Given /^(?:I )?(?:(?:am )?on |visit )(?:the |my )(.+) page$/i do |page_name| attempt_to do visit path_to(page_name) end end Given /^(?:(?:I )?am )?on an? (.+) error page$/i do |page_name| case page_name when '404', '500' path = "/error_#{page_name}" when 'locale not available' path = 'locale_not_available_error/tlh' else raise "Unknown error page #{page_name}" end attempt_to do visit path end end Then /^(?:I )?should be on (?:the |an? | my)?(.+) page$/i do |page_name| sleep(1) attempt_to do path = path_to(page_name) path = /(https?\/\/:[^\/]+)?#{Regexp.escape(path)}\/?(\?|#|$)/ unless path.is_a?(Regexp) begin current_url.should match path rescue Exception => e # due to a bug in phantomjs 2.5-development, sometimes postbacks don't work properly, this is a workaround if page.driver.network_traffic.last.url =~ path && page.driver.network_traffic.last.method =~ /^get$/i && page.driver.network_traffic.last.response_parts.present? && page.driver.network_traffic.last.response_parts.first.status == 200 attempt_to do visit page.driver.network_traffic.last.url end else puts "#{page.driver.network_traffic.last.method} #{page.driver.network_traffic.last.url} (#{page.driver.network_traffic.last.response_parts.first.status}) != #{path}" raise e end end end end Given /^I am on the (.+) site$/i do |language| ApplicationController::set_host (get_language_code(language) + '') end Given /^I am in (.+)$/i do |location| ApplicationController::set_location (location) end When /^I go to the (.+) page$/i do |page_name| visit path_to(page_name) end Given /^a location( named .+)? exists?$/i do |title| location = location.conference_id = location.title = title ? title.gsub(/^\s*named\s*(.*?)\s*$/, '\1') : Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence({:random => true}).gsub(/\.$/, '').titlecase TestState.last_location = location end Then /^(?:I )?show the (page|url)$/i do |item| if item == 'url' print current_url else print page.html end end Then /^(?:I )?wait (\d+(?:\.\d+)?) seconds?$/i do |time| sleep time.to_i end Then /^take a screenshot?$/i do page.save_screenshot(File.expand_path('./test.png'), full: true) end When /^(?:I )?re(?:fresh|load) the page$/i do attempt_to do visit current_url end end