require 'geocoder/calculations' require 'rest_client' class ConferencesController < ApplicationController include ScheduleHelper before_action :set_conference, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy, :registrations] before_filter :authenticate, only: [:registrations] def authenticate auth = get_secure_info(:registrations_access) authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic('Administration') do |username, password| username == auth[:username] && password == auth[:password] end end # GET /conferences # def index # @conference_type = nil # if params['conference_type'] # @conference_type = ConferenceType.find_by!(:slug => params['conference_type']) # @conferences = Conference.where(:conference_type_id => # else # @conferences = Conference.all # end # end # # GET /conferences/1 # def show # end # # GET /conferences/new # def new # @conference = # @conference.build_conference_type # end # # GET /conferences/1/edit # def edit # set_conference # set_conference_registration # raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied unless (current_user && # end # # PATCH/PUT /conferences/1 # def save # set_conference # set_conference_registration # raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied unless (current_user && # = params[:info] # # redirect_to edit_conference_path(@this_conference) # end # def hosts # set_conference # # end # def nonhosts # set_conference # @available_orgs = Organization.where(["id NOT IN (?)", + (params[:added] || [])]) # html = '

Select an Organization

' # @available_orgs.each do |organization| # html += '
' + ( + '
' # end # render :text => (html + '
') # end # def registration # set_conference # @sub_action = 'registration' + (params[:sub_action] ? '_' + params[:sub_action] : '') # if params[:sub_action] == 'form' # @registration_form_field = # @registration_form_fields = RegistrationFormField.where(["id NOT IN (?)",]) # end # end # def register_submit # next_step = nil # if !session[:registration] # session[:registration] = # session[:registration][:path] = # end # case session[:registration_step] || params['step'] # when 'confirm' # if session[:registration][:is_participant] # @registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) # if @registration.completed # complete_registration # next_step = 'thanks' # else # next_step = 'organizations' # end # else # complete_registration # next_step = 'thanks' # end # when 'register' # session[:registration][:email] = params[:email] # registration = ConferenceRegistration.find_by(:email => params[:email]) # if !registration.nil? # session[:registration] = YAML.load( # session[:registration][:registration_id] = # next_step = (registration.completed.blank? && registration.is_participant.present? ? 'organizations' : 'thanks') # else # if !session[:registration][:user] || !session[:registration][:user][:firstname] # user = User.find_by(:email => params[:email]) # session[:registration][:user] = # session[:registration][:user][:id] = user ? : nil # session[:registration][:user][:firstname] = user ? (user.firstname || user.username) : nil # session[:registration][:user][:lastname] = user ? user.lastname : nil # session[:registration][:user][:username] = user ? user.username : nil # end # next_step = 'questions' # end # when 'primary' # if params[:firstname].blank? || params[:lastname].blank? # error = _'registration.register.no_name_error',"Oh, c'mon, please tell us your name. We promise not to share it with anyone, we just don't want to get you mixed up with someone else." # end # if (params[:is_volunteer] || 'false').to_sym != :true && (params[:is_participant] || 'false').to_sym != :true # error ||= _'registration.register.no_role_error',"Please let us know if you're attending the conference or volunteering (or both)" # end # session[:registration][:user][:firstname] = params[:firstname] # session[:registration][:user][:lastname] = params[:lastname] # session[:registration][:is_volunteer] = (params[:is_volunteer] || 'false').to_sym == :true # session[:registration][:is_participant] = (params[:is_participant] || 'false').to_sym == :true # if !session[:registration][:user][:id] # session[:registration][:user][:username] = !error && params[:username].blank? ? (params[:firstname] + ' ' + params[:lastname]) : params[:username] # end # if session[:registration][:is_volunteer] # next_step = 'volunteer_questions' # elsif session[:registration][:is_participant] # next_step = 'questions' # end # when 'organizations' # @registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) # if (params[:org] && params[:org].length > 0) || params[:add_new_org] # session[:registration][:organizations] = # if params[:org] # params[:org].each { |org| session[:registration][:organizations] << (org.is_a?(Array) ? org.first : org).to_i } # end # update_registration_data # if params[:add_new_org] # session[:registration][:new_organization] ||= # session[:registration][:new_organization][0] ||= # session[:registration][:new_org_index] = 0 # if !session[:registration][:new_organization][0][:country] # my_location = lookup_ip_location # session[:registration][:new_organization][0][:country] = my_location.country_code # session[:registration][:new_organization][0][:territory] = my_location.province_code # session[:registration][:new_organization][0][:city] = # end # next_step = 'new_organization' # else # if session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] # next_step = 'new_workshop' # session[:registration][:workshop] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop][0] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop_index] = 0 # else # complete_registration # next_step = 'thanks' # end # end # elsif params[:no_org] # if !session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] # next_step = 'new_workshop' # session[:registration][:workshop] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop][0] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop_index] = 0 # else # complete_registration # next_step = 'thanks' # end # else # error = _'registration.register.no_organization_error',"Please select an organization or enter a new one" # end # when 'new_organization' # if params[:organization_name].blank? # error = _'register.new_organization.no_name_error',"Please tell us your organization's name" # end # if params[:organization_email].blank? # error ||= _'register.new_organization.no_email_error',"Please tell us your organization's email address. We need it so that we can send out invitations for upcoming conferences. No spam, we promise, and you'll be able to edit your preferences before we start ending out email." # elsif params[:organization_email].strip.casecmp(session[:registration][:email].strip) == 0 # error ||= _'register.new_organization.same_email_as_attendee_error',"This email needs to be different than your own personal email, we need to keep in touch with your organization even if you're gone in years to come." # end # if params[:organization_street].blank? # error ||= _'register.new_organization.no_street_error','Please enter your organization\'s street address' # end # if params[:organization_city].blank? # error ||= _'register.new_organization.no_city_error','Please enter your organization\'s city' # end # i = params[:new_org_index].to_i # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:country] = params[:organization_country] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:territory] = params[:organization_territory] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:city] = params[:organization_city] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:street] = params[:organization_street] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:info] = params[:organization_info] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:email] = params[:organization_email] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:name] = params[:organization_name] # if params[:logo] && !session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:saved] # begin # if session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:logo] # FileUtils.rm session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:logo] # end # rescue; end # base_dir = File.join("public", "registration_data") # FileUtils.mkdir_p(base_dir) unless # hash_dir = rand_hash # dir = File.join(base_dir, hash_dir) # while # hash_dir = rand_hash # dir = File.join(base_dir, hash_dir) # end # FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) # session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:logo] = File.join("registration_data", hash_dir, params[:logo].original_filename) # FileUtils.cp params[:logo].tempfile.path, File.join("public", session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:logo]) # end # update_registration_data # if params[:add_another_org] && params[:add_another_org].to_sym == :true # next_step = 'new_organization' # if params[:previous] # session[:registration][:new_org_index] = [0, i - 1].max # elsif !error # session[:registration][:new_org_index] = i + 1 # session[:registration][:new_organization][i + 1] ||= # if !session[:registration][:new_organization][i + 1][:country] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i + 1][:country] = session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:country] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i + 1][:territory] = session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:territory] # session[:registration][:new_organization][i + 1][:city] = session[:registration][:new_organization][i][:city] # end # end # else # if session[:registration][:new_organization][i + 1] # session[:registration][:new_organization] = session[:registration][:new_organization].first(i + 1) # end # if session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] # next_step = 'new_workshop' # session[:registration][:workshop] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop][0] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop_index] = 0 # else # complete_registration # next_step = 'thanks' # end # end # when 'questions' # if params[:firstname].blank? || params[:lastname].blank? # error = _'registration.register.no_name_error',"Oh, c'mon, please tell us your name. We promise not to share it with anyone, we just don't want to get you mixed up with someone else." # end # session[:registration][:user][:firstname] = params[:firstname] # session[:registration][:user][:lastname] = params[:lastname] # session[:registration][:is_volunteer] = false # session[:registration][:is_participant] = true # if !session[:registration][:user][:id] # session[:registration][:user][:username] = !error && params[:username].blank? ? (params[:firstname] + ' ' + params[:lastname]) : params[:username] # end # session[:registration][:questions] = params[:questions].deep_symbolize_keys # session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] = !params[:is_workshop_host] # next_step = 'organizations' # if params[:cancel].blank?#params[:submit] || params[:next] # if !session[:registration][:organizations] # user = User.find_by(:email => session[:registration][:email]) # session[:registration][:organizations] = # if user # user.organizations.each { |org| session[:registration][:organizations] << } # end # end # create_registration # end # when 'volunteer_questions' # session[:registration][:volunteer_questions] = params[:volunteer_questions].deep_symbolize_keys # if session[:registration][:is_participant] # next_step = 'questions' # else # create_registration # next_step = 'thanks' # end # when 'new_workshop' # i = params[:workshop_index].to_i # session[:registration][:workshop][i][:title] = params[:workshop_title] # session[:registration][:workshop][i][:info] = params[:workshop_info] # session[:registration][:workshop][i][:stream] = params[:workshop_stream] # session[:registration][:workshop][i][:presentation_style] = params[:workshop_presentation_style] # session[:registration][:workshop][i][:notes] = params[:workshop_notes] # if params[:workshop_title].blank? # error = _'registration.register.no_workshop_title_error','Please give your workshop a title' # end # if params[:workshop_info].blank? # error ||= _'registration.register.no_workshop_info_error','Please describe your workshop as best as you can to give other participants an idea of what to expect' # end # update_registration_data # if params[:previous] # session[:registration][:workshop_index] = [0, i - 1].max # elsif params[:add_another_workshop] # next_step = 'new_workshop' # if !error # session[:registration][:workshop] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop][i + 1] ||= # session[:registration][:workshop_index] = i + 1 # end # else # if session[:registration][:workshop][i + 1] # session[:registration][:workshop] = session[:registration][:workshop].first(i + 1) # end # next_step = 'thanks' # complete_registration # end # when 'thanks' # @registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) # if @registration.is_confirmed.blank? # send_confirmation # end # next_step = 'thanks' # when 'cancel' # if params[:yes] # session.delete(:registration) # next_step = 'cancelled' # else # return {error: false, next_step: session[:registration][:path].pop} # end # when 'already_registered' # send_confirmation # next_step = 'thanks' # when 'paypal-confirmed' # @registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) # next_step = 'confirm_payment' # when 'confirm_payment' # @registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) # if params[:confirm_payment] # info = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info) # amount = nil # status = nil # if is_test? # status = info[:status] # amount = info[:amount] # else # paypal = PayPal!.checkout!(info[:token], info[:payer_id], PayPalRequest(info[:amount])) # status = paypal.payment_info.first.payment_status # amount = # end # if status == 'Completed' # @registration.registration_fees_paid = amount #! # end # end # next_step = 'thanks' # when 'pay_now', 'payment-confirmed', 'paypal-cancelled' # next_step = 'thanks' # end # session.delete(:registration_step) # #if params[:previous] # # next_step = session[:registration][:path].pop # #else # if !params[:cancel] && error # return {error: true, message: error, next_step: params['step']} # end # if session[:registration] && session[:registration][:path] && params['step'] # session[:registration][:path] << params['step'] # end # #end # {error: false, next_step: params[:cancel] ? 'cancel' : next_step} # end # def broadcast # set_conference # set_conference_registration # raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied unless (current_user && # @subject = params[:subject] # @content = params[:content] # if # if params[:button] == 'edit' # @email_sent = :edit # elsif params[:button] == 'test' # @email_sent = :test # UserMailer.delay.broadcast( # "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}", # @subject, # @content, # current_user, # @this_conference) # elsif params[:button] == 'preview' # @email_sent = :preview # elsif params[:button] == 'send' # ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => do |r| # if r.user_id # UserMailer.broadcast("#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}", # @subject, # @content, # User.find(r.user_id), # @this_conference).deliver_later # end # end # @email_sent = :yes # end # end # end # def stats # set_conference # set_conference_registration # raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied unless (current_user && # @registrations = ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => # @total_registrations = 0 # @donation_count = 0 # @total_donations = 0 # @housing = {} # @bikes = {} # @bike_count = 0 # @languages = {} # @food = {} # @allergies = [] # @other = [] # if request.format.xls? # "Generating stats.xls" # @excel_data = { # :columns => [:name, :email, :city, :date, :languages, :arrival, :departure, :housing, :companion, :bike, :food, :allergies, :other, :fees_paid], # :key => 'articles.conference_registration.headings', # :data => [] # } # end # @registrations.each do |r| # if r && r.is_attending # begin # @total_registrations += 1 # @donation_count += 1 if r.registration_fees_paid # @total_donations += r.registration_fees_paid unless r.registration_fees_paid.blank? # unless r.housing.blank? # @housing[r.housing.to_sym] ||= 0 # @housing[r.housing.to_sym] += 1 # end # unless # @bikes[] ||= 0 # @bikes[] += 1 # @bike_count += 1 unless == :none # end # unless # @food[] ||= 0 # @food[] += 1 # end # @allergies << r.allergies unless r.allergies.blank? # @other << r.other unless r.other.blank? # JSON.parse(r.languages).each do |l| # @languages[l.to_sym] ||= 0 # @languages[l.to_sym] += 1 # end unless r.languages.blank? # if @excel_data # user = r.user_id ? User.find(r.user_id) : nil # @excel_data[:data] << { # :name => (user ? user.firstname : nil) || '', # :email => (user ? : nil) || '', # :date => r.created_at ? r.created_at.strftime("%F %T") : '', # :city => || '', # :languages => ((JSON.parse(r.languages || '[]').map { |x| I18n.t"languages.#{x}" }).join(', ').to_s), # :arrival => r.arrival ? r.arrival.strftime("%F %T") : '', # :departure => r.departure ? r.departure.strftime("%F %T") : '', # :housing => (I18n.t"articles.conference_registration.questions.housing.#{r.housing || 'none'}"), # :companion => (r.housing_data[:companions] || []).join(', '), # :bike => (I18n.t"{ || 'none'}"), # :food => (I18n.t"{ || 'meat'}"), # :fees_paid => (r.registration_fees_paid || 0.0), # :allergies => r.allergies || '', # :other => r.other || '' # } # end # rescue => error # "Error adding row to stats.xls: #{error.message}" # error.backtrace.join("\n\t") # end # end # end # if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == 'test' && request.format.xls? # "Rendering stats.xls as HTML" # request.format = :html # respond_to do |format| # format.html { render :file => 'application/excel.xls.haml', :formats => [:xls] } # end # return # end # "Rendering stats.xls" if request.format.xls? # respond_to do |format| # format.html # format.text { render :text => content } # format.xls { render 'application/excel' } # end # end def register # is_post = || session[:registration_step] set_conference @register_template = nil if logged_in? set_or_create_conference_registration @name = current_user.firstname # we should phase out last names @name += " #{current_user.lastname}" if current_user.lastname @name ||= current_user.username @is_host = current_user else @register_template = :confirm_email end steps = nil return do_404 unless registration_steps.present? @register_template = :administration if params[:admin_step].present? @errors = {} @warnings = [] form_step = params[:button] ? params[:button].to_sym : nil # process any data that was passed to us if form_step if form_step.to_s =~ /^prev_(.+)$/ steps = registration_steps @register_template = steps[steps.find_index($1.to_sym) - 1] elsif form_step == :paypal_confirm if @registration.present? && @registration.payment_confirmation_token == params[:confirmation_token] # if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' # @amount = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info)[:amount] # else @amount = PayPal!.details(params[:token]) # testing this does't work in test but it works in devo and prod @registration.payment_info = {:payer_id => params[:PayerID], :token => params[:token], :amount => @amount}.to_yaml # end @amount = (@amount * 100).to_i.to_s.gsub(/^(.*)(\d\d)$/, '\1.\2')! @register_template = :paypal_confirm end @register_template = :paypal_confirm elsif form_step == :paypal_confirmed #@register_template = :paypal_confirm info = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info) @amount = nil status = nil if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' status = info[:status] @amount = info[:amount] else paypal = PayPal!.checkout!(info[:token], info[:payer_id], PayPalRequest(info[:amount])) status = paypal.payment_info.first.payment_status @amount = end if status == 'Completed' @registration.registration_fees_paid ||= 0 @registration.registration_fees_paid += @amount! else @errors = :incomplete @register_template = :payment end else case form_step when :confirm_email return do_confirm when :contact_info if params[:name].present? && params[:name].gsub(/[\s\W]/, '').present? current_user.firstname = params[:name].squish current_user.lastname = nil else @errors[:name] = :empty end if params[:location].present? && params[:location].gsub(/[\s\W]/, '').present? && (l =[:location], language: 'en')).present? corrected = view_context.location(l.first) if corrected.present? = corrected if params[:location].gsub(/[\s,]/, '').downcase !=[\s,]/, '').downcase @warnings << view_context._('warnings.messages.location_corrected',"Your location was corrected from \"#{params[:location]}\" to \"#{corrected}\". If this doesn't reflect your intended location, you can change this again in the contact info step.", vars: {original: params[:location], corrected: corrected}) end else @errors[:location] = :unknown end else @errors[:location] = :empty end if params[:languages].present? current_user.languages = params[:languages].keys else @errors[:languages] = :empty end! unless @errors.present? when :hosting @registration.can_provide_housing = params[:can_provide_housing].present? @registration.housing_data = { address: params[:address], phone: params[:phone], space: { bed_space: params[:bed_space], floor_space: params[:floor_space], tent_space: params[:tent_space], }, considerations: (params[:considerations] || {}).keys, availability: [ params[:first_day], params[:last_day] ], notes: params[:notes] } when :questions @registration.housing = params[:housing] @registration.arrival = params[:arrival] @registration.departure = params[:departure] @registration.housing_data = { companions: [ params[:companion] ] } = params[:bike] = params[:food] @registration.allergies = params[:allergies] @registration.other = params[:other] when :payment amount = params[:amount].to_f if amount > 0 @registration.payment_confirmation_token = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' ? 'token' : Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(rand( * 1000000).to_i.to_s) host = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" response = PayPal!.setup( PayPalRequest(amount), register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_confirm, @registration.payment_confirmation_token), register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_cancel, @registration.payment_confirmation_token), noshipping: true, version: 204 ) if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != 'test' redirect_to response.redirect_uri end return end end if @errors.present? @register_template = form_step else unless @registration.nil? steps = registration_steps @register_template = steps[steps.find_index(form_step) + 1] # have we reached a new level? unless @registration.steps_completed.include? form_step.to_s @registration.steps_completed ||= [] @registration.steps_completed << form_step # workshops is the last step if @register_template == :workshops UserMailer.send_mail :registration_confirmation do { :args => @registration } end end end! end end end end steps ||= registration_steps # make sure we're on a valid step @register_template ||= (params[:step] || current_step).to_sym if logged_in? && @register_template != :paypal_confirm # if we're logged in if !steps.include?(@register_template) # and we are not viewing a valid step return redirect_to register_path(@this_conference.slug) elsif @register_template != current_step && !registration_complete? && !@registration.steps_completed.include?(@register_template.to_s) # or the step hasn't been reached, registration is not yet complete, and we're not viewing the latest incomplete step return redirect_to register_path(@this_conference.slug) end # then we'll redirect to the current registration step end # prepare the form case @register_template when :questions @registration.housing_data ||= { } when :workshops @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Workshops' # initalize our arrays @my_workshops = @workshops_in_need = @workshops = # put wach workshop into the correct array Workshop.where(conference_id: do | workshop | if workshop.creator?(current_user) || workshop.collaborator?(current_user) @my_workshops << workshop elsif workshop.needs_facilitators @workshops_in_need << workshop else @workshops << workshop end end # sort the arrays by name @my_workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @workshops_in_need.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } when :contact_info @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Contact_Info' when :hosting @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Hosting' @hosting_data = @registration.housing_data || {} @hosting_data['space'] ||= @hosting_data['availability'] ||= @hosting_data['considerations'] ||= when :policy @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Policy_Agreement' when :administration @admin_step = params[:admin_step] || 'edit' return do_404 unless view_context.valid_admin_steps.include?(@admin_step.to_sym) @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Administration' case @admin_step.to_sym when :stats @registrations = ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => if request.format.xlsx? "Generating stats.xls" @excel_data = { columns: [:name, :email, :city, :date, :languages], column_types: {date: :date}, keys: { name: '', email: '', city: 'forms.labels.generic.location', date: 'articles.conference_registration.terms.Date', languages: 'articles.conference_registration.terms.Languages' }, data: [], } @registrations.each do | r | user = r.user_id ? User.where(id: r.user_id).first : nil if user.present? @excel_data[:data] << { name: user.firstname || '', email: || '', date: r.created_at ? r.created_at.strftime("%F %T") : '', city: || '', languages: ((r.languages || []).map { |x| view_context.language x }).join(', ').to_s } end end return respond_to do | format | # format.html format.xlsx { render xlsx: :stats, filename: "stats-#{'%Y-%m-%d')}" } end else @registration_count = @registrations.size @bikes = @registrations.count { |r| == 'yes' } @donation_count =0 @donations = 0 @food = { meat: 0, vegan: 0, vegetarian: 0, all: 0 } @registrations.each do | r | if @food[] += 1 @food[:all] += 1 end if r.registration_fees_paid.present? && r.registration_fees_paid > 0 @donation_count += 1 @donations += r.registration_fees_paid end end end when :housing # do a full analysis analyze_housing when :locations @locations = EventLocation.where(:conference_id => when :events @event = I18n.locale) @events = Event.where(:conference_id => @day = nil @time = nil @length = 1.5 when :meals @meals = Hash[(@this_conference.meals || {}).map{ |k, v| [k.to_i, v] }].sort.to_h when :workshop_times get_block_data @workshop_blocks << { 'time' => nil, 'length' => 1.0, 'days' => [] } when :schedule @can_edit = true @entire_page = true get_scheule_data end when :done @amount = ((@registration.registration_fees_paid || 0) * 100).to_i.to_s.gsub(/^(.*)(\d\d)$/, '\1.\2') end end def get_housing_data @hosts = {} @guests = {} ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => do | registration | if registration.can_provide_housing @hosts[] = registration else @guests[] = registration end end end def analyze_housing get_housing_data unless @hosts.present? && @guests.present? @housing_data = {} @hosts_affected_by_guests = {} @hosts.each do | id, host | @hosts[id].housing_data ||= {} @housing_data[id] = { guests: {}, space: {} } @hosts[id].housing_data['space'] ||= {} @hosts[id].housing_data['space'].each do | s, size | size = (size || 0).to_i @housing_data[id][:guests][s.to_sym] = {} @housing_data[id][:space][s.to_sym] = size end end @guests.each do | guest_id, guest | data = guest.housing_data || {} @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id] ||= [] if data['host'] host_id = (data['host'].present? ? data['host'].to_i : nil) host = host_id.present? ? @hosts[host_id] : nil # make sure the host was found and that they are still accepting guests if host.present? && host.can_provide_housing @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id] << host_id space = (data['space'] || :bed).to_sym @housing_data[host_id] ||= {} host_data = host.housing_data unless @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space].present? @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:space][space] ||= 0 end @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space][guest_id] = { guest: guest } # make sure the host isn't overbooked space_available = ((host_data['space'] || {})[space.to_s] || 0).to_i if @housing_data[host_id][:guests][space].size > space_available @housing_data[host_id][:warnings] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:warnings][:space] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:warnings][:space][space] ||= [] @housing_data[host_id][:warnings][:space][space] << :overbooked end companions = data['companions'] || [] companions.each do | companion | user = User.find_by_email(companion) if user.present? reg = ConferenceRegistration.find_by( :user_id =>, :conference_id => ) housing_data = reg.housing_data || {} companion_host = housing_data['host'].present? ? housing_data['host'].to_i : nil if companion_host.blank? @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id] << companion_host if companion_host != host_id # set this as an error if the guest has selected only one other to stay with, but if they have requested to stay with more, make this only a warning status = companions.size > 1 ? :warnings : :errors @housing_data[host_id][:guests][guest][status] ||= {} @housing_data[host_id][:guests][guest][status][:companions] ||= [] @housing_data[host_id][:guests][guest][status][:companions] << end end end end else # make sure the housing data is empty if the host wasn't found, just in case something happened to the host @guests[guest_id].housing_data ||= {} @guests[guest_id].housing_data['host'] = nil @guests[guest_id].housing_data['space'] = nil end end end return @hosts_affected_by_guests end def admin_update set_conference # set_conference_registration return do_403 unless current_user # set the page title in case we render instead of redirecting @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Administration' @register_template = :administration @admin_step = params[:admin_step] case params[:admin_step] when 'edit' case params[:button] when 'save' @this_conference.registration_status = params[:registration_status] =[:info]) unless! == params[:info] params[:info_translations].each do | locale, value | @this_conference.set_column_for_locale(:info, locale, value, unless value == @this_conference._info(locale) end @this_conference.paypal_email_address = params[:paypal_email_address] @this_conference.paypal_username = params[:paypal_username] @this_conference.paypal_password = params[:paypal_password] @this_conference.paypal_signature = params[:paypal_signature] return redirect_to register_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :administration) when 'add_member' org = nil @this_conference.organizations.each do | organization | org = organization if == params[:org_id].to_i end org.users << (User.get params[:email]) return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :edit) end when 'housing' space = params[:button].split(':')[0] host_id = params[:button].split(':')[1].to_i guest_id = params[:guest_id].to_i get_housing_data # modify the guest data @guests[guest_id].housing_data ||= {} @guests[guest_id].housing_data['space'] = space @guests[guest_id].housing_data['host'] = host_id @guests[guest_id].save! if request.xhr? analyze_housing # get the hosts that need updating affected_hosts = {} affected_hosts[host_id] = @hosts[host_id] if params['affected-hosts'].present? params['affected-hosts'].split(',').each do | id | affected_hosts[id.to_i] = @hosts[id.to_i] end end @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id].each do | id | affected_hosts[id] ||= @hosts[id] end json = { hosts: {}, affected_hosts: @hosts_affected_by_guests } puts @hosts_affected_by_guests[guest_id].to_json.to_s affected_hosts.each do | id, host | json[:hosts][id] = view_context.host_guests_widget(host) end return render json: json end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :housing) when 'broadcast' @subject = params[:subject] @body = params[:body] @register_template = :administration if params[:button] == 'send' return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :broadcast_sent) elsif params[:button] == 'preview' @broadcast_step = :preview elsif params[:button] == 'test' @broadcast_step = :test UserMailer.delay.broadcast( "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}", @subject, @body, current_user, @this_conference) end return render 'conferences/register' when 'locations' case params[:button] when 'edit' @location = EventLocation.find_by! id: params[:id].to_i, conference_id: return render 'conferences/register' when 'save' location = EventLocation.find_by! id: params[:id].to_i, conference_id: location.title = params[:title] location.address = params[:address] location.amenities = (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json = params[:space]! return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) when 'cancel' return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) when 'delete' location = EventLocation.find_by! id: params[:id].to_i, conference_id: location.destroy return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) when 'create' EventLocation.create( conference_id:, title: params[:title], address: params[:address], amenities: (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json, space: params[:space] ) return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :locations) end when 'meals' case params[:button] when 'add_meal' @this_conference.meals ||= {} @this_conference.meals[(Date.parse(params[:day]) + params[:time].to_f.hours).to_time.to_i] = { title: params[:title], info: params[:info], location: params[:event_location], day: params[:day], time: params[:time] }! return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :meals) when 'delete' @this_conference.meals ||= {} @this_conference.meals.delete params[:meal]! return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :meals) end when 'events' case params[:button] when 'edit' @event = Event.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) @day = @event.start_time.midnight @time = view_context.hour_span(@day, @event.start_time) @length = view_context.hour_span(@event.start_time, @event.end_time) return render 'conferences/register' when 'save' if params[:id].present? event = Event.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) else event =, locale: I18n.locale) end # save title and info event.title =[:title]) unless event.title! == params[:title] =[:info]) unless! == params[:info] # save schedule data event.event_location_id = params[:event_location] event.start_time = Date.parse(params[:day]) + params[:time].to_f.hours event.end_time = event.start_time + params[:time_span].to_f.hours # save translations (params[:info_translations] || {}).each do | locale, value | event.set_column_for_locale(:title, locale, value, unless value = event._title(locale) event.set_column_for_locale(:info, locale, value, unless value = event._info(locale) end return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :events) end when 'workshop_times' case params[:button] when 'save_block' @this_conference.workshop_blocks ||= [] @this_conference.workshop_blocks[params[:workshop_block].to_i] = { 'time' => params[:time], 'length' => params[:time_span], 'days' => params[:days].keys } return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :workshop_times) end when 'schedule' success = false case params[:button] when 'schedule_workshop' workshop = Workshop.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) booked = false workshop.event_location_id = params[:event_location] block_data = params[:workshop_block].split(':') workshop.block = { day: block_data[0].to_i, block: block_data[1].to_i } # make sure this spot isn't already taken Workshop.where(:conference_id => do | w | if request.xhr? if w.block.present? && != && w.block['day'] == workshop.block['day'] && w.block['block'] == workshop.block['block'] && w.event_location_id == workshop.event_location_id return render json: [ { selector: '.already-booked', className: 'already-booked is-true' } ] end else return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule) end end! success = true when 'deschedule_workshop' workshop = Workshop.find_by!(conference_id:, id: params[:id]) workshop.event_location_id = nil workshop.block = nil! success = true when 'publish' @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published = !@this_conference.workshop_schedule_published return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule) end if success if request.xhr? @can_edit = true @entire_page = false get_scheule_data schedule = render_to_string partial: 'conferences/admin/schedule' return render json: [ { globalSelector: '#schedule-preview', html: schedule }, { globalSelector: "#workshop-#{}", className: workshop.block.present? ? 'booked' : 'not-booked' }, { globalSelector: "#workshop-#{} .already-booked", className: 'already-booked' } ] else return redirect_to administration_step_path(@this_conference.slug, :schedule) end end end do_404 end # def registrations # registrations = ConferenceRegistration.where(:conference_id => # @registrations = registrations # end # def register_confirm # set_conference # @conference_registration = ConferenceRegistration.find_by(confirmation_token: params[:confirmation_token]) # if !@conference_registration.nil? && @conference_registration.conference_id == && !@conference_registration.complete # @conference_registration.is_confirmed = true #! # session[:registration] = YAML.load( # session[:registration][:path] = # session[:registration][:registration_id] = # session[:registration_step] = 'confirm' # redirect_to action: 'register' # else # return do_404 # end # end # def register_pay_registration # set_conference # @conference_registration = ConferenceRegistration.find_by(confirmation_token: params[:confirmation_token]) # host = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" # if !@conference_registration.nil? && @conference_registration.conference_id == && @conference_registration.complete # amount = (params[:auto_payment_amount] || params[:payment_amount]).to_f # if amount > 0 # response = PayPal!.setup( # PayPalRequest(amount), # host + (@conference.url + "/register/paypal-confirm/#{@conference_registration.payment_confirmation_token}/").gsub(/\/\/+/, '/'), # host + (@conference.url + "/register/paypal-cancel/#{@conference_registration.confirmation_token}/").gsub(/\/\/+/, '/') # ) # redirect_to response.redirect_uri # else # session[:registration] = YAML.load( # session[:registration][:registration_id] = # session[:registration][:path] = # session[:registration_step] = 'pay_now' # redirect_to action: 'register' # end # else # return do_404 # end # end # def register_paypal_confirm # set_conference # @conference_registration = ConferenceRegistration.find_by(payment_confirmation_token: params[:confirmation_token]) # if !@conference_registration.nil? && @conference_registration.conference_id == && @conference_registration.complete && @conference_registration.registration_fees_paid.nil? # if !is_test? # #@conference_registration.payment_info = {:payer_id => '1234', :token => '5678', :amount => '0.00'}.to_yaml # #else # @conference_registration.payment_info = {:payer_id => params[:PayerID], :token => params[:token], :amount => PayPal!.details(params[:token])}.to_yaml #! # end # session[:registration] = YAML.load( # session[:registration][:registration_id] = # session[:registration][:path] = # session[:registration_step] = 'paypal-confirmed' # redirect_to action: 'register' # else # return do_404 # end # end # def register_paypal_cancel # set_conference # @conference_registration = ConferenceRegistration.find_by(confirmation_token: params[:confirmation_token]) # if !@conference_registration.nil? && @conference_registration.conference_id == && @conference_registration.complete && @conference_registration.payment_info.nil? # session[:registration] = YAML.load( # redirect_to action: 'register' # end # end # def register_step # set_conference # data = params # if params[:conference][:user][:email] # user = User.find_by(:email => params[:conference][:user][:email]) # data[:conference][:user][:username] = user.username # end # render json: data # end # def add_field # set_conference # field = RegistrationFormField.find(params[:field]) # @conference.registration_form_fields << field # @registration_form_fields = RegistrationFormField.where(["id NOT IN (?)",]) # form = render_to_string :partial => 'registration_form_fields/conference_form' # list = render_to_string :partial => 'registration_form_fields/list' # render json: {form: form, list: list} # end # def remove_field # set_conference # field = RegistrationFormField.find(params[:field]) # @conference.registration_form_fields.delete(field) # @registration_form_fields = RegistrationFormField.where(["id NOT IN (?)",]) # form = render_to_string :partial => 'registration_form_fields/conference_form' # list = render_to_string :partial => 'registration_form_fields/list' # render json: {form: form, list: list} # end # def reorder # set_conference # params[:registration_form_field_id].each do |key, value| # update_field_position(value.to_i, params[:position][key].to_i) # end # render json: [].to_json # end # def form # set_conference # end def workshops set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => @my_workshops = Workshop.joins(:workshop_facilitators).where(:workshop_facilitators => {:user_id =>}, :conference_id => render 'workshops/index' end def view_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop @translations_available_for_editing = [] I18n.backend.enabled_locales.each do |locale| @translations_available_for_editing << locale if @workshop.can_translate?(current_user, locale) end @page_title = 'page_titles.conferences.View_Workshop' render 'workshops/show' end def create_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = @languages = [I18n.locale.to_sym] @needs = [] @page_title = 'page_titles.conferences.Create_Workshop' render 'workshops/new' end def translate_workshop @is_translating = true @translation = params[:locale] @page_title = 'page_titles.conferences.Translate_Workshop' @page_title_vars = { language: view_context.language_name(@translation) } edit_workshop end def edit_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop.present? @page_title ||= 'page_titles.conferences.Edit_Workshop' @can_edit = @workshop.can_edit?(current_user) @is_translating ||= false if @is_translating return do_404 if @translation.to_s == @workshop.locale.to_s || !I18n.backend.enabled_locales.include?(@translation.to_s) return do_403 unless @workshop.can_translate?(current_user, @translation) @title = @workshop._title(@translation) @info = @workshop._info(@translation) else return do_403 unless @can_edit @title = @workshop.title @info = end @needs = JSON.parse(@workshop.needs || '[]').map &:to_sym @languages = JSON.parse(@workshop.languages || '[]').map &:to_sym @space = if @theme = @workshop.theme.to_sym if @workshop.theme @notes = @workshop.notes render 'workshops/new' end def delete_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop.present? return do_403 unless @workshop.can_delete?(current_user) if if params[:button] == 'confirm' if @workshop @workshop.workshop_facilitators.destroy_all @workshop.destroy end return redirect_to workshops_url end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end render 'workshops/delete' end def save_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! if params[:button].to_sym != :save if params[:workshop_id].present? return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, params[:workshop_id]) end return redirect_to register_step_path(@this_conference.slug, 'workshops') end if params[:workshop_id].present? workshop = Workshop.find(params[:workshop_id]) return do_404 unless workshop.present? can_edit = workshop.can_edit?(current_user) else workshop = => workshop.workshop_facilitators = [ =>, :role => :creator)] can_edit = true end title = params[:title] info = params[:info].gsub(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, '\1') if params[:translation].present? && workshop.can_translate?(current_user, params[:translation]) old_title = workshop._title(params[:translation]) old_info = workshop._info(params[:translation]) do_save = false unless title == old_title workshop.set_column_for_locale(:title, params[:translation], title, do_save = true end unless info == old_info workshop.set_column_for_locale(:info, params[:translation], info, do_save = true end # only save if the text has changed, if we want to make sure only to update the translator id if necessary workshop.save_translations if do_save elsif can_edit workshop.title = title = info workshop.languages = (params[:languages] || {}).keys.to_json workshop.needs = (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json workshop.theme = params[:theme] == 'other' ? params[:other_theme] : params[:theme] = params[:space] workshop.notes = params[:notes] workshop.needs_facilitators = params[:needs_facilitators].present? # Rouge nil facilitators have been know to be created, just destroy them here now WorkshopFacilitator.where(:user_id => nil).destroy_all else return do_403 end redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end def toggle_workshop_interest set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop # save the current state interested = workshop.interested? current_user # remove all associated fields WorkshopInterest.delete_all(:workshop_id =>, :user_id => # creat the new interest row if we weren't interested before WorkshopInterest.create(:workshop_id =>, :user_id => unless interested if request.xhr? render json: [ { selector: '.interest-button', html: view_context.interest_button(workshop) }, { selector: '.interest-text', html: view_context.interest_text(workshop) } ] else # go back to the workshop redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end end def facilitate_workshop set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop return do_403 if @workshop.facilitator?(current_user) || !current_user render 'workshops/facilitate' end def facilitate_request set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop return do_403 if workshop.facilitator?(current_user) || !current_user # create the request by making the user a facilitator but making their role 'requested' WorkshopFacilitator.create(user_id:, workshop_id:, role: :requested) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request do { :args => [ workshop, current_user, params[:message] ] } end redirect_to sent_facilitate_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end def sent_facilitate_request set_conference set_conference_registration! @workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless @workshop return do_403 unless @workshop.requested_collaborator?(current_user) render 'workshops/facilitate_request_sent' end def approve_facilitate_request return do_403 unless logged_in? set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop.present? user_id = params[:user_id].to_i action = params[:approve_or_deny].to_sym user = User.find(user_id) case action when :approve if workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) && workshop.requested_collaborator?(User.find(user_id)) f = WorkshopFacilitator.find_by_workshop_id_and_user_id(, user_id) f.role = :collaborator UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request_approved do { :args => [ workshop, user ] } end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end when :deny if workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) && workshop.requested_collaborator?(User.find(user_id)) WorkshopFacilitator.delete_all( :workshop_id =>, :user_id => user_id) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request_denied do { :args => [ workshop, user ] } end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end when :remove if workshop.can_remove?(current_user, user) WorkshopFacilitator.delete_all( :workshop_id =>, :user_id => user_id) return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end when :switch_ownership if workshop.creator?(current_user) f = WorkshopFacilitator.find_by_workshop_id_and_user_id(, f.role = :collaborator f = WorkshopFacilitator.find_by_workshop_id_and_user_id(, user_id) f.role = :creator return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, end end return do_403 end def add_workshop_facilitator user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) || User.create(email: params[:email]) set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop && current_user unless workshop.facilitator?(user) WorkshopFacilitator.create(user_id:, workshop_id:, role: :collaborator) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_facilitator_request_approved do { :args => [ workshop, user ] } end end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug, params[:workshop_id]) end def add_comment set_conference set_conference_registration! workshop = Workshop.find_by_id_and_conference_id(params[:workshop_id], return do_404 unless workshop && current_user if params[:button] == 'reply' comment = Comment.find_by!(id: params[:comment_id].to_i, model_type: :workshops, model_id: new_comment = comment.add_comment(current_user, params[:reply]) UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_comment do [ workshop, new_comment, comment.user ] end elsif params[:button] = 'add_comment' new_comment = workshop.add_comment(current_user, params[:comment]) workshop.active_facilitators.each do | u | UserMailer.send_mail :workshop_comment do [ workshop, new_comment, u ] end end else return do_404 end return redirect_to view_workshop_url(@this_conference.slug,, anchor: "comment-#{}") end # def schedule # set_conference # return do_404 unless @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published || # @events = Event.where(:conference_id => :asc) # @locations = EventLocation.where(:conference_id => # render 'schedule/show' # end # def edit_schedule # set_conference # return do_404 unless # @workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => # @events = Event.where(:conference_id => # if session[:workshops] # (0...@workshops.count).each do |i| # id = @workshops[i].id # w = session[:workshops][id.to_s] # if w # @workshops[i].start_time = w[:start_time] # @workshops[i].end_time = w[:end_time] # @workshops[i].event_location_id = w[:event_location_id] # end # end # end # if session[:events] # (0...@events.count).each do |i| # id = @events[i].id # w = session[:events][id.to_s] # if w # @events[i].start_time = w[:start_time] # @events[i].end_time = w[:end_time] # @events[i].event_location_id = w[:event_location_id] # end # end # end # @locations = EventLocation.where(:conference_id => # @location_hash = # @locations.each do |l| # @location_hash[] = l # end # @days = # start_day = @this_conference.start_date.strftime('%u').to_i # end_day = start_day + ((@this_conference.end_date - @this_conference.start_date) / 86400) # (start_day..end_day).each do |i| # @days << [(@this_conference.start_date + (i - start_day).days).strftime('%a'), ((i + 1) - start_day)] # end # @hours = # (0..48).each do |i| # hour = ( + (i / 2.0).hours).strftime('%R') # @hours << hour # end # @event_durations = [['30 mins', 30], ['1 hour', 60], ['1.5 hours', 90], ['2 hours', 120], ['2.5 hours', 150]] # @workshop_durations = [['1 hour', 60], ['1.5 hours', 90], ['2 hours', 120]] # schedule_data = get_schedule_data # @schedule = schedule_data[:schedule] # @errors = schedule_data[:errors] # @warnings = schedule_data[:warnings] # @conflict_score = schedule_data[:conflict_score] # @error_count = schedule_data[:error_count] # if session[:day_parts] # @day_parts = JSON.parse(session[:day_parts]) # elsif @this_conference.day_parts # @day_parts = JSON.parse(@this_conference.day_parts) # else # @day_parts = {:morning => 0, :afternoon => 13, :evening => 18} # end # @saved = session[:workshops].nil? # render 'schedule/edit' # end # def save_schedule # set_conference # return do_404 unless # @days = # start_day = @this_conference.start_date.strftime('%u').to_i # end_day = start_day + ((@this_conference.end_date - @this_conference.start_date) / 86400) # (start_day..end_day).each do |i| # @days << [(@this_conference.start_date + (i - start_day).days).strftime('%a'), i] # end # @workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => # @events = Event.where(:conference_id => # @locations = EventLocation.where(:conference_id => # do_save = (params[:button] == 'save' || params[:button] == 'publish') # session[:workshops] = do_save ? nil : # session[:events] = do_save ? nil : # session[:day_parts] = do_save ? nil : # (0...@workshops.count).each do |i| # id = @workshops[i].id.to_s # if params[:workshop_day][id].present? && params[:workshop_hour][id].present? && params[:workshop_duration][id].present? # date = @this_conference.start_date + (params[:workshop_day][id].to_i - 1).days # h = params[:workshop_hour][id].split(':') # date = date.change({hour: h.first, minute: h.last}) # @workshops[i].start_time = date # @workshops[i].end_time = date + (params[:workshop_duration][id].to_i).minutes # else # @workshops[i].start_time = nil # @workshops[i].end_time = nil # end # @workshops[i].event_location_id = params[:workshop_location][id] # if do_save # @workshops[i].save # else # session[:workshops][id] = { # :start_time => @workshops[i].start_time, # :end_time => @workshops[i].end_time, # :event_location_id => @workshops[i].event_location_id # } # end # end # (0...@events.count).each do |i| # id = @events[i].id.to_s # if params[:event_day][id].present? && params[:event_hour][id].present? && params[:event_duration][id].present? # date = @this_conference.start_date + (params[:event_day][id].to_i - 1).days # h = params[:event_hour][id].split(':') # date = date.change({hour: h.first, minute: h.last}) # @events[i].start_time = date # @events[i].end_time = date + (params[:event_duration][id].to_i).minutes # else # @events[i].start_time = nil # @events[i].end_time = nil # end # @events[i].event_location_id = params[:event_location][id] # if do_save # @events[i].save # else # session[:events][id] = { # :start_time => @events[i].start_time, # :end_time => @events[i].end_time, # :event_location_id => @events[i].event_location_id # } # end # end # if params[:day_parts] # day_parts = {:morning => 0} # params[:day_parts].each do |part, h| # h = h.split(':') # day_parts[part.to_sym] = h[0].to_f + (h[1].to_i > 0 ? 0.5 : 0) # end # if do_save # @this_conference.day_parts = day_parts.to_json # else # session[:day_parts] = day_parts.to_json # end # end # save_conference = do_save # if params[:button] == 'publish' # @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published = true # save_conference = true # elsif params[:button] == 'unpublish' # @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published = false # save_conference = true # end # if save_conference # # end # redirect_to edit_schedule_url(@this_conference.slug) # end # def add_event # set_conference # return do_404 unless # render 'events/edit' # end # def edit_event # set_conference # return do_404 unless # @event = Event.find(params[:id]) # return do_403 unless @event.conference_id == # render 'events/edit' # end # def save_event # set_conference # return do_404 unless # if params[:event_id] # event = Event.find(params[:event_id]) # return do_403 unless event.conference_id == # else # event = => # end # event.title = params[:title] # = params[:info] # event.event_type = params[:event_type] # # return redirect_to schedule_url(@this_conference.slug) # end # def add_location # set_conference # return do_404 unless # render 'event_locations/edit' # end # def edit_location # set_conference # return do_404 unless # @location = EventLocation.find(params[:id]) # return do_403 unless @location.conference_id == # @amenities = JSON.parse(@location.amenities || '[]').map &:to_sym # render 'event_locations/edit' # end # def save_location # set_conference # return do_404 unless # if params[:location_id] # location = EventLocation.find(params[:location_id]) # return do_403 unless location.conference_id == # else # location = => # end # location.title = params[:title] # location.address = params[:address] # location.amenities = (params[:needs] || {}).keys.to_json # # return redirect_to schedule_url(@this_conference.slug) # end # DELETE /conferences/1 #def destroy # @conference.destroy # redirect_to conferences_url, notice: 'Conference was successfully destroyed.' #end helper_method :registration_steps helper_method :current_registration_steps helper_method :registration_complete? def registration_steps(conference = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference status = conference.registration_status # return [] unless status == :pre || status == :open steps = status == :pre || status == :open ? [ :policy, :contact_info, :questions, :hosting, :payment, :workshops ] : [] steps -= [:questions] unless status == :open steps -= [:payment] unless status == :open && conference.paypal_email_address.present? && conference.paypal_username.present? && conference.paypal_password.present? && conference.paypal_signature.present? if @registration.present? if view_context.same_city?(, conference.location) steps -= [:questions] else steps -= [:hosting] end else steps -= [:hosting, :questions] end steps += [:administration] if return steps end def required_steps(conference = nil) # return the intersection of current steps and required steps registration_steps(conference || @this_conference || @conference) & # current steps [:policy, :contact_info, :hosting, :questions] # all required steps end def registration_complete?(registration = @registration) completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] required_steps(registration.conference).each do | step | return true if step == :workshops return false unless completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) end return true end def current_registration_steps(registration = @registration) return nil unless registration.present? steps = registration_steps(registration.conference) current_steps = [] disable_steps = false completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] registration_complete = registration_complete?(registration) steps.each do | step | # disable the step if we've already found an incomplete step enabled = !disable_steps || registration_complete # record whether or not we've found an incomplete step disable_steps ||= !completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) current_steps << { name: step, enabled: enabled } end return current_steps end def current_step(registration = @registration) completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] (registration_steps(registration.conference) || []).each do | step | return step unless completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) end return registration_steps(registration.conference).last end rescue_from ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied do |exception| if logged_in? redirect_to :register else @register_template = :confirm_email render :register end end private # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions. def set_conference @this_conference = Conference.find_by!(slug: params[:conference_slug] || params[:slug]) end def set_conference_registration @registration = logged_in? ? ConferenceRegistration.find_by(:user_id =>, :conference_id => : nil end def set_conference_registration! @registration = set_conference_registration raise ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied unless @registration.present? end def set_or_create_conference_registration set_conference_registration return @registration if @registration.present? @registration ||= conference: @this_conference, user_id:, steps_completed: [] ) last_registration_data = ConferenceRegistration.where(user_id: :desc).limit(1).first if last_registration_data.present? if last_registration_data['languages'].present? && current_user.languages.blank? current_user.languages = JSON.parse(last_registration_data['languages'])! end = if end end # Only allow a trusted parameter "white list" through. def conference_params params.require(:conference).permit(:title, :slug, :start_date, :end_date, :info, :poster, :cover, :workshop_schedule_published, :registration_status, :meals_provided, :meal_info, :travel_info, :conference_type_id, conference_types: [:id]) end def update_field_position(field_id, position) #ConferenceRegistrationFormField.where(:conference_id =>, :registration_form_field_id => field_id).update_all(:position => position) data = [] for i in 0..@conference.conference_registration_form_fields.length f = @conference.conference_registration_form_fields[i] if f.registration_form_field_id == field_id data << (f.registration_form_field_id.to_s + ' == ' + field_id.to_s + ' [position: ' + position.to_s + ' == ' + f.position.to_s + ']') f.update_attributes(:position => position) return end end end def update_registration_data if session[:registration][:registration_id] registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) = YAML.load([:registration]).to_yaml! end end def complete_registration if session[:registration][:registration_id] registration = ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) session[:registration] = YAML.load( registration.completed = true if registration.is_confirmed registration.complete = true user = User.find_by(:email => session[:registration][:email]) if !user user = => session[:registration][:email], :username => session[:registration][:user][:username], :role => 'user') end user.firstname = session[:registration][:user][:firstname] user.lastname = session[:registration][:user][:lastname]! if session[:registration][:is_participant] UserOrganizationRelationship.destroy_all(:user_id => session[:registration][:organizations].each { |org_id| found = false org = Organization.find(org_id.is_a?(Array) ? org_id.first : org_id) org.user_organization_relationships.each {|rel| found = found && rel.user_id ==} if !found org.user_organization_relationships << =>, :relationship => UserOrganizationRelationship::Administrator) end! } if session[:registration][:new_organization] session[:registration][:new_organization].each { |new_org| found = false org = Organization.find_by(:email_address => new_org[:email]) if org.nil? org = :name => new_org[:name], :email_address => new_org[:email], :info => new_org[:info] ) org.locations << => new_org[:country], :territory => new_org[:territory], :city => new_org[:city], :street => new_org[:street]) end org.user_organization_relationships.each {|rel| found = found && rel.user_id ==} if !found org.user_organization_relationships << =>, :relationship => UserOrganizationRelationship::Administrator) end! org.avatar = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}/#{new_org[:logo]}" cover = get_panoramio_image(org.locations.first) org.cover = cover[:image] org.cover_attribution_id = cover[:attribution_id] org.cover_attribution_user_id = cover[:attribution_user_id] org.cover_attribution_name = cover[:attribution_user_name] org.cover_attribution_src = cover[:attribution_src]! } end if session[:registration][:is_workshop_host] && session[:registration][:workshop] session[:registration][:workshop].each { |new_workshop| workshop = :conference_id =>, :title => new_workshop[:title], :info => new_workshop[:info], :workshop_stream_id => WorkshopStream.find_by(:slug => new_workshop[:stream]).id, :workshop_presentation_style => WorkshopPresentationStyle.find_by(:slug => new_workshop[:presentation_style]) ) workshop.workshop_facilitators << =>! } end end send_confirmation_confirmation(registration, session[:registration]) session.delete(:registration) session[:registration] = session[:registration][:registration_id] = end! end end def create_registration if session[:registration][:registration_id].blank? || !ConferenceRegistration.exists?(session[:registration][:registration_id]) registration = :conference_id =>, :user_id => session[:registration][:user][:id], :email => session[:registration][:email], :is_attending => 'yes', :is_participant => session[:registration][:is_participant], :is_volunteer => session[:registration][:is_volunteer], :is_confirmed => false, :complete => false, :completed => false, :confirmation_token => rand_hash(32, :conference_registration, :confirmation_token), :payment_confirmation_token => rand_hash(32, :conference_registration, :payment_confirmation_token), :data => session[:registration].to_yaml )! session[:registration][:registration_id] = send_confirmation(registration, session[:registration]) end end def send_confirmation(registration = nil, data = nil) registration ||= ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) data ||= YAML.load( UserMailer.conference_registration_email(@conference, data, registration).deliver end def send_confirmation_confirmation(registration = nil, data = nil) registration ||= ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) data ||= YAML.load( UserMailer.conference_registration_confirmed_email(@conference, data, registration).deliver end def send_payment_received(registration = nil, data = nil) registration ||= ConferenceRegistration.find(session[:registration][:registration_id]) data ||= YAML.load( UserMailer.conference_registration_payment_received(@conference, data, registration).deliver end def PayPal! username: @this_conference.paypal_username, password: @this_conference.paypal_password, signature: @this_conference.paypal_signature ) end def PayPalRequest(amount) :currency_code => 'USD', # if nil, PayPal use USD as default :description => 'Conference Registration', # item description :quantity => 1, # item quantity :amount => amount.to_f, # item value :custom_fields => { CARTBORDERCOLOR: "00ADEF", LOGOIMG: "" } ) end end