Feature: Workshops Scenario: Registered users can create, edit, delete workshops Given there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in And registered for the conference And on the registration page Then I should see 'New Workshop' And should see 'View Workshops' Then I should see 'New Workshop' But I should not see any workshops When I click on 'New Workshop' Then I should see 'Create a Workshop' And see 'Describe your workshop in detail' When I enter a title And enter some info And I check 'Spanish' And check 'Projector' And check 'Funding' And check 'Meeting Room' And click the 'Save' button Then I should be on my workshop page And I should see 'Funding' And should see 'Projector' And see my title And see my info When I click on 'Edit' Then I should see 'Edit Workshop' And see 'Describe your workshop in detail' And 'English' should be checked And 'Spanish' should be checked And 'Projector' should be checked And 'Funding' should be checked And 'Meeting Room' should be checked When I check 'Tools' And check 'Other' And enter the other theme as 'Education' And click the 'Save' button Then I should be on my workshop page And I should see 'Tools' And should see 'Education' When I click the 'Workshops' link Then I should see two workshops When I click on the 'Details' link Then I should see 'Tools' And should see 'Education' When I click the 'Delete Workshop' link Then I should see 'Deleting a workshop cannot be undone' When I click on the 'Cancel' button Then I should see 'Tools' And should see 'Education' When I click the 'Delete Workshop' link And click the 'Confirm' button Then I should see 'New Workshop' But I should not see any workshops Scenario: Users can comment on an translate their own workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in And registered And I have a workshop titled 'Bridges to Bicycles' And I am on my workshop page Then I should see 'Bridges to Bicycles' When I click 'Translate into Spanish' Then I should see 'Translation of Bridges to Bicycles' When I enter my title as 'Puentes a las bicicletas' And enter some info And click the 'Save' button Then my workshop title should be 'Bridges to Bicycles' And my Spanish workshop title should be 'Puentes a las bicicletas' And I should see 'Bridges to Bicycles' When I enter a comment And I click the 'Add Comment' button Then I should see 'less than a minute ago' And I should see my comment When I click the 'Reply' button And enter a reply And click the 'Reply' button Then I should see my comment And see my reply Scenario: Users can add facilitators to their workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in And registered And I have a workshop titled 'Applying for 501c3 status' And I am on my workshop page Then I should see 'Applying for 501c3 status' When I enter an email address as 'new-facilitator@bikebike.org' And click the '+' button Then I should be on my workshop page And I should see 'new-facilitator@bikebike.org Unregistered' And new-facilitator@bikebike.org should get a 'Confirmation' email And new-facilitator@bikebike.org should get a 'You have been added as a facilitator' email When I click the 'Remove' link Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove new-facilitator@bikebike.org as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should not see 'Please Confirm' But I should see 'new-facilitator@bikebike.org Unregistered' When I click the 'Remove' link again Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And I should see 'Yes' And click the 'Yes' button Then I should not see 'Please Confirm' And I should not see 'new-facilitator@bikebike.org Unregistered' But I should see 'Applying for 501c3 status' Scenario: Users can approve and deny facilitation requests on their workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in And registered And I have a workshop titled 'Sturmey Archer Hub Repair' And 'Spartacus' has requested to facilitate my workshop And 'Saladin' has requested to facilitate my workshop And 'Hadrian' has requested to facilitate my workshop And 'Spartacus' is registered for the conference And 'Saladin' is registered for the conference And 'Hadrian' is registered for the conference And I am on my workshop page Then I should see 'Sturmey Archer Hub Repair' And I should see 'Spartacus Requested' And I should see 'Saladin Requested' And I should see 'Hadrian Requested' When I click the 'Deny' button beside 'Spartacus' Then I should be on my workshop page And I should see 'Saladin' And I should see 'Hadrian' But I should not see 'Spartacus' And 'Spartacus' should get a 'Your request to facilitate ‘Sturmey Archer Hub Repair’ has been denied' email When I click the 'Approve' button beside 'Saladin' Then I should be on my workshop page And I should see 'Saladin Collaborator' And 'Saladin' should get a 'You have been added as a facilitator of ‘Sturmey Archer Hub Repair’' email When I click the 'Approve' button beside 'Hadrian' Then I should be on my workshop page And I should see 'Hadrian Collaborator' And 'Hadrian' should get a 'You have been added as a facilitator of ‘Sturmey Archer Hub Repair’' email When I click the 'Remove' button beside 'Hadrian' Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove Hadrian as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click on the 'No' button Then I should see 'Hadrian' When I click the 'Remove' button beside 'Hadrian' again Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove Hadrian as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click on the 'Yes' button Then I should not see 'Hadrian' When I click the 'Transfer Ownership' button beside 'Saladin' Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you want to transfer ownership to Saladin?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'Saladin Collaborator' When I click the 'Transfer Ownership' button beside 'Saladin' again Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you want to transfer ownership to Saladin?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should not see 'Saladin Collaborator' But I should see 'Saladin Owner' When I click the 'Leave' button Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should see 'Leave' When I click the 'Leave' button again Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And see 'Are you sure you would like to remove yourself as a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click the 'Yes' button Then I should not see 'Leave' But I should see 'Make a facilitation request' When I click the 'Make a facilitation request' button Then I should see 'Request to Facilitate ‘Sturmey Archer Hub Repair’' When I enter a message And click the 'Send' button Then 'Saladin' should get a 'Request to facilitate ‘Sturmey Archer Hub Repair’' email And I should see 'Your request has been sent' When I click the 'View this workshop' button Then I should see 'Cancel Request' When I click the 'Cancel Request' button Then I should see 'Please Confirm' And I should see 'Are you sure you would like to cancel your request to become a facilitator of this workshop?' When I click the 'No' button Then I should still see 'Cancel Request' When I click the 'Cancel Request' button again And click the 'Yes' button Then I should not see 'Cancel Request' But I should see 'Make a facilitation request' Scenario: Users can add interest to workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in And registered And I have a workshop titled 'Bridges to Bicycles' And there is a workshop titled '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism' And there is a workshop titled 'Bike Polo! Mallet making and game' And there is a workshop titled 'Cooperating with for-profit bike shops' And there is a workshop titled 'The future of Bike! Bike!' And '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism' is looking for facilitators And I am facilitating 'Bike Polo! Mallet making and game' And one person is interested in 'Cooperating with for-profit bike shops' And ten people are interested in 'The future of Bike! Bike!' And five people are interested in 'Bike Polo! Mallet making and game' And I am on the workshops page Then I should see seven workshops And I should see two workshops under 'Your Workshops' And see five workshops under 'All Other Workshops' And I should see '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism No one is interested in this workshop yet' And see 'Bike Polo! Mallet making and game 5 people are interested in this workshop' And see 'The future of Bike! Bike! 10 people are interested in this workshop' And see 'Cooperating with for-profit bike shops One person is interested in this workshop' When I click the '+1' button beside '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism' Then I should see '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism You are interested in this workshop' When I click the '+1' button beside 'The future of Bike! Bike!' Then I should see 'The future of Bike! Bike! You and 10 others are interested in this workshop' When I click the '-1' button beside '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism' Then I should see '3-Speed Hubs and the trouble with Sexism No one is interested in this workshop yet' When I click the '-1' button beside 'The future of Bike! Bike!' Then I should see 'The future of Bike! Bike! 10 people are interested in this workshop' Scenario: Translators can translate workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in And registered And I speak Spanish And there is a workshop titled 'Women and Transgender shop hours' And 'Macbeth' is facilitating And I am on the workshop page Then I should see 'Women and Transgender shop hours' When I click 'Translate into Spanish' Then I should see 'Translation of Women and Transgender shop hours' When I enter my title as 'Horas de las mujeres y de los transexuales' And enter some info And press save Then the Spanish workshop title should be 'Horas de las mujeres y de los transexuales' And I should see 'Women and Transgender shop hours' And 'Macbeth' should get a 'The translation for ‘Women and Transgender shop hours’ has been modified' email Scenario: Users can comment on workshops Given that there is an upcoming conference And registration is open And I am logged in as 'Brunhilda' And registered And 'Geronimo' is registered And I have a workshop titled 'Grant writing and Government Contracts' And I am on the workshop page When in a new session Then I log in as 'Geronimo' And I visit the workshop page And enter a comment as 'Will you be covering Canadian contracts?' And click the 'Add Comment' button Then I should see 'Will you be covering Canadian contracts?' And 'Brunhilda' should get a 'commented' email When in a new session Then I log in as 'Brunhilda' And I visit the workshop page And click the 'Reply' button And enter a reply as 'If we can find a Canadian facilitator' And click the 'Reply' button Then I should see 'If we can find a Canadian facilitator' And 'Geronimo' should get a 'replied' email