Registration questions complete but need translations

This commit is contained in:
Godwin 2016-07-17 11:42:21 -07:00
parent 1eaba5f6c5
commit 9a4c39b207
8 changed files with 50 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class ApplicationController < LinguaFrancaApplicationController
render 'application/permission_denied', status: 403
def error_500(exception)
def error_500(exception = nil)
@page_title = 'page_titles.500.An_Error_Occurred'
@main_title = 'error.500.title'
params[:_original_action] = params[:action]

View File

@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
if request.format.xls? "Generating stats.xls"
@excel_data = {
:columns => [:name, :email, :city, :date, :languages, :arrival, :departure, :housing, :bike, :food, :allergies, :other, :fees_paid],
:columns => [:name, :email, :city, :date, :languages, :arrival, :departure, :housing, :companion, :bike, :food, :allergies, :other, :fees_paid],
:key => 'articles.conference_registration.headings',
:data => []
@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
:arrival => r.arrival ? r.arrival.strftime("%F %T") : '',
:departure => r.departure ? r.departure.strftime("%F %T") : '',
:housing => (I18n.t"articles.conference_registration.questions.housing.#{r.housing || 'none'}"),
:companion => (r.housing_data[:companions] || []).join(', '),
:bike => (I18n.t"{ || 'none'}"),
:food => (I18n.t"{ || 'meat'}"),
:fees_paid => (r.registration_fees_paid || 0.0),
@ -533,8 +534,8 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
@register_template = :confirm_email
steps = registration_steps
return do_404 unless steps.present?
steps = nil
return do_404 unless registration_steps.present?
@register_template = :administration if params[:admin_step].present?
@ -542,8 +543,10 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
@warnings = []
form_step = params[:button] ? params[:button].to_sym : nil
# process any data that was passed to us
if form_step
if form_step.to_s =~ /^prev_(.+)$/
steps = registration_steps
@register_template = steps[steps.find_index($1.to_sym) - 1]
elsif form_step == :paypal_confirm
if @registration.present? && @registration.payment_confirmation_token == params[:confirmation_token]
@ -636,6 +639,9 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
@registration.housing = params[:housing]
@registration.arrival = params[:arrival]
@registration.departure = params[:departure]
@registration.housing_data = {
companions: [ params[:companion] ]
} = params[:bike] = params[:food]
@registration.allergies = params[:allergies]
@ -666,6 +672,7 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
@register_template = form_step
unless @registration.nil?
steps = registration_steps
@register_template = steps[steps.find_index(form_step) + 1]
# have we reached a new level?
@ -689,6 +696,9 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
steps ||= registration_steps
# make sure we're on a valid step
@register_template ||= (params[:step] || current_step).to_sym
if logged_in? && @register_template != :paypal_confirm
@ -703,143 +713,10 @@ class ConferencesController < ApplicationController
# then we'll redirect to the current registration step
# process data from the last view
# case (params[:button] || '').to_sym
# when :confirm_email
# @register_template = :email_sent if is_post
# when :policy
# @register_template = :questions if is_post
# when :save
# if is_post
# new_registration = !@registration
# @registration = if new_registration
# @registration.conference_id =
# @registration.user_id =
# @registration.is_attending = 'yes'
# @registration.is_confirmed = true
# = params[:location]
# @registration.arrival = params[:arrival]
# @registration.languages = params[:languages].keys.to_json
# @registration.departure = params[:departure]
# @registration.housing = params[:housing]
# = params[:bike]
# = params[:food]
# @registration.allergies = params[:allergies]
# @registration.other = params[:other]
# current_user.firstname = params[:name].squish
# current_user.lastname = nil
# if new_registration
# UserMailer.send_mail :registration_confirmation do
# {
# :args => @registration
# }
# end
# end
# @register_template = @registration.registration_fees_paid ? :done : :payment
# end
# when :payment
# if is_post && @registration
# amount = params[:amount].to_f
# if amount > 0
# @registration.payment_confirmation_token = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' ? 'token' : Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(rand( * 1000000).to_i.to_s)
# host = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"
# response = PayPal!.setup(
# PayPalRequest(amount),
# register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_confirm, @registration.payment_confirmation_token),
# register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_cancel, @registration.payment_confirmation_token)
# )
# if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != 'test'
# redirect_to response.redirect_uri
# end
# return
# end
# @register_template = :done
# end
# when :paypal_confirm
# if @registration && @registration.payment_confirmation_token == params[:confirmation_token]
# if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test'
# @amount = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info)[:amount]
# else
# @amount = PayPal!.details(params[:token])
# # testing this does't work in test but it works in devo and prod
# @registration.payment_info = {:payer_id => params[:PayerID], :token => params[:token], :amount => @amount}.to_yaml
# end
# @amount = (@amount * 100).to_i.to_s.gsub(/^(.*)(\d\d)$/, '\1.\2')
# @register_template = :paypal_confirm
# end
# when :paypal_confirmed
# info = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info)
# @amount = nil
# status = nil
# if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test'
# status = info[:status]
# @amount = info[:amount]
# else
# paypal = PayPal!.checkout!(info[:token], info[:payer_id], PayPalRequest(info[:amount]))
# status = paypal.payment_info.first.payment_status
# @amount =
# end
# if status == 'Completed'
# @registration.registration_fees_paid = @amount
# @register_template = :done
# else
# @register_template = :payment
# end
# when :paypal_cancel
# if @registration
# @registration.payment_confirmation_token = nil
# @register_template = :payment
# end
# when :register
# @register_template = :questions
# end
# if @register_template == :payment && !@this_conference.paypal_username
# @register_template = :done
# end
# # don't let the user edit registration if registration is closed
# if !@conference.registration_open && @register_template == :questions
# @register_template = :done
# end
# prepare data for the next view
# prepare the form
case @register_template
when :questions
@registration ||=
:conference_id =>,
:user_id =>,
:is_attending => 'yes',
:is_confirmed => true,
:city => view_context.location(view_context.lookup_ip_location),
:arrival => @this_conference.start_date,
:departure => @this_conference.end_date,
:housing => nil,
:bike => nil,
:other => ''
@languages = current_user.languages
if @languages.blank? && @registration.languages.present?
@languages = (@registration.languages.is_a?(String) ? JSON.parse(@registration.languages) : @registration.languages).map &:to_sym
@languages ||= [I18n.locale.to_sym]
@registration.housing_data ||= { }
when :workshops
@page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Workshops'
@workshops = Workshop.where(conference_id:

View File

@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
if options[:heading].present?
label_id ||= unique_id("#{name.to_s}-label")
html += content_tag(:h3, _(options[:heading], :t), id: label_id)
html += content_tag(:h3, _(options[:heading], :t, vars: options[:vars] || {}), id: label_id)
help = nil

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
@subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_request_approved',
"You have been added as a facilitator of #{@workshop.title}",
:vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title})
mail to: user.named_email, subject: @subject
mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject
def workshop_facilitator_request_denied(workshop, user)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
@subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_request_denied',
"Your request to facilitate #{@workshop.title} has been denied",
:vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title})
mail to: user.named_email, subject: @subject
mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject
def workshop_translated(workshop, data, locale, user, translator)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
@wrapper_id = :full_width
mail to: user.named_email, subject: @subject
mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject
def workshop_original_content_changed(workshop, data, user, translator)
@ -119,21 +119,21 @@ class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
@wrapper_id = :full_width
mail to: user.named_email, subject: @subject
mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject
def workshop_comment(workshop, comment, user)
@workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present?
@comment = comment
@comment = Comment.find(comment) if comment.present?
@user = User.find(user) if user.present?
if comment.reply?
@subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_comment.reply', vars: { user_name: })
if @comment.reply?
@subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_comment.reply', vars: { user_name: })
@subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_comment.comment', vars: { user_name:, workshop_title: workshop.title })
@subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_comment.comment', vars: { user_name:, workshop_title: @workshop.title })
mail to: user.named_email, subject: @subject
mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject
def error_report(subject, message, report, exception, request, params, user)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
@subject = subject
@from = from.is_a?(Integer) ? User.find(from) : from
mail to: email_list.join(', '), subject: @subject, reply_to: from.is_a?(User) ? from.named_email : from
mail to: email_list.join(', '), subject: @subject, reply_to: @from.is_a?(User) ? @from.named_email : @from
def contact_details(from, subject, message, request, params)

View File

@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
= render 'schedule/programme', :schedule => @schedule, :conference => @conference, :workshops => @workshops, :events => @events, :locations => @locations, :show_interest => true, :day_parts => @day_parts, :show_previews => true
- if @conference.registration_status == :open
%p=_'articles.workshops.paragraphs.Proposed_Workshops', "Would you like to facilitate your own workshop? Simply register and visit the workshops page. If you have already registered you can access the page by restarting the registration process."
- @conference.workshops.sort_by{ |w| w.title.downcase }.each do |w|
- (@conference.workshops || []).sort_by{ |w| w.title.downcase }.each do |w|
- if w.interested?(current_user)
=_'', "You and #{w.interested_count - 1} others are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => (w.interested_count - 1)}
=_'', :vars => {:count => (w.interested_count - 1)}
- elsif w.interested_count > 0
=_'', "#{w.interested_count} people are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => w.interested_count}
=_'', :vars => {:count => w.interested_count}

View File

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
= form_tag register_path(@this_conference.slug), class: [:centered, :clearfix] do
= columns(medium: 12) do
= radiobuttons :housing, ConferenceRegistration.all_housing_options, @registration.housing, 'articles.conference_registration.questions.housing', heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.housing', vertical: true, big: true, inline: true
= fieldset :hosting_dates, heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.arrival_and_departure' do
= fieldset :hosting_dates, heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.arrival_and_departure', vars: { city: } do
= selectfield :arrival, @registration.arrival || @this_conference.start_date, conference_days_options_list(:before)
= selectfield :departure, @registration.departure || @this_conference.start_date, conference_days_options_list(:after)
= radiobuttons :bike, ConferenceRegistration.all_bike_options,, '', heading: '', inline: true, big: true
= radiobuttons :food, ConferenceRegistration.all_food_options,, '', heading: '', inline: true, big: true
= columns(medium: 12) do
= emailfield :companion, (@registration.housing_data[:companions] || [nil]).first, heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.companion', help: 'articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.companion', big: true
= textfield :allergies, @registration.allergies, heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.allergies'
= textarea :other, @registration.other, plain: true, heading: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.other'
= button_tag :register, :value => :questions

View File

@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ en:
one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
overbooked: Overbooked
@ -5354,13 +5355,13 @@ en:
administration: Administration
Policy_Agreement: Safer Space Agreement
policy: Policy
arrival_and_departure: For what days will you need housing? (If you don't
need housing, just tell us how long you plan to hang out with Bike!Bike!)
arrival_and_departure: How long do you plan to stay in %{city}?
other: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?
email_confirm: Confirm Email
Enter_Your_Email: Enter your email address
Registration_Info: Registration Info
Your_Registration: Your Registration
Your_Conferences: Your Conferences
Youre_Done: You're Done!
allergies: Do you have any allergies?
arrival: Arrival
@ -5405,6 +5406,7 @@ en:
info: 'Conference Info'
companion: Companion
Policy_Agreement: Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all. Please ensure that you have fully read and understand our safer spaces policy below, if you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to the organizers at any time.
Confirm_Agreement: By clicking the "I Agree" button, you are pledging to do
@ -5442,7 +5444,7 @@ en:
Pressing 'test' will send the email only to you, make sure you do this and
use caution in general before pressing 'send'
payment_confirm: You are about to confirm your payment of %{amount} for registration.
participants_emailed: Your email has been sent to all participants of %%{conference_title}.
participants_emailed: Your email has been sent to all participants of %{conference_title}.
workshops: You can now take a look at proposed workshops and even propose
one yourself if you like.
Contact_Info: Please let us know a little bit about you.
@ -5462,6 +5464,8 @@ en:
info: This is the copy that is displayed on the front page of the site.
companion: Is there someone who you would like us to ensure that you are housed with?
arrival_and_departure: If you don't need housing, just tell us how long you plan to hang out with Bike!Bike!
vegan: Vegan or vegetarian only
@ -5667,6 +5671,7 @@ en:
open: Open
pre: Pre-Registration
registration_status: Registration Status
companion: Email address
login: Sign In

View File

@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ es:
Registration_Info: Registro
arrival_and_departure: ¿Que día llegas a Guadalajara?
arrival_and_departure: ¿Que día llegas a %{city}?
allergies: ¿Eres alergico a algo?
languages: ¿Hablas?
food: ¿Que comes?
@ -1049,13 +1049,13 @@ es:
translate_now: Translar ahora
can_you_help: ¿Se puede traducir del %%{language_a} al %%{language_b}?
can_you_help: ¿Se puede traducir del %{language_a} al %{language_b}?
outdated_translation: El contenido que ha sido superado
translation_out_of_date: Contenido traducido en esta página puede no ser exacta
un_translated: Contenido sin traducir
not_translation: No es una traducción
translation_last_modified: El texto en el idioma original fue modificada por
última vez el %%{date}
última vez el %{date}
change_locale: "Leer en %{language}"
@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ es:
pluraliztion_same_as_other: Igual que el otro
Enabled_Locales: Idiomas habilitados
History: Historia
Locale_Translation: Traducción en %%{language}
Locale_Translation: Traducción en %{language}
Other_Locales: Otros idiomas
Save: Ahorre
explain_zero_fallback: Esta traducción se utilice la versión plural para el
@ -1096,10 +1096,10 @@ es:
use_default_value: Utilice el valor predeterminado
variables: Variables
go_to_locale: Ver el sitio %%{language} ahora
locale_is_available: '%%{site_name} está disponible en %%{language}'
locale_needs_help: ¿Puedes ayudar a traducir el sitio al %%{language}?
locale_not_available: Lo sentimos, %%{site_name} no está disponible en %%{language}.
go_to_locale: Ver el sitio %{language} ahora
locale_is_available: '%{site_name} está disponible en %{language}'
locale_needs_help: ¿Puedes ayudar a traducir el sitio al %{language}?
locale_not_available: Lo sentimos, %{site_name} no está disponible en %{language}.
become_a_volunteer: Conviértete en un traductor voluntario
volunteer: ¿Puedes ayudar a traducir esto?
@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ es:
confirma tu dirección de e-mail por favor.
confirm_email: E-mail de confirmación
registration_confirmed: ¡Gracias por registrarte para %%{conference_title}!
registration_confirmed: ¡Gracias por registrarte para %{conference_title}!
workshop_facilitator_request: Solicitud para facilitar %{workshop_title} por
parte de %{requester_name}
workshop_request_approved: Has sido agregadx como facilitador(a) a %{workshop_title}