require 'geocoder/calculations' require 'rest_client' class ConferencesController < ApplicationController include ScheduleHelper before_action :set_conference, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :registrations] before_filter :authenticate, only: [:registrations] def authenticate auth = get_secure_info(:registrations_access) authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic('Administration') do |username, password| username == auth[:username] && password == auth[:password] end end def register set_conference @register_template = nil if logged_in? set_or_create_conference_registration @name = current_user.firstname # we should phase out last names @name += " #{current_user.lastname}" if current_user.lastname @name ||= current_user.username @is_host = current_user else @register_template = :confirm_email end steps = nil return do_404 unless registration_steps.present? @register_template = :administration if params[:admin_step].present? @errors = {} @warnings = [] form_step = params[:button] ? params[:button].to_sym : nil # process any data that was passed to us if form_step if form_step.to_s =~ /^prev_(.+)$/ steps = registration_steps @register_template = steps[steps.find_index($1.to_sym) - 1] elsif form_step == :paypal_confirm if @registration.present? && @registration.payment_confirmation_token == params[:confirmation_token] @amount = PayPal!.details(params[:token]) @registration.payment_info = {:payer_id => params[:PayerID], :token => params[:token], :amount => @amount}.to_yaml @amount = (@amount * 100).to_i.to_s.gsub(/^(.*)(\d\d)$/, '\1.\2')! end @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Payment' @register_template = :paypal_confirm elsif form_step == :paypal_confirmed info = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info) @amount = nil status = nil if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' status = info[:status] @amount = info[:amount] else paypal = PayPal!.checkout!(info[:token], info[:payer_id], PayPalRequest(info[:amount])) status = paypal.payment_info.first.payment_status @amount = end if status == 'Completed' @registration.registration_fees_paid ||= 0 @registration.registration_fees_paid += @amount # don't complete the step unless fees have been paid if @registration.registration_fees_paid > 0 @registration.steps_completed << :payment @registration.steps_completed.uniq! end! else @errors = :incomplete @register_template = :payment end @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Payment' else case form_step when :confirm_email return do_confirm when :contact_info if params[:name].present? && params[:name].gsub(/[\s\W]/, '').present? current_user.firstname = params[:name].squish current_user.lastname = nil else @errors[:name] = :empty end if params[:location].present? && params[:location].gsub(/[\s\W]/, '').present? && (l =[:location], language: 'en')).present? corrected = view_context.location(l.first, @this_conference.locale) if corrected.present? = corrected if params[:location].gsub(/[\s,]/, '').downcase !=[\s,]/, '').downcase @warnings << view_context._('warnings.messages.location_corrected', vars: {original: params[:location], corrected: corrected}) end else @errors[:location] = :unknown end else @errors[:location] = :empty end if params[:languages].present? current_user.languages = params[:languages].keys else @errors[:languages] = :empty end! unless @errors.present? when :hosting @registration.can_provide_housing = params[:can_provide_housing].present? @registration.housing_data = { address: params[:address], phone: params[:phone], space: { bed_space: params[:bed_space], floor_space: params[:floor_space], tent_space: params[:tent_space], }, considerations: (params[:considerations] || {}).keys, availability: [ params[:first_day], params[:last_day] ], notes: params[:notes] } when :questions # create the companion's user account and send a registration link unless they have already registered generate_confirmation(User.create(email: params[:companion]), register_path(@this_conference.slug)) unless User.find_by_email(params[:companion]) @registration.housing = params[:housing] @registration.arrival = params[:arrival] @registration.departure = params[:departure] @registration.housing_data = { companions: [ params[:companion] ] } = params[:bike] = params[:food] @registration.allergies = params[:allergies] @registration.other = params[:other] when :payment amount = params[:amount].to_f if amount > 0 @registration.payment_confirmation_token = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' ? 'token' : Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(rand( * 1000000).to_i.to_s) host = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" response = PayPal!.setup( PayPalRequest(amount), register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_confirm, @registration.payment_confirmation_token), register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_cancel, @registration.payment_confirmation_token), noshipping: true, version: 204 ) if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != 'test' redirect_to response.redirect_uri end return end end if @errors.present? @register_template = form_step else unless @registration.nil? steps = registration_steps step_index = steps.find_index(form_step) @register_template = steps[step_index + 1] if step_index.present? # have we reached a new level? unless @registration.steps_completed.include? form_step.to_s # this step is only completed if a payment has been made if form_step != :payment || (@registration.registration_fees_paid || 0) > 0 @registration.steps_completed ||= [] @registration.steps_completed << form_step @registration.steps_completed.uniq! end # workshops is the last step if @register_template == :workshops UserMailer.send_mail :registration_confirmation do { :args => @registration } end end end! end end end end steps ||= registration_steps # make sure we're on a valid step @register_template ||= (params[:step] || current_step).to_sym if logged_in? && @register_template != :paypal_confirm # if we're logged in if !steps.include?(@register_template) # and we are not viewing a valid step return redirect_to register_path(@this_conference.slug) elsif @register_template != current_step && !registration_complete? && !@registration.steps_completed.include?(@register_template.to_s) # or the step hasn't been reached, registration is not yet complete, and we're not viewing the latest incomplete step return redirect_to register_path(@this_conference.slug) end # then we'll redirect to the current registration step end # prepare the form case @register_template when :questions @registration.housing_data ||= { } @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Registration_Info' when :payment @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Payment' when :workshops @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Workshops' # initalize our arrays @my_workshops = @requested_workshops = @workshops_in_need = @workshops = # put wach workshop into the correct array Workshop.where(conference_id: do | workshop | if workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) @my_workshops << workshop elsif workshop.requested_collaborator?(current_user) @requested_workshops << workshop elsif workshop.needs_facilitators @workshops_in_need << workshop else @workshops << workshop end end # sort the arrays by name @my_workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @requested_workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @workshops_in_need.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } when :contact_info @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Contact_Info' when :hosting @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Hosting' @hosting_data = @registration.housing_data || {} @hosting_data['space'] ||= @hosting_data['availability'] ||= @hosting_data['considerations'] ||= when :policy @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Policy_Agreement' when :administration @warnings << flash[:error] if flash[:error].present? @admin_step = params[:admin_step] || 'edit' return do_404 unless view_context.valid_admin_steps.include?(@admin_step.to_sym) @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Administration' case @admin_step.to_sym when :organizations @organizations = Organization.all if request.format.xlsx? "Generating stats.xls" @excel_data = { columns: [:name, :street_address, :city, :subregion, :country, :postal_code, :email, :phone, :status], keys: { name: '', street_address: 'forms.labels.generic.street_address', city: '', subregion: 'forms.labels.generic.subregion', country: '', postal_code: 'forms.labels.generic.postal_code', email: '', phone: '', status: 'forms.labels.generic.status' }, data: [], } @organizations.each do | org | if org.present? address = org.locations.first @excel_data[:data] << { name:, street_address: address.present? ? address.street : nil, city: address.present? ? : nil, subregion: address.present? ? I18n.t("geography.subregions.#{}.#{address.territory}") : nil, country: address.present? ? I18n.t("geography.countries.#{}") : nil, postal_code: address.present? ? address.postal_code : nil, email: org.email_address, phone:, status: org.status } end end return respond_to do | format | format.xlsx { render xlsx: :stats, filename: "organizations" } end end when :stats if request.format.xlsx? @registrations = ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => { |a,b| (a.user.present? ? (a.user.firstname || '') : '').downcase <=> (b.user.present? ? (b.user.firstname || '') : '').downcase } "Generating stats.xls" @excel_data = { columns: [ :name, :email, :status, :registration_fees_paid, :date, :city, :preferred_language, :languages, :arrival, :departure, :housing, :bike, :food, :companion, :allergies ], column_types: { name: :bold, #date: :date, arrival: [:date, :day], departure: [:date, :day], registration_fees_paid: :money }, keys: { name: '', email: '', status: 'forms.labels.generic.registration_status', city: 'forms.labels.generic.location', date: 'articles.conference_registration.terms.Date', languages: 'articles.conference_registration.terms.Languages', preferred_language: 'articles.conference_registration.terms.Preferred_Languages', arrival: 'forms.labels.generic.arrival', departure: 'forms.labels.generic.departure', housing: 'forms.labels.generic.housing', bike: '', food: '', companion: 'articles.conference_registration.terms.companion', allergies: 'forms.labels.generic.allergies', registration_fees_paid: 'articles.conference_registration.headings.fees_paid' }, data: [] } @registrations.each do | r | user = r.user_id ? User.where(id: r.user_id).first : nil if user.present? companion = '' if r.housing_data.present? && r.housing_data['companions'].present? companion_user = User.find_by_email(r.housing_data['companions'].first) companion = view_context._'articles.conference_registration.terms.registration_status.unregistered' if companion_user.present? cr = ConferenceRegistration.where(user_id: :desc).limit(1).first if cr.present? && ((cr.steps_completed || []).include? 'questions') companion = companion_user.named_email end end end steps = r.steps_completed || [] @excel_data[:data] << { name: user.firstname || '', email: || '', status: (view_context._"articles.conference_registration.terms.registration_status.#{(steps.include? 'questions') ? 'registered' : ((steps.include? 'contact_info') ? 'preregistered' : 'unregistered')}"), date: r.created_at,# ? r.created_at.strftime("%F %T") : '', city: || '', preferred_language: user.locale.present? ? (view_context.language_name user.locale) : '', languages: ((r.languages || []).map { |x| view_context.language_name x }).join(', ').to_s, arrival: r.arrival ? r.arrival.strftime("%F %T") : '', departure: r.departure ? r.departure.strftime("%F %T") : '', housing: r.housing || '', bike: ? (view_context._"{}") : '', food: ? (view_context._"{}") : '', companion: companion, allergies: r.allergies, registration_fees_paid: r.registration_fees_paid } end end return respond_to do | format | format.xlsx { render xlsx: :stats, filename: "stats-#{'%Y-%m-%d')}" } end else @registrations = ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => @registration_count = @registrations.size @completed_registrations = 0 @bikes = 0 @donation_count = 0 @donations = 0 @food = { meat: 0, vegan: 0, vegetarian: 0, all: 0 } @registrations.each do | r | if r.steps_completed.include? 'questions' @completed_registrations += 1 @bikes += 1 if == 'yes' @food[] += 1 @food[:all] += 1 if r.registration_fees_paid.present? && r.registration_fees_paid > 0 @donation_count += 1 @donations += r.registration_fees_paid end end end end when :housing # do a full analysis analyze_housing when :locations @locations = EventLocation.where(:conference_id => when :events @event = I18n.locale) @events = Event.where(:conference_id => @day = nil @time = nil @length = 1.5 when :meals @meals = Hash[(@this_conference.meals || {}).map{ |k, v| [k.to_i, v] }].sort.to_h when :workshop_times get_block_data @workshop_blocks << { 'time' => nil, 'length' => 1.0, 'days' => [] } when :schedule @can_edit = true @entire_page = true get_scheule_data end when :confirm_email @page_title = "articles.conference_registration.headings.#{@this_conference.registration_status == :open ? '': 'Pre_'}Registration_Details" end end def get_housing_data @hosts = {} @guests = {} ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => do | registration | if registration.can_provide_housing @hosts[] = registration else @guests[] = registration end end end def analyze_housing get_housing_data unless @hosts.present? && @guests.present? @housing_data = {} @hosts_affected_by_guests = {} @hosts.each do | id, host | @hosts[id].housing_data ||= {} @housing_data[id] = { guests: {}, space: {} } @hosts[id].housing_data['space'] ||= {} @hosts[id].housing_data['space'].each do | s, size | size = (size || 0).to_i @housing_data[id][:guests][s.to_sym] = {} @housing_data[id][:space][s.to_sym] = size end end @guests.each do | guest_id, guest | data = guest.housing_data || {} @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id] ||= [] if data['host'] host_id = (data['host'].present? ? data['host'].to_i : nil) host = host_id.present? ? @hosts[host_id] : nil # make sure the host was found and that they are still accepting guests if host.present? && host.can_provide_housing @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id] << host_id space = (data['space'] || :bed).to_sym @housing_data[host_id] ||= {} host_data = host.housing_data unless @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space].present? @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:space][space] ||= 0 end @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space][guest_id] = { guest: guest } # make sure the host isn't overbooked space_available = ((host_data['space'] || {})[space.to_s] || 0).to_i if @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space].size > space_available @housing_data[host_id][:warnings] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:warnings][:space] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:warnings][:space][space] ||= [] @housing_data[host_id][:warnings][:space][space] << :overbooked end companions = data['companions'] || [] companions.each do | companion | user = User.find_by_email(companion) if user.present? reg = ConferenceRegistration.find_by( :user_id =>, :conference_id => ) housing_data = reg.housing_data || {} companion_host = housing_data['host'].present? ? housing_data['host'].to_i : nil if companion_host.blank? @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id] << companion_host if companion_host != host_id # set this as an error if the guest has selected only one other to stay with, but if they have requested to stay with more, make this only a warning status = companions.size > 1 ? :warnings : :errors @housing_data[host_id][:guests][guest][status] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:guests][guest][status][:companions] ||= [] @housing_data[host_id][:guests][guest][status][:companions] << end end end end else # make sure the housing data is empty if the host wasn't found, just in case something happened to the host @guests[guest_id].housing_data ||= {} @guests[guest_id].housing_data['host'] = nil @guests[guest_id].housing_data['space'] = nil end end end return @hosts_affected_by_guests end def admin_update set_conference # set_conference_registration return do_403 unless current_user # set the page title in case we render instead of redirecting @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Administration' @register_template = :administration @admin_step = params[:admin_step] case params[:admin_step] when 'edit' case params[:button] when 'save' @this_conference.registration_status = params[:registration_status] =[:info]) unless! == params[:info] params[:info_translations].each do | locale, value | @this_conference.set_column_for_locale(:info, locale, value, unless value == @this_conference._info(locale) end @this_conference.paypal_email_address = params[:paypal_email_address] @this_conference.paypal_username = params[:paypal_username] @this_conference.paypal_password = params[:paypal_password] @this_conference.paypal_signature = params[:paypal_signature] return redirect_to register_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :administration) when 'add_member' org = nil @this_conference.organizations.each do | organization | org = organization if == params[:org_id].to_i end org.users << (User.get params[:email]) return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :edit) end when 'housing' space = params[:button].split(':')[0] host_id = params[:button].split(':')[1].to_i guest_id = params[:guest_id].to_i get_housing_data # modify the guest data @guests[guest_id].housing_data ||= {} @guests[guest_id].housing_data['space'] = space @guests[guest_id].housing_data['host'] = host_id @guests[guest_id].save! if request.xhr? analyze_housing # get the hosts that need updating affected_hosts = {} affected_hosts[host_id] = @hosts[host_id] if params['affected-hosts'].present? params['affected-hosts'].split(',').each do | id | affected_hosts[id.to_i] = @hosts[id.to_i] end end @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id].each do | id | affected_hosts[id] ||= @hosts[id] end json = { hosts: {}, affected_hosts: @hosts_affected_by_guests } puts @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id].to_json.to_s affected_hosts.each do | id, host | json[:hosts][id] = view_context.host_guests_widget(host) end return render json: json end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :housing) when 'broadcast' @hide_description = true @subject = params[:subject] @body = params[:body] @send_to = params[:send_to] @register_template = :administration if params[:button] == 'send' view_context.broadcast_to(@send_to).each do | user | UserMailer.send_mail :broadcast do [ "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}", @subject, @body, user, @this_conference ] end end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :broadcast_sent) elsif params[:button] == 'preview' @send_to_count = view_context.broadcast_to(@send_to).size @broadcast_step = :preview elsif params[:button] == 'test' @broadcast_step = :test UserMailer.send_mail :broadcast do [ "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}", @subject, @body, current_user, @this_conference ] end @send_to_count = view_context.broadcast_to(@send_to).size end return render 'conferences/register' when 'locations' case params[:button] when 'edit' @location = EventLocation.find_by! id: params[:id].to_i, conference_id: return render 'conferences/register' when 'save' location = EventLocation.find_by! id: params[:id].to_i, conference_id: empty_param = get_empty(params, [:title, :address, :space]) if empty_param.present? flash[:error] = (view_context._"errors.messages.fields.#{empty_param.to_s}.empty") else location.title = params[:title] location.address = params[:address] location.amenities = (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json = params[:space]! end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) when 'cancel' return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) when 'delete' location = EventLocation.find_by! id: params[:id].to_i, conference_id: location.destroy return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) when 'create' empty_param = get_empty(params, [:title, :address, :space]) if empty_param.present? flash[:error] = (view_context._"errors.messages.fields.#{empty_param.to_s}.empty") else EventLocation.create( conference_id:, title: params[:title], address: params[:address], amenities: (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json, space: params[:space] ) end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) end when 'meals' case params[:button] when 'add_meal' @this_conference.meals ||= {} @this_conference.meals[(Date.parse(params[:day]) + params[:time].to_f.hours).to_time.to_i] = { title: params[:title], info: params[:info], location: params[:event_location], day: params[:day], time: params[:time] }! return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :meals) when 'delete' @this_conference.meals ||= {} @this_conference.meals.delete params[:meal]! return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :meals) end when 'events' case params[:button] when 'edit' @event = Event.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) @day = @event.start_time.midnight @time = view_context.hour_span(@day, @event.start_time) @length = view_context.hour_span(@event.start_time, @event.end_time) return render 'conferences/register' when 'save' if params[:id].present? event = Event.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) else event =, locale: I18n.locale) end # save title and info event.title =[:title]) unless event.title! == params[:title] =[:info]) unless! == params[:info] # save schedule data event.event_location_id = params[:event_location] event.start_time = Date.parse(params[:day]) + params[:time].to_f.hours event.end_time = event.start_time + params[:time_span].to_f.hours # save translations (params[:info_translations] || {}).each do | locale, value | event.set_column_for_locale(:title, locale, value, unless value = event._title(locale) event.set_column_for_locale(:info, locale, value, unless value = event._info(locale) end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :events) when 'cancel' return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :events) end when 'workshop_times' case params[:button] when 'save_block' @this_conference.workshop_blocks ||= [] @this_conference.workshop_blocks[params[:workshop_block].to_i] = { 'time' => params[:time], 'length' => params[:time_span], 'days' => params[:days].keys } return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :workshop_times) end when 'schedule' success = false case params[:button] when 'schedule_workshop' workshop = Workshop.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) booked = false workshop.event_location_id = params[:event_location] block_data = params[:workshop_block].split(':') workshop.block = { day: block_data[0].to_i, block: block_data[1].to_i } # make sure this spot isn't already taken Workshop.where(:conference_id => do | w | if request.xhr? if w.block.present? && != && w.block['day'] == workshop.block['day'] && w.block['block'] == workshop.block['block'] && w.event_location_id == workshop.event_location_id return render json: [ { selector: '.already-booked', className: 'already-booked is-true' } ] end else return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule) end end! success = true when 'deschedule_workshop' workshop = Workshop.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) workshop.event_location_id = nil workshop.block = nil! success = true when 'publish' @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published = !@this_conference.workshop_schedule_published return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule) end if success if request.xhr? @can_edit = true @entire_page = false get_scheule_data schedule = render_to_string partial: 'conferences/admin/schedule' return render json: [ { globalSelector: '#schedule-preview', html: schedule }, { globalSelector: "#workshop-#{}", className: workshop.block.present? ? 'booked' : 'not-booked' }, { globalSelector: "#workshop-#{} .already-booked", className: 'already-booked' } ] else return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule) end end end do_404 end def workshops set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => @my_workshops = Workshop.joins(:workshop_facilitators).where(:workshop_facilitators => {:user_id =>}, :conference_id => render 'workshops/index' end def view_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop @translations_available_for_editing = [] I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do |locale| @translations_available_for_editing << locale if @workshop.can_translate?(current_user, locale) end @page_title = 'page_titles.conferences.View_Workshop' @register_template = :workshops render 'workshops/show' end def create_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = @languages = [I18n.locale.to_sym] @needs = [] @page_title = 'page_titles.conferences.Create_Workshop' @register_template = :workshops render 'workshops/new' end def translate_workshop @is_translating = true @translation = params[:locale] @page_title = 'page_titles.conferences.Translate_Workshop' @page_title_vars = { language: view_context.language_name(@translation) } @register_template = :workshops edit_workshop end def edit_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop.present? @page_title ||= 'page_titles.conferences.Edit_Workshop' @can_edit = @workshop.can_edit?(current_user) @is_translating ||= false if @is_translating return do_404 if @translation.to_s == @workshop.locale.to_s || !I18n.backend.enabled_locales.include?(@translation.to_s) return do_403 unless @workshop.can_translate?(current_user, @translation) @title = @workshop._title(@translation) @info = @workshop._info(@translation) else return do_403 unless @can_edit @title = @workshop.title @info = end @needs = JSON.parse(@workshop.needs || '[]').map &:to_sym @languages = JSON.parse(@workshop.languages || '[]').map &:to_sym @space = if @theme = @workshop.theme.to_sym if @workshop.theme @notes = @workshop.notes @register_template = :workshops render 'workshops/new' end def delete_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop.present? return do_403 unless @workshop.can_delete?(current_user) if if params[:button] == 'confirm' if @workshop @workshop.workshop_facilitators.destroy_all @workshop.destroy end return redirect_to workshops_url end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end @register_template = :workshops render 'workshops/delete' end def save_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! if params[:button].to_sym != :save if params[:workshop_id].present? return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, params[:workshop_id]) end return redirect_to register_step_path(@this_conference.slug, 'workshops') end if params[:workshop_id].present? workshop = Workshop.find(params[:workshop_id]) return do_404 unless workshop.present? can_edit = workshop.can_edit?(current_user) else workshop = => workshop.workshop_facilitators = [ =>, :role => :creator)] can_edit = true end title = params[:title] info = params[:info].gsub(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, '\1') if params[:translation].present? && workshop.can_translate?(current_user, params[:translation]) old_title = workshop._title(params[:translation]) old_info = workshop._info(params[:translation]) do_save = false unless title == old_title workshop.set_column_for_locale(:title, params[:translation], title, do_save = true end unless info == old_info workshop.set_column_for_locale(:info, params[:translation], info, do_save = true end # only save if the text has changed, if we want to make sure only to update the translator id if necessary workshop.save_translations if do_save elsif can_edit workshop.title = title = info workshop.languages = (params[:languages] || {}).keys.to_json workshop.needs = (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json workshop.theme = params[:theme] == 'other' ? params[:other_theme] : params[:theme] = params[:space] workshop.notes = params[:notes] workshop.needs_facilitators = params[:needs_facilitators].present? # Rouge nil facilitators have been know to be created, just destroy them here now WorkshopFacilitator.where(:user_id => nil).destroy_all else return do_403 end redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end def toggle_workshop_interest set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop # save the current state interested = workshop.interested? current_user # remove all associated fields WorkshopInterest.delete_all(:workshop_id =>, :user_id => # creat the new interest row if we weren't interested before WorkshopInterest.create(:workshop_id =>, :user_id => unless interested if request.xhr? render json: [ { selector: '.interest-button', html: view_context.interest_button(workshop) }, { selector: '.interest-text', html: view_context.interest_text(workshop) } ] else # go back to the workshop redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end end def facilitate_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop return do_403 if @workshop.facilitator?(current_user) || !current_user @register_template = :workshops render 'workshops/facilitate' end def facilitate_request set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop return do_403 if workshop.facilitator?(current_user) || !current_user # create the request by making the user a facilitator but making their role 'requested' WorkshopFacilitator.create(user_id:, workshop_id:, role: :requested) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request do { :args => [ workshop, current_user, params[:message] ] } end redirect_to sent_facilitate_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end def sent_facilitate_request set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop return do_403 unless @workshop.requested_collaborator?(current_user) @register_template = :workshops render 'workshops/facilitate_request_sent' end def approve_facilitate_request return do_403 unless logged_in? set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop.present? user_id = params[:user_id].to_i action = params[:approve_or_deny].to_sym user = User.find(user_id) case action when :approve if workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) && workshop.requested_collaborator?(User.find(user_id)) f = WorkshopFacilitator.find_by_workshop_id_and_user_id(, user_id) f.role = :collaborator UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request_approved, user.locale do [ workshop, user ] end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end when :deny if workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) && workshop.requested_collaborator?(User.find(user_id)) WorkshopFacilitator.delete_all( :workshop_id =>, :user_id => user_id) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request_denied, user.locale do [ workshop, user ] end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end when :remove if workshop.can_remove?(current_user, user) WorkshopFacilitator.delete_all( :workshop_id =>, :user_id => user_id) return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end when :switch_ownership if workshop.creator?(current_user) f = WorkshopFacilitator.find_by_workshop_id_and_user_id(, f.role = :collaborator f = WorkshopFacilitator.find_by_workshop_id_and_user_id(, user_id) f.role = :creator return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end end return do_403 end def add_workshop_facilitator set_conference set_conference_registration! user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) # create the user if they don't exist and send them a link to register unless user user = User.create(email: params[:email]) generate_confirmation(user, register_path(@this_conference.slug)) end workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop && current_user unless workshop.facilitator?(user) WorkshopFacilitator.create(user_id:, workshop_id:, role: :collaborator) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request_approved, user.locale do [ workshop, user ] end end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, params[:workshop_id]) end def add_comment set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop && current_user if params[:button] == 'reply' comment = Comment.find_by!(id: params[:comment_id].to_i, model_type: :workshops, model_id: new_comment = comment.add_comment(current_user, params[:reply]) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_comment, comment.user.locale do [ workshop, new_comment, comment.user ] end elsif params[:button] = 'add_comment' new_comment = workshop.add_comment(current_user, params[:comment]) workshop.active_facilitators.each do | u | UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_comment, u.locale do [ workshop, new_comment, u ] end end else return do_404 end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug,, anchor: "comment-#{}") end helper_method :registration_steps helper_method :current_registration_steps helper_method :registration_complete? def registration_steps(conference = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference status = conference.registration_status # return [] unless status == :pre || status == :open steps = status == :pre || status == :open ? [ :policy, :contact_info, :questions, :hosting, :payment, :workshops ] : [] steps -= [:questions] unless status == :open steps -= [:payment] unless status == :open && conference.paypal_email_address.present? && conference.paypal_username.present? && conference.paypal_password.present? && conference.paypal_signature.present? if @registration.present? if view_context.same_city?(, view_context.location(conference.location, conference.locale)) steps -= [:questions] else steps -= [:hosting] end else steps -= [:hosting, :questions] end steps += [:administration] if return steps end def required_steps(conference = nil) # return the intersection of current steps and required steps registration_steps(conference || @this_conference || @conference) & # current steps [:policy, :contact_info, :hosting, :questions] # all required steps end def registration_complete?(registration = @registration) completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] required_steps(registration.conference).each do | step | return true if step == :workshops return false unless completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) end return true end def current_registration_steps(registration = @registration) return nil unless registration.present? steps = registration_steps(registration.conference) current_steps = [] disable_steps = false completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] registration_complete = registration_complete?(registration) steps.each do | step | # disable the step if we've already found an incomplete step enabled = !disable_steps || registration_complete # record whether or not we've found an incomplete step disable_steps ||= !completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) current_steps << { name: step, enabled: enabled } end return current_steps end def current_step(registration = @registration) completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] (registration_steps(registration.conference) || []).each do | step | return step unless completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) end return registration_steps(registration.conference).last end rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| do_404 end rescue_from ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied do |exception| if logged_in? redirect_to :register else @register_template = :confirm_email @page_title = "articles.conference_registration.headings.#{@this_conference.registration_status == :open ? '': 'Pre_'}Registration_Details" render :register end end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_conference @this_conference = Conference.find_by!(slug: params[:conference_slug] || params[:slug]) end def set_conference_registration @registration = logged_in? ? ConferenceRegistration.find_by(:user_id =>, :conference_id => : nil end def set_conference_registration! @registration = set_conference_registration raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied unless @registration.present? end def set_or_create_conference_registration set_conference_registration return @registration if @registration.present? @registration ||= conference: @this_conference, user_id:, steps_completed: [] ) last_registration_data = ConferenceRegistration.where(user_id: :desc).limit(1).first if last_registration_data.present? if last_registration_data['languages'].present? && current_user.languages.blank? current_user.languages = JSON.parse(last_registration_data['languages'])! end = if end end # Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through. def conference_params params.require(:conference).permit(:title, :slug, :start_date, :end_date, :info, :poster, :cover, :workshop_schedule_published, :registration_status, :meals_provided, :meal_info, :travel_info, :conference_type_id, conference_types: [:id]) end def update_field_position(field_id, position) data = [] for i in 0..@conference.conference_registration_form_fields.length f = @conference.conference_registration_form_fields[i] if f.registration_form_field_id == field_id data << (f.registration_form_field_id.to_s + ' == ' + field_id.to_s + ' [position: ' + position.to_s + ' == ' + f.position.to_s + ']') f.update_attributes(:position => position) return end end end def update_registration_data if session[:registration][:registration_id] registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) = YAML.load([:registration]).to_yaml! end end def complete_registration if session[:registration][:registration_id] registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) session[:registration] = YAML.load( registration.completed = true if registration.is_confirmed registration.complete = true user = User.find_by(:email => session[:registration][:email]) if !user user = => session[:registration][:email], :username => session[:registration][:user][:username], :role => 'user') end user.firstname = session[:registration][:user][:firstname] user.lastname = session[:registration][:user][:lastname]! if session[:registration][:is_participant] UserOrganizationRelationship.destroy_all(:user_id => session[:registration][:organizations].each { |org_id| found = false org = Organization.find(org_id.is_a?(Array) ? org_id.first : org_id) org.user_organization_relationships.each {|rel| found = found && rel.user_id ==} if !found org.user_organization_relationships << =>, :relationship => UserOrganizationRelationship::Administrator) end! } if session[:registration][:new_organization] session[:registration][:new_organization].each { |new_org| found = false org = Organization.find_by(:email_address => new_org[:email]) if org.nil? org = :name => new_org[:name], :email_address => new_org[:email], :info => new_org[:info] ) org.locations << => new_org[:country], :territory => new_org[:territory], :city => new_org[:city], :street => new_org[:street]) end org.user_organization_relationships.each {|rel| found = found && rel.user_id ==} if !found org.user_organization_relationships << =>, :relationship => UserOrganizationRelationship::Administrator) end! org.avatar = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/#{new_org[:logo]}" cover = get_panoramio_image(org.locations.first) org.cover = cover[:image] org.cover_attribution_id = cover[:attribution_id] org.cover_attribution_user_id = cover[:attribution_user_id] org.cover_attribution_name = cover[:attribution_user_name] org.cover_attribution_src = cover[:attribution_src]! } end if session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] && session[:registration][:workshop] session[:registration][:workshop].each { |new_workshop| workshop = :conference_id =>, :title => new_workshop[:title], :info => new_workshop[:info], :workshop_stream_id => WorkshopStream.find_by(:slug => new_workshop[:stream]).id, :workshop_presentation_style => WorkshopPresentationStyle.find_by(:slug => new_workshop[:presentation_style]) ) workshop.workshop_facilitators << =>! } end end send_confirmation_confirmation(registration, session[:registration]) session.delete(:registration) session[:registration] = session[:registration][:registration_id] = end! end end def create_registration if session[:registration][:registration_id].blank? || !ConferenceRegistration.exists?(session[:registration][:registration_id]) registration = :conference_id =>, :user_id => session[:registration][:user][:id], :email => session[:registration][:email], :is_attending => 'yes', :is_participant => session[:registration][:is_participant], :is_volunteer => session[:registration][:is_volunteer], :is_confirmed => false, :complete => false, :completed => false, :confirmation_token => rand_hash(32, :conference_registration, :confirmation_token), :payment_confirmation_token => rand_hash(32, :conference_registration, :payment_confirmation_token), :data => session[:registration].to_yaml )! session[:registration][:registration_id] = send_confirmation(registration, session[:registration]) end end def send_confirmation(registration = nil, data = nil) registration ||= ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) data ||= YAML.load( UserMailer.conference_registration_email(@conference, data, registration).deliver end def send_confirmation_confirmation(registration = nil, data = nil) registration ||= ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) data ||= YAML.load( UserMailer.conference_registration_confirmed_email(@conference, data, registration).deliver end def send_payment_received(registration = nil, data = nil) registration ||= ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) data ||= YAML.load( UserMailer.conference_registration_payment_received(@conference, data, registration).deliver end def get_empty(hash, keys) keys = [keys] unless keys.is_a?(Array) keys.each do | key | puts " ===== #{key} = #{hash[key]} ===== " return key unless hash[key].present? end return nil end def PayPal! username: @this_conference.paypal_username, password: @this_conference.paypal_password, signature: @this_conference.paypal_signature ) end def PayPalRequest(amount) :currency_code => 'USD', # if nil, PayPal use USD as default :description => 'Conference Registration', # item description :quantity => 1, # item quantity :amount => amount.to_f, # item value :custom_fields => { CARTBORDERCOLOR: "00ADEF", LOGOIMG: "" } ) end end