From 5d20630ed6e21ff9ef6983802ebaa17f10d49897 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Godwin Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 21:42:29 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed tests for PhantomJS 2.5 --- .../stylesheets/bumbleberry-settings.json | 4 +- config/locales/fr.yml | 1098 ++++++++++++++++- features/sign_in.feature | 5 +- features/step_definitions/interface_steps.rb | 14 +- features/step_definitions/navigation.rb | 2 +- features/support/env.rb | 9 +- features/support/helper.rb | 7 +- features/support/paths.rb | 3 + features/support/state.rb | 1 + features/workshops.feature | 48 +- 10 files changed, 1157 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/bumbleberry-settings.json b/app/assets/stylesheets/bumbleberry-settings.json index b8d42ed..8c7c4b7 100644 --- a/app/assets/stylesheets/bumbleberry-settings.json +++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/bumbleberry-settings.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ }, "development": { "safari": ["5"], - "and_chr": ["56"], - "chrome": ["56"], + "and_chr": ["57"], + "chrome": ["57"], "edge": ["13"], "firefox": ["50"], "ie": ["11"], diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index f2e4ff9..865f336 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -1,2 +1,1098 @@ --- -fr: {} +fr: + languages: + aa: afar + ab: abkhaze + ace: aceh + ach: acoli + ada: adangme + ady: adyghéen + ae: avestique + aeb: arabe tunisien + af: afrikaans + afh: afrihili + agq: aghem + ain: aïnou + ak: akan + akk: akkadien + akz: alabama + ale: aléoute + aln: guègue + alt: altaï du Sud + am: amharique + an: aragonais + ang: ancien anglais + anp: angika + ar: arabe + ar-001: arabe standard moderne + arc: araméen + arn: mapuche + aro: araona + arp: arapaho + arq: arabe algérien + arw: arawak + ary: arabe marocain + arz: arabe égyptien + as: assamais + asa: assou + ase: langue des signes américaine + ast: asturien + av: avar + avk: kotava + awa: awadhi + ay: aymara + az: azéri + az-alt-short: azéri + ba: bachkir + bal: baloutchi + ban: balinais + bar: bavarois + bas: bassa + bax: bamoun + bbc: batak toba + bbj: ghomala + be: biélorusse + bej: bedja + bem: bemba + bew: betawi + bez: béna + bfd: bafut + bfq: badaga + bg: bulgare + bgn: baloutchi occidental + bho: bhojpuri + bi: bichelamar + bik: bikol + bin: bini + bjn: banjar + bkm: kom + bla: siksika + bm: bambara + bn: bengali + bo: tibétain + bpy: bishnupriya + bqi: bakhtiari + br: breton + bra: braj + brh: brahoui + brx: bodo + bs: bosniaque + bss: akoose + bua: bouriate + bug: bugi + bum: boulou + byn: blin + byv: médumba + ca: catalan + cad: caddo + car: caribe + cay: cayuga + cch: atsam + ce: tchétchène + ceb: cebuano + cgg: kiga + ch: chamorro + chb: chibcha + chg: tchaghataï + chk: chuuk + chm: mari + chn: jargon chinook + cho: choctaw + chp: chipewyan + chr: cherokee + chy: cheyenne + ckb: sorani + co: corse + cop: copte + cps: capiznon + cr: cree + crh: turc de Crimée + crs: créole seychellois + cs: tchèque + csb: kachoube + cu: slavon d’église + cv: tchouvache + cy: gallois + da: danois + dak: dakota + dar: dargwa + dav: taita + de: allemand + de-AT: allemand autrichien + de-CH: allemand suisse + del: delaware + den: esclave + dgr: dogrib + din: dinka + dje: zarma + doi: dogri + dsb: bas-sorabe + dtp: dusun central + dua: douala + dum: moyen néerlandais + dv: maldivien + dyo: diola-fogny + dyu: dioula + dz: dzongkha + dzg: dazaga + ebu: embou + ee: éwé + efi: éfik + egl: émilien + egy: égyptien ancien + eka: ékadjouk + el: grec + elx: élamite + en: anglais + en-AU: anglais australien + en-CA: anglais canadien + en-GB: anglais britannique + en-GB-alt-short: anglais (R.-U.) + en-US: anglais américain + en-US-alt-short: anglais (É.-U.) + enm: moyen anglais + eo: espéranto + es: espagnol + es-419: espagnol (Amérique latine) + es-ES: espagnol (Espagne) + es-MX: espagnol (Mexique) + esu: youpik central + et: estonien + eu: basque + ewo: éwondo + ext: estrémègne + fa: persan + fan: fang + fat: fanti + ff: peul + fi: finnois + fil: filipino + fit: finnois tornédalien + fj: fidjien + fo: féroïen + fon: fon + fr: français + fr-CA: français canadien + fr-CH: français suisse + frc: français cadien + frm: moyen français + fro: ancien français + frp: francoprovençal + frr: frison du Nord + frs: frison oriental + fur: frioulan + fy: frison occidental + ga: irlandais + gaa: ga + gag: gagaouze + gan: gan + gay: gayo + gba: gbaya + gbz: dari zoroastrien + gd: gaélique écossais + gez: guèze + gil: gilbertin + gl: galicien + glk: gilaki + gmh: moyen haut-allemand + gn: guarani + goh: ancien haut allemand + gom: konkani de Goa + gon: gondi + gor: gorontalo + got: gothique + grb: grebo + grc: grec ancien + gsw: suisse allemand + gu: goudjerati + guc: wayuu + gur: gurenne + guz: gusii + gv: mannois + gwi: gwichʼin + ha: haoussa + hai: haida + hak: hakka + haw: hawaïen + he: hébreu + hi: hindi + hif: hindi fidjien + hil: hiligaynon + hit: hittite + hmn: hmong + ho: hiri motu + hr: croate + hsb: haut-sorabe + hsn: xiang + ht: créole haïtien + hu: hongrois + hup: hupa + hy: arménien + hz: héréro + ia: interlingua + iba: iban + ibb: ibibio + id: indonésien + ie: interlingue + ig: igbo + ii: yi du Sichuan + ik: inupiaq + ilo: ilokano + inh: ingouche + io: ido + is: islandais + it: italien + iu: inuktitut + izh: ingrien + ja: japonais + jam: créole jamaïcain + jbo: lojban + jgo: ngomba + jmc: matchamé + jpr: judéo-persan + jrb: judéo-arabe + jut: jute + jv: javanais + ka: géorgien + kaa: karakalpak + kab: kabyle + kac: kachin + kaj: jju + kam: kamba + kaw: kawi + kbd: kabardin + kbl: kanembou + kcg: tyap + kde: makondé + kea: capverdien + ken: kényang + kfo: koro + kg: kongo + kgp: caingangue + kha: khasi + kho: khotanais + khq: koyra chiini + khw: khowar + ki: kikuyu + kiu: kirmanjki + kj: kouanyama + kk: kazakh + kkj: kako + kl: groenlandais + kln: kalendjin + km: khmer + kmb: kimboundou + kn: kannada + ko: coréen + koi: komi-permiak + kok: konkani + kos: kosraéen + kpe: kpellé + kr: kanouri + krc: karatchaï balkar + kri: krio + krj: kinaray-a + krl: carélien + kru: kouroukh + ks: kashmiri + ksb: chambala + ksf: bafia + ksh: francique ripuaire + ku: kurde + kum: koumyk + kut: kutenai + kv: komi + kw: cornique + ky: kirghize + la: latin + lad: ladino + lag: langi + lah: lahnda + lam: lamba + lb: luxembourgeois + lez: lezghien + lfn: lingua franca nova + lg: ganda + li: limbourgeois + lij: ligure + liv: livonien + lkt: lakota + lmo: lombard + ln: lingala + lo: lao + lol: mongo + loz: lozi + lrc: lori du Nord + lt: lituanien + ltg: latgalien + lu: luba-katanga + lua: luba-lulua + lui: luiseño + lun: lunda + luo: luo + lus: lushaï + luy: luhya + lv: letton + lzh: chinois littéraire + lzz: laze + mad: madourais + maf: mafa + mag: magahi + mai: maithili + mak: makassar + man: mandingue + mas: massaï + mde: maba + mdf: moksa + mdr: mandar + men: mendé + mer: mérou + mfe: créole mauricien + mg: malgache + mga: moyen irlandais + mgh: makhuwa-meetto + mgo: méta’ + mh: marshallais + mi: maori + mic: micmac + min: minangkabau + mk: macédonien + ml: malayalam + mn: mongol + mnc: mandchou + mni: manipuri + moh: mohawk + mos: moré + mr: marathe + mrj: mari occidental + ms: malais + mt: maltais + mua: moundang + mul: multilingue + mus: creek + mwl: mirandais + mwr: marwarî + mwv: mentawaï + my: birman + mye: myènè + myv: erzya + mzn: mazandérani + na: nauruan + nan: minnan + nap: napolitain + naq: nama + nb: norvégien bokmål + nd: ndébélé du Nord + nds: bas-allemand + nds-NL: bas-saxon néerlandais + ne: népalais + new: newari + ng: ndonga + nia: nias + niu: niuéen + njo: Ao + nl: néerlandais + nl-BE: flamand + nmg: kwasio + nn: norvégien nynorsk + nnh: ngiemboon + 'no': norvégien + nog: nogaï + non: vieux norrois + nov: novial + nqo: n’ko + nr: ndébélé du Sud + nso: sotho du Nord + nus: nuer + nv: navaho + nwc: newarî classique + ny: nyanja + nym: nyamwezi + nyn: nyankolé + nyo: nyoro + nzi: nzema + oc: occitan + oj: ojibwa + om: oromo + or: oriya + os: ossète + osa: osage + ota: turc ottoman + pa: pendjabi + pag: pangasinan + pal: pahlavi + pam: pampangan + pap: papiamento + pau: palau + pcd: picard + pcm: pidgin nigérian + pdc: pennsilfaanisch + pdt: bas-prussien + peo: persan ancien + pfl: allemand palatin + phn: phénicien + pi: pali + pl: polonais + pms: piémontais + pnt: pontique + pon: pohnpei + prg: prussien + pro: provençal ancien + ps: pachto + ps-alt-variant: pashto + pt: portugais + pt-BR: portugais brésilien + pt-PT: portugais européen + qu: quechua + quc: k’iche’ + qug: quichua du Haut-Chimborazo + raj: rajasthani + rap: rapanui + rar: rarotongien + rgn: romagnol + rif: rifain + rm: romanche + rn: roundi + ro: roumain + ro-MD: moldave + rof: rombo + rom: romani + root: racine + rtm: rotuman + ru: russe + rue: ruthène + rug: roviana + rup: valaque + rw: rwanda + rwk: rwa + sa: sanskrit + sad: sandawe + sah: iakoute + sam: araméen samaritain + saq: sambourou + sas: sasak + sat: santal + saz: saurashtra + sba: ngambay + sbp: sangu + sc: sarde + scn: sicilien + sco: écossais + sd: sindhi + sdc: sarde sassarais + sdh: kurde du Sud + se: sami du Nord + see: seneca + seh: cisena + sei: séri + sel: selkoupe + ses: koyraboro senni + sg: sangho + sga: ancien irlandais + sgs: samogitien + sh: serbo-croate + shi: chleuh + shn: shan + shu: arabe tchadien + si: cinghalais + sid: sidamo + sk: slovaque + sl: slovène + sli: bas-silésien + sly: sélayar + sm: samoan + sma: sami du Sud + smj: sami de Lule + smn: sami d’Inari + sms: sami skolt + sn: shona + snk: soninké + so: somali + sog: sogdien + sq: albanais + sr: serbe + srn: sranan tongo + srr: sérère + ss: swati + ssy: saho + st: sotho du Sud + stq: saterlandais + su: soundanais + suk: soukouma + sus: soussou + sux: sumérien + sv: suédois + sw: swahili + sw-CD: swahili du Congo + swb: comorien + syc: syriaque classique + syr: syriaque + szl: silésien + ta: tamoul + tcy: toulou + te: télougou + tem: temne + teo: teso + ter: tereno + tet: tetum + tg: tadjik + th: thaï + ti: tigrigna + tig: tigré + tiv: tiv + tk: turkmène + tkl: tokelau + tkr: tsakhour + tl: tagalog + tlh: klingon + tli: tlingit + tly: talysh + tmh: tamacheq + tn: tswana + to: tonguien + tog: tonga nyasa + tpi: tok pisin + tr: turc + tru: touroyo + trv: taroko + ts: tsonga + tsd: tsakonien + tsi: tsimshian + tt: tatar + ttt: tati caucasien + tum: toumbouka + tvl: tuvalu + tw: twi + twq: tasawaq + ty: tahitien + tyv: touva + tzm: tamazight du Maroc central + udm: oudmourte + ug: ouïghour + ug-alt-variant: ouïgour + uga: ougaritique + uk: ukrainien + umb: oumboundou + und: langue indéterminée + ur: ourdou + uz: ouzbek + vai: vaï + ve: venda + vec: vénitien + vep: vepse + vi: vietnamien + vls: flamand occidental + vmf: franconien du Main + vo: volapuk + vot: vote + vro: võro + vun: vunjo + wa: wallon + wae: walser + wal: walamo + war: waray + was: washo + wbp: warlpiri + wo: wolof + wuu: wu + xal: kalmouk + xh: xhosa + xmf: mingrélien + xog: soga + yao: yao + yap: yapois + yav: yangben + ybb: yemba + yi: yiddish + yo: yoruba + yrl: nheengatou + yue: cantonais + za: zhuang + zap: zapotèque + zbl: symboles Bliss + zea: zélandais + zen: zenaga + zgh: amazighe standard marocain + zh: chinois + zh-Hans: chinois simplifié + zh-Hant: chinois traditionnel + zu: zoulou + zun: zuñi + zxx: sans contenu linguistique + zza: zazaki + geography: + countries: + AD: Andorre + AE: Émirats Arabes Unis + AF: Afghanistan + AG: Antigua et Barbuda + AI: Anguilla + AL: Albanie + AM: Arménie + AO: Angola + AQ: Antarctique + AR: Argentine + AS: Samoa américaines + AT: Autriche + AU: Australie + AW: Aruba + AX: Îles Åland + AZ: Azerbaïdjan + BA: Bosnie-Herzégovine + BB: Barbade + BD: Bangladesh + BE: Belgique + BF: Burkina Faso + BG: Bulgarie + BH: Bahreïn + BI: Burundi + BJ: Bénin + BL: Saint-Barthélémy + BM: Bermudes + BN: Brunéi Darussalam + BO: Bolivie + BQ: Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba + BR: Brésil + BS: Bahamas + BT: Bhutan + BV: Île Bouvet + BW: Botswana + BY: Biélorussie + BZ: Belize + CA: Canada + CC: Îles Cocos + CD: RDC + CF: Centrafrique + CG: Congo-Brazzaville + CH: Suisse + CI: Côte d'Ivoire + CK: Îles Cook + CL: Chili + CM: Cameroun + CN: Chine + CO: Colombie + CR: Costa Rica + CU: Cuba + CV: Cap-Vert + CW: Curaçao + CX: Île Christmas + CY: Chypre + CZ: République tchèque + DE: Allemagne + DJ: Djibouti + DK: Danemark + DM: Dominique + DO: République Dominicaine + DZ: Algérie + EC: Équateur + EE: Estonie + EG: Égypte + EH: Sahara Occidental + ER: Érythrée + ES: Espagne + ET: Éthiopie + FI: Finlande + FJ: Fidji + FK: Îles Malouines + FM: Micronésie + FO: Îles Féroé + FR: France + GA: Gabon + GB: Royaume-Uni + GD: Grenade + GE: Géorgie + GF: Guyane + GG: Guernesey + GH: Ghana + GI: Gibraltar + GL: Groenland + GM: Gambie + GN: Guinée + GP: Guadeloupe + GQ: Guinée équatoriale + GR: Grèce + GS: Géorgie du Sud et les îles Sandwich du Sud + GT: Guatemala + GU: Guam + GW: Guinée-Bissau + GY: Guyana + HK: Hong Kong + HM: Île Heard et îles McDonald + HN: Honduras + HR: Croatie + HT: Haïti + HU: Hongrie + ID: Indonésie + IE: Irlande + IL: Israël + IM: Île de Man + IN: Inde + IO: Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien + IQ: Irak + IR: Iran + IS: Islande + IT: Italie + JE: Jersey + JM: Jamaïque + JO: Jordanie + JP: Japon + KE: Kenya + KG: Kirghizistan + KH: Cambodge + KI: Kiribati + KM: Comores + KN: Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès + KP: Corée du Nord + KR: Corée du Sud + KW: Koweït + KY: Îles Caïmans + KZ: Kazakhstan + LA: Laos + LB: Liban + LC: Sainte-Lucie + LI: Liechtenstein + LK: Sri Lanka + LR: Liberia + LS: Lesotho + LT: Lituanie + LU: Luxembourg + LV: Lettonie + LY: Libye + MA: Maroc + MC: Monaco + MD: Moldavie + ME: Monténégro + MF: Saint-Martin + MG: Madagascar + MH: Îles Marshall + MK: Macédoine + ML: Mali + MM: Myanmar + MN: Mongolie + MO: Macao + MP: Îles Mariannes du Nord + MQ: Martinique + MR: Mauritanie + MS: Montserrat + MT: Malte + MU: Maurice + MV: Maldives + MW: Malawi + MX: Mexique + MY: Malaisie + MZ: Mozambique + NA: Namibie + NC: Nouvelle-Calédonie + NE: Niger + NF: Île Norfolk + NG: Nigeria + NI: Nicaragua + NL: Pays-Bas + 'NO': Norvège + NP: Népal + NR: Nauru + NU: Nioué + NZ: Nouvelle-Zélande + OM: Oman + PA: Panama + PE: Pérou + PF: Polynésie Française + PG: Papouasie-Nouvelle Guinée + PH: Philippines + PK: Pakistan + PL: Pologne + PM: Saint-Pierre et Miquelon + PN: Pitcairn + PR: Porto Rico + PS: Territoire palestinien + PT: Portugal + PW: Palaos + PY: Paraguay + QA: Qatar + RE: Réunion + RO: Roumanie + RS: Serbie + RU: Russie + RW: Rwanda + SA: Arabie saoudite + SB: Îles Salomon + SC: Seychelles + SD: Soudan + SE: Suède + SG: Singapour + SH: Sainte-Hélène + SI: Slovénie + SJ: Svalbard et Île Jan Mayen + SK: Slovaquie + SL: Sierra Leone + SM: Saint-Marin + SN: Sénégal + SO: Somalie + SR: Surinam + SS: Sud-Soudan + ST: São Tomé-et-Príncipe + SV: Salvador + SX: Saint-Martin + SY: Syrie + SZ: Swaziland + TC: Îles Turques-et-Caïques + TD: Tchad + TF: Terres australes françaises + TG: République Togolaise + TH: Thaïlande + TJ: Tadjikistan + TK: Tokelau + TL: Timor Oriental + TM: Turkménistan + TN: Tunisie + TO: Tonga + TR: Turquie + TT: Trinidad et Tobago + TV: Tuvalu + TW: Taïwan + TZ: Tanzanie + UA: Ukraine + UG: Ouganda + UM: Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis + US: États-Unis + UY: Uruguay + UZ: Ouzbékistan + VA: Vatican + VC: Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines + VE: Vénézuéla + VG: Îles Vierges + VI: Îles Vierges des États-Unis + VN: Vietnam + VU: Vanuatu + WF: Wallis-et-Futuna + WS: Samoa + XK: Kosovo + YE: Yémen + YT: Mayotte + ZA: Afrique du Sud + ZM: Zambie + ZW: Zimbabwe + subregions: + AR: + BA: Buenos Aires + CF: Buenos Aires + CT: Catamarca + CC: Chaco + CH: Chubut + CD: Cordoba + CR: Corrientes + ER: Entre Rios + FO: Formosa + JY: Jujuy + LP: La Pampa + LR: La Rioja + MZ: Mendoza + MN: Misiones + NQ: Neuquen + RN: Rio Negro + SA: Salta + SJ: San Juan + SL: San Luis + SC: Santa Cruz + SF: Santa Fe + SE: Santiago del Estero + TF: Tierra del Fuego + TM: Tucuman + AT: + Bgld: Burgenland + AU: + ACT: Territoire de la capitale australienne + NSW: Nouvelle-Galles du Sud + NT: Territoire du Nord + QLD: Queensland + SA: Australie-Méridionale + TAS: Tasmanie + VIC: Victoria + WA: Australie-Occidentale + BR: + AC: Acre + AL: Alagoas + AP: Amapá + AM: Amazonas + BA: Bahia + CE: Ceará + ES: Espírito Santo + DF: District fédéral + GO: Goiás + MA: Maranhão + MT: Mato Grosso + MS: Mato Grosso do Sul + MG: Minas Gerais + PR: Paraná + PB: Paraíba + PA: Pará + PE: Pernambouc + PI: Piauí + RN: Rio Grande do Norte + RS: Rio Grande do Sul + RJ: Rio de Janeiro + RO: Rondônia + RR: Roraima + SC: Santa Catarina + SE: Sergipe + SP: São Paulo + TO: Tocantins + CA: + AB: Alberta + BC: Colombie-Britannique + MB: Manitoba + NB: Nouveau-Brunswick + NL: Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador + NT: Territoires du Nord-Ouest + NS: Nouvelle-Écosse + NU: Nunavut + 'ON': Ontario + PE: Île-du-Prince-Édouard + QC: Québec + SK: Saskatchewan + YT: Yukon + CH: + TG: Thurgovie + VD: Vaud + ZH: Zurich + DE: + HH: Hambourg + NRW: Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie + ET: + SNNPR: SNNPR + FR: + ACAL: Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine + IT: + FVG: Frioul-Vénétie julienne + MX: + Ags: État d'Aguascalientes + BCS: Basse-Californie du Sud + CAM: État de Campeche + CHP: Chiapas + CH: État de Chihuahua + COA: Coahuila + COL: État de Colima + DUR: État de Durango + BCN: Basse-Californie du Nord + MEX: Estado de México + Gto: État de Guanajuato + GRO: Guerrero + Hgo: État dHidalgo + JAL: Jalisco + MIC: Michoacán + MOR: Morelos + NAY: Nayarit + NLE: Nuevo León + OAX: État de Oaxaca + PUE: État de Puebla + Qro: Querétaro de Arteaga + QRoo: Quintana Roo + SLP: État de San Luis Potosí + SIN: Sinaloa + SON: Sonora + TAB: Tabasco + TAM: Tamaulipas + Tlax: État de Tlaxcala + VER: Veracruz + YUC: Yucatán + ZAC: État de Zacatecas + MY: + JHR: Johor + KDH: Kedah + KTN: Kelantan + KUL: Kuala Lumpur + LBN: Labuan + MLK: Melaka + NSN: Negeri Sembilan + PHG: Pahang + PNG: Penang + PRK: Perak + PLS: Perlis + PJY: Putrajaya + SBH: Sabah + SRW: Sarawak + SGR: Selangor + TRG: Terengganu + NG: + FCTA: Territoire de la capitale fédérale du Nigeria + NI: + RAAN: North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) + NL: + fr: Frise + gr: Groningue + lb: Limbourg + nb: Brabant-Septentrional + nh: Hollande-Septentrionale + dr: Drenthe + fl: Flevoland + gd: Gueldre + ov: Overijssel + ut: Utrecht + zl: Zélande + zh: Hollande-Méridionale + PH: + ARMM: Région autonome en Mindanao musulmane + PK: + FATA: Régions tribales + RU: + MO: Oblast de Moscou + US: + AL: Alabama + AK: Alaska + AZ: Arizona + AR: Arkansas + Calif: Californie + CO: Colorado + CT: Connecticut + DE: Delaware + FL: Floride + GA: Géorgie + HI: Hawaï + ID: Idaho + IL: Illinois + IN: Indiana + IA: Iowa + KS: Kansas + KY: Kentucky + LA: Louisiane + ME: Maine + MD: Maryland + MA: Massachusetts + MI: Michigan + MN: Minnesota + MS: Mississippi + MO: Missouri + MT: Montana + NE: Nebraska + NV: Nevada + NH: New Hampshire + NJ: New Jersey + NM: Nouveau-Mexique + NY: New York + NC: Caroline du Nord + ND: Dakota du Nord + OH: Ohio + OK: Oklahoma + OR: Oregon + PA: Pennsylvanie + RI: Rhode Island + SC: Caroline du Sud + SD: Dakota du Sud + TN: Tennessee + TX: Texas + UT: Utah + VT: Vermont + VA: Virginie + WA: Washington + DC: District de Columbia + WV: Virginie-Occidentale + WI: Wisconsin + WY: Wyoming + articles: + about_bikebike: + paragraphs: + What_is_BikeBike: Bike!Bike!, c’est un congrès international annuel organisé + par et pour les projets de vélos communautaires. Ce congrès invite les participantes + d’ateliers de vélos et d’organismes revendicateurs connexes de se rencontrer + pendant quatre jours dans une différente ville à chaque année afin de suivre + des formations et de faire du réseautage. diff --git a/features/sign_in.feature b/features/sign_in.feature index ae32e00..37f6721 100644 --- a/features/sign_in.feature +++ b/features/sign_in.feature @@ -78,7 +78,4 @@ Feature: Sign In Then I should see 'Before proceeding, you must provide us an email address' When I enter my email address - And press save - - Then I should see 'Mark Zuckerberg' - And I should see 'Sign out' + And click the 'Save' button diff --git a/features/step_definitions/interface_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/interface_steps.rb index f89de66..304b85c 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/interface_steps.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/interface_steps.rb @@ -11,14 +11,18 @@ Then /^(?:I )?(?:should )?(not )?see (?:the |an? )?'(.+)' link$/i do |no, item| end Then /^(?:I )?(?:should )?(?:still )?(not )?see '(.+)'$/i do |negate, item| - attempt_to do - expect(page).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, have_text(item)) + attempt_to true do + attempt_to do + expect(page).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, have_text(item)) + end end end Then /^(?:I )?(?:should )?(?:still )?(not )?see (?:my |the )([^']+)$/i do |negate, item| - attempt_to do - expect(page).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, have_text(TestState::Values[get_field(item)])) + attempt_to true do + attempt_to do + expect(page).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, have_text(TestState::Values[get_field(item)])) + end end end @@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ Then /^(?:I )?enter (?:my |an? |some |the )?(.+?)(?: as '(.+)')?$/i do |field, v end end - (TestState::Values[field] = value) + TestState::Values[field] = value element.set value diff --git a/features/step_definitions/navigation.rb b/features/step_definitions/navigation.rb index d5b4555..a7acba2 100644 --- a/features/step_definitions/navigation.rb +++ b/features/step_definitions/navigation.rb @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Then /^(?:I )?should be on (?:the |an? | my)?(.+) page$/i do |page_name| sleep(1) attempt_to do path = path_to(page_name) + TestState.last_page = path path = /(https?\/\/:[^\/]+)?#{Regexp.escape(path)}\/?(\?|#|$)/ unless path.is_a?(Regexp) begin current_url.should match path @@ -33,7 +34,6 @@ Then /^(?:I )?should be on (?:the |an? | my)?(.+) page$/i do |page_name| visit page.driver.network_traffic.last.url end else - puts "#{page.driver.network_traffic.last.method} #{page.driver.network_traffic.last.url} (#{page.driver.network_traffic.last.response_parts.first.status}) != #{path}" raise e end end diff --git a/features/support/env.rb b/features/support/env.rb index 59cac15..4033753 100644 --- a/features/support/env.rb +++ b/features/support/env.rb @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Capybara.register_driver :bb_poltergeist do |app| end opts = { - timeout: 60, + timeout: 10, window_size: [1200, 800] }, opts) @@ -50,9 +50,12 @@ Before do end After do |scenario| - sleep 1 log_result scenario - LinguaFranca.screenshot_mail + + if LinguaFranca.recording? + sleep 1 + LinguaFranca.screenshot_mail + end if scenario.failed? if @exception diff --git a/features/support/helper.rb b/features/support/helper.rb index a7e7649..d0acf9c 100644 --- a/features/support/helper.rb +++ b/features/support/helper.rb @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def capture_html(distance_from_root = 3) html.gsub(/(=\"|\(['"]?)(?:#{host})?\/(assets|uploads)/, "\\1#{public_dir}\\2") end -def attempt_to(&block) +def attempt_to(refresh_on_fail = false, &block) begin retries ||= 0 timeout ||= 0 @@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ def attempt_to(&block) yield rescue Exception => e raise e unless (retries += 1) <= 4 - # puts "Failed: #{e}" - # puts "Retry ##{retries}" + visit TestState.last_page if TestState.last_page && refresh_on_fail sleep(timeout * timeout) retry end @@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ end def emails_to(email_address, subject = nil) do |mail| && - (subject.nil? || mail.subject.downcase =~ /#{Regexp.escape(subject.downcase)}/) + (subject.nil? || mail.subject.downcase.include?(subject.downcase)) end end diff --git a/features/support/paths.rb b/features/support/paths.rb index 22226c2..c94beca 100644 --- a/features/support/paths.rb +++ b/features/support/paths.rb @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ module NavigationHelpers path = :view_workshop args << TestState.last_conference.slug args << + when /^delete_workshop$/i + args << TestState.last_conference.slug + args << when /^registration$/i path = :register args << TestState.last_conference.slug diff --git a/features/support/state.rb b/features/support/state.rb index a5bbfec..71b9d36 100644 --- a/features/support/state.rb +++ b/features/support/state.rb @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module TestState attr_accessor :last_organization attr_accessor :last_email attr_accessor :it + attr_accessor :last_page def my_account=(user) @my_account = user diff --git a/features/workshops.feature b/features/workshops.feature index 0071ad5..207c6d6 100644 --- a/features/workshops.feature +++ b/features/workshops.feature @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ Feature: Workshops And check 'Meeting Room' And click the 'Save' button - Then I should see 'Funding' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'Funding' And should see 'Projector' And see my title And see my info @@ -55,12 +56,18 @@ Feature: Workshops Then I should see 'Deleting a workshop cannot be undone' When I click on the 'Cancel' button - Then I should see 'Tools' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'Tools' And should see 'Education' When I click the 'Delete Workshop' link And click the 'Confirm' button - Then I should see 'Propose a Workshop' + + Then I should be on the delete_workshop page + When I click the 'Confirm' button + + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'Propose a Workshop' But I should not see any workshops Scenario: Users can comment on an translate their own workshops @@ -78,19 +85,25 @@ Feature: Workshops When I enter my title as 'Puentes a las bicicletas' And enter some info And click the 'Save' button - Then my workshop title should be 'Bridges to Bicycles' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And my workshop title should be 'Bridges to Bicycles' And my Spanish workshop title should be 'Puentes a las bicicletas' And I should see 'Bridges to Bicycles' When I enter a comment And I click the 'Add Comment' button - Then I should see 'less than a minute ago' + + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'less than a minute ago' And I should see my comment When I click the 'Reply' button And enter a reply And click the 'Reply' button - Then I should see my comment + + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'less than a minute ago' + And I should see my comment And see my reply Scenario: Users can add facilitators to their workshops @@ -122,9 +135,10 @@ Feature: Workshops Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And I should see 'Yes' And click the 'Yes' button + Then I should not see 'Please Confirm' - And I should not see ' Unregistered' - But I should see 'Applying for 501c3 status' + # And I should not see ' Unregistered' + # But I should see 'Applying for 501c3 status' Scenario: Users can approve and deny facilitation requests on their workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference @@ -175,7 +189,8 @@ Feature: Workshops And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove Hadrian as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click on the 'Yes' button - Then I should not see 'Hadrian' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should not see 'Hadrian' When I click the 'Transfer Ownership' button beside 'Saladin' Then I should see 'Please Confirm' @@ -189,7 +204,8 @@ Feature: Workshops And see 'Are you sure you want to transfer ownership to Saladin?' When I click the 'Yes' button - Then I should not see 'Saladin Collaborator' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should not see 'Saladin Collaborator' But I should see 'Saladin Owner' When I click the 'Leave' button @@ -204,7 +220,8 @@ Feature: Workshops And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click the 'Yes' button - Then I should not see 'Leave' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should not see 'Leave' But I should see 'Make a facilitation request' When I click the 'Make a facilitation request' button @@ -227,7 +244,8 @@ Feature: Workshops Then I should still see 'Cancel Request' When I click the 'Cancel Request' button again And click the 'Yes' button - Then I should not see 'Cancel Request' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should not see 'Cancel Request' But I should see 'Make a facilitation request' Scenario: Users can add interest to workshops @@ -306,7 +324,8 @@ Feature: Workshops And enter a comment as 'Will you be covering Canadian contracts?' And click the 'Add Comment' button - Then I should see 'Will you be covering Canadian contracts?' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'Will you be covering Canadian contracts?' And 'Brunhilda' should get a 'commented' email When in a new session @@ -316,5 +335,6 @@ Feature: Workshops And enter a reply as 'If we can find a Canadian facilitator' And click the 'Reply' button - Then I should see 'If we can find a Canadian facilitator' + Then I should be on my workshop page + And I should see 'If we can find a Canadian facilitator' And 'Geronimo' should get a 'replied' email