module ActiveRecord class PremissionDenied < RuntimeError end end class ApplicationController < LinguaFrancaApplicationController include ScheduleHelper # Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception. # For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead. protect_from_forgery with: :exception, :except => [:do_confirm] before_filter :capture_page_info @@test_host @@test_location def capture_page_info # set the translator to the current user if we're logged in I18n.config.translator = current_user # get the current confernece and set it globally @conference = Conference.order("start_date DESC").first # add some style sheets @stylesheets ||= # add the translations stylesheet if translating @stylesheets << params[:controller] if params[:controller] == 'translations' ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options = {:host => "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}"} if && params[:action] == 'do_confirm' halt_redirection! end # call the base method to detect the language super end def home @workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => if @conference.workshop_schedule_published @events = Event.where(:conference_id => schedule = get_schedule_data @schedule = schedule[:schedule] @locations = EventLocation.where(:conference_id => do |l| @locations[] = l end @day_parts = @conference.day_parts ? JSON.parse(@conference.day_parts) : {:morning => 0, :afternoon => 13, :evening => 18} end end def policy @is_policy_page = true end def robots robot = is_production? && !is_test_server? ? 'live' : 'dev' render :text =>"config/robots-#{robot}.txt"), :content_type => 'text/plain' end def humans render :text =>"config/humans.txt"), :content_type => 'text/plain' end def self.set_host(host) @@test_host = host end def self.set_location(location) @@test_location = location end def self.get_location() @@test_location end def do_404 params[:action] = 'error-403' render 'application/404', status: 404 end def error_404 render 'application/404' end def do_403(template = nil) @template = template params[:action] = 'error-403' render 'application/permission_denied', status: 403 end rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| do_404 end rescue_from ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied do |exception| do_403 end rescue_from AbstractController::ActionNotFound do |exception| @banner_image = 'grafitti.jpg' if current_user @page_title = nil#'page_titles.Please_Login' do_403 'not_a_translator' #return else @page_title = 'page_titles.403.Please_Login' do_403 'translator_login' end end def generate_confirmation(user, url, expiry = nil) if user.is_a? String user = User.find_by_email(user) # if the user doesn't exist, just show them a 403 do_403 unless user end expiry ||= ( + 12.hours) session[:confirm_uid] = #confirmation = EmailConfirmation.create(user_id:, expiry: expiry, url: url) #UserMailer.email_confirmation(confirmation).deliver_now UserMailer.send_mail :email_confirmation do { :args => EmailConfirmation.create(user_id:, expiry: expiry, url: url) } end end def do_confirm(settings = nil) settings ||= {:template => 'login_confirmation_sent'} if params[:email] # see if we've already sent the confirmation email and are just confirming # the email address if params[:token] user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) confirm(user) return end user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) if !user # not really a good UX so we should fix this later #do_404 #return user = => params[:email])! user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) end # genereate the confirmation, send the email and show the 403 referrer = request.referer.gsub(/^.*?\/\/.*?\//, '/') generate_confirmation(params[:email], referrer) template = 'login_confirmation_sent' @page_title ||= 'page_titles.403.Please_Check_Email' if (conference = /^\/conferences\/(\w+)\/register\/?$/.match(request.referrer.gsub(/^https?:\/\/.*?\//, '/'))) @this_conference = Conference.find_by!(slug: conference[1]) @banner_image = @this_conference.cover_url template = 'conferences/email_confirm' end end if @banner_image ||= 'grafitti.jpg' @page_title ||= 'page_titles.403.Please_Login' do_403 (template || 'translator_login') else do_404 end end def confirm(uid = nil) @confirmation = EmailConfirmation.find_by_token!(params[:token]) confirm_user = nil if uid.is_a?(User) confirm_user = uid uid = end # check to see if we were given a user id to confirm against # if we were, make sure it was the same one if (uid ||= (params[:uid] || session[:confirm_uid])) if uid == @confirmation.user_id session[:uid] = nil confirm_user ||= User.find uid auto_login(confirm_user) else @confirmation.delete end redirect_to (@confirmation.url || '/') return end @banner_image = 'grafitti.jpg' @page_title = 'page_titles.403.Please_Confirm_Email' do_403 'login_confirm' end def translator_request @banner_image = 'grafitti.jpg' @page_title = 'page_titles.403.Translator_Request_Sent' do_403 'translator_request_sent' end def user_logout logout() redirect_to (params[:url] || '/') end def login_user(u) auto_login(u) end end