require 'forgery' Then /^(?:I )?(?:should )?(not )?see (?:the |an? )?'(.+)' link$/i do |no, item| attempt_to do if no.present? expect(page).not_to have_link item else = first('a', text: item) end end end Then /^(?:I )?(?:should )?(?:still )?(not )?see '(.+)'$/i do |negate, item| attempt_to do expect(page).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, have_text(item)) end end Then /^(?:I )?(?:should )?(?:still )?(not )?see (?:my |the )([^']+)$/i do |negate, item| attempt_to do expect(page).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, have_text(TestState::Values[get_field(item)])) end end Then /^(?:I )?click (?:on )?(?:the )?(a )?'(.+?)'( button| link)?(?: beside '(.+?)')?(?: again)?$/i do |first, item, type, beside| attempt_to do begin root_item = beside.present? ? element_with_text(/#{Regexp.escape(beside)}.*?#{Regexp.escape(item)}/) : page if type.present? type.strip! selector = {button: 'button, a.button', link: 'a'}[type.to_sym] element = root_item.first(selector, text: item) || root_item.first(selector, text: item, visible: false) || root_item.find(selector, text: item) else element = element_with_text(item, root_item) end begin rescue Capybara::Poltergeist::TimeoutError end rescue Exception => e puts text raise e end sleep(1) # let any aimations or page loads to complete end end Then /^(?:I )?press (.+)$/i do |item| attempt_to do text = (item =~ /'(.*)'/ ? $1 : page.find('button[value$="' + item.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]').text) click_link_or_button(text) sleep(1) # let any aimations or page loads to complete end end Then /^(?:I )?(un)?check '(.+)'$/i do |uncheck, text| begin find('.check-box-field label', text: text).click rescue Exception => e # if we didn't find a label with the text, look for an 'Other' option begin find(".check-box-field input[placeholder*='#{text}']").click rescue # if we failed to find that too, raise the original exception raise e end end end Then /^(?:my )?'(.+)' should (not )?be checked$/i do |text, negate| label = find('.check-box-field label', text: text) find("##{label[:for]}", visible: false).send(negate ? :should_not : :should, be_checked) end Then /^(?:I )?(?:select|choose|want) (?:an? |the )?'(.+?)'$/i do |value| option = first('option', text: value) option.first(:xpath, './/..').set(option.value) end Then /^(?:I )?fill in (.+?) with '(.+)'$/i do |field, value| field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') find(selector_for(field)).set value if /email/ =~ field && !(/organization/ =~ field) TestState.last_email_entered = value end end Then /^(?:I )?enter (?:my |an? |some |the )?(.+?)(?: as '(.+)')?$/i do |field, value| field = get_field(field) sel = selector_for(field) element = first(sel, visible: true) || first(sel, visible: false) unless value.present? value = case field when /email(_address)?/ TestState.last_email_entered || Forgery(:internet).email_address when 'name' Forgery(field).full_name when 'city', 'country', 'phone', 'province', 'state' ,'street_address', 'address' aliases = {'address' => 'street_address'} Forgery('address').send((aliases[field] || field).to_sym) when 'subject', 'title' Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence(random: true).gsub(/\.$/, '').titlecase when /(comment|reply)/ Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraphs(2, sentences: 6, random: true) when 'message' Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraphs(2, sentences: 6, random: true) when 'info' Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraphs(rand(1..4), sentences: rand(3..8), random: true) else fail "Unknown selector '#{field}'" end end (TestState::Values[field] = value) element.set value if /email/ =~ field && !(/organization/ =~ field) TestState.last_email_entered = value end end Then /^(?:my )?(.+)? should (not )?be set to (.+)$/i do |field, should, value| field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]').value.send(should.nil? ? 'should' : 'should_not', eq(value)) end Then /^(?:I )?set (.+?) to (.+)$/i do |field, value| field = field.gsub(/^\s*(my|the)\s*(.+)$/, '\2') page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]', :visible => false).set value end Then /^(?:I )?wait for (.+?) to appear$/i do |field| count = 0 element = nil while element.nil? && count < 120 begin element = page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]'); rescue; end begin element ||= page.find('[id$="' + field.gsub(/\s+/, '_') + '"]', :visible => false); rescue; end sleep(1) count += 1 end end Then /^(?:I )?select (.+?) from (.+)$/i do |value, field| select(value, :from => locate(field)) end Then /^in a new session$/i do Capybara.reset_sessions! end Then /^(?:my |the )([A-Z][a-z]+ )?(workshop|conference|user|conference registration) (.+?) should (not )?be '(.+?)'$/i do |locale, type, attribute, negate, value| object = TestState.send("last_#{type.gsub(' ', '_')}") attribute = attribute.gsub(' ', '_').downcase actual_value = locale ? object.get_column_for_locale!(attribute, get_locale(locale)) : object.send(attribute) expect(actual_value).send(negate ? :not_to : :to, (be == value)) end