- registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) - if registration && registration.is_confirmed %h3=_'register.organizations.confirm_thanks.title','Thanks for confirming!' - if session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] %p=_'register.organizations.confirm_thanks.is_workshop_host.help','Before you finish, we would just like to find out where you\'re coming from and get some info about your workshop.' - else %p=_'register.organizations.confirm_thanks.is_not_workshop_host.help','Before you finish, we would just like to find out where you\'re coming from.' %p=_'register.organizations.confirm_thanks.payment_notice','After that you will also be able to pay for registration.' %h3 =_'register.organizations.title','Who do you Represent?' %p=_'register.organizations.description','Please let us know where you\'re coming from! Find your organizations on the right, they are listed by how close they are to you right now.' .columns.medium-6.medium-push-6 .org-list-select.choose %h4=_'all_organizations','All Organizations' %ul - my_location = lookup_ip_location - lids = Location.near(my_location.latitude.to_s+', '+my_location.longitude.to_s, 999999, order: 'distance').map{|l|l.id} - orgs = Hash.new - lids.each do |lid| - org = Organization.joins(:locations_organization).where('locations_organizations.location_id' => lid).first - if org && !orgs.has_key?(org.id) - orgs[org.id] = org.id %li{class: 'available', data: {id: org.id}} %a{href: '#'} %figure = image_tag org.avatar.icon.url %figcaption %h6= org.name %p= location(org.locations[0]) %input#org-filter{placeholder: (_'orgnizations_filter.placeholder','Filter by typing text here...')} .columns.medium-6.medium-pull-6 .org-list-select.chosen %h4=_'my_organizations','My Organizations' %ul - session[:registration][:organizations].each do |org_id| - org = Organization.find(org_id.is_a?(Array) ? org_id.first : org_id) %li.removable %a{href: '#'} %figure = image_tag org.avatar.icon.url %figcaption %h6= org.name %p= location(org.locations[0]) %input{type: 'hidden', name: "org[#{org.id}]", value: "#{org.id}"} = check_box_tag :add_new_org = check_box_tag :no_org - content_for :dom_ready do :plain update_orgs(); $('#org-filter').keyup(function(){ var $this=$(this), search = $this.val().toLowerCase(), terms = search.split(/\s+/); if (search) { $('.org-list-select.choose li').each(function() { var $li = $(this), content = $li.find('h6').html().toLowerCase() + '\n' + $li.find('p').html().toLowerCase(), found = true; for (i = 0; i < terms.length && found; i++) { found = (content.indexOf(terms[i]) >= 0); } $li.removeClass('not-found'); if (!found) { $li.addClass('not-found'); } }); } else { $('.org-list-select.choose li').removeClass('not-found'); } }); $('.org-list-select').on('click', 'li a', function(e){e.preventDefault(); var $li = $(this).parent().clone(); if ($li.hasClass('selected')) { $('.org-list-select.chosen li input[value="' + $li.data().id + '"]').parent().remove(); } else if ($li.hasClass('available')) { $li.attr('class', 'removable').append(''); $('.org-list-select.chosen ul').append($li); } else if ($li.hasClass('removable')) { $(this).parent().remove(); } update_orgs(); }); - content_for :scripts do :plain function update_orgs() { $('.field-no-org').toggle($('.org-list-select.chosen li').length <= 0); $('.org-list-select.choose li.selected').removeClass('selected'); $('.org-list-select.chosen li input').each(function() { $('.org-list-select.choose li[data-id="' + $(this).val() + '"]').addClass('selected'); }); }