Feature: Conferences Scenario: Multiple conferences can be displayed on the list page Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife' And a past conference in 'New Orleans' And I am on the conferences page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' And see 'Yellowknife' And see 'New Orleans' Scenario: Only public conferences are displayed on the conference list page Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife' And a past conference in 'New Orleans' But it is not public And I am on the conferences page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' And see 'Yellowknife' But I should not see 'New Orleans' Scenario: Non-public conferences can be seen by hosts Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife' And a past conference in 'New Orleans' And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' But the conference is not public And the conference is not featured And I am logged in And I am a conference host And I am on the conferences page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' And see 'Yellowknife' And see 'New Orleans' Scenario: Site administrators should be able to create and edit conferences Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife' And a past conference in 'New Orleans' And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And I am logged in And I am an admin But the conference is not public And the conference is not featured And I am on the conferences page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' And see 'Yellowknife' And see 'New Orleans' And see a 'Create' link And see an 'Edit' link Scenario: Conference info page shows conference details Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife' And a past conference in 'New Orleans' And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And I am on the conference page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' But I should not see 'Yellowknife' And not see 'New Orleans' And not see 'Details' And not see a 'Register' link And I should not see an 'Administrate' link And I should not see an 'Edit' link Scenario: Conference info page shows a register link Given there is an upcoming regional conference in 'Yellowknife' And a past conference in 'New Orleans' And an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And I am on the conference page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' But I should not see 'Yellowknife' And not see 'New Orleans' And not see 'Details' But I should see a 'Register' link And I should not see an 'Administrate' link And I should not see an 'Edit' link Scenario: Conferences that are not public cannot be viewed Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' But it is not public And I am logged in And I am on the conference page Then I should not see 'Brooklyn' But I should see 'Access Denied' And I should not see an 'Edit' link Scenario: Conferences that are not public can be viewed by hosts Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And I am logged in And I am a conference host And I am on the conference page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' But I should not see 'Access Denied' And I see an 'Administrate' link And I should not see an 'Edit' link Scenario: Site administrators should be able to view and edit conferences Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And I am logged in And I am an admin And I am on the conference page Then I should see 'Brooklyn' But I should not see 'Access Denied' And I see an 'Administrate' link And I should not see an 'Edit' link