require 'diffy' class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base include LinguaFrancaHelper add_template_helper(ApplicationHelper) before_filter :set_host default from: "Bike!Bike! " def email_confirmation(confirmation) @confirmation = EmailConfirmation.find(confirmation) if confirmation.present? I18n.locale = @confirmation.user.locale if @confirmation.user.locale.present? @subject = _'email.subject.confirm_email','Please confirm your email address' mail to: @confirmation.user.named_email, subject: @subject end def registration_confirmation(registration) @registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(registration) if registration.present? @conference = @registration.conference @user = @registration.user I18n.locale = @user.locale if @user.locale.present? @subject = @conference.registration_status.to_sym == :pre ? _( 'email.subject.pre_registration_confirmed', "Thank you for pre-registering for #{@conference.title}", :vars => {:conference_title => @conference.title} ) : _( 'email.subject.registration_confirmed', "Thank you for registering for #{@conference.title}", :vars => {:conference_title => @conference.title} ) mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end def broadcast(host, subject, content, user, conference) @host = host @content = content @banner = nil @conference = Conference.find(conference) if conference.present? @user = User.find(user) if user.present? @subject = "[#{@conference ? @conference.title : 'Bike!Bike!'}] #{subject}" if @user && @user.named_email mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end end def workshop_facilitator_request(workshop, requester, message) @workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present? @requester = User.find(requester) if requester.present? addresses = [] I18n.locale = @workshop.active_facilitators.first.locale if @workshop.active_facilitators.first.locale.present? @workshop.active_facilitators.each do |f| addresses << f.named_email end @message = message @conference = Conference.find(@workshop.conference_id) @subject = _('email.subject.workshop_facilitator_request', "Request to facilitate #{@workshop.title} from #{}", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title, :requester_name => @requester.firstname}) mail to: addresses, reply_to: addresses + [@requester.named_email], subject: @subject end def workshop_facilitator_request_approved(workshop, user) @workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present? @conference = Conference.find(@workshop.conference_id) @user = User.find(user) if user.present? I18n.locale = @user.locale if @user.locale.present? @subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_request_approved', "You have been added as a facilitator of #{@workshop.title}", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title}) mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end def workshop_facilitator_request_denied(workshop, user) @workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present? @conference = @workshop.conference @user = User.find(user) if user.present? I18n.locale = @user.locale if @user.present? && @user.locale.present? @subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_request_denied', "Your request to facilitate #{@workshop.title} has been denied", :vars => {:workshop_title => @workshop.title}) mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end def workshop_translated(workshop, data, locale, user, translator) @workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present? @data = data @locale = locale @locale_name = language_name(locale) @user = User.find(user) if user.present? I18n.locale = @user.locale if @user.present? && @user.locale.present? @translator = User.find(translator) if translator.present? @subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_translated', "The #{@locale_name} translation for #{@workshop.title} has been modified", vars: {language: @language_name, workshop_title: @workshop.title}) @wrapper_id = :full_width mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end def workshop_original_content_changed(workshop, data, user, translator) @workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present? @data = data @user = User.find(user) if user.present? I18n.locale = @user.locale if @user.present? && @user.locale.present? @translator = User.find(translator) if translator.present? @subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_original_content_changed', "Original content for #{@workshop.title} has been modified", vars: {workshop_title: @workshop.title}) @data.each do |field, values| diff =[:old], values[:new]) @data[field][:diff] = { text: diff.to_s(:text), html: diff.to_s(:html) } end @wrapper_id = :full_width mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end def workshop_comment(workshop, comment, user) @workshop = Workshop.find(workshop) if workshop.present? @comment = Comment.find(comment) if comment.present? @user = User.find(user) if user.present? I18n.locale = @user.locale if @user.present? && @user.locale.present? if @comment.reply? @subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_comment.reply', vars: { user_name: }) else @subject = (_'email.subject.workshop_comment.comment', vars: { user_name:, workshop_title: @workshop.title }) end mail to: @user.named_email, subject: @subject end def error_report(subject, message, report, exception, request, params, user, time = nil) @subject = subject @message = message @report = report @exception = exception @request = request @params = params @time = time @user = User.find(user) if user.present? mail to: '', subject: @subject end def contact(from, subject, message, email_list) @message = message @subject = subject @from = from.is_a?(Integer) ? User.find(from) : from mail to: email_list.join(', '), subject: @subject, reply_to: @from.is_a?(User) ? @from.named_email : @from end def contact_details(from, subject, message, request, params) @message = message @subject = "Details for: \"#{subject}\"" @from = from.is_a?(Integer) ? User.find(from) : from @request = request @params = params mail to: '', subject: @subject end private def set_host(*args) if Rails.env.production? @host = "https://#{I18n.locale.to_s}" elsif Rails.env.preview? @host = "https://preview-#{I18n.locale.to_s}" else @host = UserMailer.default_url_options[:host] end default_url_options[:host] = @host end end