SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = "" SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do routes = do |route| {alias:, path: route.path.spec.to_s, controller: route.defaults[:controller], action: route.defaults[:action]} end # Set a list of controllers you don't want to generate routes for. # /rails/info in particular maps to something inaccessible. # redirects have a nil controller. This prevents duplicate content penalties. banned_controllers = ["rails/info", nil] routes.reject! {|route| banned_controllers.include?(route[:controller])} # sitemap_generator includes root by default; prevent duplication routes.reject! {|route| route[:path] == '/'} routes.each {|route| add route[:path][0..-11]} # Strips off '(.:format) # Notice the below if you're hosting Jekyll/Octopress in a subdirectory # or otherwise want to index content outside of Rails' routes. # add_to_index '/path/sitemap.xml'