require 'spec_helper' describe 'Login' do it "has a title which is Bike!Bike!" do visit login_path expect(page).to have_link 'Bike!Bike!' end it "has a link to login" do visit login_path expect(page).to have_link 'Sign In', :href => '/login' end it "has a link to conferences" do visit login_path expect(find '.top-bar-section a[href$="/conferences"]').to have_text 'Conferences' end it "has a link to organizations" do visit login_path expect(find '.top-bar-section a[href$="/organizations"]').to have_text 'Organizations' end it "has a link to resources" do visit login_path expect(find '.top-bar-section a[href$="/resources"]').to have_text 'Resources' end it "has a login form" do visit login_path form = find 'form[action$="/user_sessions"]' expect(form).to have_button 'Sign In' expect(form).to have_field 'email' expect(form).to have_field 'password' expect(form).to have_link 'facebook' end it "has a register form" do visit login_path form = find 'form[action$="/users"]' expect(form).to have_button 'register' expect(form).to have_field 'user_username' expect(form).to have_field 'user_email' expect(form).to have_field 'user_password' expect(form).to have_field 'user_password_confirmation' end it "allows you to register" do visit login_path fill_in "user_username", :with => "John" fill_in "user_email", :with => "" fill_in "user_password", :with => "johnspassword" fill_in "user_password_confirmation", :with => "johnspassword" click_button "register" end describe "can actually happen" do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } it "allows you to login" do visit login_path form = find 'form[action$="/user_sessions"]' form.find("#email").set( form.find("#password").set('secret') click_button "Sign_In" end end end