require 'i18n/backend/active_record' require 'yaml' if Rails.env.test? class DevTranslation < Translation self.table_name = 'translations' establish_connection :development end end module I18n class MissingTranslationExceptionHandler < ExceptionHandler def self.lorem_ipsum(method, size) options = {:random => true} case method.to_s when 'c', 'char', 'character', 'characters' if size return (Forgery::LoremIpsum.characters size, options).capitalize end return Forgery::LoremIpsum.character, options when 'w', 'word', 'words' if size return (Forgery::LoremIpsum.words size, options).capitalize end #return'LOREM' return (Forgery::LoremIpsum.word options).capitalize when 's', 'sentence', 'sentences' if size return Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentences size, options end return (Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence options).capitalize when 'p', 'paragraph', 'paragraphs' if size return Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraphs size, options.merge({:sentences => 10}) end return Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentences 10, options when 't', 'title' return (Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentences 1, options).capitalize end return method end def self.note(key, behavior = nil, behavior_size = nil) I18n.backend.needs_translation(key) if behavior if behavior.to_s == 'strict' return nil end return self.lorem_ipsum(behavior, behavior_size) end #key.to_s.gsub(/^world\..*\.(.+)\.name$/, '\1').gsub(/^.*\.(.+)?$/, '\1').gsub('_', ' ') key.to_s.gsub(/^world\.(.+)\.name$/, '\1').gsub(/^.*\.(.+)?$/, '\1').gsub('_', ' ') end def call(exception, locale, key, options) if exception.is_a?(MissingTranslation) I18n::MissingTranslationExceptionHandler.note(key, options[:behavior] || nil, options[:behavior_size] || nil) else super end end end module Backend class BikeBike < I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord @@needs_translation @@translations_file = 'tmp/locales/translation-info.yml' @@translation_cache_file = 'tmp/locales/.translation-cache.yml' @@pluralization_rules_file = 'config/locales/pluralization-rules.yml' @@translation_cache @@testing_started = false @@hosts def self.init_tests!(new_translations = nil) if Rails.env.test? if !@@testing_started @@testing_started = true, 'w+'), 'w+') end if !new_translations.nil? record_translation(new_translations) end end end def needs_translation(key) @@needs_translation ||= @@needs_translation << key end def translate_control(translation) @@translationsOnThisPage = true datakeys = '' translation['vars'].each { |key, value| datakeys += ' data-var-' + key.to_s + '="' + value.to_s.gsub('"', '"') + '"' } ('' + (translation['html'] || translation['untranslated']) + '').to_s.html_safe end def initialized? begin super rescue return false end end def initialize if !File.exist?(@@translation_cache_file), 'w+') end @@translation_cache = YAML.load( || super end def get_translation_info() begin YAML.load_file(@@translations_file) || {} rescue Exception => e # sometimes concurrency issues cause an exception during testing sleep(1/2.0) get_translation_info() end end def get_pluralization_rules(locale) rules = YAML.load_file(@@pluralization_rules_file) rules[locale.to_sym] end def get_language_codes() YAML.load_file(@@pluralization_rules_file).keys end def set_locale(host) @@hosts ||= default = I18n.default_locale.to_s lang = @@hosts[host] if lang === false lang = nil elsif lang.nil? if (lang = host.gsub(/^(dev|test|www)[\-\.](.*)$/, '\2').gsub(/^(([^\.]+)\.)?[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$/, '\2')).blank? lang = default end if get_language_codes().include? lang if !language_enabled? lang I18n.locale = default return lang end else lang = nil end end I18n.locale = default unless lang.present? # return nil if the language doesn exist, false if it is not enabled, or the code if it is enabled lang.present? ? true : false end def get_language_completion(lang) total = 0 complete = 0 get_translation_info().each { |k,v| total += 1 complete += v['languages'].include?(lang.to_s) ? 1 : 0 } (total ? complete / total.to_f : 0.0) * 100.0 end def language_enabled?(lang) lang.to_s == I18n.default_locale.to_s || get_language_completion(lang) > 66 end def request_translation(key, vars, options) locale = options[:locale].to_s options[:locale] = :en translation = I18n.translate(key, vars, options) result = JSON.load(open("{URI::escape(translation)}&hl=en&sl=en&tl=#{locale}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&multires=1&otf=1&ssel=3&tsel=3&sc=1").read().gsub(/,+/, ',').gsub(/\[,+/, '[').gsub(/,+\]/, ']')) while result.is_a?(Array) result = result[0] end return result end def record_translation(key) translations = get_translation_info() translations ||= if key.is_a(Array) key.each { |k| translations[k.to_s] ||= } else translations[key.to_s] ||= end, 'w') { |f| f.write translations.to_yaml } end protected def lookup(locale, key, scope = [], options = {}) result = nil if key.is_a?(String) key = key.gsub(/(^\[|\])/, '').gsub(/\[/, '.') end if @@translation_cache && @@translation_cache.has_key?(locale.to_s) && @@translation_cache[locale.to_s].has_key?(key.to_s) result = @@translation_cache[locale.to_s][key.to_s] end if !result result = super(locale, key, scope, options) if Rails.env.test? && options[:behavior].to_s != 'scrict' if result @@translation_cache[locale.to_s] ||= @@translation_cache[locale.to_s][key.to_s] = result, 'w') { |f| f.write @@translation_cache.to_yaml } end translations = get_translation_info() translations ||= translations[key.to_s] ||= translations[key.to_s]['languages'] ||= translations[key.to_s]['pages'] ||= if options['behavior'] translations[key.to_s]['behavior'] ||= options['behavior'] end vars = [] options.each { |o,v| if !I18n::RESERVED_KEYS.include?(o.to_sym) && o.to_s != 'behavior' && o.to_s != 'behavior_size' vars << o.to_sym end } if vars.size() > 0 translations[key.to_s]['vars'] = vars end unless translations[key.to_s].has_key?('data') translations[key.to_s]['data'] = DevTranslation.where("key = '#{key.to_s}' OR key LIKE '#{key.to_s}#{I18n::Backend::Flatten::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR}%'").each { |t| translations[key.to_s]['data'] << ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(t.becomes(Translation)) unless translations[key.to_s]['languages'].include?(t.locale.to_s) translations[key.to_s]['languages'] << t.locale.to_s end } end path = $page_info[:path] route = nil Rails.application.routes.routes.each { |r| if !route && r.path.match(path) route = r.path.spec.to_s.gsub(/\s*\(\.:\w+\)\s*$/, '') end } unless translations[key.to_s]['pages'].include?(route) translations[key.to_s]['pages'] << route end, 'w') { |f| f.write translations.to_yaml } end end result end end end end I18n.exception_handler =