Feature: Contact Us Scenario: Contact the site administrator Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Contact Us' link When I click the 'Contact Us' link Then I should see 'What are you contacting us about?' Then I should see 'Email address' And I enter my email And select 'Something about the website' And enter a subject as 'My Contact Subject' And enter a message as 'My contact message' And press 'Send' Then I should be on the contact_sent page And I should see 'Thank you for contacting us' And the site administrator should get two 'My Contact Subject' emails And the site administrator should get a 'Details for' email Scenario: Contact the site administrator from the contact page Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And I am logged in And I am on the contact page Then I should see 'What are you contacting us about?' And I should not see 'Email address' And select 'Something about the website' And enter a subject as 'My Contact Subject' And enter a message as 'My contact message' And press 'Send' Then I should be on the contact_sent page And I should see 'Thank you for contacting us' And the site administrator should get two 'My Contact Subject' emails And the site administrator should get a 'Details for' email