require 'geocoder/calculations' require 'rest_client' class ConferencesController < ApplicationController def list @page_title = 'articles.conferences.headings.Conference_List' @conference_list = { future: [], passed: [] } Conference.all.order("start_date DESC").each do | conference | if conference.is_public || @conference_list[conference.over? ? :passed : :future] << conference end end @conference_list[:future].reverse! end def view set_conference @workshops = Workshop.where(:conference_id => if @this_conference.workshop_schedule_published @event_dlg = true get_scheule_data(false) end if logged_in? if current_user.administrator? @links ||= [] @links = [:edit] end if current_user @links ||= [] @links = [:administrate] end end end def register set_conference @register_template = nil if logged_in? set_or_create_conference_registration @name = current_user.firstname # we should phase out last names @name += " #{current_user.lastname}" if current_user.lastname @name ||= current_user.username @is_host = current_user else @register_template = :confirm_email end steps = nil return do_404 unless registration_steps.present? @register_template = :administration if params[:admin_step].present? @errors = {} @warnings = [] form_step = params[:button] ? params[:button].to_sym : nil # process any data that was passed to us if form_step if form_step.to_s =~ /^prev_(.+)$/ steps = registration_steps @register_template = steps[steps.find_index($1.to_sym) - 1] elsif form_step == :paypal_confirm if @registration.present? && @registration.payment_confirmation_token == params[:confirmation_token] @amount = PayPal!.details(params[:token]) @registration.payment_info = {:payer_id => params[:PayerID], :token => params[:token], :amount => @amount}.to_yaml @amount = (@amount * 100).to_i.to_s.gsub(/^(.*)(\d\d)$/, '\1.\2')! end @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Payment' @register_template = :paypal_confirm elsif form_step == :paypal_confirmed info = YAML.load(@registration.payment_info) @amount = nil status = nil if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' status = info[:status] @amount = info[:amount] else paypal = PayPal!.checkout!(info[:token], info[:payer_id], PayPalRequest(info[:amount])) status = paypal.payment_info.first.payment_status @amount = end if status == 'Completed' @registration.registration_fees_paid ||= 0 @registration.registration_fees_paid += @amount # don't complete the step unless fees have been paid if @registration.registration_fees_paid > 0 @registration.steps_completed << :payment @registration.steps_completed.uniq! end! else @errors[:payment] = :incomplete @register_template = :payment end @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Payment' else case form_step when :confirm_email return do_confirm when :contact_info if params[:name].present? && params[:name].gsub(/[\s\W]/, '').present? current_user.firstname = params[:name].squish current_user.lastname = nil else @errors[:name] = :empty end if params[:location].present? && params[:location].gsub(/[\s\W]/, '').present? && (l =[:location], language: 'en')).present? corrected = view_context.location(l.first, @this_conference.locale) if corrected.present? = corrected if params[:location].gsub(/[\s,]/, '').downcase !=[\s,]/, '').downcase @warnings << view_context._('warnings.messages.location_corrected', vars: {original: params[:location], corrected: corrected}) end else @errors[:location] = :unknown end else @errors[:location] = :empty end if params[:languages].present? current_user.languages = params[:languages].keys else @errors[:languages] = :empty end! unless @errors.present? when :hosting @registration.can_provide_housing = params[:can_provide_housing].present? if params[:not_attending] @registration.is_attending = 'n' if current_user.is_subscribed.nil? current_user.is_subscribed = false! end else @registration.is_attending = 'y' end @registration.housing_data = { address: params[:address], phone: params[:phone], space: { bed_space: params[:bed_space], floor_space: params[:floor_space], tent_space: params[:tent_space], }, considerations: (params[:considerations] || {}).keys, availability: [ params[:first_day], params[:last_day] ], notes: params[:notes] } when :questions # create the companion's user account and send a registration link unless they have already registered generate_confirmation(User.create(email: params[:companion]), register_path(@this_conference.slug)) if params[:companion].present? && User.find_by_email(params[:companion]).nil? @registration.housing = params[:housing] @registration.arrival = params[:arrival] @registration.departure = params[:departure] @registration.housing_data = { companions: [ params[:companion] ] } = params[:bike] = params[:food] @registration.allergies = params[:allergies] @registration.other = params[:other] when :payment amount = params[:amount].to_f if amount > 0 @registration.payment_confirmation_token = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'test' ? 'token' : Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(rand( * 1000000).to_i.to_s) host = "#{request.protocol}#{request.host_with_port}" response = PayPal!.setup( PayPalRequest(amount), register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_confirm, @registration.payment_confirmation_token), register_paypal_confirm_url(@this_conference.slug, :paypal_cancel, @registration.payment_confirmation_token), noshipping: true, version: 204 ) if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != 'test' redirect_to response.redirect_uri end return end end if @errors.present? @register_template = form_step else unless @registration.nil? steps = registration_steps step_index = steps.find_index(form_step) @register_template = steps[step_index + 1] if step_index.present? # have we reached a new level? unless @registration.steps_completed.include? form_step.to_s # this step is only completed if a payment has been made if form_step != :payment || (@registration.registration_fees_paid || 0) > 0 @registration.steps_completed ||= [] @registration.steps_completed << form_step @registration.steps_completed.uniq! end end! end end end end steps ||= registration_steps # make sure we're on a valid step @register_template ||= (params[:step] || current_step).to_sym if logged_in? && @register_template != :paypal_confirm # if we're logged in if !steps.include?(@register_template) # and we are not viewing a valid step return redirect_to register_path(@this_conference.slug) elsif @register_template != current_step && !registration_complete? && !@registration.steps_completed.include?(@register_template.to_s) # or the step hasn't been reached, registration is not yet complete, and we're not viewing the latest incomplete step return redirect_to register_path(@this_conference.slug) end # then we'll redirect to the current registration step end # prepare the form case @register_template when :questions # see if someone else has asked to be your companion if @registration.housing_data.blank? ConferenceRegistration.where( conference_id:, can_provide_housing: [nil, false] ).where.not(housing_data: nil).each do | r | @registration.housing_data = { companions: [ ] } if r.housing_data['companions'].present? && r.housing_data['companions'].include?( end @registration.housing_data ||= { } end @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Registration_Info' when :payment @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Payment' when :workshops @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Workshops' # initialize our arrays @my_workshops = @requested_workshops = @workshops_in_need = @workshops = # put wach workshop into the correct array Workshop.where(conference_id: do | workshop | if workshop.active_facilitator?(current_user) @my_workshops << workshop elsif workshop.requested_collaborator?(current_user) @requested_workshops << workshop elsif workshop.needs_facilitators @workshops_in_need << workshop else @workshops << workshop end end # sort the arrays by name @my_workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @requested_workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @workshops_in_need.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } @workshops.sort! { |a, b| a.title.downcase <=> b.title.downcase } when :contact_info @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Contact_Info' when :hosting @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Hosting' @hosting_data = @registration.housing_data || {} @hosting_data['space'] ||= @hosting_data['availability'] ||= @hosting_data['considerations'] ||= when :policy @page_title = 'articles.conference_registration.headings.Policy_Agreement' when :confirm_email @page_title = "articles.conference_registration.headings.#{@this_conference.registration_status == :open ? '': 'Pre_'}Registration_Details" end end helper_method :registration_steps helper_method :current_registration_steps helper_method :registration_complete? def registration_steps(conference = nil) conference ||= @this_conference || @conference status = conference.registration_status steps = status == :pre || status == :open ? [ :policy, :contact_info, :questions, :hosting, :payment, :workshops ] : [] steps -= [:questions] unless status == :open steps -= [:payment] unless status == :open && conference.paypal_email_address.present? && conference.paypal_username.present? && conference.paypal_password.present? && conference.paypal_signature.present? if @registration.present? if view_context.same_city?(, view_context.location(conference.location, conference.locale)) steps -= [:questions] # if this is a housing provider that is not attending the conference, remove these steps if @registration.is_attending == 'n' steps -= [:payment, :workshops] end else steps -= [:hosting] end else steps -= [:hosting, :questions] end steps += [:administration] if return steps end def required_steps(conference = nil) # return the intersection of current steps and required steps registration_steps(conference || @this_conference || @conference) & # current steps [:policy, :contact_info, :hosting, :questions] # all required steps end def registration_complete?(registration = @registration) completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] required_steps(registration.conference).each do | step | return true if step == :workshops return false unless completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) end return true end def current_registration_steps(registration = @registration) return nil unless registration.present? steps = registration_steps(registration.conference) current_steps = [] disable_steps = false completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] registration_complete = registration_complete?(registration) steps.each do | step | # disable the step if we've already found an incomplete step enabled = !disable_steps || registration_complete # record whether or not we've found an incomplete step disable_steps ||= !completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) current_steps << { name: step, enabled: enabled } end return current_steps end def current_step(registration = @registration) completed_steps = registration.steps_completed || [] (registration_steps(registration.conference) || []).each do | step | return step unless completed_steps.include?(step.to_s) end return registration_steps(registration.conference).last end rescue_from ActiveRecord::PremissionDenied do |exception| if logged_in? redirect_to :register else @register_template = :confirm_email @page_title = "articles.conference_registration.headings.#{@this_conference.registration_status == :open ? '': 'Pre_'}Registration_Details" render :register end end private def PayPal! username: @this_conference.paypal_username, password: @this_conference.paypal_password, signature: @this_conference.paypal_signature ) end def PayPalRequest(amount) :currency_code => 'USD', # if nil, PayPal use USD as default :description => 'Conference Registration', # item description :quantity => 1, # item quantity :amount => amount.to_f, # item value :custom_fields => { CARTBORDERCOLOR: "00ADEF", LOGOIMG: "" } ) end end