Given(/^I am on the (.+) page$/) do |page_name| visit path_to(page_name.to_sym) end Given(/^I am on the (.+) site$/) do |language| ApplicationController::set_host (get_language_code(language) + '') end Given(/^I am in (.+)$/) do |location| ApplicationController::set_location (location) end When(/^I go to the (.+) page$/) do |page_name| visit path_to(page_name.to_sym) end When(/^(I )?(finish|cancel) (paying|(the )?payment)$/) do |a, action, b, c| visit path_to((action == 'finish' ? 'confirm' : action) + ' payment') end Given(/^There is an upcoming conference( in .+)?$/) do |location| @last_conference = FactoryGirl.create(:upcoming_conference) if location @org = create_org(nil, location) @last_conference.organizations << @org! end end Given(/^an organization( named .+)? exists( in .+)?$/) do |name, location| if location =~ /every country/i Carmen::World.instance.subregions.each { |country| #puts "#{country.code}" if country.subregions? country.subregions.each { |region| org = rand(36**16).to_s(36), slug: rand(36**16).to_s(36))#create_org#(Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence) org.locations << 'City', country: country.code, territory: region.code)! } else org = rand(36**16).to_s(36), slug: rand(36**16).to_s(36))#create_org#(Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence) org.locations << 'City', country: country.code)! end } else create_org(name ? name.gsub(/^\s*named\s+(.*?)\s*$/, '\1') : nil, location ? location.gsub(/^\s*in\s+(.*?)\s*$/, '\1') : nil) end end Given(/^Registration is (open|closed)$/) do |status| @last_conference.registration_open = (status == 'open')! end Then(/^I (should )?see (.+)$/) do | a, item | if /(the )?Bike!Bike! logo$/ =~ item expect(page).to have_selector('svg.logo') elsif /(the|a)?\s?(.+) menu item$/ =~ item within('#main-nav') { expect(page).to have_link Regexp.last_match(2) } elsif /(the|a)?\s?(.+) image$/ =~ item expect(page).to have_selector('#'+Regexp.last_match(2)+' img') elsif /(the|a)?\s?(.+) link$/ =~ item expect(page).to have_link Regexp.last_match(2) else expect(page).to have_text item end end ## ======= Forms ======= ## Then(/^(I )?click on (.+?)( button| link| which is hidden)?$/) do | a, item, type | item = item.gsub(/^\s*(a|the)\s*(.*)$/, '\2') if type && type.strip == 'button' click_button(item) elsif type && type.strip == 'link' click_link(item) elsif type && type =~ /hidden/ find('[id$="' + item.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]', :visible => false).click else page.find_link(item).trigger('click') end end Then(/^(I )?press (.+)$/) do | a, item | click_link_or_button(locate(item)) end Then(/^I (un)?check (.+)$/) do | state, item | if state == 'un' uncheck(locate(item)) else check(locate(item)) end end Then(/^I fill in (.+?) with (.+)$/) do | field, value | field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') fill_in(locate(field), :with => value) if /email/ =~ field && !(/organization/ =~ field) @last_email_entered = value end end Then(/^(my )?(.+)? should (not )?be set to (.+)$/) do | a, field, should, value | field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]').value.send(should.nil? ? 'should' : 'should_not', eq(value)) end Then(/^(my )?(.+)? should (not )?be checked$/) do | a, field, should | field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]').send(should.nil? ? 'should' : 'should_not', be_checked) end Then(/^I set (.+?) to (.+)$/) do | field, value | field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]', :visible => false).set value end Then(/^(I )wait for (.+?) to appear$/) do | a, field | count = 0 element = nil while element.nil? && count < 120 begin element = page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]'); rescue; end begin element ||= page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]', :visible => false); rescue; end sleep(1) count += 1 end end Then(/^show the page$/) do print page.html save_and_open_page end Then(/^I select (.+?) from (.+)$/) do | value, field | select(value, :from => locate(field)) end ## ======= Emails ======= ## Then(/^I should not get an email$/) do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size.should eq 0 end Then (/^I should get an? (.+) email$/) do |subject| @last_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last if @last_email_entered include @last_email_entered end @last_email.subject.should include(subject) end Then (/^the email should contain (.+)$/) do |value| include(value) include(value) end Then (/^in the email I should see (.+)$/) do |value| if /(an?|the|my) (.+) link/ =~ value test = path_to Regexp.last_match(2) include(test) include(test) else include(value) include(value) end end Then (/^I should (not )?be registered for the conference$/) do |state| @last_registration = ConferenceRegistration.find_by(:email => @last_email_entered) if state && state.strip == 'not' @last_registration.should be_nil else @last_registration.should_not be_nil end end Then (/^my registration (should( not)? be|is( not)?) (confirmed|completed?|paid)$/) do |state, x, y, field| ConferenceRegistration.find_by!(:email => @last_email_entered). send(field == 'confirmed' ? 'is_confirmed' : (field == 'paid' ? 'registration_fees_paid' : field)). send(state =~ / not/ ? 'should_not' : 'should', be) end Then (/^I am( not)? a user$/) do |state| User.find_by(:email => @last_email_entered). send(state =~ / not/ ? 'should_not' : 'should', be) end Then (/^I am( not)? a member of (.+)$/) do |state, org_name| user = nil should_be = !(state =~ / not/) org = Organization.find_by(:name => org_name) if should_be org.should be org.users.should be elsif org.nil? || org.users.nil? return end org.users.each { |u| if == @last_email_entered user = u end } user.send(should_be ? 'should' : 'should_not', be) end Then (/^My (.+) should(not )? be (.+)$/) do |field, state, value| User.find_by(:email => @last_email_entered). send(field.gsub(/\s/, '_')). send(state =~ / not/ ? 'should_not' : 'should', eq(value)) end