require 'geocoder' require 'geocoder/railtie' require 'geocoder/calculations' Geocoder::Railtie.insert class City < ActiveRecord::Base geocoded_by :address translates :city reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude, :address => :full_address after_validation :geocode, if: ->(obj){ obj.country_changed? or obj.territory_changed? or obj.city_changed? or obj.latitude.blank? or obj.longitude.blank? } def address ([city!, territory, country] - [nil, '']).join(', ') end def get_translation(locale) location =, language: locale.to_s).first # if the service lets us down, return nil return nil unless location.present? searched_component = false['address_components'].each do | component | # city is usually labeled a 'locality' but sometimes this is missing and only 'colloquial_area' is present if component['types'].first == 'locality' return component['short_name'] end if component['types'] ==['types'] searched_component = component['short_name'] end end # return the type we searched for but it's still possible that it will be false searched_component end # this method will get called automatically if a translation is asked for but not found def translate_city(locale) translation = get_translation(locale) # if we found it, set it if translation.present? set_column_for_locale(:city, locale, translation) save! end return translation end def cache = # return the city if this search is in our cache return if cache.present? # look up the city in the geocoder location =, language: 'en').first # return nil to indicate that the service is down return nil unless location.present? # see if the city is already present in our database city = City.find_by_place_id(['place_id']) # if we didn't find a match by place id, collect the city, territory, and country from the result unless city.present? # google nsames things differently than we do, we'll look for these itesm component_alises = { 'locality' => :city, 'administrative_area_level_1' => :territory, 'country' => :country } # and populate this map to eventually create the city if we need to city_data = { locale: :en, latitude:['geometry']['location']['lat'], longitude:['geometry']['location']['lng'], place_id:['place_id'] } # these things are definitely not cities, make sure we don't think they're one not_a_city = [ 'administrative_area_level_1', 'country', 'street_address', 'street_number', 'postal_code', 'postal_code_prefix', 'route', 'intersection', 'premise', 'subpremise', 'natural_feature', 'airport', 'park', 'point_of_interest', 'bus_station', 'train_station', 'transit_station', 'room', 'post_box', 'parking', 'establishment', 'floor' ] searched_component = nil['address_components'].each do | component | property = component_alises[component['types'].first] city_data[property] = component['short_name'] if property.present? # ideally we will find the component that is labeled a locality but # if that fails we will select what was searched for, hopefully they searched for a city # and not an address or country # some places are not labeled 'locality', search for 'Halifax NS' for example and you will # get 'administrative_area_level_2' since Halifax is a municipality if component['types'] ==['types'] && !not_a_city.include?(component['types'].first) searched_component = component['short_name'] end end # fall back to the searched component city_data[:city] ||= searched_component # we need to have the city and country at least return false unless city_data[:city].present? && city_data[:country].present? # one last attempt to make sure we don't already have a record of this city city = City.where(city: city_data[:city], territory: city_data[:territory], country: city_data[:country]).first # only if we still can't find the city, then save it as a new one unless city.present? city = # if we found exactly what we were looking for, keep these location details # otherwise we may have searched for 'The Bronx' and set the sity the 'New York' but these details will be about The Bronx # so if we try to show New York on a map it will always point to The Bronx, not very fair to those from Staten Island unless city_data[:city] == searched_component new_location =, language: 'en').first city.latitude =['geometry']['location']['lat'] city.longitude =['geometry']['location']['lng'] city.place_id =['place_id'] end # and create the new city! end end # save this to our cache CityCache.cache(str, # and return it return city end end