Feature: Volunteer Registration In order to register to volunteer at the latest Bike!Bike! As a visitor @javascript Scenario: Register as volunteer Given There is an upcoming conference in Moncton NB And Registration is open When I go to the landing page Then I see a Register Now link And I click on the Register Now link And I fill in my email with example@example.com And I press register And I fill in my firstname with Francis And I fill in my lastname with Bacon And I fill in my username with Bacon And I check is_volunteer And I press next Then I see Contact Information And I fill in address with 1234 Some St. And I fill in phone number with 555-555-5555 Then I see Do you have housing And I fill in beds with 0 And I fill in couch_space with 5 And I fill in tents with 2 Then I see Anything else And I fill in other with So excited! And I press next Then I should be registered for the conference And my registration should not be confirmed And I should get a confirm email And in the email I should see please confirm your registration And in the email I should see a confirmation link registration When I go to the confirmation page Then I should see Thanks for completing your registration And my registration is complete And my registration is completed