Policy_Agreement:Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time.
Policy_Agreement:Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time.
Confirm_Agreement:By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do
Confirm_Agreement:By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do
your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you!
your best to uphold Bike!Bike!'s safer space agreement. Thank you!
Registration_Info:Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare
Registration_Info:Please fill in this registration form to help us prepare
for your arrival to Guadalajara. If you wish to ask questions or tell us
for your arrival to %{city}. If you wish to ask questions or tell us
information we did not ask, please fill in the "More Info" field at the
information we did not ask, please fill in the preferences field at the
bottom of the page.
bottom of the page or use the contact us link.
Payment:Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike!
Payment:Thank you for completing your registration. We'll see you at Bike!Bike!
Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival but to help us
Payment is by donation and can be done now or upon arrival but to help us
fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon
fund the conference, we ask that you pay the registration donation as soon
as you can.
as you can.
currency:"(amounts are in $USD)"
currency:"(amounts are in USD)"
email_confirm:Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in
email_confirm:Go to your inbox! You should see an email from Bike!Bike! in
just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on.
just a few moments. There will be a link in the email for you to click on.
Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems,
Check your spam box if you do not see it. If you encounter any problems,