Feature: Registration Scenario: Attendees can register as expected Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And there is an organization named 'Bike Works' in Seattle And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Register' link When I click the 'Register' link Then I should be on the register page And I should see 'Registration is now open' When I enter my email address And press confirm email Then I should see 'Confirm Email' And I should get a 'confirmation' email When I click on the 'Confirm' link in the email Then I should see 'Policy' And I should see 'The Agreement' And see 'Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all' When I check commitment And check respect And check empowerment And check accessible And check peaceful And check spaces And check hearing And check intent And check open minds And check learning And click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'What is your name?' When I enter my name And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Which languages do you speak?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Are you representing a bicycle collective?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'In which city or town is your organization based?' When I fill in my location with 'Seattle' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Did you mean Seattle, Washington, United States?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Which organization are you a member of?' And I should see 'Bike Works' And see 'None of the above' When I click on the 'Bike Works' button Then I should see 'Arrival Date' When I click on the '25' button Then I should see 'Departure Date' When I click on the '11' button Then I should see 'Housing' And see 'Do you need a place to stay' When I click on the 'Yes, I would like to place to stay' button Then I should see 'Housing Companion' When I click on the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Companion Email' When I fill in the email with 'my-friend@bikebike.org' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'What are your eating habits?' When I click on 'I eat meat and dairy' Then I should see 'Would you like to borrow a bike?' When I click on the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Do you plan to attend the group ride?' When I click on the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Anything else?' When I fill in other with 'Thanks!' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Registration Fee Method' When I click on 'pay on arrival' Then I should see 'Registration Fee Amount' When I click on the '$25.00' button Then I should get a 'Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike! 2025' email And I should see 'Your registration is complete' And I should see 'Seattle' And see 'Bike Works' And see 'Yes, I would like to place to stay' And see 'I eat meat and dairy' And see 'Thanks!' And see 'In person' And see '$25.00 USD' When I click on 'Cancel my registration' Then I should see 'You have cancelled your registration' And I should see 'Re-open my registration' But I should not see 'Seattle' And should not see 'Bike Works' And should not see 'Yes, I would like to place to stay' And should not see 'I eat meat and dairy' And should not see 'Thanks!' And should not see 'In person' And should not see '$25.00 USD' When I click on 'Re-open my registration' Then I should see 'Your registration is complete' And I should see 'Seattle' And see 'Bike Works' And see 'Yes, I would like to place to stay' And see 'I eat meat and dairy' And see 'Thanks!' And see 'In person' And see '$25.00 USD' Scenario: Attendees can add a new organization Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Register' link When I click the 'Register' link Then I should be on the register page And I should see 'Registration is now open' When I enter my email address And press confirm email Then I should see 'Confirm Email' And I should get a 'confirmation' email When I click on the 'Confirm' link in the email Then I should see 'Policy' And I should see 'The Agreement' And see 'Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all' When I check commitment And check respect And check empowerment And check accessible And check peaceful And check spaces And check hearing And check intent And check open minds And check learning And click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'What is your name?' When I enter my name And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Which languages do you speak?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Are you representing a bicycle collective?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'In which city or town is your organization based?' When I fill in my location with 'Moncton' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Did you mean Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'What is the name or your organization?' When I fill in the name with 'Coopérative La Bikery Cooperative' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Organization Address' When I fill in the address with '120 Assomption Blvd' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Organization Email' When I fill in the email with 'labikery@bikebike.org' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Organization Mailing Address' When I fill in the mailing address with '120 Assomption Blvd' And click the 'Next' button And click on the '25' button And click on the '11' button And click on the 'I don't need a place to stay' button And click on 'I am vegan' And click on the 'No' button And click on the 'No' button And click the 'Next' button And click on 'pay now with PayPal' And click on the '$25.00' button And click the 'Confirm' button Then I should get a 'Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike! 2025' email And I should see 'Moncton' And I should see 'Coopérative La Bikery Cooperative' And I should see 'I don't need a place to stay' And I should see 'I am vegan' Scenario: Attendees can register without being a member of an organization Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Register' link When I click the 'Register' link Then I should be on the register page And I should see 'Registration is now open' When I enter my email address And press confirm email Then I should see 'Confirm Email' And I should get a 'confirmation' email When I click on the 'Confirm' link in the email Then I should see 'Policy' And I should see 'The Agreement' And see 'Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all' When I check commitment And check respect And check empowerment And check accessible And check peaceful And check spaces And check hearing And check intent And check open minds And check learning And click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'What is your name?' When I enter my name And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Which languages do you speak?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Are you representing a bicycle collective?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'In which city or town are you based?' When I fill in my location with 'Ecum Secum' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Did you mean Ecum Secum, Nova Scotia, Canada?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Why are you interested in attending Bike!Bike!?' When I fill in my interest with 'Because Reasons' And click the 'Next' button And click on the '25' button And click on the '11' button And click on the 'I would like a place to tent' button And click on 'I am vegetarian' And click on the 'Yes' button And click on the 'No' button And click the 'Next' button And click on the 'Not now' button Then I should get a 'Thank you for registering for Bike!Bike! 2025' email And I should see 'Ecum Secum' And I should see 'Because Reasons' And I should see 'I am vegetarian' Scenario: Housing providers can register Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Register' link When I click the 'Register' link Then I should be on the register page And I should see 'Registration is now open' When I enter my email address And press confirm email Then I should see 'Confirm Email' And I should get a 'confirmation' email When I click on the 'Confirm' link in the email Then I should see 'Policy' And I should see 'The Agreement' And see 'Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all' When I check commitment And check respect And check empowerment And check accessible And check peaceful And check spaces And check hearing And check intent And check open minds And check learning And click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'What is your name?' When I enter my name And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Which languages do you speak?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Are you representing a bicycle collective?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'In which city or town are you based?' When I fill in my location with 'Brooklyn' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Did you mean Brooklyn, New York, United States?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Are you willing to be a housing provider?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Are you attending the conference?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'What is your address?' When I enter my address And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'What is your phone number?' When I enter my phone number And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Bed and Couch Space' When I fill in bed space with '2' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Floor Space' When I fill in floor space with '8' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Tent Space' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Housing Start Date' When I click on the '25' button Then I should see 'Housing End Date' When I click on the '11' button Then I should see 'House Info and Rules' When I enter some info And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Information for organizers' When I fill in other with 'We have children in our household' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Your registration is complete' And I should see my address And I should see 'We have children in our household' Scenario: Attendees can enter incorrect data and fix it Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And there is an organization named 'Coopérative La Bikery Cooperative' in Moncton And 'joe@bikebike.org' is registered And 'sally@bikebike.org' is registered And 'Jesse@bikebike.org' is registered And 'joe@bikebike.org' and 'sally@bikebike.org' are companions And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Register' link When I click the 'Register' link Then I should be on the register page And I should see 'Registration is now open' When I enter my email address as 'me@bikebike.org' And press confirm email Then I should see 'Confirm Email' And I should get a 'confirmation' email When I click on the 'Confirm' link in the email Then I should see 'Policy' And I should see 'The Agreement' And see 'Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all' When I click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'Read each statement carefully' When I check commitment And click the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'Read each statement carefully' When check respect And check empowerment And check accessible And check peaceful And check spaces And check hearing And check intent And check open minds And check learning And click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'What is your name?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Provide us with a name' When I enter my name And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Which languages do you speak?' When I uncheck 'English' And I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Select at least one language' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Are you representing a bicycle collective?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'In which city or town is your organization based?' When click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter a location' When I fill in my location with 'fhqwhgads' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'We could not find a city' When I fill in my location with 'Moncton' And click the 'Next' button And click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Which organization are you a member of?' When I click the 'None of the above' button Then I should see 'What is the name or your organization?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter the name of your organization' When I fill in the name with 'Coopérative La Bikery Cooperative' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Organization Address' When click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter an address' When I fill in the address with '120 Assomption Blvd' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Organization Email' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'email address is required' When I fill in the email with 'me@bikebike.org' And I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'email address matches your personal email address' When I fill in the email with 'labikery@bikebike.org' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Organization Mailing Address' When I fill in the mailing address with '' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter your organization's mailing address' When I fill in the mailing address with '120 Assomption Blvd' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Arrival Date' When I click the '31' button And click the '30' button Then I should see 'departure date that is before your arrival' When I click the '4' button Then I should see 'Do you need a place to stay in Brooklyn?' When I click on the 'Yes, I would like to place to stay' button Then I should see 'Housing Companion' When I click on the 'Yes' button And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter an email address' When I fill in the email with 'joe@bikebike.org' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'already has a companion' When I fill in the email with 'jesse@bikebike.org' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Your companion has completed their registration' And see 'What are your eating habits?' When click on 'I eat meat and dairy' And I click on the 'Yes' button And I click on the 'Yes' button And click the 'Next' button And I click on 'pay now with PayPal' And fill in the custom value with '-1' And click the 'Custom amount' button Then I should see 'Enter a positive amount' When fill in the custom value with '1' But my payment status will be 'Denied' And click the 'Custom amount' button And click the 'Confirm' button Then I should see 'Your payment was denied' And I should see 'Registration Fee Amount' When fill in the custom value with '1' But my payment status will be 'Error' And click the 'Custom amount' button And click the 'Confirm' button Then I should see 'An unexpected error occurred' And I should see 'Registration Fee Amount' When fill in the custom value with '1' And click the 'Custom amount' button And click the 'Cancel' button Then I should see 'Your payment was cancelled' And I should see 'Registration Fee Amount' When fill in the custom value with '1' And my payment status will be 'Pending' And click the 'Custom amount' button And click the 'Confirm' button Then I should see 'Your payment is currently pending' And I should see 'Your registration is complete' Scenario: Housing providers can enter incorrect data and fix it Given there is an upcoming conference in 'Brooklyn NY' And registration is open And I am on the landing page Then I should see a 'Register' link When I click the 'Register' link Then I should be on the register page And I should see 'Registration is now open' When I enter my email address And press confirm email Then I should see 'Confirm Email' And I should get a 'confirmation' email When I click on the 'Confirm' link in the email Then I should see 'Policy' And I should see 'The Agreement' And see 'Ensuring that all attendees feel welcome, safe, and respected at all times is especially important to us all' When I check commitment And check respect And check empowerment And check accessible And check peaceful And check spaces And check hearing And check intent And check open minds And check learning And click on the 'I Agree' button Then I should see 'What is your name?' When I enter my name And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Which languages do you speak?' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Are you representing a bicycle collective?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'In which city or town are you based?' When I fill in my location with 'Brooklyn' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Did you mean Brooklyn, New York, United States?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Are you willing to be a housing provider?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Are you attending the conference?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'What is your address?' When I fill in my address with '' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter an address' When I enter my address And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'What is your phone number?' When I fill in my phone with '911' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'A valid phone number is required' When I enter my phone number And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Bed and Couch Space' When I fill in bed space with '' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter the amount of bed or couch space' When I fill in bed space with '2' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Floor Space' When I fill in floor space with '' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Enter the amount of floor space' When I fill in floor space with '8' And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Tent Space' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should see 'Housing Start Date' When I click the '31' button And click the '30' button Then I should see 'end date that is before your start date' When I click the '4' button Then I should see 'House Info and Rules' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Provide your guests with information' When I enter some info And click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Information for organizers' When I click the 'Next' button Then I should see 'Your registration is complete'