require 'redcarpet' module WidgetsHelper def m(*args) _(*args) { |t| markdown(t) } end def markdown(object, attribute = nil) return '' unless object content = attribute ? object.send(attribute.to_s) : object @markdown ||={ filter_html: true, hard_wrap: true, space_after_headers: true, fenced_code_blocks: true, link_attributes: { target: "_blank" } }), { autolink: true, disable_indented_code_blocks: true, superscript: true }) @markdown.render(content).html_safe end def paragraph(object, attribute = nil) return '' unless object content = attribute ? object.send(attribute.to_s) : object result = '' if content =~ /<(p|span|h\d|div)[^>]*>/ result = content.gsub(/\s*(style|class|id|width|height|font)=\".*?\"/, '') .gsub(/ /, ' ') .gsub(/<(\/)?\s*h\d\s*>/, '<\1h3>') .gsub(/

(.*?)\s*()+/, '


') .gsub(/]*>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/span>/, '\1') .gsub(/

\s*<\/p>/, '') .gsub(/<(\/)?div>/, '<\1p>') if !(result =~ /]*>/) result = '

' + result + '

' end else result = markdown(object, attribute) end result.html_safe end def nav_link(link, title = nil, class_name = nil) if title.nil? && link.is_a?(Symbol) title = link link = send("#{link.to_s}_path") end if class_name.nil? && title.is_a?(Symbol) class_name = title end title = _"page_titles.#{title.to_s.titlecase.gsub(/\s/, '_')}" classes = [] classes << class_name if class_name.present? classes << "strlen-#{strip_tags(title).length}" classes << 'current' if request.fullpath.start_with?(link.gsub(/^(.*?)\/$/, '\1')) link_to "#{title}".html_safe, link, :class => classes end def data_set(header_type, header_key, attributes = {}, &block) raw_data_set(header_type, _(header_key), attributes, &block) end def raw_data_set(header_type, header, attributes = {}, &block) attributes[:class] = attributes[:class].split(' ') if attributes[:class].is_a?(String) attributes[:class] = [attributes[:class].to_s] if attributes[:class].is_a?(Symbol) attributes[:class] ||= [] attributes[:class] << 'data-set' content_tag(:div, attributes) do content_tag(header_type, header, class: 'data-set-key') + content_tag(:div, class: 'data-set-value', &block) end end def admin_update_form(options = {}, &block) form_tag(administration_update_path(@this_conference.slug, @admin_step), options, &block) end def interest_button(workshop) interested = workshop.interested?(current_user) ? :remove_interest : :show_interest id = "#{interested.to_s.gsub('_', '-')}-#{}" return (off_screen (_"forms.actions.aria.#{interested.to_s}"), id) + (button interested, :value => :toggle_interest, :class => (workshop.interested?(current_user) ? :delete : :add), aria: { labelledby: id }) end def interest_text(workshop) if workshop.interested?(current_user) return _'', :vars => {:count => (workshop.interested_count - 1)} end return _'', :vars => {:count => workshop.interested_count} end def host_guests_table(registration) id = html = '' first_row = true @housing_data[id][:guests].each do |area, guests| guest_rows = '' space_size = (@housing_data[id][:space][area] || 0) if space_size > 0 || guests.size > 0 guests.each do |guest_id, guest| status_html = '' @housing_data[id][:guest_data][guest_id][:errors].each do |error, value| if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |v| status_html += content_tag(:li, _("{error.to_s}", vars: v)) end else status_html += content_tag(:li, _("{error.to_s}", vars: value)) end end @housing_data[id][:guest_data][guest_id][:warnings].each do |error, value| if value.is_a?(Array) value.each do |v| status_html += content_tag(:li, _("{error.to_s}", v)) end else status_html += content_tag(:li, _("{error.to_s}", vars: value)) end end if status_html.present? status_html = content_tag(:ul, status_html.html_safe) end guest_rows += content_tag :tr, id: "hosted-guest-#{guest_id}" do (content_tag :td, guest[:guest] + (content_tag :td do (guest[:guest].from + (content_tag :a, (_'actions.workshops.Remove'), href: '#', class: 'remove-guest', data: { guest: guest_id })).html_safe end) + (content_tag :td, status_html.html_safe, class: [:state, status_html.present? ? :unhappy : :happy]) end end # add empty rows to represent empty guest spots for i in guests.size...space_size guest_rows += content_tag :tr, class: 'empty-space' do (content_tag :td, ' '.html_safe, colspan: 2) + (content_tag :td) end end status_html = '' if @housing_data[id][:warnings].present? && @housing_data[id][:warnings][:space].present? && @housing_data[id][:warnings][:space][area].present? @housing_data[id][:warnings][:space][area].each do |w| status_html += content_tag(:li, _("{w.to_s}")) end end if status_html.present? status_html = content_tag(:ul, status_html.html_safe) end unless first_row html += content_tag :tr, class: :spacer do content_tag :td, '', colspan: 3 end end html += content_tag :tr do (content_tag :th, (_"forms.labels.generic.#{area}"), colspan: 2) + (content_tag :th, status_html.html_safe, class: [:state, status_html.present? ? :unhappy : :happy]) end html += guest_rows html += content_tag :tr, class: 'place-guest' do content_tag :td, class: guests.size >= space_size ? 'full' : nil, colspan: 3 do content_tag :a, (_"forms.actions.generic.place_guest_in.#{area}"), class: 'select-guest button small', href: '#', data: { host: id, space: area } end end first_row = false end end content_tag :table, html.html_safe, class: 'host-table' end def host_guests_widget(registration) html = '' classes = ['host'] id = @housing_data[id][:guests].each do |area, guests| max_space = @housing_data[id][:space][area] || 0 # don't include the area if the host doesn't want anyone there if max_space > 0 || guests.size > 0 area_name = (_"forms.labels.generic.#{area}") status_html = '' if @housing_data[id][:warnings].present? && @housing_data[id][:warnings][:space].present? && @housing_data[id][:warnings][:space][area].present? @housing_data[id][:warnings][:space][area].each do |w| status_html += content_tag(:div, _("{w.to_s}"), class: 'warning') end end space_html = content_tag(:h5, area_name + _!(" (#{guests.size.to_s}/#{max_space.to_s})") + status_html.html_safe) guest_items = '' guests.each do |guest_id, guest| guest_items += content_tag(:li, guest[:guest], id: "hosted-guest-#{guest_id}") end space_html += content_tag(:ul, guest_items.html_safe) # see if the space is overbooked booked_state = guests.size >= max_space ? (guests.size > max_space ? :overbooked : :booked) : nil # let space be overbooked, even bed space can be overbooked if a couple is staying in the bed space_html += button :place_guest, type: :button, value: "#{area}:#{id}", class: [:small, 'place-guest', 'on-top-only', booked_state, max_space > 0 ? nil : :unwanted] html += content_tag(:div, space_html, class: [:space, area, max_space > 0 || guests.size > 0 ? nil : 'on-top-only']) end end classes << 'status-warning' if @housing_data[id][:warnings].present? classes << 'status-error' if @housing_data[id][:errors].present? return { html: html.html_safe, class: classes.join(' ') } end def signin_link @login_dlg ||= true link_to (_'forms.actions.generic.login'), settings_path, data: { 'sign-in': true } end def link_with_confirmation(link_text, confirmation_text, path, args = {}) @confirmation_dlg ||= true args[:data] ||= {} args[:data][:confirmation] = true link_to path, args do (link_text.to_s + content_tag(:template, confirmation_text, class: 'message')).html_safe end end def link_info_dlg(link_text, info_text, info_title, args = {}) @info_dlg ||= true args[:data] ||= {} args[:data]['info-title'] = info_title args[:data]['info-text'] = true content_tag(:a, args) do (link_text.to_s + content_tag(:template, info_text, class: 'message')).html_safe end end def link_help_dlg(topic, args = {}) @help_dlg ||= true args[:data] ||= {} args[:data]['info-title'] = I18n.t("help.headings.#{topic}") args[:data]['help-text'] = true content_tag(:a, args) do (I18n.t('help.link_text') + content_tag(:template, (render "/help/#{topic}"), class: 'message')).html_safe end end def button_with_confirmation(button_name, confirmation_text = nil, args = {}) if confirmation_text.is_a? Hash args = confirmation_text confirmation_text = nil end confirmation_text ||= (_"forms.confirmations.#{button_name.to_s}", :p) @confirmation_dlg ||= true args[:data] ||= {} args[:data][:confirmation] = true button button_name, args do ((_"forms.actions.generic.#{button_name.to_s}") + content_tag(:template, confirmation_text, class: 'message')).html_safe end end def richtext(text, reduce_headings = 2) return '' unless text.present? return _!(text). gsub(/<(\/?)h4>/, '<\1h' + (reduce_headings + 4).to_s + '>'). gsub(/<(\/?)h3>/, '<\1h' + (reduce_headings + 3).to_s + '>'). gsub(/<(\/?)h2>/, '<\1h' + (reduce_headings + 2).to_s + '>'). gsub(/<(\/?)h1>/, '<\1h' + (reduce_headings + 1).to_s + '>'). html_safe end def truncate(text) strip_tags(text.gsub('>', '> ')).gsub(/^(.{40,60})\s.*$/m, '\1…').html_safe end def companion(registration) if registration.housing_data.present? && registration.housing_data['companion'].present? companion_user = if registration.housing_data['companion']['id'].present? User.find(registration.housing_data['companion']['id']) else User.find_user(registration.housing_data['companion']['email']) end if companion_user.present? cr = ConferenceRegistration.where(user_id: :desc).limit(1).first if cr.present? && ((cr.steps_completed || []).include? 'questions') return companion_user end end return :unregistered end return nil end def comment(comment) add_inline_script :time add_js_translation('datetime.distance_in_words') content_tag(:div, class: 'comment-body') do content_tag(:h4, _!(, class: 'comment-title') + content_tag(:time, time(comment.created_at, :default), datetime: comment.created_at.to_s) + content_tag(:div, class: 'comment-text') do _!(markdown comment.comment) end end end end