FactoryGirl.define do factory :upcoming_conference, class: :Conference do info Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraphs(2, sentences: 6, html: true, random: true) start_date Date.new(2025, 9, 1) end_date Date.new(2025, 9, 4) conferencetype :annual year 2025 paypal_username 'joe' locale 'en' is_public true is_featured true factory :upcoming_regional_conference, class: :Conference do start_date Date.new(2025, 2, 14) end_date Date.new(2025, 2, 16) conferencetype :nw end factory :past_conference, class: :Conference do start_date Date.new(2013, 10, 3) end_date Date.new(2013, 10, 6) year 2013 is_featured false end end factory :registration, class: :ConferenceRegistration do conference_id nil user_id nil is_attending 'y' registration_fees_paid [25, 50, 100, Random.rand(10...150)].sample arrival nil departure nil other Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraph(random: true) allergies Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraph(random: true) steps_completed [:policy, :contact_info, :questions, :hosting, :payment] can_provide_housing false housing_data {} city_id 2 end factory :org, class: :Organization do name 'My Organization' info 'Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus.' end factory :user, class: :User do email Forgery::Internet.email_address firstname Forgery::Name.full_name end factory :workshop, class: :Workshop do conference_id nil languages ['en'].to_json end end World(FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods) def create_user(options = {}) options[:firstname] ||= Forgery(:name).full_name options[:email] ||= Forgery(:internet).email_address options[:languages] ||= ['en'].to_json options[:languages] = options[:languages].to_json if options[:languages].is_a?(Array) User.create(options) end def create_workshop(title, user = TestState.my_account) workshop = FactoryGirl.build(:workshop) workshop.conference_id = TestState.last_conference.id workshop.title = title || Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence(random: true).gsub(/\.$/, '').titlecase workshop.theme = TestState::Sample[:workshop].all_themes workshop.space = TestState::Sample[:workshop].all_spaces workshop.needs = [TestState::Sample[:workshop].all_needs].to_json workshop.info = Forgery::LoremIpsum.paragraphs(Random.rand(1..4), sentences: Random.rand(3..8), random: true) workshop.save! WorkshopFacilitator.create(user_id: user.id, workshop_id: workshop.id, role: :creator) TestState.last_workshop = workshop return workshop end def create_location(options) location = EventLocation.new(options) location.conference_id = TestState.last_conference.id location.save! return location end def create_registration(user = TestState.my_account) registration = FactoryGirl.build(:registration) registration.conference_id = TestState.last_conference.id registration.user_id = user.id registration.arrival = TestState.last_conference.start_date registration.departure = TestState.last_conference.end_date registration.housing = TestState::Sample[:conference_registration].all_housing_options registration.bike = TestState::Sample[:conference_registration].all_bike_options registration.food = TestState::Sample[:conference_registration].all_food_options registration.save! if user == TestState.my_account TestState.my_registration = registration else TestState.last_registration = registration end return registration end def create_org(name = nil, location = nil) org = FactoryGirl.create(:org) found_location = nil if location.present? cache_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'location_cache.yml') cache = {} if File.exists?(cache_file) begin cache = YAML.load_file(cache_file) rescue # get rid of the cache if there's an error end end l = cache[location] if l.nil? l = Geocoder.search(location).first cache[location] = l File.open(cache_file, 'w') { |f| f.write cache.to_yaml } end begin found_location = Location.new(city: l.city, territory: l.province_code, country: l.country_code, latitude: l.latitude, longitude: l.longitude) rescue; end if found_location.nil? # let it though, we might be offline org.save! return org end end if name.present? org.name = name org.slug = org.generate_slug(name, found_location) end if found_location.present? org.locations << found_location end org.save! org end