Edit workshop locale warning

This commit is contained in:
Godwin 2017-08-06 08:50:39 -07:00
parent 2185129e55
commit b74b3062e8
9 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -1723,6 +1723,10 @@ ul.warnings {
.text-field & {
margin: 0 0 1em 0;
&.top-message {
margin-top: 2em;
.success-info {

View File

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ class WorkshopsController < ApplicationController
return do_403 unless @can_edit
@title = @workshop.title
@info = @workshop.info
@title = @workshop.title!
@info = @workshop.info!
@needs = JSON.parse(@workshop.needs || '[]').map &:to_sym

View File

@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ module FormHelper
if options[:warning].present?
description_id ||= "#{id}-desc"
html += content_tag(:div, _(options[:warning], :s, 2), id: description_id, class: 'warning-info')
# html += content_tag(:div, _(options[:warning], :s, 2), id: description_id, class: 'warning-info')
html += status_bubble(_(options[:warning], :s, 2), :warning, id: description_id)
aria = {}

View File

@ -326,4 +326,23 @@ module WidgetsHelper
def strong(text)
content_tag(:strong, text)
def phone_link(number)
content_tag(:a, number, href: "tel:#{number}")
def email_link(email)
content_tag(:a, email, href: "mailto:#{email}")
def status_bubble(text, status, attributes = {})
attributes[:class] ||= []
attributes[:class] = [attributes[:class]] unless attributes[:class].is_a?(Array)
attributes[:class] << "#{status}-info"
content_tag(:div, text.html_safe, attributes)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
%h3=_'articles.conferences.headings.housing_info', :t
%p=(_'articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.Housing', :p, vars: { name: @host.user.name, address: location_link(Location.find_location(@host.housing_data['address'], @this_conference.city)), phone: @host.housing_data['phone'], email: @host.user.email}).html_safe
%p=(_'articles.conference_registration.paragraphs.Housing', :p, vars: { name: strong(@host.user.name), address: location_link(Location.find_location(@host.housing_data['address'], @this_conference.city)), phone: phone_link(@host.housing_data['phone']), email: email_link(@host.user.email) }).html_safe
= row do
= columns(medium: 12) do
%h4=_'articles.conference_registration.headings.hosting_info', :t

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- if preview.blank? && translations_available_for_editing
- translations_available_for_editing.each do |locale|
= link_to (_'actions.workshops.Translate', "Translate into #{language_name(locale)}", :vars => {:language => language_name(locale)}), translate_workshop_url(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, locale), :class => [:button, :translate]
= link_to (_'actions.workshops.Translate', "Translate into #{language_name(locale)}", vars: {language: language_name(locale)}), translate_workshop_url(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, locale), class: [:button, :translate]
- if logged_in?
= columns(medium: 6) do
@ -30,19 +30,19 @@
- if f.role.to_sym == :requested
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Approve'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'approve'), :class => [:button, :modify])
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Deny'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'deny'), :class => [:button, :delete])
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Approve'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'approve'), class: [:button, :modify])
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Deny'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'deny'), class: [:button, :delete])
- elsif workshop.can_remove?(current_user, u)
=(link_with_confirmation (_'actions.workshops.Make_Owner'), (_'modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_transfer_ownership', vars: { user_name: u.name}),approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'switch_ownership'), :class => [:button, :modify]) unless f.role.to_sym == :creator || !workshop.creator?(current_user)
=(link_with_confirmation (_"actions.workshops.#{is_this_user ? 'Leave' : 'Remove'}"), (_"modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_remove#{is_this_user ? '_self' : ''}", vars: { user_name: u.name}), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'remove'), :class => [:button, :delete])
=(link_with_confirmation (_'actions.workshops.Make_Owner'), (_'modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_transfer_ownership', vars: { user_name: u.name}),approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'switch_ownership'), class: [:button, :modify]) unless f.role.to_sym == :creator || !workshop.creator?(current_user)
=(link_with_confirmation (_"actions.workshops.#{is_this_user ? 'Leave' : 'Remove'}"), (_"modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_remove#{is_this_user ? '_self' : ''}", vars: { user_name: u.name}), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'remove'), class: [:button, :delete])
- if is_this_user && workshop.requested_collaborator?(current_user)
=(link_with_confirmation (_'actions.workshops.Cancel_Request'), (_'modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_cancel_request'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'remove'), :class => [:button, :delete])
=(link_with_confirmation (_'actions.workshops.Cancel_Request'), (_'modals.workshops.facilitators.confirm_cancel_request'), approve_facilitate_workshop_request_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id, f.user_id, 'remove'), class: [:button, :delete])
- unless preview.present?
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Facilitate'), facilitate_workshop_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), :class => [:button, workshop.needs_facilitators ? :accented : :subdued]) unless workshop.facilitator?(current_user)
=(link_to (_'actions.workshops.Facilitate'), facilitate_workshop_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), class: [:button, workshop.needs_facilitators ? :accented : :subdued]) unless workshop.facilitator?(current_user)
- if is_facilitator
%h4=_'articles.workshops.headings.add_facilitator','Add a facilitator'
= form_tag workshop_add_facilitator_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), :class => 'add-facilitator mini-flex-form' do
= form_tag workshop_add_facilitator_path(workshop.conference.slug, workshop.id), class: 'add-facilitator mini-flex-form' do
= email_field_tag :email, nil, required: true
= label_tag :email

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
= hidden_field_tag :translation, @translation
- else
%h2=_@page_title, :t
- unless @is_translating || @workshop.locale.to_s == I18n.locale.to_s
= status_bubble(_('articles.workshops.paragraphs.not_original_locale', vars: { original_locale: language_name(@workshop.locale), this_locale: language_name(I18n.locale), link: translate_workshop_url(@workshop.conference.slug, @workshop.id, I18n.locale) }), :warning, class: 'top-message')
- else
%h2=_@page_title, :t

View File

@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ en:
Rules: House Rules
Housing: You are staying at %{address}, your host's name is <strong>%{name}</strong>. You can contact them by email <a href="mailto:%{email}">%{email}</a> or by phone at <a href="tel:%{phone}">%{phone}</a>. Please take some time to read their house rules below.
Housing: You are staying at %{address}, your host's name is %{name}. You can contact them by email %{email} or by phone at %{phone}. Please take some time to read their house rules below.
pronoun: It is important that communications with you and about you are as
respectful as possible. If you do not provide a pronoun organizers may assume
he, she, or they based on your name or visual identity.
@ -2246,6 +2246,7 @@ en:
we want to hear about everyones experience within the many configurations
of community shops were coming from.
notes: Notes are only viewable by conference hosts and workshop facilitators
not_original_locale: You are editing a %{original_locale} workshop, <a href="%{link}">edit the %{this_locale} translation instead</a>
facilitate_request: Please tell the current workshop facilitators who you
are, why you want to help facilitate the workshop, and how you think you
will help make the workshop better. All of the current facilitators will

View File

@ -1333,6 +1333,7 @@ fr:
davis à nouveau,veuillez cliquer sur le boutonci-dessous,maissouvenez-vousquesi
vous attendez trop longtemps,votre hébergement et votre bicyclette pourraient
être attribués à quelquun dautre.
Housing: Vous restez à %{address}, le nom de votre hôte est %{name}. Vous pouvez les contacter par email %{email} ou par téléphone à %{phone}. Prenez le temps de lire les règles de leur maison ci-dessous.
pronoun_optional: Il ny a aucune obligation de choisir un pronom.
pronoun: Il importe que lorsqu'on communique avec vous ou au sujet de vous,
ce soit avec respect. Si vous ne précisez pas votre pronom, les organisateurs
@ -1617,6 +1618,7 @@ fr:
facilitate_request_sent: Votre demande a été envoyée. Vous recevrez un courriel
une fois quelle aura été approuvée ou rejetée, ou si lun des animateurs
ou lune des animatrices a des questions.
not_original_locale: Vous éditez un atelier %{original_locale}, <a href="%{link}">éditez la traduction %{this_locale} à la place</a>
notes: Les remarques ne peuvent être vues que par organisateurs et les organisatrices
ainsi que par les personnes qui animent les présentations.
needs: Si vous avez besoin du matériel qui suit, les organisateurs et les