- this_is_the_front_page - if @conference = render 'conferences/header' = row do = columns(tag: :article) do %h2=_!@conference.title = @conference.info.html_safe - if @conference.workshops - if @schedule %h3=_'articles.workshops.headings.Schedule' = render 'schedule/programme', :schedule => @schedule, :conference => @conference, :workshops => @workshops, :events => @events, :locations => @locations, :show_interest => true, :day_parts => @day_parts, :show_previews => true - elsif @conference.registration_open %h3=_'articles.workshops.headings.Proposed_Workshops' %p=_'articles.workshops.paragraphs.Proposed_Workshops', "Would you like to facilitate your own workshop? Simply register and visit the workshops page. If you have already registered you can access the page by restarting the registration process." %ul.workshop-list - @conference.workshops.sort_by{ |w| w.title.downcase }.each do |w| %li %h4=w.title .workshop-interest - if w.interested?(current_user) =_'articles.workshops.info.you_are_interested_count', "You and #{w.interested_count - 1} others are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => (w.interested_count - 1)} - elsif w.interested_count > 0 =_'articles.workshops.info.interested_count', "#{w.interested_count} people are interested in this workshop", :vars => {:count => w.interested_count} .workshop-description=markdown w.info