# BikeBike # # ENV DATABASE_URL string = https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING # # docker-compose up -d # docker-compose run bikebike rake db:setup # docker-compose run bikebike rake db:migrate # docker-compose run bikebike rake assets:precompile # docker-compose down # docker-compose up # # don't do this because new sprockets and manifest.js isn't precompiling to *css, and breaks the container # -- docker-compose run bikebike rake bumbleberry:update -- version: '3' services: db: container_name: bikebikebike-db image: postgres:9.5 ports: - "5432" restart: always logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "3" volumes: - bikebikebike_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password - POSTGRES_USER=bike_bike - POSTGRES_DB=bike_bike bikebike: build: . image: bikebikebike container_name: bikebikebike networks: letsencrypt: default: command: /bin/sh -c "rm -f /app/BikeBike/tmp/pids/server.pid && rails server -e production -b ''" # Add environment values that are not in .env (environment:) below in the bike_bike_advanced_environment file # Empty file ok, too, or just comment out this section env_file: - bike_bike_advanced_environment # Add your own environment values in .env, or use the default ones environment: - PORT=3000 - DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL:-postgresql://bike_bike:password@db/bike_bike?encoding=unicode&pool=5} - RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production rails assets:precompile.log} - SMTP_ADDRESS=${SMTP_ADDRESS:-fake-smtp.bikebike.org} - SMTP_DOMAIN=${SMTP_DOMAIN:-bikebike.org} - SMTP_PORT=${SMTP_PORT:-587} - SMTP_USER_NAME=${SMTP_USER_NAME:-info@bikebike.org} - SMTP_PASSWORD=${SMTP_PASSWORD:-fake} - DEFAULT_URL=${DEFAULT_URL:-bikebike.org} volumes: - bikebikebike:/app/BikeBike - bikebikebike_bundle:/usr/local/bundle build: . expose: - "3000" links: - db restart: always logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "3" # Create this volumes, docker volume create me # or comment our external volumes: bikebikebike_db: external: true bikebikebike: external: true bikebikebike_bundle: external: true # Remove this network if you don't use it networks: letsencrypt: external: true