Feature: Survey Scenario: Take the post-conference survey Given that there is a past conference And registration is closed And I am logged in And registered And I am checked in And I am on the registration page Then I should see 'Please share your feelings and experiences' When I click on 'Take the survey now' Then I should see 'Please share your feelings and experiences from this year's Bike!Bike!' But I should not see 'Thank you for taking the post-conference survey' When I click on 'This was my first time attending' And click on 'Likely' And set housing to satisfied under services And set bike to NA under services And set food to unsatisfied under services And set schedule to neutral under services And set events to very satisfied under services And set website to very unsatisfied under services And enter a services comment as 'The website sucks' And enter an experience as 'Fun' And enter improvement ideas as 'No idea' And click 'Submit' Then I should see 'Thank you for taking the post-conference survey' Scenario: Try to take the post-conference survey when not checked in Given that there is a past conference And registration is closed And I am logged in And registered And I am not checked in And I am on the conference survey page Then I should see 'you did not check in' Then I should not see 'Please share your feelings and experiences from this year's Bike!Bike!' But I should not see 'Thank you for taking the post-conference survey' When I go to the registration page Then I should not see 'Please share your feelings and experiences'