host? current_user |
end |
end |
@main_title = @page_title = 'page_titles.user_settings.Your_Account' |
end |
def contact |
@main_title = @page_title = 'page_titles.contact.Contact_Us' |
end |
def contact_send |
email_list = ['Godwin <goodgodwin@hotmail.com>'] |
if params[:reason] == 'conference' |
@conference.organizations.each do | org | |
org.users.each do | user | |
email_list << user.named_email |
end |
end |
end |
UserMailer.send_mail(:contact) do |
[ |
current_user || params[:email], |
params[:subject], |
params[:message], |
email_list |
] |
end |
request_info = session['request_info'] || { 'request' => request, 'params' => params } |
UserMailer.send_mail(:contact_details) do |
[ |
current_user || params[:email], |
params[:subject], |
params[:message], |
request_info['request'], |
request_info['params'] |
] |
end |
redirect_to contact_sent_path |
end |
def contact_sent |
@main_title = @page_title = 'page_titles.contact.Contact_Us' |
@sent = true |
render 'contact' |
end |
def update_user_settings |
return do_403 unless logged_in? |
current_user.firstname = params[:name] |
current_user.lastname = nil |
current_user.languages = params[:languages].keys |
current_user.is_subscribed = params[:email_subscribe].present? |
current_user.save |
redirect_to settings_path |
end |
def do_confirm(settings = nil) |
settings ||= {:template => 'login_confirmation_sent'} |
if params[:email] |
# see if we've already sent the confirmation email and are just confirming |
# the email address |
if params[:token] |
user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) |
confirm(user) |
return |
end |
user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) |
unless user.present? |
user = User.create(:email => params[:email], locale: I18n.locale) |
end |
# generate the confirmation, send the email and show the 403 |
referrer = params[:dest] || (request.present? && request.referer.present? ? request.referer.gsub(/^.*?\/\/.*?\//, '/') : settings_path) |
generate_confirmation(params[:email], referrer) |
template = 'login_confirmation_sent' |
@page_title ||= 'page_titles.403.Please_Check_Email' |
if (request.present? && request.referrer.present? && conference = /^\/conferences\/(\w+)\/register\/?$/.match(request.referrer.gsub(/^https?:\/\/.*?\//, '/'))) |
@this_conference = Conference.find_by!(slug: conference[1]) |
@banner_image = @this_conference.cover_url |
template = 'conferences/email_confirm' |
end |
end |
if request.post? |
@banner_image ||= 'grafitti.jpg' |
@page_title ||= 'page_titles.403.Please_Login' |
do_403 (template || 'translator_login') |
else |
do_404 |
end |
end |
def confirm(uid = nil) |
@confirmation = EmailConfirmation.find_by_token(params[:token]) |
unless @confirmation.present? |
@token_not_found = true |
return do_404 |
end |
confirm_user = nil |
if uid.is_a?(User) |
confirm_user = uid |
uid = confirm_user.id |
end |
# check to see if we were given a user id to confirm against |
# if we were, make sure it was the same one |
if (uid ||= (params[:uid] || session[:confirm_uid])) |
if uid == @confirmation.user_id |
session[:uid] = nil |
confirm_user ||= User.find uid |
auto_login(confirm_user) |
else |
@confirmation.delete |
end |
redirect_to (@confirmation.url || '/') |
return |
end |
@banner_image = 'grafitti.jpg' |
@page_title = 'page_titles.403.Please_Confirm_Email' |
do_403 'login_confirm' |
end |
def translator_request |
@banner_image = 'grafitti.jpg' |
@page_title = 'page_titles.403.Translator_Request_Sent' |
do_403 'translator_request_sent' |
end |
def user_logout |
logout() |
redirect_to (params[:url] || '/') |
end |
def login_user(u) |
auto_login(u) |
end |
def on_translation_change(object, data, locale, translator_id) |
translator = User.find(translator_id) |
mailer = "#{object.class.table_name.singularize}_translated" |
if object.respond_to?(:get_translators) |
object.get_translators(data, locale).each do |id, user| |
if user.id != current_user.id && user.id != translator_id |
UserMailer.send_mail mailer, user.locale do |
{ :args => [object, data, locale, user, translator] } |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def on_translatable_content_change(object, data) |
mailer = "#{object.class.table_name.singularize}_original_content_changed" |
if object.respond_to?(:get_translators) |
object.get_translators(data).each do |id, user| |
if user.id != current_user.id |
UserMailer.send_mail mailer, user.locale do |
{ :args => [object, data, user, current_user] } |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def i18n_exception(str, exception, locale, key) |
# log it |
logger.info "Missing translation found for: #{key}" |
# send and email if this is production |
begin |
UserMailer.send_mail(:error_report) do |
[ |
"A missing translation found in #{Rails.env}", |
"<p>A translation for <code>#{key}</code> in <code>#{locale.to_s}</code> was found. The text that was rendered to the user was:</p><blockquote>#{str || 'nil'}</blockquote>", |
exception.to_s, |
nil, |
request, |
params, |
current_user, |
Time.now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") |
] |
end if Rails.env.preview? || Rails.env.production? |
rescue exception2 |
logger.info exception2.to_s |
logger.info exception2.backtrace.join("\n") |
end |
end |
def get_block_data |
conference = @this_conference || @conference |
@workshop_blocks = conference.workshop_blocks || [] |
@block_days = [] |
day = conference.start_date |
while day <= conference.end_date |
@block_days << day.wday |
day += 1.day |
end |
end |
def get_scheule_data(do_analyze = true) |
conference = @this_conference || @conference |
@meals = Hash[(conference.meals || {}).map{ |k, v| [k.to_i, v] }].sort.to_h |
@events = Event.where(:conference_id => conference.id).order(start_time: :asc) |
@workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => conference.id).order(start_time: :asc) |
@locations = {} |
get_block_data |
@schedule = {} |
day_1 = conference.start_date.wday |
@workshop_blocks.each_with_index do | info, block | |
info['days'].each do | block_day | |
day_diff = block_day.to_i - day_1 |
day_diff += 7 if day_diff < 0 |
day = (conference.start_date + day_diff.days).to_date |
time = info['time'].to_f |
@schedule[day] ||= { times: {}, locations: {} } |
@schedule[day][:times][time] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:type] = :workshop |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:length] = info['length'].to_f |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:item] = { block: block, workshops: {} } |
end |
end |
@workshops.each do | workshop | |
if workshop.block.present? |
block = @workshop_blocks[workshop.block['block'].to_i] |
day_diff = workshop.block['day'].to_i - day_1 |
day_diff += 7 if day_diff < 0 |
day = (conference.start_date + day_diff.days).to_date |
if @schedule[day].present? && @schedule[day][:times].present? && @schedule[day][:times][block['time'].to_f].present? |
@schedule[day][:times][block['time'].to_f][:item][:workshops][workshop.event_location_id] = { workshop: workshop, status: { errors: [], warnings: [], conflict_score: nil } } |
@schedule[day][:locations][workshop.event_location_id] ||= workshop.event_location if workshop.event_location.present? |
end |
end |
end |
@meals.each do | time, meal | |
day = meal['day'].to_date |
time = meal['time'].to_f |
@schedule[day] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times][time] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:type] = :meal |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:length] = (meal['length'] || 1.0).to_f |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:item] = meal |
end |
@events.each do | event | |
day = event.start_time.midnight.to_date |
time = event.start_time.hour.to_f + (event.start_time.min / 60.0) |
@schedule[day] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times][time] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:type] = :event |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:length] = (event.end_time - event.start_time) / 3600.0 |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:item] = event |
end |
@schedule = @schedule.sort.to_h |
@schedule.each do | day, data | |
@schedule[day][:times] = data[:times].sort.to_h |
end |
@schedule.each do | day, data | |
last_event = nil |
data[:times].each do | time, time_data | |
if last_event.present? |
@schedule[day][:times][last_event][:next_event] = time |
end |
last_event = time |
end |
@schedule[day][:num_locations] = (data[:locations] || []).size |
end |
@schedule.deep_dup.each do | day, data | |
data[:times].each do | time, time_data | |
if time_data[:next_event].present? || time_data[:length] > 0.5 |
span = 0.5 |
length = time_data[:next_event].present? ? time_data[:next_event] - time : time_data[:length] |
while span < length |
@schedule[day][:times][time + span] ||= { |
type: (span >= time_data[:length] ? :empty : :nil), |
length: 0.5 |
} |
span += 0.5 |
end |
end |
end |
end |
@schedule = @schedule.sort.to_h |
return unless do_analyze |
@schedule.each do | day, data | |
@schedule[day][:times] = data[:times].sort.to_h |
@schedule[day][:locations][0] = :add if (@schedule[day][:locations] || []).size > 0 |
data[:times].each do | time, time_data | |
if time_data[:type] == :workshop && time_data[:item].present? && time_data[:item][:workshops].present? |
ids = time_data[:item][:workshops].keys |
(0..ids.length).each do | i | |
if time_data[:item][:workshops][ids[i]].present? |
workshop_i = time_data[:item][:workshops][ids[i]][:workshop] |
conflicts = {} |
(i+1..ids.length).each do | j | |
workshop_j = time_data[:item][:workshops][ids[j]].present? ? time_data[:item][:workshops][ids[j]][:workshop] : nil |
if workshop_i.present? && workshop_j.present? |
workshop_i.active_facilitators.each do | facilitator_i | |
workshop_j.active_facilitators.each do | facilitator_j | |
if facilitator_i.id == facilitator_j.id |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:status] ||= {} |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:item][:workshops][ids[j]][:status][:errors] << { |
name: :common_facilitator, |
facilitator: facilitator_i, |
workshop: workshop_i, |
i18nVars: { |
facilitator_name: facilitator_i.name, |
workshop_title: workshop_i.title |
} |
} |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
(0..ids.length).each do | j | |
workshop_j = time_data[:item][:workshops][ids[j]].present? ? time_data[:item][:workshops][ids[j]][:workshop] : nil |
if workshop_i.present? && workshop_j.present? && workshop_i.id != workshop_j.id |
workshop_i.interested.each do | interested_i | |
workshop_j.interested.each do | interested_j | |
conflicts[interested_i.id] ||= true |
end |
end |
end |
end |
location = workshop_i.event_location || EventLocation.new |
needs = JSON.parse(workshop_i.needs || '[]').map &:to_sym |
amenities = JSON.parse(location.amenities || '[]').map &:to_sym |
needs.each do | need | |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:item][:workshops][ids[i]][:status][:errors] << { |
name: :need_not_available, |
need: need, |
location: location, |
workshop: workshop_i, |
i18nVars: { |
need: need.to_s, |
location: location.title, |
workshop_title: workshop_i.title |
} |
} unless amenities.include? need |
end |
@schedule[day][:times][time][:item][:workshops][ids[i]][:status][:conflict_score] = workshop_i.interested.present? ? (conflicts.length / workshop_i.interested.size) : 0 |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Reference in new issue