9 years ago
251 changed files with 2 additions and 8086 deletions
@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ |
#= require froala_editor.min.js |
# I18n |
'use strict' |
startSpinner = -> |
$('#loading-spinner').show() |
stopSpinner = -> |
$('#loading-spinner').fadeOut() |
# Turbolinks Spinner |
document.addEventListener 'page:fetch', startSpinner |
document.addEventListener 'page:receive', stopSpinner |
readURL = (input) -> |
reader = null |
if input.files && input.files[0] |
reader = new FileReader() |
reader.readAsDataURL input.files[0] |
reader.onload = (e) -> |
$(input).prev().attr('src', e.target.result) |
createOverlay = () -> |
if $('#overlay').length > 0 |
$('#overlay').remove() |
$('body').append('<div id="overlay" class="loading"><div id="overlay-inner"></div></div>') |
$('#overlay-dlg') |
setOverlayHTML = (html) -> |
$('#overlay-inner').append('<div id="overlay-dlg">' + html + '</div>'); |
$('#overlay').removeAttr('class').click(destroyOverlay) |
destroyOverlay = () -> |
$('#overlay').remove() |
selectA = (type, event, $emptyObj) -> |
event.preventDefault() |
# = $(this) |
$overlay = createOverlay() |
objs = [] |
$('.' + type + '-select-field.added input.' + type + '-id').each () -> obj.push($(this).val()) |
$.post window.location.href.replace(/^(.*\/)(.+?)$/, '$1non$2'), {added: objs}, |
(html) -> |
setOverlayHTML(html).addClass('' + type + '-select') |
$('#select-' + type + '-list a').click (event) -> |
event.preventDefault() |
$this = $(this) |
$old_field = $emptyObj.closest('.field') |
$field = $old_field.clone() |
oldID = parseInt($old_field.find('input[type="hidden"]').attr('name').match(/\[(\d+)\]\[id\]/)[1]) |
newID = oldID + 1 |
$field.find('input.' + type + '-id').val($this.data().id) |
$field.find('.' + type + 'name').html($this.find('.' + type + 'name').html()).before('<img src="' + $this.find('img').attr('src') + '" />') |
$field.find('.select-' + type + '').remove() |
$field.removeClass('new').addClass('added') |
$old_field.html (i, html) -> |
pregex = new RegExp('\\[' + oldID + '\\]', 'g'); |
aregex = new RegExp('_' + oldID + '_', 'g'); |
html.replace(pregex, '[' + newID + ']').replace(aregex, '_' + newID + '_') |
$field.insertBefore($old_field) |
$('a.select-' + type + '').click (event) -> selectA(type, event, $(this)) |
destroyOverlay() |
return |
, 'html' |
updateFormField = () -> |
$form = $('form#new_registration_form_field') |
$field_type = $form.find('#registration_form_field_field_type') |
field_type = $field_type.val() |
$form.find('.registration-form-field-field').hide() |
$form.find('.registration-form-field-field.field-type-' + field_type).show() |
updateFormFieldForm = () -> |
$('form #registration_form_field_field_type').change updateFormField |
updateFormField() |
$('form#new_registration_form_field').submit (event) -> |
event.preventDefault() |
$form = $(this) |
serialized = $form.serialize() |
$.post $form.attr('action'), serialized, |
(json) -> |
$form.replaceWith(json.form) |
$('#registration-form-field-list').html(json.list) |
updateFormFieldForm() |
, 'json' |
updateFormFieldList = () -> |
$('#registration-form-field-list .add-form-field').click () -> |
$.post 'form/add-field', {field: $(this).data().id}, |
(json) -> |
$('#conference-form').html(json.form) |
$('#registration-form-field-list').html(json.list) |
updateFormFieldList() |
return |
$('#conference-form .remove-form-field').click () -> |
$.post 'form/remove-field', {field: $(this).data().id}, |
(json) -> |
$('#conference-form').html(json.form) |
$('#registration-form-field-list').html(json.list) |
updateFormFieldList() |
return |
saveTranslation = ($td, $move_to, auto_translate) -> |
val = '' |
do_auto_translate = true |
if typeof auto_translate == "undefined" || !auto_translate |
val = $td.find('textarea').val() |
do_auto_translate = false |
key = $td.parent().data().key |
params = {translationkey: key, translationvalue: val, translationlang: window.location.href.replace(/^.*\/(\w+)\/$/, '$1')} |
if do_auto_translate |
params['auto_translate'] = true |
$.post '/translate/', params, |
(json) -> |
#console.log json |
$td.html(json.translation) |
if $td.parent().hasClass('not-exists') |
$td.parent().removeClass('not-exists') |
$td.parent().addClass('exists') |
$('.translation-form').remove() |
if typeof $move_to != "undefined" && $move_to |
startTranslating $move_to |
return |
return |
stopTranslating = () -> $('.translation-form').remove() |
startTranslating = ($td) -> |
stopTranslating() |
value = if $td.parent().hasClass('not-exists') then '' else $td.html().trim() |
$tr = $td.parent() |
key = $tr.data().key |
$td.append('<div class="translation-form"><textarea>' + value + '</textarea><button class="small" data-key="' + key + '">Save</textarea>') |
$textarea = $td.find('textarea') |
$textarea.select() |
$td.find('.translation-form button').click () -> saveTranslation($td) |
$textarea.keydown (event) -> |
if event.keyCode == 9 |
event.preventDefault() |
$new_tr = if event.shiftKey then $tr.prev() else $tr.next() |
saveTranslation $td, $new_tr.find('.value') |
else if event.keyCode == 27 |
stopTranslating() |
return |
return |
$ -> |
#trial = document.createElement('script'); |
#trial.type = 'text/javascript'; |
#trial.async = true; |
#trial.src = 'http://easy.myfonts.net/v2/js?sid=158991(font-family=Scotch+Modern+Bold)&sid=174040(font-family=Scotch+Micro)&key=WPfecRji9L'; |
#head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; |
#head.appendChild(trial); |
#$(document).foundation(); |
#$('[data-editable]').editable({blockTags: ["n", "p", "h2", "blockquote", "pre"], buttons: ["formatBlock", "bold", "italic", "underline", "insertOrderedList", "insertUnorderedList", "sep", "createLink", "insertImage", "insertVideo", "html", "undo", "redo"]}) |
$('.field.country-select select').change () -> |
$country = $(this) |
country = $country.val() |
$territory = $('.field.subregion-select select') |
if $territory.data().country == country |
$territory.removeClass('can cant').addClass('can') |
return |
$.post '/location/territories', {country: country}, |
(json) -> |
$territory.html('') |
if json && Object.keys(json).length |
$.each json, (code, name) -> |
$territory.append($('<option>').text(name).attr('value', code)) |
return |
$territory.removeClass('can cant').addClass('can') |
$territory.data().country = country |
else |
$territory.removeClass('can cant').addClass('cant') |
return |
, 'json' |
return |
$('img + input[type="file"]').change () -> |
readURL(this); |
$('a.select-user, a.select-organization').click (event) -> selectA($(this).attr('class').match(/(^|\s)select\-([^\s]+)/)[2], event, $(this)) |
updateFormFieldForm() |
updateFormFieldList() |
#$('ul.sortable').sortable |
# handle: '.drag-sort', |
# items: 'li', |
# update: (event, props) -> |
# $(this).children().each (index, child) -> |
# $(child).find('.sortable-position').val(index + 1) |
# url = $(this).data().url |
# if url |
# data = $(this).find('input, select, textarea').serialize() |
# $.post url, data#, |
# # (json) -> |
# # console.log json |
# #, 'json' |
#$('table#translations td.value').click () -> |
# $this = $(this) |
# if !$this.find('.translation-form').length |
# startTranslating($this) |
#if $('table#translations').length |
# $(document).click (event) -> |
# $target = $(event.target) |
# if $target.closest('table#translations').length < 1 && !$target.hasClass('auto-translate') |
# stopTranslating() |
# $('.auto-translate').click (event) -> |
# event.preventDefault() |
# $td = $(this).parent() |
# saveTranslation($td, null, true) |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
{ |
"breakpoints": { |
"small": 0, |
"medium": 320, |
"large": 1024, |
"small-only": [0, 320], |
}, |
"breakpoint-unit": "px", |
"fallback-range": [320, 1024], |
"browser_exceptions": { |
} |
} |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. |
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. |
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. |
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. |
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. |
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. |
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ |
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ |
# I18n |
#= require i18n |
#= require i18n/translations |
'use strict' |
$(document).ready -> |
$('#translation-control form').unbind('submit').bind('submit', (event)-> |
event.preventDefault() |
event.stopPropagation() |
$form = $(this) |
serialized = $form.serialize() |
$form.find('select, button, textarea').prop 'disabled', true |
$.post $form.attr('action'), serialized, |
(json) -> |
if json.success |
$span = $('.translate-me[data-translate-key="' + json.key + '"]') |
$span.html(json.translation) |
$span.attr('data-translate-untranslated', json.translation) |
$span.removeClass 'untranslated' |
else if json.test |
console.log json.test |
$form.find('select, button, textarea').prop 'disabled', false |
return |
, 'json' |
return |
) |
$('.translate-me').click (event)-> |
if event.altKey |
event.preventDefault() |
key = $(this).attr('data-translate-key') |
$('#translationkey').val key |
resetTranslation key |
$('#translationvalue').focus() |
return |
#$('#translationvalue, #translationkey').focus -> |
$('#translation-control *').focus -> |
key = $('#translationkey').val() |
selectTranslation key |
updateTranslation key |
return |
$('#translationkey').change (event)-> |
#$('#translationvalue').val('') |
key = $('#translationkey').val() |
selectTranslation key |
resetTranslation key |
#$('#translation').focus() |
#console.log event |
return |
# $('#translationvalue, #translationkey').blur -> |
$('#translation-control *').blur -> |
selectTranslation() |
return |
$('#translationvalue').bind 'input propertychange', ()-> |
updateTranslation $('#translationkey').val() |
return |
return |
selectTranslation = (key)-> |
$span = $('.translate-me.selected'); |
$span.removeClass 'selected' |
$span.removeClass 'preview' |
$('#translatevars').hide() |
$('#translatepluralizations').hide() |
$('#translatevars ul').html '' |
$('#translationhascount').val('0') |
if key |
$target = $('.translate-me[data-translate-key="' + key + '"]') |
if !$target || !$target.length |
return |
vars = $target.addClass('selected').data().vars |
if vars |
keys = Object.keys(vars) |
if keys.length |
for i in [0...keys.length] |
$('#translatevars ul').append ('<li class="var-' + keys[i] + '" title="Value: ' + vars[keys[i]] + '">' + keys[i] + '</li>') |
if keys[i] == 'count' |
$('#translatepluralizations').show() |
$('#translationhascount').val('1') |
$('#translatevars').show() |
else |
$span.html ()-> |
$(this).attr('data-translate-untranslated') |
return |
updateTranslation = (key)-> |
$span = $('.translate-me[data-translate-key="' + key + '"]') |
val = $('#translationvalue').val() |
is_preview = ($span.hasClass 'preview') |
$('#translatevars li').removeClass('used') |
if val |
if !is_preview |
$span.addClass 'preview' |
if !$span || !$span.length |
return |
vars = $span.data().vars |
keys = Object.keys(vars) |
for i in [0...keys.length] |
_var = new RegExp('%{' + keys[i] + '}') |
if val.match _var |
# console.log 'Match!' |
$('#translatevars li.var-' + keys[i]).addClass('used') |
val = val.replace _var, vars[keys[i]] |
else |
if is_preview |
$span.removeClass 'preview' |
$span.html (val || $span.attr('data-translate-untranslated')) |
return |
resetTranslation = (key)-> |
$target = $('.translate-me[data-translate-key="' + key + '"]') |
if $target && $target.length |
translated = $target.data().translateTranslated |
counts = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many'] |
for i in counts |
val = translated[key + '.' + i] |
$('#translationvalue_' + i).val(val || '') |
$('#translationpluralization_' + i).prop('checked', !!val) |
val = (translated[key] || translated[key + '.other']) |
$('#translationvalue').val(val || '') |
return |
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ |
$(function() { |
$('table#translations td.value').click(function() { |
var $this = $(this); |
if(!$this.find('.translation-form').length) { |
startTranslating($this); |
} |
}); |
if ($('table#translations').length) { |
$(document).click(function(event) { |
$target = $(event.target); |
if ($target.closest('table#translations').length < 1 && !$target.hasClass('auto-translate')) { |
stopTranslating(); |
} |
}); |
$('.auto-translate').click(function(event) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
$td = $(this).parent(); |
saveTranslation($td, null, true); |
}); |
} |
}); |
function saveTranslation($td, $move_to, auto_translate) { |
var val = ''; |
var do_auto_translate = true; |
if (typeof auto_translate == "undefined" || !auto_translate) { |
val = $td.find('textarea').val(); |
do_auto_translate = false; |
} |
var key = $td.parent().data().key; |
var params = { |
translationkey: key, |
translationvalue: val, |
translationlang: window.location.href.replace(/^.*\/(\w+)\/$/, '$1') |
}; |
if (do_auto_translate) { |
params['auto_translate'] = true; |
} |
params['authenticity_token'] = $('table#translations').data().token; |
$.post('/translate/', params, function(json) { |
$td.html(json.translation); |
if ($td.parent().hasClass('not-exists')) { |
$td.parent().removeClass('not-exists'); |
$td.parent().addClass('exists'); |
} |
$('.translation-form').remove(); |
if (typeof $move_to != "undefined" && $move_to) { |
startTranslating($move_to); |
} |
}); |
} |
function stopTranslating() { |
$('.translation-form').remove(); |
} |
function startTranslating($td) { |
stopTranslating(); |
var value = $td.parent().hasClass('not-exists') ? '' : $td.html().trim(); |
var $tr = $td.parent(); |
var key = $tr.data().key; |
$td.append('<div class="translation-form"><textarea>' + value + '</textarea><button class="small" data-key="' + key + '">Save</textarea>'); |
var $textarea = $td.find('textarea'); |
$textarea.select(); |
$td.find('.translation-form button').click(function() { saveTranslation($td); }); |
$textarea.keydown(function(event) { |
if (event.keyCode == 9) { |
event.preventDefault(); |
var $new_tr = event.shiftKey ? $tr.prev() : $tr.next(); |
saveTranslation($td, $new_tr.find('.value')); |
} else if (event.keyCode == 27) { |
stopTranslating(); |
} |
}); |
} |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. |
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. |
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. |
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. |
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
# Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. |
# All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. |
# You can use CoffeeScript in this file: http://coffeescript.org/ |
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* ../translations |
* Browser: Chrome for Android 40 (approximately 10.51% of all users) |
* |
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); |
@import "bumbleberry-settings"; |
@import "../translations"; |
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* ../translations |
* Browser: Chrome for Android 42 (approximately 13.77% of all users) |
* |
*/ |
$browser: and_chr; |
$browser_prefix: webkit; |
$browser_version: 42; |
$browser_type: mobile; |
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@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ |
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* ../translations |
* Browser: Firefox for Android 33 (approximately 0.13% of all users) |
* |
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@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* ../translations |
* Browser: Firefox for Android 39 (approximately 0.14% of all users) |
* |
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@import "../translations"; |
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* ../translations |
* Browser: Android Browser 37 (approximately 0.0% of all users) |
* |
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); |
@import "bumbleberry-settings"; |
@import "../translations"; |
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ |
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* ../translations |
* Browser: Android Browser 40 (approximately 0.0% of all users) |
* |
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); |
@import "bumbleberry-settings"; |
@import "../translations"; |
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* ../translations |
* Browser: Edge 1 (approximately 0.0% of all users) |
* |
*/ |
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"es5": y |
); |
@import "bumbleberry-settings"; |
@import "../translations"; |
Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
Reference in new issue